Teens Kill Transgender Classmate To See If “It” Will Scream Like A Girl Or Boy

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[Music] bada bing badao 15-year-old Eddie is trying to keep his mind together honestly he's trying to get a grip he is a world kickboxing champion for his age group when he was just 11 years old for crying out loud I mean he's thinking to himself come on get it together so to keep himself busy I mean honestly to keep his mind from falling apart Eddie goes on a jog it it was more like a Sprint at the local park called lineer Park and he has just played by all of these negative thoughts all week and he just wants to distract himself because every second of every single day for the past 7 Days his eyes are glued to his phone non-stop he's just waiting essentially it's almost Valentine's Day he's 15 and the girl that he likes still has not texted him and it's driving him mad I mean what does it mean Eddie comes home from his jog he changes out of his soiled clothes and he starts Googling on his computer how to combat anxiety all the while he's checking his phone non-stop he's tapping on the screen just to see if he missed a notification he's checking the button on the side to make sure it's not on silent mode ding Eddie rushes to click open his messages it's not her it's an old classmate of his named Scarlet she text my brother just told me not to go anywhere near linear park because a woman got stabbed there Eddie's fingers hover over the keyboard Jesus really yeah they say it's murder holy crap Eddie puts his phone down and he just he lets the news sink in somebody was murdered at the very Park that he had just been to when the realization of that hit Eddie would do two things one he would hide the 5-in knife in his room that was covered in blood and two he would never speak [Music] again [Music] we would like to thank today's sponsors who have made it possible for rotten mango to support both the point foundation and peace in mind the point Foundation is America's largest scholarship granting nonprofit organization for post-grad school lgbtq students peace in mind is an England and Wales based fundraiser started by Brianna ji's mother of today's case Esther ji now in remembrance of their daughter she has teamed up with mindfulness in Schools project who provides curriculum for students and training for teachers with the sole focus of bringing mindfulness into the public grade school Community this episode's Partnerships have also made it possible to support rotten Mango's growing team of dedicated researchers and translators and we would also like to thank you guys our listeners for your continued support as we work on our mission to be worthy Advocates of these causes now as always full show notes are available at Rotten mango podcast.com before we get into today's case though I do want to note some very important disclaimers today's case revolves around a hate crime committed against a young member of the lgbtqia plus Community Brianna ji was targeted in part because she was transgender so if this is a topic that is very difficult to listen to please go take care of yourself get some rest I'll see you in the next one now with that being said I want to make it explicitly clear that Brianna's pronouns have been and still are she her however there will be moments in this episode where I read to you text message evidence where a killer does not use her proper pronouns I think if I were to fix the incorrect pronoun usage it would no longer really even be considered evidence some of the text messages I think the only way to highlight the cruelty behind the motive of the murder is to keep them as they are so I will be reading them verbatim especially because this person the killer Eddie Radcliffe is trying to appeal his sentence so hopefully this is a reminder of what kind of person he is and what he did so with that being said let's get into it the new transfer at Birchwood Community High School was a little weird I mean yeah she had an obsession with eyeballs it it was kind of like this unspoken rule amongst all of her peers don't look her in the eye like if you're passing her in the hallway it if you glance up from your desk in class and she's looking at you don't look her directly in the eye there is just something not right about her eyes I mean don't get me wrong they're beautiful they're totally fine everything's okay but she just had this weird thing with staring you know how you can tell when somebody is watching you well students would look up and from across the cafeteria there would just be a set of Deep Blue Eyes staring directly at them it felt like she was peering into their souls it was creepy and she was known for having this little Journal that she would carry with her everywhere if you opened it up to a random page you would likely see Doodles of Richard Ramirez the nightstalker the serial killer she thought it was particularly fascinating that Richard Ramirez had gouged out one of his victim's eyeballs and placed them in his jewelry box the eyeballs were like his souvenir they were like his trophy the new girl would go around telling people that she could talk about Richard mirez for hours and the eyeballs that he took she could talk about it for days she was weird but she only stayed for 10 weeks within 10 weeks the new transfers Locker would be cleaned out her desk would be emptied and the administrators put the School on lockdown nobody was allowed to talk about the new girl anymore but in the hallways while the teachers weren't listening the students would huddle together and Whisper did you hear what happened to her I heard she's