Teresa de Jesús: Capítulo 1 - Camino de perfección | RTVE Archivo

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-Open the doors! -Hello Lorenzo. -How are you, Uncle Pedro? -I hardly know you! Pedro, son ... - How was the trip? - Tired, slow, it could not have been faster for Teresa - Thank goodness you have arrived, I was beginning to be a little uneasy! How is she coming? -Little good. Avila's doctors don't understand her. "But what does he have?" -I don't know, we'll talk. -Already. I hope you stay more than one night, Alonso. -No, it can't be. We must get to Becedas as soon as possible so that the healer can see her. Peter! "How long without seeing you, Teresa, my daughter!" Five years since you last came! I have handled them well on account. - I also. It was almost a girl, right? -And now I meet a nun. -Half nun will mean well, look, this is my friend Juana Suárez, companion of the convent. -That you're going to get cold, daughter. Enter her, Juana. He has to go to bed, you will talk later. -You know, Magpie, upstairs. in the lady's room, may the Lord have in his glory. But you're coming to talk to me, right, man? -Come on, come in, of course he will. -What do I add to her then, a broth? -Other thing you will not want to drink. Just a broth? You had to persuade her to eat something more substantial. -Who persuades Teresa of anything? Not even our Father has ever been able to. A soup. -... in the treatment of cultivated people. Are you really alone, Alonso? -Well, yes, Pedro. I am very alone, with Teresa, joy left home. -It's not surprising that you miss her. -And these will also go away right away, they don't see the time. Whenever news of Rodrigo is received from the Indies, there is no one to contain it. -It is the law of life. And it should make you proud. Who could hold you back from going to the Navarra campaign? -How ... who already remembers those illusions? -Well ... no reason for you to take theirs from them. Whoa, whoa ...! So willing to win fame and fortune in the New World? -More than willing! Especially the older. For him, she would go on foot. -I'm 19 years old, father, and tell me, what luck can await me here? -19 ...? It's true. -I will break bread, Urraca. -Well. No wonder young people want to leave. These lands, each time, are less hospitable. -Yes, I understand it too. And I even encourage them, do not believe. Above all, our relatives, the Núñez Vela, have achieved great fortune in those lands very soon. And this, naturally, dazzles the waiters. -Do you want something, Martín? What's wrong? -What do you want to happen to me? That I'm tired! It is time for us to retire to sleep, I say. -Go to sleep now? I have no dream. -Come here, children, do not stand. -Can I stay with them for a while? -No, it is very late and tomorrow another day on the road awaits us. We are retiring now. -But it's not too late yet. - For her yes, she is tired. Didn't you tell me you're tired? -Yes. -That is a strange disease, I already tell you. The fainting spells began to grow shortly after taking the habit. And many times it is deprived of meaning. Some doctors have said that it may be from the heart. But the fact is that nobody can find the remedy. The curandera de Becedas seems to be very good, right? -That fame has by these contours. And what do you think of my decision? -It seems a bit adventurous, at your age, that you want to get into Friar Jerónimo. But I know you are like Teresa: advice is useless. I suppose you have thought it through? -It is not thinking about it, it is feeling need. Something very difficult to explain. -Especially an old man. -Don't say that, you don't take me more than three years. -Yes. But I am very finished. -But man of God, do not be shy like that! Are things that bad? -Not so easy, as you know. Money is worth less and less and everything is entrusted to the gold of the Indies. -Already. -All the lands depleted by the mixture, to later sell the wool to Flanders and have to buy very expensive the work that they return to us from there. -Already. And the worst part is for those of us who have land? It's true. But our father went through greater difficulties. -I already lack the strength to straighten out business. Since those lawsuits I have not raised my head. I still think that they look at me as the son of Toledo. -Forget about that. The honor of the Cepedas was saved. What happens is that perhaps you insist on appearing more than you can. That is from the family. -Unfortunately. Cover your arms it's cold. -I'm not going to sleep yet . Come in. I thought he wasn't coming anymore, man. -I have entertained myself talking to your father. Have you had a good dinner? - Well? The broth is not even finished. -Well, he has a better face. - I still have to fight a lot. -I'm going to stay for a while, but don't dream that we'll be talking until midnight like last time. - No, not even thinking about it. - Let's see what book is that? -It is for you, a memory of your uncle. When you are better you read it. Do you remember, five years ago? - Oh man! Do you know what the readings were for me then? If I could have him by my side every time I get discouraged. Why are you discouraged? Are you not comfortable in the convent? Yes, yes ... If not that. I don't have time to explain it to you. I don't even understand it myself -It doesn't matter. Do not get tired. It's just that I always think things will be different, bigger, you know? More ... -More heroic. - Yes, daughter, yes ... The same thing happens to me, we find it hard to believe that things are the way they are. Uncle, when you go with the