Ten Thousand Hours - Motivational Video

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one of the most impactful things that's ever been said to me came from one of my old teammates rowing team in college he's graduating sent this letter kind of reflecting back on his collegiate experience in what he'd learned and one of the things he said was that in life no one will ever care about your desire to succeed no one cares about how much time in work you put into becoming great it's all irrelevant at the end of the day what people see is a winner or a loser right I mean you either won or you simply did not and everything leading up to that the heart the work ethic the dedication it all remains solely with you it's a byproduct of the contract and you signed with yourself to go through help to fight in the trenches even when you're seeing no immediate validation which will happen right if success came with the snap of a finger everyone would be running for minute miles and driving Ferraris but that's not the way the world works but when you make the decision to be different to give up temporary comfort for something greater you've committed to the ride of your life and when the time comes and you cross the finish line first or you realize success in whatever capacity you can smile at the world as they look at you like some miracle completely oblivious to the price that you paid for this but you know and there's no greater gratification than that it's been said that it takes 10,000 hours to perfect your craft 10,000 hours walking away from immediate satisfaction to enter this sense of solitude and dedication for you we doubt mediocrity it's where you carve out your place in history and if you're waiting for someone to come along and just make that happen for you it'll be a long way my friend because it's your flame and if you don't keep it lit it will die and a flame can be a fragile thing weakness doubt uncertainty failures they all want to put it out and if you're not bigger than your body they will trust me you'll fail time and time again it may not be until your 100th attempt that you even begin to see success but if you don't have the foresight and that persistence to see past the bumps in the road you will never know that relentlessness it's how you separate yourself from the people that feel sorry for themselves and watch the world from their bedroom windows but that's not what you signed up for nothing good falls into your hands it's why every day is so important think of every hour as a piece of paper right by itself very little weight very little significance for committing to the grind every day causes these piece to stack up and before you know it you transformed yourself and your ability and that's what people don't see that stack being built piece by piece what they see is the finish line is crossed one by one they see 30 seconds they didn't see 10,000 hours but you did it's why you hold your head high it's why you can smile to yourself when people talk about you quote/unquote being born with talent it's why you're looking at them from the podium you
Channel: Eddie Pinero
Views: 607,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational video, inspirational video, ten thousand hours, 10 thousand hours, 10000 hours, motivation, motivational speech, self improvement, running motivation, rowing motivation, running, crew, lifting motivation, excellence, becoming the best, improving, motivational music, motivation for success in life, how to be successful, your world within, achieving your goals, acheiving your dreams, Eddie pinero, inspiration, personal development, growth, self help, how to master
Id: wWEF5Ie89ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 3sec (243 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2015
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