Terrified RESCUE dog had never felt the touch of a kind kind

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[Music] they called and told me he was um very angry they asked if i could help and of course i said yes i just thought he was very nervous i always give dogs time to decompress hi buddy i was spending four hours of my day sitting in the bathroom with him talking to him [Music] just hanging out with him so that he knew nothing was going to happen to him see how smelly yeah that's nice you've been with me 10 days which is a little longer than usually dogs will do a little turnaround in within the first week but he had not he honestly could have sat in that state of mind for a year or two um i just think no dog should ever live in that kind of fear about 10 days in i was like that's enough you know that's a terrible state of mind for any dog to have to live in was going to show him that i i'm safe i'm not going to hurt you so i went in with a closed hand to protect my fingers because a fist is harder to grab with teeth as a dog so he i thought was going to bite me and i was actually okay with that he was probably abused but most abusers don't necessarily punch a dog they're usually hit open-handed so i don't think for a dog a closed hand is necessarily threatening um just my presence was threatening to him and so he had to learn just that i could touch him and nothing was going to happen [Music] and so once i realized he was not actually biting me is when i opened my hand a bit and reached to rub his chest area and yes he was terrified he was shaking he was nervous he was unsure but he was relaxing from that that moment i'm so proud of you right now i could cry i pray with you it's okay because you know what you never deserve to be this scared somebody probably was very mean to you but you'll never be that way that was his reflex and the way he has lived for so long it was finally okay for him to take a breath and say oh this might feel a little good that he didn't like just love me right after i knew the process and it takes a while any dog to gain trust takes time and so that was i think the turning point for us maybe two or three days later thank goodness was the biggest moment when i walked into that bathroom and he rolled over on his back wagging his tail knowing i was coming in to give him a belly button like my beautiful boy look how far we're coming oh you're gonna come out of it about three days after that he came and approached me good morning i would come into the bathroom and he would come to me and he would seek me out and my attention so i knew we were gonna be good now he gets to be relaxed and know what love is and be social and a normal happy dog so now he sleeps in my bed and he's he's just very happy and comfy and enjoys attention and love and touch so we've come a long way the majority of the time it's just fear and so if you can retrain their brain to know that you are there to help them and to love them and they are worthy and deserving of love and not abuse then [Music] he has come a long way he's open to love now um and open to guidance and he does very well so i'm hoping i'm hoping to place him with his perfect forever family that will love him as much as i do [Music]
Channel: We Love Animals
Views: 12,280,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xGHyB3DhsjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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