Jerónimos, will you pray for me? So you never lose your joy. -But ... I don't want this to be a goodbye. - And what else is it if not a farewell? Oh! - Does it burn you? - A little. -May God bless you. -That's a long way off. -You see, it is what it is. This is a poor and small world, Pedro. - What I'm looking for is not here. Although I will return. I will return with money, without money they are honors. -Teresa! Teresa. How are you? -He doesn't complain, but he doesn't answer either. Ah. - It weakens from not eating. -He was never very healthy, Juana. But before entering the convent, she was not so deep in herself. -María, do not delay, we have a long way to go and the night may catch us! Your husband looks angry. -Martín, Lucas is coming back! -You'll be back soon. -Ah ... -What did he tell you? -No, he doesn't attend until spring. I was already telling you at your mercy. But have you talked to her? "Yes, sir, with her in person." -And what reason has he given you? -Well, that she does not begin the first cures until March, the herbs that now do not grow need , have you told her that it is an urgent case? - Yes, he shrugged, spends few words. - oh my god what we lacked. - Don't worry, I can go back to Ávila -Not that. -It will be seen, Maria. We will see. What your father says. We are going to consult it. -Let them go. You don't move from my house until spring, understand? The house belongs to your husband Maria but you are my sister, you are ill and this suits you well. - What you say is going to see what they decide - How are those spirits? Better. Bad if it doesn't last until March. Let's see if that woman hits me. - Sure. -My father-in-law was with one foot in the grave and the garden is over and everything left him as new, so that at your mercy he is young, imagine. We will see. Whatever God wants. With your permission I am going to take the horse from the stable, it seems that we are staying until March, you know? Who is it? - You and I, with María, the men were talking about going back to Ávila this afternoon. My brother-in-law too? Also. He has some business to settle there. Teresa ... - What? - Tell me something. This disease has made you dumb. I don't know why I am remembering now a story that my mother told me many times. That of Oriana, the daughter of King Lisuarte. My mother talked about her as if she had known her. She was so beautiful, they called her the Peerless. Yes? One day his mother, the queen, brought him the Doncel del Mar. "My daughter"; Told him; This maiden will serve you. Oriana looked at him and replied immediately: "I like him." These words were so engraved on the maiden's heart that they were never erased, he never tired of serving her and his heart was always in her but both this love and their lives because not an hour did they stop loving each other And did they love each other forever, forever and ever? Eternally. love is only valid when it is forever. Are you ill or are you tired? Because something's wrong with you, don't tell me no. Don't worry about me, really. - But how do you want me not to worry? Remember how happy you were, don't you remember? something that must have happened, I want to know, I'm your friend. Forgive me, Juana, I can't answer you, I don't know. - But are you mad at me about something? - What a crazy think! They are things ... Things that cannot be explained, that happen and that's it. But what things? I don't understand how you can change like this. - Me neither, leave it. Don't ask me any more questions, please. (LEE) "Third spiritual alphabet", by Francisco de Osuna. What is missing is not writing or speaking, but silence and action. what is lacking is not writing or speaking, but silence and action. Speaking is distracting, and silence and action collects and gives strength to the spirit. To save the spirit, there is no choice but to suffer and shut up and close the senses with the use and inclination of solitude and forgetting every creature and all events even though the world is sinking. How it is to keep the heart as an inner castle. Juana! Juana, a light! (READ) Guard your heart ... it is worth noting that if the devil only finds a part or path that is poorly kept there, he enters the castle of the heart. Oh, happy tears by which the inner stains are purged! by which understandings of sins are killed. Blessed are you who weep in this way, because you will laugh. In these tears he knows, oh, soul! your husband; embrace the desired one; get drunk now with the stream of delight; draws milk from the breast of her consolation and honey; These are wonderful gifts that the Bridegroom gave you , that is, tears and groans; These tears are bread for you day and night, and sweeter than honey and honeycomb. -Teresa ... What are you doing here? What happened? -Always with a book in hand, in that way like his mother. She always remembers it. He says it was very good. -Yes ... And fantasy. - They got on well. Because when she left with her brother, she barely scolded her, and the idea came from her. And how did you get along with your stepmother? -She was a mother to me. As later I had to be with Teresa when she was absent. Tell me, Maria ... Do you think Teresa would have done better if she was married? Sometimes I think ... if he won't miss another life. -Which? The one I'm wearing? No. How you missed yourself so much when she became a nun. And is it true that she had a boyfriend? He never talks about it. -Boyfriend, boyfriend ... It was her cousin, who had her upset, that's why my father sent her to the Agustinas de Santa María de Gracia. But why? -He is very