TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: Best Answer To "Tell me about yourself" in an interview (sample answers)

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hey badasses welcome back to the badass careers youtube channel which is the place to design fulfilling meaningful careers that you love and in today's video we are tackling the most important interview question for you to nail which is tell me about yourself and this question is important for so many reasons but mostly because urls and oodles of research point to the fact that hiring managers and recruiters decision makers they actually make a decision as to whether or not to hire you very early on in the process at the subconscious level it's true and it's often in the first moments that you start speaking and explaining who you are and what you do and why you do it that they actually decide whether they like you and want you on the team or not so when you nail this question and it's a beautiful mix of authenticity and smarts and passion then you're going to make a killer first impression and set yourself up for success throughout the rest of the interview there's actually a psychological effect called the halo bias which means if you answer a question really really well and then maybe don't actually hit the nail on the head for a few of the other ones it doesn't actually matter because the way you've blown them out of the water with this question actually kind of allows them to look over the later performance if you don't perform so well so you really want to get this question right so in today's video i'm going to give you a framework that you can use that works every time to design the perfect answer to this question and i'm going to give you two concrete examples so you can see real-world applications of how this has been applied and a storytelling kind of mode and you can get inspired for the way you would tackle the answer using this framework so if you want to nail the tell me about yourself question this is a video for you let's get straight into it [Applause] i am so so excited to jump into the tell me about yourself question because it can be an absolute game changer but just before i do i did want to invite you to my brand new free resume masterclass which is five steps to badass your resume and generate more job offers so if you want a resume or cv that generates multiple interviews and eventually job offers and better quality ones too then definitely go and check that out it's in the description box just down below cool so just before i give you the framework and the concrete examples three tips to keep in mind firstly length you don't want this answer to last more than two to three minutes if they want to know more they'll probe and ask you to tell them even more but two to three minutes is the sweet spot for the answer to this question secondly don't get personal it's not here that you're gonna tell me about you know your wife and three kids or your dog and two cats it's not usually the time to talk about how you're into paragliding and other cool hobbies like that although you may want to give a hint of that stuff depending on the context at the end and i'll tell you when and how to do that at the end of this video but when they ask you this question in general they don't actually want to know about you as a person as such but more so you in line for this opportunity that you have in front of you so how you are going to add massive value to this job and why you're here essentially how this role right in front of you that you're interviewing for right now makes sense on your career journey and how you're going to add massive value to this company and my third tip is to be careful about the language that you use so when you use gratitude based language like you know my role at xyz where i was able to where i got to where i had the opportunity to this kind of language is not only powerful from a psychological perspective but it allows you to insert achievements and accomplishments more easily without sounding like you're just straight up bragging it's actually priming the interviewers to position you as someone who's really grateful for the opportunities that they have and they really make the most of them when they're given to them so that's just an extra hack to keep in mind as well so let's dive into the structure of a perfect tell me about yourself answer so what i like to start with is your tagline your why what gets you out of bed in the morning so it might sound like you know i dedicated my entire career to date too or i'm on a mission too or as you can see i've built my entire past five years of my career around my strengths and x y and z because i love being able to use them to help companies to do x so it's kind of like a tagline of why it's quite inspirational and again i'm going to get into two concrete examples so you can see exactly what i mean so after that powerful opening and for the rest of the answer i like to follow the following format present past future so what you're currently doing in your present one to two sentences what you've done in your past maybe two to four sentences and what you want to do in your future and of course this is going to align to the role that you have right in front of you so you've got your why your tagline your present your past and your future so let's see how this plays out in a real life example so we imagine that the interviewers just said so can you tell me about yourself and now it's your time to shine so you could say something like this yeah sure it'd be a pleasure so i am on a mission to increase employee engagement and transform cultures through employee-centric programs events and well-being initiatives so i've spent the past year as the global head of placements for the intern space where i get to manage on-site and remote teams of 20 people across eight countries and i've worked really hard along all of them this year to improve global placement performance by 146 so before that i was rising through the ranks at the intern space which was actually my first role upon graduating from my bachelor of marketing at university of wisconsin and i actually moved so fast that i became the youngest global head in the company's history and i credit this to them giving me the scope to implement a number of employee engagement initiatives from the ground up including a health awareness forum a well-being slack community during covert 19 a 360 degree feedback system employee net promoter score surveys exercise classes and more going forward i really want to channel all of