Temple Grandin - How Horses Think - 2019

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[Music] [Applause] lots of things to talk about today and one of the first things that people often ask me is how did autism help me understand animals I get asked that all the time not the little kid I had no speech until I'm age four and help me understand animals because I'm an extreme visual thinker everything I think about is a picture I don't think in words and you want to understand animals you gotta get away from words that's the first thing that you need to do and this is a picture of the young autistic man sent to me to show how he had movies in his head get a little dated here old 16 millimeter film but it really shows it because no picture no thought so what I want first thing I want to get you to do is be more observant what is the horse looking at what is it hearing what is it feeling it's a sensory based world it's not a verbal one and when I was young I thought everybody thought in pictures when I started my very first work in the cattle industry it was obvious to me to go and look at what are the cattle seeing when they go through the handling facility they'll stop at a shadow a coat on a fence a vehicle parked next to a fence little things that we can to not notice the cattle noticed and then later on when I got into my 40s that's when I completely learned that I think different like that most people don't have such extreme visual thinking in fact then when I do my autism talks I talk about some of the different kinds of specialized thinking photorealistic visual thinking that's gonna be your mechanics I do a lot of talks now to educators there's a tons of jobs fixing airplanes fixing cars fixing diesel trucks good jobs not gonna get replaced by computers now I don't bother studying oncology you're gonna get replaced you'll get replaced by computers dermatology don't be bothered radiology I wouldn't be bothered fixing airplanes I talked to a kid last night in the airport you shine my shoes will a nice kid high school kid said you know what why don't you get a two-year degree to fixing these airplanes you'll have a really good job for life so I'm kind of going back and forth being a lot of different things now and doing a lot of talks with educators there's a lot of kids that are different who are super good with animals dyslexic ADHD mildly autistic I've seen this over and over and over again now in my cattle work here's an example right here cattle being blinded by the Sun and not wanting to go in the chute and people are back there whacking on them and everything else and they don't understand why it's just like being blinded by the Sun when you driving down I 70 straight east been there done that it's not fun at all so you might want to change the time of day you're gonna load that horse trailer not right when the sun's shining over it now I've showed this picture to a lot of students I took this a year and a half ago when we had that young partial eclipse here those are eclipsed shadows on the sidewalk in front of our library at Colorado State University and all the tree leaves acted like little tiny pinhole cameras I noticed the weird shadows I didn't know eclipses did this and I can't wait man just really crazy here about the shadows and then I realized it was a little pinhole cameras I watched students walk over this right on top of this and not notice I was also shocked at the lack of interest in the Eclipse they gave away like 20,000 pairs of glasses with the word science spell drawn on them that was kind of embarrassing so about a third of the students were interested and the others were not interested and klipsch was at its maximum right when classes changed they just couldn't be bothered now here's another example in the cattle handling facility at a ranch there's a cattle come up here they can see a reflection on the car you might wonder what my horse was fine at home now he's going nuts at the shop well you can get odd reflections on things one time I was talking to some people about a show where some draft horses went berserk when a garage door gone up in the Coliseum and that garage door had been opened to many many many times but maybe that day there was just a reflection on it little things that move that are sort of like they shouldn't be here those can really scare animals a common thing that people will say to me well my horse is fine at home he went berserk at the show I hear that over and over again think about all the novel new things you got in a show you don't have at home and the big three are flags bikes and balloons and they're scary because they move in an erratic rapid kind of manner let's get your horse used to this before you go to the show and don't shove it in his face let them just gradually approach the flags chains hanging down chutes I still have to talk about this why do I still have to keep talking about this 44 years later because people are not removing them now I've got checklists in my book of all these things but I guess it's going to give me job security I had real fun time last year landed in Dublin Ireland and we went out and we rented this big monstrous black helicopter and landed on the front lawn of this beef plant and their cattle wouldn't go through the chute and they could see motion through about 6 inch wide holes in the inner gate six pieces of duct tape later I had it fetched so all I did and then we took off in the black helicopter yep that that actually happened that was - that was recently so I guess that gives me job security that was a fun way to do it this shows you in a place where maybe might need a solid barrier because the cattle came up here they could see