Tern Quick Haul -- the Lightest Cargo E-Bike that Money Can Buy

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[Applause] [Music] thank you welcome to car free in Tennessee I'm Jonathan and this is my co-host Lucas today we're going to be talking about the turn quick call so quick follow-up from my previous video in in a previous video I compared all of the class 3 long tail cargo bikes available in North America and I determined that for my needs and in my price range that the turnquick hall was the ideal bike for me so I bought it and today I'll share my thoughts on that bike first let's let's start on the features so something that I really liked about the turn quick Hall and turn in general is that they have this 10-year warranty which is just for the frame and fork but 10 years is pretty long time so that movie that made me feel pretty confident that the bike was well built as well as this efbe testing where they actually go through and and stress test the the fork and frame and they really figure out how much it's rated for so I had a lot of confidence that the bike would really be rated for the weight that I wanted to put on it let's talk about the Bosch motor for a second so Bosch Motors are available on lots of different brands of bicycles in my experience Bosch are smooth they're quiet they don't have a particularly quick take off but it feels like there is plenty of mid-range torque and I think that's similar for a lot of different mid-drive Motors and Bosch makes a variety of different Motors that have different power and are that are designed for different specific applications so I got the quick haul P9 sport which comes with the performance line sport motor which I believe is more powerful than the motor that comes with the d8 I really liked this low step through frame this a fan of Step throughs in general but this low step through frame is really easy for mounting and dismounting when you're carrying a lot of weight and and I found that to be really convenient in my experience um turns have this upright storage so if you've got limited space you can turn it up on its back and and it will actually stay upright like that I use that a little bit um but especially if I had less space to store um I can see that feature being very helpful um handling was really good it was very easy to maneuver I really liked having the adjustable handlebar stem here even they they Market it here as saying that it's really good for if you want to share the bike with another Rider but even if you aren't sharing it with somebody else I found it to be really nice to adjust that stem right to where it was most comfortable for my riding position one thing that I did not realize at first is that the quick haul comes standard with a single kickstand this double kickstand here the duo stand you have to order that separately and I really wish that that double stand came standard on the quick haul I think any any cargo bike that you're going to be loading significant weight on that long tail that cargo rack it's much much better to have the double kickstand so one so let's take a quick look at the P9 sport this is the one that I bought so it is class three meaning it will give you pedal assist up to 28 miles an hour 65 newton meters of torque um I liked the Shimano Olivio group set with the trigger shifter I'm 6'2 and it was perfectly comfortable for me I didn't try taking Lucas on it yet because he's too young doesn't have the core strength to keep his head up while he's in that back seat but in a few months once he's stronger we'll definitely get him on there and I'll let you know how he does with that I did really like the Shimano hydraulic disc brakes these were smooth and they were powerful they had really great stopping power and I felt pretty confident carrying weight on the on the bicycle with those hydraulic disc brakes like I said the P9 sport has the performance line sport Bosch motor one odd thing about ordering a turn and I understand that this is the case with other bike brands as well is that you can order it directly but you have to have it shipped to an authorized turn or Bosch certified bike retailer and I guess it's important to turn that a qualified mechanic is assembling and inspecting the bike before you ride it for the first time which makes sense but it was a little odd it's a little different than some of the other bike brands I've looked at that you can order direct to your door so that's something to consider and I'm personally a big fan of working with local bike shops and having a relationship with the local bike mechanic for when you have issues that you can't figure out yourself so next writing experience overall the ride is really nice I like the high quality sturdy metal petals I thought the handling was really comfortable and natural the quick Haul is really easy to ride even without the pedal assist because it's very light for a cargo bike in this class but also just the way that the weight is distributed and the gearing and the overall fit it was really it was really well made and it handled really well The Velo Comfort saddle that comes standard with the quick Haul is definitely more on the sporty side so on longer rides it probably wouldn't be quite as comfortable as The Wider seats that you see coming standard on some other cargo bikes one of my first rides with the quick haul was out to Walmart when it was 94 degrees and very humid and I wanted to see how much effort it took me to do this very hilly ride on the quick haul compared to having done this ride on uh on a non-e-bike so Google told me that it was going to take 31 minutes to get there and on the quick Hall I was able to do it in 13 minutes and you can see here that when I showed up at Walmart I really wasn't sweating that much so I feel like that's just really impressive for that bike to show how little effort it took with the pedal assist to get me there that quickly at Walmart I loaded it up with some goods and wrote it home it handled really well with this light cargo load that I tried up first but like I've mentioned previously I run a goat farm and my primary use case for a cargo you bike is hauling livestock feed therefore I wanted to test the cargo capacity of the quick haul just with a single 50 pound bag of alfalfa pellets so I hopped onto the quick call I rode down to the Tractor Supply it was a little bit wobbly to load that bag of livestock feed mostly because I had the single standard kickstand so again if you're gonna buy a cargo bike for hauling cargo which is the whole point I would definitely want that double kickstand so that it's more stable as you're loading gear I was really impressed with the front transporter rack it was extremely stable it was sturdy and it didn't really feel like that front load significantly affected the handling or the balance 50 pounds that's a well-designed bike so the real test was to see how the bike handles the steep hills here in Dixon Tennessee and when I was carrying the livestock feed going up the first Hill the bike could barely go 10 miles an hour I know these are steep hills but for the price of the quick call I was hoping for more speed the whole point of getting a class 3 cargo bike is for me to be able to stay with the flow of traffic while carrying heavy weight struggling to do 10 miles an hour on Hills kind of defeats the purpose for me and honestly I may be asking too much of an e-bike so ultimately I made the decision to pay the restocking fee and bring the quick haul back into the bike shop and I ended up trading it for the aventon abound which I will which I'll go ahead and review in a future video overall I think that the quick Haul is a great bike if I lived in an area that were not so hilly and if I were not trying to carry so much cargo I think that it is an awesome bike for a lot of reasons I think it's a really well-built bike and I think it's a great choice for a lot of people especially if you don't have really big hills in your area but for me it was already at the upper end of my price range and so I opted to train for something that was cheaper but more torque and and was able to handle those Hills better if any of you have experience with the turn quick hall or with the Edmonton abound please go ahead and tell me about it in the comments below and thanks for watching
Channel: Car Free in Tennessee
Views: 4,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yZSCES3t4Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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