friends with Eddie Radcliffe 15-year-old Eddie Radcliffe is standing in court he hasn't said a single word to the judge since the trial started he won't talk instead he stands up and he holds up a sign above his head it reads not guilty Eddie Radcliffe was pleading not guilty to the murder of 16-year-old Brianna ji a transgender high school student that he had at a local park stabbed her and left her for dead there was a text message read out in court that Eddie sent to a friend just before the murder the text read I wanted to see if it would scream like a boy or girl and another text would read I wanted to know what size body part it had and he's a holding sign saying not guilty exactly so I mean it was pretty rare for Brianna to leave the house but when she did she always let her mom know so Brianna's doorbell camera catches her leaving the house on February 11th 2023 around 12:45 p.m. and just from looking at Brianna I mean she seems to kind of give the gray gloomy weather some color her red hair it's pin straight down to her waist and it's like radiant it's popping and she's wearing this fluffy white coat that matches her white knee high socks she's got this pink and white checkered bag and even her phone case is pink now as she walks and opens the gate to the sidewalk she sends a message to her mom dogs are locked up going to go meet a friend Brianna likely felt like she's on some sort of mission I mean she's following the instructions clearly but it just feels it just felt tedious and it didn't make any sense she had to walk 25 minutes to the bus station even though there's a Bus Station 3 minutes away from her house she was told walk 25 minutes to a different one then she had to wait another 30 minutes at that bus station before number 28 bus pulls up the bus is fairly empty only about eight people are on board she pays for her ticket and then she sits down through this 15minute bus ride on a route that's going to drive past her house H so she went further and then you drove back yeah so she went 25 minutes into Direction a but she's trying to get to Direction B yeah yeah it didn't make any sense I mean what was this all for you can tell by the CCTV footage that Brianna's a little bit nervous she's texting on her pink cell phone and she's giving a rundown of the whole day to her best friend Amelia Brianna is very anxious she's never rode the bus alone let alone from a bus station 25 minutes from her house so she's quickly sitting down in the seat closest to the bus driver closest to the front doors like the safest seat and she puts her little bag on her lap and she texts Amelia her Comfort person and she's joking to Amelia that the bus is driving so wonky like side to side it's going to tip over before she even makes it to her destination she's feeling really anxious about this at 1:41 p.m. as the bus drives past her house Brianna texts her mom I'm on the bus by myself I'm scared and her mom texts oh well that's good and then hugs so even from that one text Brian could tell that her mom was very proud of her she's taking these big steps to confront that anxiety head on that day she could practically hear her mom being like this is a big breakthrough this is really good and honestly it kind of was I mean she bought a bus ticket by herself she boarded the bus by herself and now she's going to go meet a friend all on her own I mean honestly this is a pretty big deal but it would be the last exchange ever between Brianna and her mother Brianna would have little more than 2 hours left to live she would be found dead with injuries to her back her chest her head and with a total of 28 stab wounds her pink bloodstained phone would be found in a brain reportedly lighting up with messages from her friends they would read girl where are you and another one would read girl is everything okay some teenage girl got killed near lineer Park it's on the news everywhere most of Brianna's friends remember vividly maybe too vividly where they were and what they were doing on February 11th it was the day that Brianna was taken from them so it's very hard to forget 15-year-old Scarlet she grabbed her phone and she started tapping away she's texting a ton of her friends that live nearby my brother just told me not to go to lir park because a woman got stabbed the text message seemed calm but honestly Scarlet was freaking out she's texting everybody she knows trying to check up on them I mean the park is so close to her house everybody in this part of town went to that park it is the place to go her parents had just been at that park with their dog I mean she had just been there not too long ago it's like everybody she knew had been at that Park Scarlet turns off her Minecraft game and starts her Google searching linear par murder colth lineer Park Birchwood woman stabbing woman stabbed in park Scarlet pauses on a headline reading it carefully double- checking woman involved in linear Park stabbing is alive and taken to hospital in air ambulance she starts sending the Articles to all friends they're alive they're alive whoever it is is alive another reply comes in no the police just confirmed the death of the woman found with serious injuries Skarlet just stares at her phone I mean she's not really sure what to say so she just hesitates and types back okay when do you think they'll find out a name and then she goes right back to her Google search in the middle of her investigations she gets a reply from a friend Jesus really and she quickly responds they say it's murder and he responds holy crap Scarlet goes back through her searching but there's just something that's bothering her all of her friends