the trucks loading here's a dark hole sunny outside real black inside and horses and cattle often don't like to go into that they'll going great at night you can use lights at night to attract an animal into a trailer but that's what I call the dark movie theater so maybe what you got to do is put in some white translucent panels so they can see through the building now just to show you how specific visual memories are in an animal there was an experiment done in Germany by the lunar and fent and what they found is they trained a horse to tolerate a blue and white umbrella just suddenly opening not afraid of that then they thought oh well we can just flap a tarp around that's going to be just fine no the tarp is treated like a totally new object tarps look completely different than umbrellas now there's some photographers that have those umbrella light things now that's probably enough similar than they'd be okay with that but sensory based thinking is specific verbal based thinking is not it's a picture better get them trained to a whole lot of stuff now I don't think it's gonna make any difference whether it's the American flag or the Colorado State flag I really don't think that's gonna make a difference because they're enough to same to the same shape and they have contrasting colors an animal thinking is specific because it's sensory based an animal will often get afraid of something it was seeing or hearing right when a bad thing happened I went to a Mustang training program that was being done at it at a prison and the horses were terrified of the guards because the guards wore cowboy outfits they wore western outfits the prisoners wore scrub suits and sweat pants and sweatshirts so they were the good guys and the guards were the bad guys and the guards didn't like it when I told them that they were the bad guys but the thing is it's the thinking is specific and the prisoners had always been really nice to the horses sudden new experiences they're frightening to both animals and people with autism you could have the comest horse but might have a high-strung genetics and everything will be fine till a hot air balloon lands in the pasture and that's when you're going to see the genetics where you tend to see flighty genetics is when you suddenly shove something new in the animals face and then I met a racehorse I'm named run happy and when three Air National Guard helicopters fly over they passed Europe he stares the Thummim and all the other horses run off he thinks Air Guard National Air Guard helicopters aren't fun to watch I put something just simple in the middle of a pen full of cattle they come up and sniffing then when the paper moves they back off I used to call that curiously afraid see they'll both approach it and then when it moves back off there's actually a switch in the brain they can switch back and forth between fear and approach you've all seen a deer orient and the deer looks and it points its ears in its eyes and now when the deer is orienting the brain makes a decision do I keep watching or do I run off now or maybe I'm going to just start grazing now I had an experience that really showed this how this orienting system works because the you can either go seek or approach something maybe it's scary or you can run off well I was driving on the freeway high 25 and an idiot with a little low trailer like the kind of clipped lawn equipment on had a 3-2 by sixes about this long on the back of the trailer and one of them slid off just as he passed me there's no way I'm gonna stay behind the trailer it's got loose two by sixes on it no way so as he passes me the truck they board slid off and the board I locked on to it like radar and the board was floating I had the perceptual slowing the Sullenberger talks about when he landed the plane on the Hudson he had the same thing because when they played the flight recorder back he was shocked at what a short period of time at was but the board was floating like two inches above the freeway coming from and I locked on and I moved over and went onto the rumble strip and I did a perfect straddle of the board then the switch flipped heart started to pound swear words came out lots of them and I'm not gonna describe the swear words but I'd used them to describe the board the trailer and the driver but I went from seek to fear the switch flipped it was like instantaneous and then it took me half an hour to calm down so if your horse gets really really upset somewhere it takes half an hour for him to calm down so you go into the vet and you have a big mass with kicking or some other bad thing and one of the worst things you can have a vet is the slippery floor animals freaked out on the slippery floor like this floor right here be horrible I wouldn't want to have a horse on this floor now I've done some brain scans and I found out that I've got a huge visual thinking circuit I didn't know everybody wasn't efficient well thinker big visual thinking circuit but the problem is I'm not able to do algebra so some of these kids that can't do algebra are getting screened out you don't need elsewhere to fix diesel trucks what you need is old-fashioned sixth grade math or to train horses for that matter and I'm seeing a lot of smart kids getting addicted to video games I was very happy to hear about this new horse council study it came out in 2017 on young people getting interested in horses I think it's just great kids are getting done getting away from just constant electronics and that brain scan right there show no working memory a lot of kids that are different cannot remember long strings of verbal instruction so any task that involves a sequence like maybe how to make some feet or