Tense! Japan Navy Brutally intercept China Warships near Yokosuka Naval base

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[Music] you can support us by subscribing Drone footage of Japan warship on Chinese social media Sparks concern in Tokyo [Music] Drone footage that circulated on Chinese social media showing a Japanese warship docked at a military base has revealed worrying gaps in Japan's defenses analysts say though combating the threat may not be easy the 202nd video which was posted to Chinese video sharing website Billy on March 26th shows the helicopter Destroyer is Zumo of Japan's Maritime self-defense Force moed at Yokosuka naval base in Kanagawa [Music] prefecture more than 6 weeks after it appeared online Japanese defense minister minoru kihara finally confirmed that the footage was real dismissing earlier theories that it had been faked using artificial intelligence speaking to reporters in Tokyo on Friday kihara said the intrusion posed a serious security threat we are taking the findings extremely seriously he said if drones harm defense facilities it could cause serious disruptions to the defense of our country the minister refused to comment on how the Drone had managed to penetrate the air space around the base which serves as the headquarters of Japan's Maritime self-defense force and is also a key base for the United States 7eventh Fleet Yokosuka is the base for a dozen forward deployed US Navy vessels most notably the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier kihara said it was critical that new defenses be developed and deployed to deal with the threat posed by drones adding that measures would be implemented to step up defenses around military facilities it is hardly a unique problem however with military installations in the US Britain Germany and Australia all previously reporting incidents involving drones or model aircraft entering their airspace [Music] Japan would have been embarrassed by the incident and the US military would undoubtedly inquire about the measures being taken to prevent a recurrence although it is understood that halting all such Airborne intrusions is currently almost impossible though most aerial intrusions are caused by amateur Aviation enthusiasts Malloy said the security breach at Yokosuka indicated what might happen if such a drone was being used for nefarious purposes by an [Music] enemy there is also a safety issue if a helicopter was operating in the area and while the operator this time did not do anything particularly dangerous an enemy could use ordinance to damage the ship stopping drones from accessing military races is a challenge according to Malloy signal jamming can be used against them but this has The Unwanted side effect of interfering with legitimate Communications ahead of the Tokyo Olympic Games Japanese police deployed signal Jammers and guns that fired Nets designed to bring down drones although they were reportedly not needed there are also defenses in place close to the prime minister's official residence after a drone flown by an anti-nuclear campaigner deposited a container with a small amount of a radioactive substance on the flat roof of the building in central Tokyo in [Music] 2015 there have also been incidents involving unauthorized drones at haneda and Narita airports which serve Tokyo while there are unconfirmed reports that Japan's nuclear power plants have defenses against drone attacks Rio Hinata Yamaguchi and assistant professor of international relations at the University of Tokyo said the problem with drones was that the technology was now widely accessible and anyone could Pilot One Japan's Kyoto news was able to trace the person who operated the Drone and put the footage on Chinese social media in an email exchange the man who was not identified by name and is presently in China said he was aware that his actions had been illegal and promised not to do the same again Malloy argued that Chinese authorities might interpret the man's actions differently if he had attempted to breach the perimeter of a Chinese Naval base and fly a drone along the length of an aircraft carrier I just got a 5400
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Keywords: japan, japan warships, japan drone, japan intercepts china warships, china navy, china navy near japan sea, Tense, Japan Navy Brutally intercept China Warships, Yokosuka Naval base, China Warships near Yokosuka Naval base, Drone footage, Chinese social media, destroyer Izumo of Japan, military base, Japanese warship docked at a military base, war begins, news, american future, Chinese video, china warships in east china sea, us military, us news, japan news, china news
Id: laPmzNdO1_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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