this in a scale-up culture where i can apply my skills experience and passion to drive culture change and employee engagement through employee-centric initiatives which is exactly why i've applied for your role here as the head of employee wellbeing so do you see how throughout their answer they've structured it in the why present past future framework while integrating a few specific concrete accomplishments and of course these accomplishments that you select are going to be based on the job description and what's actually going to shift the dial for the interviewers it's not necessarily trying to jam down their throats everything you've ever achieved it's very much around what specific accomplishments do they need to know about that will intrigue them to know more about me that's really going to spark interest to make them think oh that'd be useful in this role now i actually put myself into a job seekers shoes and asked myself okay how would i answer this question if i were going now for a role as a career coach internally within a company within a corporation how would i answer this question so again applying exactly the same framework i'm going to give you another example from another perspective that might spark some inspiration as to how you can use this framework to your advantage so rosie can you tell me a little bit about yourself sure i'd be happy to so as i'm sure it will come up over and over again throughout this interview i have dedicated my entire career to empowering people to feel motivated fulfilled and energized at work i'm a big believer that when people are engaged and living up to their potential they're not only happier and healthier they end up making a much bigger impact and contribution to the companies in which they work i'm currently working as the head career coach at badass careers where i've had the absolute honor of catapulting thousands of people to new heights in their career through my youtube and instagram channels and have personally coached over a hundred ambitious professionals from all around the world 18 plus different countries to understand who they are what they're great at what they want out of life and then make that career-defining move in the right direction for them before that i had an international career spanning recruitment hr learning and development and talent development both in new zealand and in paris in france some of the real highlights for me include my two-year hr graduate program which was a leadership accelerator and saw me change roles within the hr function every six months to expose me to different areas of the business the experience i had with the louis vuitton hennessy group where i got to play a part in training the top 600 executives out of 120 000 employee group and my four years at l'oreal where i was able to focus on strategic hr topics and deliver projects like a mobile app on company culture which was downloaded by over 10 000 employees and i also ran leadership trainings for millennials that empowered them to become change makers within the business as well going forward i'm really looking to combine my corporate hr experience with my passion for career coaching into a position as an internal career coach within a company i'm really keen to get to know a company culture intimately and then leverage that knowledge to speed up the career trajectories of high potential employees and i'm really looking forward to creating that win-win for both the company and the employees within my next move now as you can see i'm really linking who i am the reason i get out of bed in the morning and of course some of the highlights of my career to what i want going forward which just so happens to be the exact role of course that i'm interviewing for right now not once am i mentioning anything about my personal life now my one exception to this would be if it's a very small cozy sort of family vibe and culture or a family-owned company where everyone knows everyone and it's very intimate straight away and they want to see if you would be the kind of person that they could converse with and chat with and and really have on their team then you'll gauge this to see if it makes sense for you and if you feel like it's right then you can also say on a personal note i'm also married and on the weekends you can find me hiking and swimming and just making the most of the beautiful nature that we have in new zealand for example i mean i just made that up off the cuff of course but yeah whatever that is for you so on a personal note dot dot or on the weekends you can find me dot dot dot a nice ways to segue into a more personal aspect as well so badasses i hope that this has helped you answer the tell me about yourself question remember it's not so much about what you say but it's more around the motivators behind it the values behind it the kind of person you are the kind of employee you are and the things that get you energized and the things that you love to deliver as well if you don't have much experience it might not be about your career only it may be about particular projects you've worked on things in your passions and hobbies or side projects it might be a more well-rounded answer but at the end of the day it's all about what drives you and some of the things that you've achieved throughout your life and what that says about you as a person and most importantly don't forget that vision about what you want next where you're going and how this role fits into that if you're here and part of this community i'm sure you're absolutely going to nail it if you have any questions or comments let me know down below i'm checking my comment section every single day and otherwise good luck for your interview i'm sending you all the good vibes all the way from new zealand and i'll see you here next week on the badass careers youtube channel bye [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Badass Careers
Views: 20,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tell me about yourself, tell me about yourself interview, tell me about yourself interview answer example, tell me about yourself interview question, tell me about yourself interview example, tell me about yourself interview answer, how to answer tell me about yourself, best answer for tell me about yourself, how to answer the tell me about yourself question, tell me about yourself job interview answer, tell me about yourself answer sample, interview tell me about yourself, interview
Id: bF8qdPj9qWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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