Ten Minute History - The Austro-Hungarian Empire (Short Documentary)

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1848, and the Austrian Empire is having some trouble. This trouble occured on March the 13th in Vienna, When a crowd, mostly made up of students, demanded more rights, And the government obliged. By shooting them. Which led to riots. This riot was a part of larger trend of revolutions which swept across Europe in 1848 To oversimplify, they were largely concerned with improving the working lifes of the peasantry, Increacsing democratic representation, and in many cases wanted to form states along national, ethnic and linguistic lines. This was bad news for the Austrian Empire, since it was very diverse. It included many ethnic groups such as Germans, Hungarias, Czecks, Slovaks, Ukrainians Called Ruthenians at the times Poles (known as Galicians), Croats Serbs, Italians, Romanians and many, many others. Some of these people wanted better representation, and others preferred outright independence. The events in 1848 spread outside of Vienna quickly, and March 15th In the city of Pest, revolutionaries demanded extra rights and soon after declared Hungarian independence.But Ferdinand would still be their king The central government struggled to respond affectively. and in Italy the Austrian army withdrew from from most of the revolting Italian states. this left them wide open for invasion.
Channel: History Matters
Views: 3,217,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ten, Minute, History, Documentary, Short, Animated, 10, Austria, Hungary, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Austria-Hungary, Dual Monarchy, Franz Joseph, Franz Ferdinand, Ferdinand I, 1848 Revolutions, Rise, fall, World War One, First World War, Kaiser, Emperor, Dual Alliance, Bismarck, Ausgleich, Treaty, Trianon, Charles I, Karl, Miklos Horthy, Habsburg
Id: 745HeLp-0sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 12 2018
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