Ten Secrets to Sleeping in Coach! #Amtrak #travel #coach

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Amtrak Southwest Chief Superliner rumbling by... Pulled by two P42DC engines Transition Sleeper Sleeper Diner Observation Lounge/Cafe and three Coach cars Welcome to Winkles and Moose's Amtrak Adventures [Music] Today we're going to reveal "10 Secrets to Sleeping  in Coach on Amtrak's Long Distance Trains" First we wanted to take a moment and go  over the sleeping options on Amtrak's Superliner cars.   They basically have five options, they have an Accessible Bedroom   a Family Bedroom, a Regular  Bedroom and then they have the Roomettes and then   after that they have Coach which is where we're  going to be taking a look how to sleep there So a lot of people ask me  why would you want to go on Coach? Well I wanted to break down the cost to give you an idea of what your looking at In this example we're going from LA to Seattle You can see a Family Bedroom is $1453, a Regular Bedroom is $1402 and a Roomette drops down to $846. and a Coach seat is $101. So overall Coach is not a bad deal we just  need to find a way to make it comfortable.   But first let's take a look at coach seating  and take a look at the concept of seat pitch. Seat pitch is a space between a point on one  seat and the same point on this seat in front of me. On Amtrak seats there's a 50 inch  distance between one seat and the next seat   Now it's really important not to confuse seat  pitch and leg room, they're not the same, you're   not going to have 50 inches of legroom. It's  just the distance between two seats.   But in comparison, airline seats right now range  between 28 to 31 inches in Coach, With First class   seats in most airlines up close to 38 inches. So  this just gives you an idea of what you'll be sitting in. Up until about six to nine months ago  the Amtrak Superliner seats   were covered in a blue cloth upholstery. (Since the 90's - Ugh!) (Rumble of the train) The good news is Amtrak's been going through  a $28 million dollar "re-freshening" of all of it's 450 Superliner cars and you can see here what the new car seats look like. (Rumble of the train) (Amtrak: "Will improve comfort with new seating cushions and upholstery, carpet, LED lighting, tables and curtains.") This shot actually shows you the leg rests extended, so you'll get a better feel of what you'll be sitting in .   The backs of the seats also recline. So in this picture we can actually see the  distance from "your" seat to the seat in front of you. (Legroom of about 24 to 26 inches.)   The question is: How do we make this trip comfortable? [Music] So now it's time for our  Top 10 Secrets Secret # 10 "Bring a Pillow" you might even bring two we found that going to a local department store and getting a couple four dollar pillows worked wonders Secret #9 which you might have heard from a lot of different people is "Bring a Blanket" you can get chilly on Amtrak at night  and it keeps you a lot more comfortable [Music] Secret #8 "Bring a Comfortable Sleeping Mask" that's really helps in case there's  any lighting that's still on in the car Secret # 7, "Bring an Inflatable Neck Pillow" really helps if you're leaning against the window  and gives you a little bit of extra cushion. Secret # 6 "Bring the Noise Canceling  Headset" or just some good old-fashioned ear plugs it really helps cutting down the sound. It's amazing how much noise there is in a train in  the middle of the night [Music] Secret # 5 "Bring Comfy Sleepwear" sure makes it a whole lot more comfortable to sleep at night and we'll talk a little bit later about how  you can get changed into it a lot easier Secret #4 "Bring a Pair of Slippers" it's a requirement on Amtrak that you have to shoes on your feet and slippers are great at night especially walking around going down to the restrooms. Secret #3, "Bring a Pack of Wet Wipes" For wiping down the restrooms, your table and the area around you. It makes it a much better experience [Music] and Secret #2, "Bringing a Inflatable Travel Foot Rest" we found these on Amazon and they turned out to be phenomenal and they're mainly used on long distance international airlines. We thought these might be useful on Amtrak seats as an extension to the footrests (Sorry for the poor sound, ugh) Here we're sitting at the front of the car at the bulkhead with the cushion on top of the footrest bar which makes a great sleeping area for a tall person. The most distance I've found was up by the  bulkhead (very front) where you can actually stretch out If you're six foot and under it's perfect much taller than that it might be tight, but still the best for a tall person In this picture I sitting with my legs diagonally  across two seats, since I was lucky enough to have an open seat next to me. (Note the inflatable cushion under my legs) This is another picture by the bulkhead and as you can see my legs are completely stretched out I've got plenty of room and a very comfortable spot to sleep. Correction: The footrest is about 18 inches tall and 15 inches wide and 12" deep. So you can see, I put this picture in, to show you how they fit in front of the leg extension. So it actually extends out and a lot of times  people use it for a lay-flat area for children. [Music]   Now if your concerned about leg swelling, edema  or ankle swelling you might want to take a look at   Secret #1 Bring an "Inflatable Travel Wedge" The Inflatable Travel Wedge will raise  your legs up even more it requires you to get the18" Inflatable Footrest, which this sits on top of... So then you can extend your feet out...for a good night sleep Again you got to take into  consideration that if you if you're over   5' 6" - 5"8" you're gonna have to sit in a seat where you can angle your feet to the left or the right to get a little bit more room  hopefully nobody's sitting next to you [Music]   "Top Secret Bonus" You need to find the Superliner Coach Restroom with the Changing Room The Amtrak Changing Restroom offers an area to change, along with a sink and toilet. as opposed to being wedged into, it it's very similar to the airline bathroom, literally you have no room to change but you can find the dressing room Feel free to walk down to another coach to find it if it's not in your car. There's usually one within the train. That's it folks, I hope that helps, I want to thank you for watching! Please hit the "Like" button if this was helpful and "Subscribe" for future adventures. [Music] Thank You!
Channel: Winkles & Moose’s Amtrak Adventures
Views: 29,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AmtrakAdventure, AmtrakCoach, AmtrakComfort, AmtrakSuperliner, Coach, CoachClass, CoachClassTravel, CoachLife, CoachTraveling, Coast Starlight, ComfortableTravel, Empire Builder, Senior, Sunset Limited, Superliner, SuperlinerExperience, SuperlinerJourney, SuperlinerTrip, SuperlinerViews, Texas Eagel, TrainCoachTravel, TrainComfort, TrainJourneyComfort, TrainRideComfort, TrainSeats, Travel, amtrak coach, train travel
Id: OBkpgRgeXDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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