Terrifying Experience in Haunted Mississippi Ghost Town (Paranormal Activity Caught on Camera)

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[Applause] [Music] you've got a little bit deep at times there's stuff on the water another couple hundred feet will see the villa that's the building they're talking about and the darkness night good versus evil it sounded big trying to communicate the spirit I was gonna die what the [ __ ] was that that feels like a reason for me to get the [ __ ] out here hey tanner what do you think about getting a caddy here bro [Music] so after opening up a dark web mystery box that led us to a trailer in the middle of the woods in the mountains of Mississippi we heard about a town called Rodney which was located very close to the coordinates and when we asked the locals and the people in towns about this town they said that it was known to be haunted and it was also a ghost town so we figured while we were in Mississippi we might as well check the place out [Music] [Music] [Music] we know Rodney's flooded different times of the year we knew it was very possible that it could be flooded during our trip but we had no idea that we would be stopped by water almost a mile away from the actual town of Rodney so this is really the direction that we got to go right now it says it's like a mile that way yeah I would say just tap the water every like foot or two just ahead of you sometimes like these MO lend you like underwater chillin I know oh yeah it's freaky bro but we already walked this far there's no reason to turn around now we actually started walking through the water as the Sun was setting and it was one of the just it didn't feel good watch the snakes the locals have been telling us that there are water moccasins and they are active [Applause] every stick like an alligator Danny yeah I'm trying to look in the distance for like Gators no you can't see anything it got a little bit deep at times it was up to our waists oh it's getting deeper I'm almost up to my waist right now every step you could feel the ground below you're soft sometimes you'd step on like a log under water it's just there's stuff on the water [Music] that definitely looked like an hi behind those bushes yeah and now it's gone like I got a reflection when I was looking over that way and then it disappeared which freaks me yeah because it makes people leave now that someone underwater doesn't mean it's like a big one or anything but it definitely could be an alligator all right well we can keep moving but maybe we go like around that way what do you think let's go like a different direction that's okay when we finally approached land I can say for sure that I have never before been so happy to see dry land you know I think we got land up here is that dry land that freaks me out way harder than I thought it was gonna yeah yeah I wasn't thinking it was gonna be that bad to shine your light ahead of us [Music] which direction this way right okay I'm just happy we're that small after getting on the land we had to walk through woods for quite a while I think it's getting close to another couple hundred feet and we'll see the buildings oh it looks like there's a path up here bro is that a path can shine your light up there yeah there's definitely buildings here oh there's a street yeah yeah there's a trail I like trail oh yeah thank God now with the building before it's like a church with a tree next to a lady speaking to the locals we knew we had to find the building that had the large dead tree in front of it and that that building did have negative energy attached to it didn't have all churches a dead tree that's it that's the one that anybody was saying like yeah that you know what does it matter is that really does that matches everybody said that the building with the dead trees like the one that everybody talks about as far as I that's a crazy-looking church dude look at the Cannonball let me see if I could uh that's actually we read online that's actually a can involved for Mike the war yeah it's still stuck in the wall of this building yeah that's insane we were looking for one place in particular that's got to be the tree that's the giant dead tree and that's that's the building they're talking about so this used to be a church to this like sauna churches out here apparently yeah all right well we're gonna do this watch your step yeah this place is a dump and the floor is all falling apart it don't bother doing Florian man as soon as we stepped into the building it felt immediately that the floor was extremely unstable maybe we should stay a few feet apart yeah so that we're not like putting double weight on these spots because this is uh this is pretty rickety yeah there's like string lights well there's not many bulbs there's like one bulb over there like what the man what is this place this was a church it's nuts I guess we go upstairs there's nothing really down here hopefully these stairs are intact yeah hello hello hey buddy living in here we're not here to cause any harm we're just trying to get some stuff on tape oh there's bats up here again once we reach the top of the steps the first thing that I saw was another bat flying around they're not the scariest thing in the world however they are known to carry diseases and neither one of us is trying to contract anything from a rodent in one of these buildings yeah maybe we can scare them out but there's like podiums in here [Music] oh my god is skittle get him why are there bats everywhere we go now I don't know what the deal is with bats lately but we've been encountering quite a bit and this time one of them actually almost hit me in the face [Music] you dick [Music] it's almost done juice he's gonna die bomb you bro and sink his teeth right in your forehead [Music] they got about here hold on see make sure to change the angle umbrella like Count Dracula no I think you [ __ ] watch the floor look with these decision makers yeah these are weird elephant these are weird right yeah that dude not just said they that there's like reports of both here right there's good in recommended easier so well I got an idea what if I got a Bible in the dark okay cuz I know they're coming to an abandoned church we had already planned on going into this place trying to read some scriptures out of the Bible just to see if it would maybe bring out any activity this might have been a church before but when we