whatever give them a pilot's checklist step one step two step three and just give them some key words this is my different kinds of minds I'm a photorealistic visual thinker can't do algebra and there's scientific research that shows that what I'm telling you is not a bunch of hooey I have a book called the autistic brain and I've got the references in there then you have the pattern thinker they are your computer people and I am they don't see risk lots of times that's why you have methods like Fukushima they didn't see the water going into the basement and drowning the electrically operated emergency cooling pump then you got the verbal thinker everything's words and then some people that are dyslexic they have problems with reading because the print jiggles on the page some of these people are super good with animals but they're going to learn in school through their ears now here's the horse that was terrified of black cowboy hats he was a BLM Mustang and during the freeze branding process he moved around so somebody threw alcohol in his eyes and that person that did that was wearing a black hat and I described this in my book animals in translation white hats no problems black hats scary now when I put the Hat down on the ground he was less scary but as I took the hat and I got it closer and closer to my head he got more and more and more scary you see you're getting a mash now what I'm kicking myself that I didn't do is they had this big black round purse that was about the size of a cowboy hat I think if I put that on my head it would've had the same effect it would have looked enough the same because it can generalize some another place we're seeing generalization is horses getting afraid of a certain type of bit there's some horrible bits you can buy online awful twisted snaefells that will cut up a horse's mouth now if that's been used on a horse all 20 bits become bad jointed bits go in a bad category and if you sometimes you can fix the horse has its problems so I just taking a one piece Western bridle so it's all solid no moving parts on it and he's fine because it's a different feeling picture I had a horse when I was in high school named sizzler a beautiful horse of my aunt bought my horse dealer and he was just great but he bucked when he went from a trot to a canter now why did that happen think about it saddles a different feeling picture at each gate now what I would have done with him now he was a Western horse I would have trained him English I had a complete English outfit but I didn't know the things I know now and I would have gone out and bought the weirdest saddle pad I could find because I'd want to open a new file you see if I can make the feeling picture enough different it's like opening a new file on the horses brain the other thing you got to watch for is you see that Cale starting switch that's your warning that he's heating up heads up eyes get what I white really scared tail switching and pooping because you scared the poop out of him but I probably could have fixed sizzler with much converting him to English because you get it something enough different you act is this is where you have an advantage with specific thinking another thing should have been done with this horse that a horse trainer recommended is you want to turn on that system to approach maybe you get a 50 foot string and start dragging the hat along the ground turn on the approach system also I talked to a lady you'd start doing some clicker training with a very badly abused horse that she got and I described clicker training in my book on animals make us human and this is a rescue you couldn't touch it you couldn't put a halter on it you couldn't put thick up its feet you couldn't do anything with his horse so she started training the horse that the click was associated with feed and very quickly she was picking up the feet and leading it it worked yeah calm animal a whole lot easier to handle I people are now starting to really recognize the importance of reducing fear and people say well the horses excited or agitated no he's scared it's fear and fear is a proper scientific word and one of the things that being done in veterinary medicine right now is what's called fear free for all animals let's work with them in such a way that when we do medical procedures they don't get scared and the first thing is give them a non-slip floor to stand on that applies to your dog too now a good friend of mine Camille King she's one of these really hard workers where she just goes out and does really wonderful on research projects and she noticed in her dog behavior practice that a lot of young dogs were turning gray before they were four years old and so I helped her make a little chart for assessing how much grey they had on the muscle and dogs that would jump on people scared of noises scared of unfamiliar people more likely to turn gray and I think one of the problems today is a lot of animals are leading to shelter to life they're not getting exposed to enough stuff we never had thunderstorm phobias when I was a kid because dogs were out exposed to many more things and we didn't have all the dog bites yeah I just read about a dog bite at the Portland Airport bit a five-year-old in the face suing the Portland Airport for a million bucks real mess this brings up another thing with your dogs we've got to socialize puppies and teenage dogs to toddlers toddlers are people too if you don't specifically train them two toddlers they don't realize it toddlers of people fear it's the main emotion in autism and I found out from brain scans that my fear Center was 3 times larger than normal it's now under control with antidepressant medication I've taken