Tent Revival Homecoming & Old Rugged Cross

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very brave for some time we've been thinking about doing a taping under a tent many of the older people have grown up singing in some kind of a tent leading somewhere to pass this part that's part of Americana and then we got a call from Franklin saying he'd like for us to do something here at the library and so why don't we combine the tent revival idea because obviously it ties in to the first big national revival that Graham had and we can kill two birds with one stone and the setting is perfect let's say do the tent revival I think has a certain aura for people period okay what our church backgrounds are we all have wonderful memories of going in the hot sweaty summer someplace to camp my song shower down master are you glad to have cliff barrows hey let's we will do it together I'm not as good a voice as you are oh yes you are oh and Jesus well you know I know we're going to have a big crowd and I'm having it's eating in there but they're in for a treat and everybody's singing great and the songs you know the songs that Bill Gates are picked for this event I think fit what we're trying to pull off here and so I think it's gonna be magic they go to that you know most of the gospel groups who came out of the gospel field did some time singing of kept me right dude yeah my granddaddy was preacher now mister yeah I told this to Graham one day I said bill when you get to heaven you're going to be out of a job but dev and I won't we're going to go on singing he said well when I get to heaven I'm going to sing like Bev Shay I said it'll take heaven to do that by-and-by we shall meet on that beautiful Shore and when time but sometimes I sometimes a crime cliff you said earlier is a crowd going to sing there is no director from the beginning of time in Christian music that can get a crowd of saying black cliff barrows to the ages row haven't you Oh
Channel: Gaither Music TV
Views: 500,660
Rating: 4.8083334 out of 5
Keywords: tent revivals, tent revival homecoming, old rugged cross, bill gaither, Gaither Homecoming, David Phelps, Cliff Barrows, George Beverly Shea, Franklin Graham, Billy Graham, Ruth Graham, Gloria Gaither, Homecoming, Billy Graham Library
Id: I28OiFeVy9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2011
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