Terraform Modules – deploying reusable code | DevOps Lab

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[MUSIC]. >> Welcome to the DevOps Lab. On this episode, we're joined by a very special guest, April Edward. How the going April? >> Thank you Able. Awesome, glad to be here again. >> Today we're going to do more deep dive into Terraform. You told me we're going to talk about modules, correct? >> We are, yes. >> All right. Explain to me what a module even is. >> So when we wrote our Terraform files before we had everything in a main.tf file in one file. But when we start building bigger environments, we need to break those up and call variables. So we use modules instead of calling a resource. Because those main files get really long, really complex. Remember, when we talked about arm templates versus Terraform files, event Terraforms we can do it in shorter code. >> Sure. >> So we're going to condense it use the modules, but it makes it repeatable and makes it redeploy. Which is the advantage of the Cloud. So not just one Datacenter, one environment. Multiple environments. >> So a module, would you say is kind of like a function when you're programming? Or a method when you're programming? >> Yes, it's very much calling a method. So what we'd need to do is call that quote method, which is a module in this case and tell Terraform to deploy that. It'll be in a much larger environment. So that we're not just appoint one big file and scrolling through so much code. We can call the module and we can just make changes to the module. We don't to make changes to our entire Codebase as well. >> Right. So would you say a module is a deployable unit? >> Yes, so if you look at the screen here. So in our previous deployments, we call what's called a resource here. We're calling the resource. We're using the Azure provider here, and calling the resource group, and we're giving it a title. So we're putting in variables and places set of getting a discrete name. >> Sure. >> In the previous deployments with you, I've just put in the actual location like, West Europe, East US, wherever. We're using a variable instead of doing we want to make it repeatable and scalable. >> Yes. >> I'm also adding tags into this deployment. So tagging is really great for environments because you know what's been deployed. It helps with the billing cycle and also giving access permissions across the environments. So I'm just adding an extra layer of neatness to it. So that's a resource. So instead of calling your resource, I'm going to now call a module. So what Terraform does and this is our main.tf templates tell. It's going to find the resource group, and then an order. They're going to call the modules in line. >> I see. Yes. >> So we're going to call the module, and it's called application-VNet, and the source is modules/VNet. So if I go to my modules folder here, I have one that's calls VNet. Now, each one of these modules folder also will have a main file, and output file, and a variable's file. So it has a very similar main file. So let's use the example of the VNet one here. We go into the main want and it's calling the variables. But it's defining the resource. So if we want to expand this and add in other resources to it, we'd add it to the module. So we can create modules for elements the environment we want to, either add or take away. So we could add security roles, we could add web apps, we could add functions, we could add a whole other slew stuff and add it module by module, or take it away module by module, right? >> Yeah. >> So the only downside of the module. I'm saying really downside, the caveat is, it's dependent on the entire environment that you're deploying to. So everything in that environment is going to call on that module set. So in this case, what we want to do is build out our data center in Azure. We want to Develop a little bit of a framework. Now when you go to organizations and talk to them about how they're deploying, how they're testing and running their code, do they ever had the same environments for Dev test and production? >> Very rarely. >> Right. It's a big complaint. You go and talk to a Dev team and they laugh because they're out of capacity, or it's not the same hardware, it's not the same OS levels, everything's different. So in real life, how are we actually able to test our code if our environments are different? We're adding in extremely options that could completely blow our applications on the water. What we're going to do today is built three identical environments in Azure, using modules so they have the exact same configuration. >> Okay. >> Yes, we're building three different environments, but what we're also going to do is separate them out to the manage a little bit independently. So before when we talked about the state file, we add another element called a workspace. >> Okay. >> So when we do one main file, we have what's called the default workspace, and we had one state file. Because I wanted to put three different environments. I actually want to manage them separately but have the exact same infrastructure in them. If that make sense. >> Sure. >> So these modules are going to deploy the same infrastructure. But as you can see, I haven't listed here my folder structure, I have a Dev environment, a test environment, and to production environment. Now they're all going to call in the modules to organize the main file. What we've done is put in a tvars file, which actually is going to give us different variables for that environment. >> Got it. >> So I need to know how do I differentiate my environments. So we're just going to call it environment C9 demo for Channel nine. The environment is Dev. Now I've chosen my location and my capacity. So that capacity again it's going to tie to our Virtual Machines scale set. >> Yeah. >> If I go into my test environment, we've called the exact same variables except I've put in three VMs and I've call the environment test. So everything is going to have that tag added to it, so I can differentiate my three different environments. >> Got it. >> On top of that, it's going to write to three different state files. So what that means is, if I'm working in my test to my Dev environment, it's not going to affect production. >> Got it. >> So we have separation of environments. >> So let me run this back really really quickly just to make sure I understand again. Using one main.tf file, which is basically like the blueprint. This is how I want my environments to be built out here. You're now able to create