Tension at NYU, Columbia campuses high as protests continue

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and tonight tensions on college campuses continue  as students protest the Israel Hamas War it's   been seven straight days for Columbia University  students and it's growing in other places right   now at Columbia students are protesting outside  the president's house as the 10 City continues   on the main lawn at NYU a plywood wall has been  built around the area where protesters gathered   last night we have Team coverage for you here this  evening cbs2's Masa sedi is standing by with the   latest from Colombia let's start with cbs2's  Jennifer Ram she's live at Washington Square   Park near the NYU campus with what's happening  right now Jennifer hi Christine and Dick this   rally started around 1:00 this afternoon hundreds  of pro Palestinian supporters were here they were   chanting things like they are now and at times  things got a little hostile with the media as   you can see there are less protesters here but  they are still here they say they still want to   end to the Israel Hamas War they say they plan  to be here at Washington Square Park for several   more hours a new barrier went up Tuesday around  ghoul Plaza in front of nyu's stern School of   Business everyone thinks it's ugly and pointless  this is you know what they had to do to preserve   the safety of the students it comes after a  pro Palestinian rally and campus encampment   Monday in the plaza NYU faculty says they called  police after demonstrators were disruptive and   breach the barriers violating multiple University  rules the NYPD moved in with riot gear clearing   out the campus encampment and making 120 arrests  involving students faculty and agitators we can't   have outside agitators come in and be destructive  to our city people who peacefully protest for an   issue they're not throwing bottles and chairs  and just a block away Tuesday at Washington   Square Park Pro Palestinian supporters held  another rally calling for the University to   divest its funds from companies that profit  from the Israel Hamas War studed as tensions   at New York City University campuses continue  to remain high Israeli New Yorkers say they   feel unsafe and there's entire places in the  city that we can't go anymore we can't go to   Washington Square Park anymore we can't go down  Fifth Avenue anymore because there's all over   the place and God forbid they hear us speaking  Hebrew and they know we can't walk there and   pro Palestinian supporters say they also want to  see the Bloodshed in the Israel Hamas war to end and the mayor also saying that he plans to meet  with University leaders at some point today it's   still unclear what will come out of that meeting  in the meantime we're still waiting for a response   from NY us to why those new barriers have gone up  of course when we get that we will give it to you   again this rally continues here for several more  hours NYU did give us a statement yesterday is   saying that they support students free free speech  and Paramount safety is Paramount we are live from   Washington Square Park Jennifer bisam CBS 2 news  all right Jen thanks very much now let's turn to   cbs2 Masa Sidi who's live outside Colombia that  campus with day seven of those protest Masa and   Dick the university is trying to put an end to  this they say that they were up until 2: in the   morning trying to negotiate with these student  protesters and tonight they are also concerned   that Outsiders may be inside that encampment on  campus yesterday Mass Graves were uncovered in   seven days of unrest at Columbia University CBS 2  cameras on campus Tuesday captured tents covering   much of the school's great lawn there's even  more tents now than last week when the university   called in the NYPD two members of the encampment  say the group is in talks with the university and   they will not back down until their demands  are met they want Colombia to cut Financial   ties with Israel we stand in solidarity with  Palestinians in Gaza who are facing genocide   we spotted Pro Palestinian demonstrators across  from students waving the Israeli flag tensions   high with students already under stress preparing  for endof year exams and it's obviously really   devastating to see like so many students getting  hurt and being arrested I'm kind of confused cuz   I mean being here at Columbia I mean I have so  much work to deescalate tensions the university is   allowing students to go remote the crisis leading  to calls that the University's president resign   or be censured in a statement she told students  quote let's sit down and talk and find ways to   compromise on Solutions the semester that many  describe as heartbreaking coming to an end on   Monday I wish there was an easy answer and I feel  like it's so complicated tonight to be honest I   feel heartbroken about all of it I was supposed to  be in Israel on October 10th performing a show so   my whole life got sidetracked Ramy evanes is not  a student at Colombia but the Israeli American   has been coming here for months documenting  the protest what is the biggest thing that's   misunderstood right now two things could be true  at one time like I'm very pro-israeli or Israeli   and I also have a lot of sympathy for Palestinian  people I have friends who lost a lot of family in Gaza and such a difficult time for so many people  now Columbia University will not tell us how   many people have been suspended we know that  more than a hundred have been arrested and   that includes some Jewish students who as you  guys mentioned that the top just held a press   conference outside of President shafi's home we're  going to have that part of the story coming up for   you at 6:00 tonight for now we are live in morning  sight Heights I'm investigator of Masa s CBS 2   news all right Masa thanks very much now as Masa  pointed out the last day of classes for Colombia   is Monday that's April 29th their commencement is  scar scheduled for Wednesday May 15th and protests   are spreading across the country at California  poly Technic University Pro Palestinian protesters   barricaded themselves inside a building which then  forced the school to close and then at UC Berkeley   also in California students gathered to demand a  ceasefire in Gaza and for the University to divest   from Israel we have continuing coverage of the  campus protests on our website CBS new york.com
Channel: CBS New York
Views: 76,598
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Keywords: CBS2 News At 5, Jenn Bisram, Mahsa Saeidi, Columbia University, New York University, protests, NYU
Id: EUZnboe0kNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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