saw the two podiums facing each other we thought you know what it might be really cool if we tried to do a little prayer battle good versus you what if we read like I read like the Bible or hearing the Bible and then one of us reads like some demonic prayer you know saying and then see like what gives us activity like it either if we get a reaction from you know one you know I'm saying we'll just do one I don't want to read the demonic chanting or prayer do you I mean no exact alright you want to flip a coin yeah and then whoever gets the coin yeah okay [Music] me and Casey tried something that's a little bit outside the norm haven't really seen anybody do it we haven't done it ourselves up into this point we were basically trying to provoke by using good and evil we came a long way for this we came to see if there is any good or evil entities residing in here all right this is a chance to communicate you ready oh boy I'm take a deep breath for this one reading both sides of the prayers facing each other it felt kind of wrong in a way it was a feeling like this is something we probably shouldn't be doing in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth the earth was formless and empty and darkness covered the deep waters and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters I knew him he was enough beautiful all the Seraphim he shone with intelligence and daring his heart was big with all the Virgin's were thwarted by frankness various pulsing crowd then God said let there be light and there was light separated the light from the darkness God called the light day and the darkness night he dwelt in a palace of diamonds and gold but the error was ever tremulous with the beating of weeds and his songs of triumph then God said let the waters beneath the sky flow together into one place so dry ground may appear and that is what happened God called the dry ground land in the water seas capable of time evolve they too often follow their own interests and yields appear then as now they show themselves for the most part incapable of walking box and in the fear of the Lord they lay their soul worship and God said let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night let them be signs to mark the seasons days and years let these lights in the sky shine down on earth and that is what happened God made two great lights the larger one to cover the day the smaller one to govern the night hey did you hear something like downstairs a larger one to cover the day and the smaller one to govern the night we're hearing like a bunch of scratching and a couple of thud noises you heard like top right yeah the whole time I heard you at least maybe there's a lot of [ __ ] noise going on [Applause] what is that no there's like an animal like a cage is it it sounds like scratching they'll write like scratching noises on the wall for a second that's not a big that wasn't like a squirrel or a rat yeah but I don't know I have no idea we started hearing scratching on the walls on the outside of the building and on top of the roof what is that no there's like an animal like a cage is it it sounds like scratching though right like scratching noises for a second that sounded big that wasn't like a squirrel or a rat yeah I don't know I have no idea baby great big yeah I don't know we started hearing bumps and noises coming from downstairs in the building maybe it was an animal or something that was outside scratching from earlier so we started to head downstairs to check it out I don't like this [Music] yeah let's hope you didn't use someone walking around down here once we reach the bottom of the steps we were a little bit cautious because we didn't know what kind of animal or whatever might be actually in the building with us and as we were moving forward towards the front door we heard a loud boom upstairs right behind us [Music] [Applause] what the [ __ ] was that that was big that sounded like something jumped right there right that's animal bro did you feel that hope your head look deep in my chest like dead center of my chest dude when we got to the bottom of the stairs when we were leaving the building we heard a thud and then what sounded like footsteps and when the footsteps came towards us I felt an increase of heat ride my chess what the bra did you feel that home go ahead look in my chest like dead insensitive it sounded like someone came charging down the stairs at us the footsteps sounded loud aggressive and once it reached the bottom of the steps I felt a breeze blow past me and Tanner said he felt heat inside of his chest I actually want to get a little bit away from this house right now breath we had to kind of talk each other down a little bit off the ledge so even after experiencing that type of like extreme activity our hearts were going 100 miles per hour both freaked out we knew we had to stay we knew had to investigate the other two locations we came for or else we'd regret it there's two other locations that we wanted to hit in this ghost town we heard about it was either we hit these other spots or we go back into the cold swamp right now after talking about it we decide that we were gonna hit the other spots just for the sake of efficiency and to save us a little bit of time me and Casey actually decided to split up and basically we did that purely just to save time so we could get the out of there [Music] do I feel like it just makes sense for me to be yeah and the graveyards and you in the church well if I was you I'd probably take your piece it's in your bag right yeah yeah there's probably put in your pocket man you only fumbling around out here in the dark if something's out here with you I'm just gonna go real quick setup okay spirit box yeah trying to talk to whoever was talking to us you got your walkie on you right yeah yeah let's hurry yeah I will meet in front of the 2-story yeah let's hurry this up okay all right yeah oh dude good luck good luck bro since I was the one reading the satanic prayer Casey was the one reading verses from the Bible it only made sense for me to go to the cemetery and for Casey to go to the church hey if anything happens if y'all Milwaukee talking Oh trust me okay I'm sorry like any kind of crazy activity there's animal just hit me up I got your way [Applause] [Music] even though I really didn't want to go by myself at that point in time I knew that it was the most time-efficient decision we wanted to get