except one she's heard from but maybe that's not that big of a deal right I mean she did say that she was going to go meet a boy from Manchester but just in case Scarlet texted her friend Brianna girl is everything okay Scarlet likely thought if Brianna doesn't respond she could at least go check up on her you know they don't live that far away meanwhile Brianna's best friend Amelia lived 3 hours away and she just opened one eye she was feeling so drowsy all day and she's contemplating should I go back to sleep and nap some more but instead she rolls over she grabs her phone and she's smiling and she's going to text Brianna back but you know cuz Brianna has been so anxious about riding the bus earlier that day but she you know hopefully had a safe journey and Amelia was excited to ask her about it because they're basically sisters even though they never physically met in person yet they talked on the phone every single day like hours a day they would get ready on FaceTime they would tell each other all of their secrets they even plan to rent an apartment together after they graduated high school so Scarlet was texting Eddie Eddie right yes and Scarlet also was texting Briana and Brianna didn't is not responding Scarlet's texting everybody because you know when you're in high school and you find out that someone got stabbed at a place that you all frequent I mean she's just spreading the news everybody's texting everyone at this point but Brianna is the only one not responding to her and it's making her really anxious same with Amelia Amelia doesn't really know what's happened at the park because she lives 3 hours away way but this is her best friend and she hasn't responded last she heard from Brianna she was on a bus by herself she was anxious nervous and then she got off at the bus stop and we don't know really what's going on they were going to meet later this year so Amelia was like counting down the days for when she was finally going to meet Brianna in person but right now she's counting down the seconds why isn't Brian texting her back it had been like 8 hours since they last texted they never went this long with without texting has she heard about the news no okay so Amelia sends another follow-up text she's worried but she's trying not to sound paranoid and it she's thinking it's probably nothing maybe she's also taking a nap to lighten her anxiety Amelia texts jokingly girl you better not be dead Amelia like the rest of the world would not find out the truth until later at 6:25 the following evening Scarlet chooses her favorite photo of Brianna to upload t Snapchat in the photo Brianna is wearing a brown striped sweater her trademark round glasses and she's holding like this half-eaten candy bar and she's smiling at the camera Scarlet writes rest in peace Brianna was one of the best people I've ever met and such an amazing friend it is so sickening what got done to her it is absolutely sickening there's a lot of information that you can gain about a person through their eye contact or their lack their of so it may vary across different cultures but in the United States it is the norm to make regular eye contact with the person that you're speaking with to show them that you're interested in what they're saying if someone is never quite meeting your eye when they're talking to you you might find them to be distrustful you might at least think that they're maybe a little bit socially awkward you're going to think something or if someone holds your gaze for too long if the eye contact is too long too frequent it's a different kind of unsettling I mean it's such a subtle thing that humans subconsciously pick up on there is no rule book it's just a matter of seconds when someone holds eye contact for too little or too long our brains register oh my God something is weird so then is there a correct amount of time to hold someone's eye contact actually apparently there is research has revealed that the average preferred duration for eye contact is about 3.3 seconds now you have about like a 05 to a full second grace period so as long as you're anywhere between like the two to 4 seconds of eye contact you'll be fine that is very true now you think about it like more doesn't mean better no and it's it's so we don't even have like a set timer in our bodies we just kind of know yeah yeah yeah you just look away yeah so interesting everybody has similar timelines for that yeah yeah it doesn't like drastically change per person it's very interesting now Katherine Vice made eye contact with a ton of people on February 11th 2023 now it's a little damn that afternoon but Katherine and her husband they're walking their dogs in the local park called linear Park I mean it's called like a gem of a dog walk the locals called it that they love walking their dogs there now the couple they pass by and smile politely at dozens of other people jogging walking their dogs biking playing with their friends I mean it's not a quiet time at the park but the park is interesting because it never feels overcrowded even though there's a ton of people interestingly enough the park was actually built on abandoned railway lines so the paths would diverge they'd come together there's steps and benches just placed randomly around the park there's partially hidden wooded areas it's it would probably be a very Sinister place at 3: in the morning but it's pretty peaceful and private during the day it's very busy but it's also very secluded all at once so if you go to the main areas there's so much action but if you kind of travel off the broken path it can get very secluded very quickly but as the visce couple turn