since 1980 and if you want to read about that to my book thinking in pictures that's available online I'm sure the Amazon warehouse over here it's got plenty of copies this I thought was an interesting research on dog genetics when animals go into the animal shelter the animal that has the low fear personality know is bold not afraid less likely to get sick at the animal shoulder because he's not getting so scared and upset about being alone and being in a strange place do animals have emotions yes they do and I really like the work of a scientist named Jack pants got let's just look at some basic science here that shows that animals have emotion prozac works on animals the neurotransmitters are the same now when you're thinking about what's motivating your horse dog or any other animal to do something these are the seven pants gap emotional systems you can have fear usually when you have problem with training a horse and he acts up it's not rage rage is what enables you to fight off the predator we had this case recently in Fort Collins where a half-grown mountain lion I tried to kill a student and rage it kicked in he was fighting for his life get that cat did finally strangle the cat by standing on his throat then you know separation distress you take the Colt away from the mom that's a different emotion than fear fear and separation distress they're not the same thing and a lot of animals have a lot of problems with being alone then sheep some dogs will really chase the ball other dogs don't that's also the same thing that turned on when I managed to not hit the board then of course you've got sex you've got the mother young nurturing licking and then you've got play so kind of imagine these seven traits on music mixing board you got seven slots both genetics sets it and previous experience sets it both are really important and you can have high or low fear cows and it's a separate trade from aggression you can also have high or low seat GPS collars were put on cattle I think you'd find something solar and horses and some animals would go out and raise a lot of faster and others just laid around the waterhole they were just lazy some cows will climb up the hills others don't and there's Jetix involved in that let's give animals a non-slip floor that puppies in a brace position I show that picture to veterinary students and most of them don't see it that puppies in a brace position that's not very comfortable for the puppy now some other very interesting research is the work of Gregory Berns at Emory University he's got a fabulous book about training dogs to lay still in the MRI machine so he can study their emotions and the reward circuits are very very similar to people they smell their favorite person the reward circuits light right up so yes they do have emotions what they don't have is verbal language so things are going to be simpler I was talking recently to Heather Thomas Smith who writes for the Western livestock journal and she asked me about pain and animals yes you cut you castrate cattle without painkillers yes it hurts definitely it hurts and horses and cattle or a prey species animal to cover up the fact that they hurt so sometimes you've got to like spy on them with video cameras then you can see what they're doing that a prey species animal it's not going to let on that he is hurting and but the thing that the bull doesn't know he doesn't know what he's losing then when he becomes a steering he's not gonna be the king of the herd anymore he doesn't know that now some other interesting things dogs is that I olfactory of visual associations will learn more quickly than just verbal ones animals such as cattle and horses visions the dominant sense especially on things that they're afraid of do they feel pain yes you can cause a joint to be irritated either naturally with arthritis or inject something into it chickens and rat Wolfe's self-medicate for pain absolutely shows yeah they do feel feel fear what a dogs need we've true we have bred dogs to be this super super social animal and then we leave them at home all day and they're chewing up the house [Music] the other interesting thing is this crossover between autism and animals there's a really interesting paper called solitary mammals as a model for autism solitary mammals is a model for autism lions are more social than Panthers or leopards there's genetic crossover there another mind-blower of a paper is genomic trade-offs our autism and schizophrenia the steep price for a human brain the same genes that make the brain big also cause autism and schizophrenia make it a big brain it's kind of a difficult thing and in autism you might get extra circuits back here for art I've seen beautiful art just like I've seen here at this show that people with autism have done yeah they need to be getting it out in places like this show on selling it do prep thunder shirts work on dogs it seems to work the best on the separation distress and it works better on dogs that are not on medication does have some positive effect a lot of people ask me about my squeezing machine when I got into my 20s I started having horrendous horrible panic attacks exercise helped calm it down and another thing help calm it down was deep pressure deep pressure is calming there's a rear view picture also you can see I'm pretty good at skilled trades because I booked that all myself and I've got another new book out that's on Amazon calling all mines it has my childhood aviation projects on it and they're gonna have to tinker to get it to work kids are too afraid to make mistakes today and I think part of this is they're too far away from the practical world see a brain can be more thinking or braking more