rigid and is very concerned with honor. But if you want me to tell you the truth, I don't see him leading the life that I lead ... nor the life that his mother led. She flies higher. It is different. It must be that Teresa, are you asleep? Answer, please, don't scare me. Oh Lord! Oh Lord! But what is wrong with you, by God? Shall I go down to call your sister? - Nerd. Leave, leave ... What do you feel? Have you been reading? You don't feel good about reading that book. Leave it, please. ah -Come on! Let's go. "To you, queen of delight, great lady of vassals ... Great lady of vassals Tell me that you have calluses on the face of the razor ... On the face of the razor. And that your lordship has three false teeth ... He has three false teeth. Who knows a lot about spells and studies necromancy ... And studies necromancy ... " -Get out of there, let it pass. How are you, daughter? - Ah ... - Tired? We will make sure that you are here as best as possible. -The worst are the seizures and fainting spells. And that you have lost the desire to eat. -In Ávila they bleed him and rubbed him with scorpion oil, but nothing. -And the pains, where do you have them? -In the heart. He says he feels like teeth in the heart -The heart deceives, It is very crafty. Take this. Now? -The sooner the better. -Come on, drink it. -I'll prepare more for you. You have to be taking it for a month. And have good walks, spread out. It's a liver thing. -Will it get good? -If you don't have faith in me, what saint is this trip to? -Prayers to put the chicken, to know who stole the lost thing. Prognosis for pregnant women! Put these stones against your chest, you have to yawn until the rods creak. Do not start the smoke, nor the sumo, nor the redness, nor the evil eye. Torobisco or mastic, or cloudy that brings hail. Do not be worse than the crow has in its nest. So this pain is alleviated as this was found in a shepherd's bank! -To the peace of God! -Praise the Lord. A priest who lives with ease in the neighborhood, why do they call him a cure if it is the same disease? She is devout and beggars, she is fierce and loving ... Jesus, what an outrage! And when I come back to myself, which lasts like a "Hail Mary", I feel the world under my feet and a great sorrow for all those who are lost in a thousand things without liking God. -How old is he, your reverence? Twenty four. -And don't you think it flies very high? I have read in a book that whoever wants to go to God should not leap like a frog, like a stuck hen, we can fly like eagles and God will come to put us in the nest when we get tired like the harrier. "But isn't she sick?" That is another evil. His case is the talk of the town, you shouldn't keep confessing to him. Answer me the commission I made you. Have you been able to find out about that woman? They told me something and I saw her yesterday at the tavern. Amid the jokes, the innkeeper told me: "that's the priest's manceba." How is? Not very young anymore , with very black hair, he walks with defiance ... And they say that he does not care that people murmur. What else do they say? Small-time things. But wich ones? That he has spells on a copper idol that he has begged him to take for his love and that no one has been powerful to quiet him. Surely no one has tried. What is it, father? Won't you absolve me? -I can not. How serious are my faults? -No, mine are. - No one is miserable in the eyes of God. -And those of your reverence? Oh sir, what nonsense ... Get up off the ground, tell me what it is. "He'll walk away from me if I tell him." Fear not, I will not. -For seven years I have lived in carnal intercourse with a woman whose will has alienated me. It is a public matter and I have lost my honor. Only your reverence, that I didn't know, has been able to look at me like no one had ever looked at me, but now ... - Who told you that I didn't know? -Ego I absolve you to peccatis tuis in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti ... -Yes, I say they have to continue, there is no other choice. -But it doesn't improve. It is not that it does not improve, it is that it worsens. -Always the same, always everyone so impatient. What has it given you? "But why should a hobby like the one that joins me to your reverence be bad if it brings me the light?" It is bad because it is extreme. -You knew that by leaving her she needed your reverence more than ever. - We have to save ourselves with grace, there is no other way. On that path only your reverence accompanies me. - Then close the door for me. - -I can not. I can't go on alone. I also go alone. But I'm going with you, because we're going to the same place. -Teresa! -I have already warned my father. He has to go back to Ávila. It's useless ... We don't do anything here. How are you doing, son? The chair prepare it. -Good trip. -Good trip.
Channel: RTVE Archivo
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Keywords: archivo, rtve, capitulos completos, full episode, series completas, RTVE Archivo, santa teresa, jesucrito, santa teresa de jesus, avila, religion, serie religiosa, españa, monja, castilla, siglo XVI, converso, dios, virgen, teresa de avila, enfermedad, Santa teresa levitación, Santa Teresa de jesus, Levitación divina, Santa Teresa de Jesús Levitando, Santa Teresa de Ávila levitando, Documentales de santos, Documentales de santos católicos, Santa teresa de ávila, Santa teresa de Jesus, Amen
Id: TFrwGL5GUus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 32sec (3632 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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