Ten Minute Seder Instructional Video

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welcome everyone to this how-to video this is a explanatory video to run you through the 10-minute seder the 10-minute seder was created originally for music festivals when we did shabbat tent at coachella and other festivals we wanted to make sure people had a kosher seder in as fast amount of time as possible you can take this as a as is or you can use this as a basis for your seder and we're going to run through all of the parts of it right now on this video before you start you want to make sure to have everything in place so we need a seder plate on the seder plate we have the shank bone which is my favorite part you have a roasted egg we have marour horseradish we also have hatseres which is romaine lettuce which you can use uh interchangeably with the ma with the uh horseradish we have some kharoset and although it's not included in the 10 minute seder it's absolutely easy to do this is the karpas here we're using celery which is dipped in salt water the reason it was left out of the ten minute seder is because it is a custom that we do to get the children to ask what's going on so you can include it yourself if you want the seder begins with kiddush so we ask all of the guests to rise and everybody should have some wine poured in their cup or grape juice now how much grape juice or wine you need is actually considerably less than most people realize you only need a minimum of three ounces of wine or grape juice for each cup this cup is pre-filled blessed is the maker of the fruit of the vine baruch eloheinu fen thank you god for giving us festivals and seasons to rejoice and this festival of bazot to commemorate the exodus from egypt you have made us holy and our seasons of joy holy that we're going to say also shahianu if you see here it's written to thank god for having brought us together for the seder baruch [Music] we're now going to sit down and drink the wine leaning to our left ah that's good we're now going to take out the middle matzah this is shimura handmade matzo which i use for the seders you can also use machine matzah we hold the mats up high and we say this is the bread of poverty that our ancestors ate in the land of egypt all who are hungry come and eat all who are in distress come share pastor with us this year we are here next year let's celebrate in jerusalem this year we are slaves next year may we be free now we're going to break the matzah and put away half under back under here the other half the large half we're going to hide as the afikoman or put it to the side you don't have to hide it from yourself so if you're at home by yourself this year or wherever you are just put it to the side and save that to the end of your meal so now we continue with the four questions you can ask the four questions to yourself or you can ask have somebody else ask them or you can ask them all together now we're going to have a participant or somebody else at the table say what's up with the matzah what's the deal with the horseradish what's the dipping of the herbs what's this whole chilling at the table thing then we all say together we were slaves in egypt god lifted us out with awesome miracles had god not take us out of egypt then what we and our children and our children's children would still be slaves in egypt therefore even if we were all wise people of understanding all elders well versed in torah we would still be commanded to tell about the exodus from egypt and all people who discuss the story of passover at length are praiseworthy then the leader continues the torah reflects upon four children one wise one evil one simple one doesn't know how to ask guide the wise one through the obligations of passover tell the evil one of course no child is actually evil right this is more like the wise guy or the devilish one but there's no evil child we need you to be part of the people explain to the simple one with a strong hand god brought us out of egypt engage the one who doesn't know how to ask make that child feel comfortable and tell them about the exodus now we ensure that our cup is full again for the second cup we add some more grape juice and we're now going to use our knives you can use your your finger whatever is your custom and we're going to take some of the grape juice out as we recite the plagues blood frogs lies wild beasts disease boils hail and fire locusts darkness death of the firstborn okay now we're going to continue with dayenu i've included part of the song here you're welcome to sing it as long as you want die die die die new if god had taken us out of egypt and not punished our enemies dayenu if god punished our enemies and not part of the red sea day a new if god brought us to sinai and gave us the torah but not brought us to israel die a new if god brought us to israel but didn't build the temple daye knew die die new the next part of the seder is very important rabbi gamliel would say whoever does not discuss three things at the passover seder has not fulfilled their obligations and i like to get everyone saying these things together or you can say them out loud yourself passover or pesach ideally we say pesach because it refers to the passover offering which was called the pesach offering or corbin pesach next we point to the mot to the shank bone here and we say pesa this is the sacrifice our ancestors would eat during the time of the temple because god passed over the houses of our ancestors in egypt then we point or lift the matzah this matzah because the dough of our ancestors did not have time to rise before god redeemed them from egypt maror this is maror why do we eat it because the egyptians oppressed our ancestors in egypt they made their lives bitter with hard labor with mortar and bricks and other hardships now the leader of the seder will say friends in every generation we need to feel like we had left egypt so now we need to thank and praise god for the miracles of the exodus hallelujah thank you god for everything you could throw in a little leonard cohen or not if you want then we take our cup make sure it's all the way full and we're going to say the second blessing notice i'm going to lean again and i have a pillow here as i lean to the left drink my wine it's an excellent vintage okay we now continue there are two blessings on the matzah i'm not going to eat them here but in your haggadah it's written blessed is the maker of bread blessed is god who command us to eat matzah and then i have the blessings here in hebrew baruch now you're going to take ideally a whole matzah the top one and you're going to eat from this then the next step is the marur now without getting too into the depths of it you can use horseradish you can use romaine those are the most commonly used things so we're going to use a horseradish for the maror now and we're going to say blessed is god who commanded us to eat marour baruch which we skipped in our in our karpas so now uh you would say pretty much here too baruch had now we take from the top matzah and we do as hillel instructed so we take from the top matzah we're going to use romaine lettuce here dip it into the heroset or you can put the set on here too if you want depends on your custom and we're going to say rabbi hillel will combine the passover offering the matzah and the marour together in a sandwich and eat them to fulfill the words of the torah they shall eat it with matzah and bitter herbs so now we have the sandwich here which we would eat normally if it wasn't an educational video and that is delicious now at this point you can have your passover meal i'm actually pretty hungry but we're going to keep pushing along in this video so the next thing is after the meal it's important to offer praise because we had a delicious meal so we say here together thank you god for this awesome meal by the way you should also thank whoever cooked it if it's yourself thank yourself blessed is the maker of the fruit of the wine now we're gonna make fill this third cup of wine we're going to see another bracha baruch offen delicious now some of the custom now to go open the door for ilia navi don't let anybody in that you don't know i'm just joking we continue if you want you can sing eliana v now hey lia navi you got it next we're going to do a mini hallel hallel is giving praise and on passover we give praise all the time because we are so grateful to be free and not be slaves here in our little haggadah i just put one line oh says shalombin amen you could sing that song you can sing other songs if you want a longer hallow you can find it in your city or in a normal haggadah now i also included this line say together god quickly bring peace to the jewish people and peace and healing to the entire world now we drink the fourth cup of wine don't forget to lean to the left baruch priya goffin excellent now that would conclude the seder we have one more song to sing and that is shanaha baby shalom or any other version of the song is fine to sing ladies and gentlemen that concludes this little educational video to guide you through the 10-minute seder of course if you have any uh questions or so forth you're welcome to email us at rabbi picochul.org thank you so much want to wish you a happy healthy safe joyous and kosher passover
Channel: Rabbi Yonah Bookstein
Views: 325
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: twhSrm0CszM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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