social-emotional here's the paper on the solitary mammals and then there's another syndrome called William syndrome where the children are super friendly maybe not very intellectually gifted but super friendly crossover with dog friendliness genetics it's the same genetics this is what's interesting in autism in the mild form is just personality variation compared to wolves dogs will look to people since we've bred them to be hyper social to help them solve problems a wolf foods more likely to go out on his own and figure out how to get a box open to get some food out of it the dogs too busy asking us to open it for him the same genes that give humans a large brain may also cause autism schizophrenia and epilepsy I think that's really interesting now the basic principle I want to get across in this slide so when you force an animal to do something just force it you get the most fierce stress and the cortisol is gonna go up the most and it's gonna go up the highest in the animal that has the flighty more excitable genetics and when you train animals to cooperate with things like veterinary procedures then you don't get all of the stress and I did work with the Denver Zoo and when we did this work was 20 years ago people thought Nancy Earl Beck and I were completely crazy because we were going to Train antelopes the voluntarily cooperate to go into a box and get blood samples and get injections now since this animal is super flight we had to go through a long period of training it to just a sliding door opening because if I'd open that door quickly they would have rammed into the side of the barn so the first day I moved that door about two inches and he goes like that it rains well that's all I get that day next day it was four inches it oriented because if you push it past that orienting well he's gonna go into a fear mode go splat on the wall now we finally got these animals trained where you could bring veterinarians and off the street they could handle him but the person who had shot them with the dart gun could never handle these animals also one day they were out in their panicked and the people came to fix the and they went berserk because that was something completely new they weren't trained for people on the roof that something is different good Stockman ship matters people that are super good at working with animals they don't get enough pay and they don't get enough credit for what they do and there's a lot of kids out there that might be doing badly at school they might be called at-risk youth or whatever the best thing they could do is get out there with horses I got kicked out in ninth grade because I was bullied and teased and I threw a book at a girl who called me a so I went to a special school and for the first three years I ran there horse barn didn't do one licker study but it basically was responsible for the horse barn and I look back on that I was learning how to work I'm seeing too many kids that are different today getting babied they aren't learning shopping they aren't learning money they aren't learning any basic skills make sure an animal's first experience with something new like a horse trailer or an arena it's a good first experience because if the first experience with something new is a really terrible experience they don't forget it does that drawl an animal that's living in the wild let's say I went up down this canyon and I went behind this rock and there was a lie on there I might not want to go there again I might want to avoid that there was an experiment done by a scientist named Miller well they had a thing called a radial arm maze which is sort of like a wagon wheel you drop the rat in the middle and it's got corridors going off like this well if the rat goes in the first quarter and you blast him with a shock he'll never go in there again then he goes into the second quarter and it gets chocolate chips that goes oh man I'll go in there then he goes into the third corridor and he gets a little tiny tingle of a shock he goes all those chips were good it's worth it goes in the fourth one a little more shot he's all of those chips are so good it was worth it you can actually work them up to a pretty bad shock and you'll still go in there but you have that really horrible first experience that's a real bad same and I'll also be less fearful of something new if he's a familiar person having a familiar person with them often help with stuff that's new and getting them to tolerate it better dogs and horses they make categories for example when I'm walking on the leash I protect and when I'm off the leash I can go playing horses and cattle make categories between a man on the back and a man on the ground one of the issues you're gonna have with Mustangs as you can learn they ride just fine but they're horrible for ground work because in the past all of the bad experiences were on the ground cattle can do the same thing if they're only handled by a man on horse the flight zone just might be from here to the screen but the first time they see a man on the foot the flight zones from here over there where the sound equipment is because a man on a horse and a man on the ground are two totally different things they've got to be trained for both see this is why I want to get you thinking in sensory based thinking there was an elephant in a zoo that was terrified of diesel-powered equipment if it ran with a gas engine it was fine and if I ran with diesel it was bad because somebody probably had pushed him around with construction equipment it's probably what had happened now when your sensory based thinker you're also bottom-up thinker here's a picture a young man sent to me of putting cats and dogs in