the corner they see in front of them a young man hunched over putting a leash on his fluffy white dog they take a step forward ready to continue their little walk but this one step is enough for them to notice that the way that the afternoon sunlight is reflecting off the leash that it's not a leash it's a knife what another step forward and their eyes traveled downward and they realize that is not a dog it is a girl wearing a fluffy white coat they just walked into yes and she's covered in blood oh suddenly the man that's hunched over stands upright he makes eye contact with them briefly it's so quick the eye contact is like 2 seconds not even maybe like a half a second Catherine's not even sure if their eyes really met and he quickly pulls his hood up to hide his face away and then he starts stumbling away he starts running off that's when another figure stands up over the lifeless body on the ground and this one is smaller than the first and she catches Catherine's attention it's a high school girl she just looks so out of place in this wild scene I mean she looks like she should be at school she looks like she should be at the mall with her friends or playing Monopoly at home and her eyes slowly meet Catherine's and the girl doesn't look scared the girl doesn't look shocked her face is blank I mean it's free of any emotion she's just staring unblinking I mean her eyes are wide she's got this heavy dark makeup around them Catherine wants to look away but her brain is not even registering what she's looking at or even who she's looking at and what's going on but there is just something about this girl's deep blue irises that keep her from pulling away one Mississippi 2 Mississippi 3 Mississippi 4 4 Mississippi 5 Mississippi 6 Mississippi 7 Mississippi 8 Mississippi eight full seconds they just stood there for 8 seconds 8 seconds staring at each other Frozen and the girl doesn't even look scared she doesn't look shocked she's just staring at her while standing over a lifeless body those might have been the longest 8 Seconds of Catherine's life it was long enough for even Eddie who had fled the scene immediately to notice that he was running away by himself he turned around and he saw his accomplice standing near the couple what the hell is she doing why is Scarlet not coming in the UK there's a game called knock knock Ginger I don't know why they call it that but it's a game that we're all pretty familiar with to some extent so it's called ding-dong ditch in America the rules of the games follow step one find the target house the only condition is the res must be home step two you sneak to their front door and you ring the bell step three before the door opens you run and you hide the objective being that the resident's going to open the door see that nobody's there they're going to look around very confused and you're going to be giggling to yourself in the little bushes residents of Birchwood were used to getting ding-dong ditched it it's a small town I mean the high schoolers they don't really have a long list of fun activities that they can indulge in at night so they go knock knock Ginger or ding-dong ditch one resident late one night gets a knock at their front door they walk over and they look through the people nothing it's just dark outside they're like this is strange I mean I could have sworn that I heard someone knocking on the door so they turned the lock grab the handle swing open the door and the resident freezes it's like a cold wind just came into their house it's so unsettling it's so unnerving that is not how you're supposed to play ding-dong ditch because they're on the street standing there in the dark with nothing but the street light Illuminating her is a girl she's just staring at the resident she's not hiding she's just like Chucky she's just standing on the street staring directly at the resident you mean like she's not standing in front of the door no but all the way back on the street on the street past the driveway okay that's creepy exactly you're supposed to hide and it's supposed to be he he the resident doesn't know who did it she's just staring at the resident that's not how you play ding-dong ditch that was Scarlet's favorite way to play though oh that is her game that's her game oh that's crazy like she's trying to intimidate and freak out the people exactly now have you heard of what seat belting is it's a form of abusive bullying where someone grabs your backpack straps from the front and Yanks them all the way down to the ground until you fall it causes you to not only fall but it forms these really intense rug Burns under your underarms if they pull too hard from all the fource Brianna is sitting in the school's inclusion unit it's like a class dedicated to helping students who need extra support or students who are about to get suspended it's such an odd mix of students in there I'm not going to lie I mean some students are placed in the inclusion unit for having behavioral issues like displaying aggression and having Tendencies of violence like they're about to get suspended from school that's why they're in that unit and then other students are there because they're very socially anxious and they're nervous to be in a full classroom like I I'm sure it's different by school and case-by case basis but ultimately you could end up with the biggest bullies in the school who are incredibly aggressive and then you could end up with all the socially anxious more timid students in the school who need a safe space all in the inclusion unit it's just kind of odd kind of yeah now Brianna is there because the school administrators thought that she