three identical environments, your Dev, your Q&A and your production environments. Then by passing in variables using the same main.tf file, now you're able to tweak the different environments based off into variables. So maybe you want your Dev environment in Western Europe, and then maybe you want your QA environment in Western US, for whatever reason. >> Absolutely, and we have customers that do that. Because they have Dev teams across the globe. But I think I want to focus just on that we're deploying this all to one location. >> Okay. Sure. >> So what we can do is change that variable to another location. So maybe we want to take this environment and spin it up somewhere entirely different, like the East US, or Western Europe, or UK, West or wherever. All we have to do is change that variable and we have the exact same environment. So for global organizations, this is key. This is a game changer. >> Yeah. >> So now your Dev team isn't going back to your ops team going," I need these resources". They're like," oh we don't have it. Oh everything's different". We can deploy the exact same environments across the globe? >> Fantastic. >> Cool. So I want to actually just show you what I've done a little bit. So I told you will have state files in different environments. So remember that label called the variable for Dev test and prod. It's attached to the state file. So these state files are sitting in my Azure storage account. It's calling Key Vault, so I've secured it out. So we just did, we talked about the state files and how those work. But I have actually separated those out. Also with this in my code, I've implemented a workspace. So my Dev environment has its state file, its own environment, its own virtual networks so its segmented. It has what's called a workspace. So I can edit our Dev environment and not touched the others, and not have that risk of bringing everything down. >> Yes. >> Again, another game changer. So how does a workspace work? So I want to just go back into my resource group in Azure. If you can see up here, I've already created our Dev test and prod environment. So let's go into Dev. I talked about we had two virtual machines running. Here we go. So we have our Virtual Machines scale set. We have our own virtual networks. So we can set up a peer to talk to the other networks. But right now these are three independent environments built identically with virtual machines skill sets. So I go into my skill set here, I can see that I have two instances running right there. I also talked about the tagging thing. I've tagged my environment right down here. So I know what the application is listed as. It was deployed by Terraform and what environment I'm in and what type of environment in. So the m skill set environment. We could do the exact same thing for our data environments, our web apps, our containers environments. We can put tags to it so we know exactly what we're deploying to and we get real record of it. Someone who likes to handle the billing side can also see that, right? >> Right. >> We've cover all our bases. >> Right. So I want to manipulate what we've done. So let's say for instance we have our Dev environment and maybe we need to rebuild it, or we don't like it. Let's get rid of it. Let's get rid of Dev. But not affect test or production environments. So it talks about this element of workspace. So I create this workspace for Dev. If you see here, instead of going Terraform minute, Terraform plan, Terraform apply, if we'd done in the past. We have to select our workspace first. >> Got it. >> We're not working off that default workspace, we have divided it up and cut it out. We've given it a logical separation. So with Terraform workspace, I'm going to select where to go. Dev, type in " Dev". What it's going to do it's going to say, I've switched the workspace Dev here. Now I can type in prod or test, and we'll also switch to those. So what I want to do is I want to actually destroy that environment, because maybe we don't need it. Or we want to do something different with it. So what I'm going to do is I'm calling the variable file. If you remember, I had the Dev. Remember that variable file that we call it? I'm just calling that now in my lot of code, and say, I want to destroy that variable file and everything in it. >> Got you. >> All right. >> Yeah. >> So I've called the workspace. So it's acquiring state locks. Remember we talked about state files, right? We're locking out that state file only in Dev, and we're not going to touch production and test. It's going to lock it out so no one else can touch it. >> Cool. >> Then it's going to come up and it's going through the resources and saying what is existing in that environment. Then it's going to go," Are you sure you want to delete? ". >> Sure. >> Let's do it. So it's pulling everything up. It's listing everything up. Again, we can output this to a file, we can document it, we can do other things with it, we can have different versioning as well. So " Yes". Let's destroy it. >> Perfect. >> Then see what happens. >> So now it's going to go into Azure and just destroy my Dev environment? >> Exactly. Devs going to be gone in a moment. So that would be really cool. >> Very, very cool stuff. >> Definitely. I think we've worked with so many organizations that struggle to get identical environments, and to manage those environments. Because the teams are having to manually do things etc. Terraform can take over that element of management, right? >> Sure. >> This has been pretty easy to do today. You can do this On-Prem. We can't do scale sets, but we can manage our On-Prem environments. We can also do the other Cloud. So with a multi-Cloud strategy or an On-Prem environment, we can start managing with our operations teams more efficiently. >> Awesome stuff. Very cool. So basically today you've shown us the power of Terraform especially when you start using modules, when you start using variables and also workspaces. This has been great stuff. Thank you again. So all you Devs out there, go to Terraform, check this stuff out, start building out your infrastructure with Terraform. Fun stuff. Thank you so much April. >> Thank you Able. [MUSIC]
Channel: Azure DevOps
Views: 23,493
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Keywords: terraform, azure devops, azure terraform, terraform modules, reusable code, devops, azure terraform modules, azure terraform devops
Id: lwsuhO8tBvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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