different boxes sensory based information pictures or sounds are put into categories it's bottom-up words thinking tends to be top-down now for me to learn something it's all bottom-up thinking everything's learned with specific examples a word thinker if I say think about a church steeple they might just say point anything I see specific ones and I start naming them off or there's one in Fort Collins that giant stain was still crossed that's one that doesn't look like a regular staple bottom-up thinking animals people with autism and guess what artificial computer intelligence is also a bottom-up thinker I've been following this really really carefully and watching which jobs are going to go away and which jobs are not going to go away and high-end skilled trades aren't going away somebody's got to fix the self-driving trucks and even if they have a self driving a school bus I don't think the parents are gonna want it unattended or if I've got really expensive Freight they're not gonna want to send it across the state lines without a person in it to attend it because someone's gonna spoof the sensors and rip the truck off now an animal it's not completely chain has kind of a safety zone completely tame horse hopefully there's no flight zone because he now is completely tame and you lead him but a wild mustang if you had a whole herd of them you'd see a flight zone just like you see here in this shape and that's determined by previous experience and genetics you enter the flight zone they move away but you can see there in the back there's a tan animal looking at me you'll see horses do this especially ones that aren't like fully trained Colts move away and then on the low turn and look at you there's kind of two zones you want to get an animal to go forward walk back by it you want to get behind the point of balance and when you're working in the round pen you're just behind the point of balance going around in the round pen this is the same principle as cattle so how would I get my business started when I was really weird selling my work I just stopped by the booth of the gorgeous gorgeous horse of photography over here absolutely fantastic she started doing some pictures that some shows maybe like this and I what I started doing was gradually working my business up because the biggest thing and I'm doing right now is I'm doing a lot of talks parents educators and I want to see all these creative kids that are different get out and be successful so where do you start I started my business on cattle handling stuff one small project at a time 30 second Wow hey I walked over by her booth and I'm going oh wow this photography is just fantastic and I showed off my drawings it's a drawing I did in the mid 80 one of my hand done drawings this is the drawing that I used to sell Cargill on designing a front end of every Cargill beef plant North America I think that's doing pretty good for somebody he thought was mentally and I really appreciate you clapping about that but nobody thought I was going to amount to much and one of the things that motivated me in the 70s and in the 80s is a wine to prove to people I wasn't stupid that was a big motivator all right I want you raise your hand if you saw that that animal was looking at the Sunbeam oh we're doing good here because your horse people you're doing a lot better than the school administrators do the only group is done better when I've shown this slide has been little kids third and fourth grade and zoo keepers I just did zookeepers recently now do a lot there's a lot of people doing workshops it's really good all the things that are going on in cattle handling and low stress handling natural horsemanship all this stuff is really really good stuff and what used to get me really frustrated it's like lots of place when we get there cattle handling really good then a year later and it lapsed back into bad and they'd slipped back into some old rough practices and they didn't realize the other thing I have found is people want the magic thing the magic piece of equipment more than they want the Stockman ship and the management side of it so when I first started I made a big mistake I thought I could build magic self-managing cattle handling equipment no way no way and that mistakes still get me you know we put a laptop in every school for every kid that's gonna make the school wonderful it doesn't things like teaching nursing these kind of jobs they're not going away people still want to interact with people life theaters not gonna go away people are gonna still gonna want to watch that so we started measuring handling this is some data that one of my former students collected some feedyard some very nice numbers on things like falling down electric pride use it used to be five hundred percent I got it down to five percent twenty years ago I did my project with McDonald's Corporation and I get asked all the time how do we deal with things you know and treating animals better and I took McDonald's executives on their first trips to farms and slaughterhouses and I saw reactions that are just like that show Undercover Boss they were shocked when they saw some bad things in fact boggling hurt the person who worked with has a book called the battle to do good it's called the battle to do good by Bob langars he's a person I worked with and when we first started 20 years ago all the plants they were awful and the main thing that was wrong with them was broken equipment and lousy management it was merit not fixing things well then we got the power of one Ds the McDonald's behind me really cleaned him up and since I had a vested interest on selling equipment I did reverse conflict of interest and out of 75 