out of there we wanted to hurry up and get this location done Tanner decided to go to the cemetery I went to the abandoned church [Music] [Music] some places just so crazy out here right now as I was ascending to the cemetery I just started to feel very anxious extreme feeling of loneliness and like just fear can hate this [Music] breaking costly as I approached this church I realized how dumped it looked this place looked insane [Music] I think I'm getting close [Music] all those just red stones right there when I first saw just how large the cemetery was it blew my mind you may not have been able to see on camera just how fast this place was because my flash I wasn't reaching out that far but I could see it looks like these used to be stairs or something like stones right here yeah found it all right this is it check this out a little bit more find a place to set up these three pillars would be a good place tiny hats super small just says Jeb JEP I'm gonna set up right here with these three these two small ones right here in the center there was rotten wood all over the place I mean this was a really really old building [Music] hello there's anybody here there's any kind of presence he talked to me [Music] [Music] [Music] hey I'm in me I'm in a church now and I'm about to go up with some stairs it looks pretty rickety [Music] hello hello [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] when I got there I saw a tomb I was like an aboveground tomb that was actually cracked open so I had to go check that out if there's anybody in this church with pain right now it was at the last Church with us can you say something he gave me a sign Jim animal what animal sometimes it says a lot of crazy random stuff sometimes it says nothing at all [Applause] keen please communicate with me again entered matter grace into grace well I'm gonna stepped up on the on the head altar here is that entering grace to you [Music] so I just got physician p.m. aboard and I just got a cold draft to come by to so you don't like the position on them and you want me to abort is that because it's nighttime because its p.m. what does that mean does that mean in every area camera you want me to abort this area and stop using the camera is that what you're saying careful all oh Jesus I'm in this abandoned church and the Ovilus is telling me spread devil chills immediately down the spine and stop using the camera is that what you're saying Jesus do you want to harm me it sounds like introns I'm in the middle of like a Forsett area on the side of a mountain and I hear drums am i safe right now why or what climb Finnish wire climb finish the Ovilus was saying things that I could actually see in front of me within my vision okay well there's a wire on the stairs who's the wire right here wire anything's up the stairs climb and finish I don't know what it was trying to say with all those words together put him on mind I was thinking somebody climbed these stairs finished themselves maybe hung from a wire or maybe it was telling me it said climbing stairs and finished myself I don't know did you hang yourself with his wire what do you mean by wire climb finish tell me what you meant I heard drums in the cemetery and it wasn't like random banging or anything like that it was precise it was like a drum beat hey Casey I'm done up here I'll meet you at the two-story I was done I was done with the investigation I got on the radio with Casey and tell him hey it's time we go out here trying to communicate the spirit box can it start hearing drums playing so I'm done [Music] there's definitely someone plans and drums out there I can hear exactly we're talking about [Music] oh there's people chanting the two like legit the drums that he heard while he was in the cemetery sounded like they were actually getting closer and it was a terrifying feeling what feels like a reason for me to get the [ __ ] out of here hey Tanner what do you think about getting a [ __ ] out of here bro [Music] [Music] [Music] we didn't know what was going on in the middle of those woods we didn't know if it was a ritual being performed if it was maybe some kind of voodoo ceremony I don't know but Tanner told me he saw a tomb that actually looked like it was opened maybe someone stole the body from there maybe people practice strange religion out there I don't know but I didn't want to stick around to find out when me and Casey came together we could still hear the drums both of our cameras are basically dead we knew we just had to book it basically we decided pack our [ __ ] up and get the [ __ ] out of there we had to walk a mile back through the cold swamp and even though I was horrified of getting back in that water it felt better than staying where those drums were at we're comforted just because we were walking away from the sound of drums in the middle of force so do we think that this town is actually haunted I think Rodney is obviously a haunted place not even a doubt in my mind hearing someone running down the stairs right in front of us hearing scratching noises while we were saying prayers upstairs the spirit box activity I got on top of that the drums the Ovilus giving me direct phrases the stuff Casey picked up in the church clear communication to the ovule as' things that I could see in front of me there's no doubt in my mind that Ronnie Mississippi is a very active very haunted place that is a town that I would be happy if I never had to visit again in my entire life what is going on guys we just released our new brand called mind house this is mine CTV remastered and the gear is looking hotter than ever there's links down below in the description and also in the comment section thank you guys for watching and we will see you soon
Channel: MindSeed TV
Views: 1,453,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shocking, shocking videos horror, scary, very scary, scary videos, scariest video ever, paranormal activity, gone wrong, goes wrong, evil spirit, horror, terrifying videos, videos, video, caught on camera, caught on tape, ghost, spirit, evil, scary encounters, ghost hunting, unexplained, viral videos, 3am, 2020, new, extreme, extremely disturbing, scariest tv shows, paranormal, viral, mind seed tv, mindseed tv, hunting purgatory, spirit box, hunting, poltergeist, demonic, terrifying, encounter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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