Tell Me A Story: Al Worden Gets the Last Laugh

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hello I'm out word I was Apollo 15 command module pilot flew on a Saturn 5 out of the Cape here on July 26 1971 it was a lunar flight and it was unusual because we carried the very first lunar rover on our flight i'ma tell you a little story that happened in training part of our training was survival training and we did our desert survival training in Washington state of Washington we spent about a week in the desert and at the end of that I got in an airplane and flew down to Los Angeles on a Sunday night because I had to go to work at the North American Rockwell on Monday morning to take care of some spacecraft things so I flew down to Los Angeles I got in my car drove over to the hotel we all used the same hotel in Los Angeles at the time right by the plant and it was called the Tahitian Village and it was built like you might expect had lots and lots of things growing and bonds and that sort of thing and I got to the hotel checked in went to my room and when I opened the door of the room there was not one stick of furniture in the room nothing absolutely bare room well I thought that's kind of strange I think somebody's playing some tricks on me so I called over at the plant and got ahold of a friend of mine who said come pick me up and we'll take care of this so I went over and picked up my friend went to her house she was the switchboard gal at the plant and a very elderly lady and we both thought this was kind of funny so we went to her place and I cleaned off the fireplace took all the ashes and unburned wood we've got some cans of beans we got all kinds of stuff that we could set around the campfire I got a couple of camp chairs to put in went back to the room and built this little bonfire in the middle of the room on the floor not actually a bonfire of course but it looked like when we had a stick that came up over it and on the stick I hung a can of beans and we had this thing absolutely set up as a as a as a camping site I even went out into the ponds that the Haitian village and captured about dozen frogs and I put the frogs in the rule well I get dressed I go into the bar and of course all my Plenty's all the guys that were out there at the at the plant working we're in the bar having a drink and a lot of people from the plant were there and I walked in and they all said hey al how'd you like your room fine why well we just wanted to know if everything was okay and I said yeah everything's fine and they kept bugging me and bugging me and bugging me about my room hazel you're so interest in my room why don't you go take a look so they all trips back to my room and you can imagine the surprise when they open the door and they saw the campfire a couple of chairs camping chairs canta beans it was open sitting on the fire all this stuff and the frogs jumping around in the room and I guess what you can say is hey guys the laugh is on you thank you
Channel: Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Views: 11,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex (Amusement Park), Kennedy Space Center (Spaceport), NASA (Spacecraft Manufacturer), Space Shuttle Atlantis (Spacecraft), Shuttle Launch Experience, KSC, KSCVC, Moon (Celestial Object With Coordinate System), Saturn V (Rocket), Apollo 15 (Space Mission), Astronaut (Profession), North American Rockwell, Command Module Pilot, Alfred Worden (Astronaut), Rocket Garden, Spacecraft (Industry)
Id: eCdIQGokecw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 20 2014
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