plants only three I to build something expensive everything else we fixed with management maintenance repairs and simple changes like lighting and non-slip flooring now this is the original slide from my research that we did on temperament and cattle people thought I was nuts to look at how much cattle jump around in squeeze chutes and whether that be related to weight gain it was it's been replicated now the issue I'm concerned now is over selecting for traits and animals whether it be a performance trait like speed or an appearance trait and horses and you over select for any one trait you're gonna get in a pile of trouble and get into a really bad case of bad becoming normal now purebred brahmanas you treat them right they'll treat you right they love to be stroked now don't pack your animal like this stroke it stroke it don't do this stroke and there's a study where a horse was stroked on the withers while you're riding it and it likes that a whole lot better than just kind of them is pounding like that on the shoulder now you got to figure out what is the really important things to measure I do a lot of stuff on you know how do we maintain animal welfare well you've got to look at what's important and that's in food safety it's called a critical control point you've got to figure out what are the really important things to measure kind of use the principle of traffic alright let's just see how good you are at the critical control point approach if you were only allowed to enforce three traffic rules which three traffic rules would you enforce for maximum Public Safety stopping yes that's one of them speedy yep no but I how about drunk driving okay drunk driving speeding stopping texting and seatbelts the and the top three are the most important the reason why I didn't put seatbelts in the top three is they protect me they don't protect you against me you see the critical control point approach what is really important obviously your horse is all covered sores and lesions that's terrible or it's lame dirty starving no things like that no that's not okay now lameness is a critical control point because this is the cattle list but it's a big list of all the stuff that can make them late the horse is gonna have a just some of it's the same song that's different but you'd measure lameness leg conformation we got a big issue in cattle right now where people are breeding from me and the leg confirmations terrible or in horses breeding for speed and the bone snapping that's an example of over selecting for a single trait hideous stearic at our Colorado State Fair two years ago that was a bullet wouldn't read very many cows I could barely walk there's a hideous awful Pig that's genetic nice Lori's on but a hideous foot that's another defect in cattle you see the problem is traits are linked so you blindly select for our traits you start getting something like corkscrew foot so something you definitely don't want now order just show you an example about traits are linked when you blindly select for a really simple trade like temperament years ago the scientists Dolly F like 50 years ago 60 years ago wanted to breed a fur fox that wouldn't tear your hand off now you see Eileen and snarly he is pointy snout 20 generations to select four nice fox you get heavy set Border Collie Fox dog you've changed the shape and the color why is that point to just selecting for a nice fox that licks your hand instead of tearing it off traits are linked then you know what this is still not understood even today it's not understood how these traits are white deer 30 years ago you could not get in a pen with farm deer like the way we are there there's no way they would be on top yes striking yeah cutting you all up with your hoofs would have been impossible to do this that's 30 years of selection for temperament now I've got to trash the bulldog that's what it used to look like then you got to this deformed freakazoid that's a deformed freakazoid it can't breathe it can't walk and it can't have its babies naturally now in 1938 you can download this picture online it's called Bulldogs dilemma look it's a totally different dog how did you get from between those two things well because the breed standard just says massive head I've looked it up but where do you stop on massive head it would have been better to have had that picture maybe to be the breed standard all right now get a gross shout hideous horse picture and I only learned about this about two years ago and I was horrified and you type into Google Images extreme Arabian horse you will find a whole bunch of these pictures and how anybody could think this is pretty it's beyond me because I don't know how it's going to breathe this is bad becoming normal we got to look at the quality of life and I think if you can't breathe it's not a very good quality of life and looking at animal welfare issues the first thing you have to do to prevent is to prevent suffering but then is your animal really having a good time does your horse never have a chance to get out and be a horse and just run around there are my books and of course they're for sale okay well I just want to thank everybody for coming and thank you for coming [Applause]
Channel: Temple Grandin Videos
Views: 19,103
Rating: 4.9076214 out of 5
Keywords: Temple Grandin, animal behavior, horse behavior, how horses think, autism animal behavior, equine behavior, temple grandin presentation, temple grandin animal research, temple grandin how horses think, temple grandin speaking about animals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 28sec (2728 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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