was too socially anxious she wasn't as active or outgoing and th as they wanted her to be and it's believed that Brianna was seat belted and beaten by a gang of school children it's alleged that the kids would throw bottles at her call her names and if that's true I mean yeah I would be socially anxious too I mean I think I think anybody would be but one day a new girl a new transfer from a different School walks into the inclusion study and sits down right next to Brianna she's got a stack of journals and pink gel pens and these deep blue striking eyes and she looks at Brianna leans over and says I like your eyeliner Brianna smiled that night Scarlet would go home to text a friend from her old school Walmart John Wick yeah that's the name on her phone I mean well in the UK she had him under Tesco John Wick but it's kind of like saying Walmart John Wick and if you don't know John Wick is the movie series of an ex-hitman but his real name Walmart John Wick is Eddie Ratcliffe she would text him I'm obsessed over someone I know but I don't have feelings for them she's called Brianna and I don't know how to explain it also she has a dick LOL that's what she text what very interesting now a little bit about Bri an I mean I think the best way to sum it up is her childhood is why would you have a black PlayStation controller when you can have a pink one like it's not only a very valid question but it's a very good question Brianna was putting another coat of pink nail polish onto a PlayStation controller and it's a whole process you know because you have to wait for the paint to dry and then add another coat and then you don't want to get it into like the crevices or get it too thick with the Polish and then the Polish has got to be soft but it's worth it because everything in Brianna's room had to be pink like it's a non-negotiable her fluffy eye masks her bags her clothes her bed sheets everything is pink she would even ask her mom Esther like when I turned 18 can you buy me a pink car Brianna was getting bullied at school but when she came home she tried her best to be uplifting she would post these Tik toks of herself getting ready for school she would make her uniform cuter by pairing it with like these cute Blazers or the knee high socks or head bands and she would always put these pink little bows in her red waistlength mermaid looking hair and she would lipsync to these very popular songs on Tik Tok Brianna actually managed to build a tight-knit community on Tik Tok she made a lot of friends on there she found a lot of safety and familiarity in the online transgender communities which she also contributed heavily to it she would talk to online friends that she's never met before and help them with everything that they're going through I mean she knows how hard it is to be trans gender and to even the potential of making it 1% easier for someone else to go through the same thing that she went through she was going to spend all day helping them she would help them find doctors in their area she would try talking to them about embracing their style she would give Insight on hormone treatments that was her Mission just to make people happy one of the toughest experiences to go through is they say it's to be someone's strength when you're at your weekend and it seems like that's what Brianna did every day a friend of Brianna said I mean it's very obvious that she was struggling with mental health and being bullied online and in real life you know there's no denying that but she kept going and it didn't never stop her from doing anything after school Brianna would go on her phone and see all the people that needed her support and she would be that support she would FaceTime her friends and she would practice gymnastics on FaceTime like she would do those back flips in her pink room and every time she would fall flat on her butt she and her friends would just start bust out laughing or if she noticed that one of her friends wasn't having a good day she would try to FaceTime them and do all these silly little things to just try and make them laugh instead of drinking apple juice cuz she would have like apple juice in a cup she would pour them into little shot glasses and pretend to take shots of them I mean just so she could get a smile out of a friend who really just didn't feel like smiling that day that was her goal that's her ultimate plan and the minute that she would get a smile out of you she'd make you sit down and you would be her guinea pig for a new makeup look that she's trying but I imagine that it would be very hard to say no to someone like Brianna she is the friend they say that would spontaneously decide to go to the market in her Barbie pink pajamas to buy hair dye and then start dying her hair a completely new color at 3:00 a.m. on a school night like that that's the amount of fun and life that she had Brianna also never took the easy way out from never having met her from what I can just gather online reading about what everybody said about her it feels like she was someone that faced everything headon she lived and loved very intensely and I know that sounds cheesy but just like hear me out she was incredibly vulnerable but also very Fearless at the same time so for example she was hospitalized for an eating disorder and she struggled immensely with her relationship with food but at the same time her favorite food was Domino's Pizza and so she would always try to face these difficulties and these fears and she would scream down the stairs mom can we have dominoes tonight and it's like she just wanted to do everything that she could to try and live the way she wanted no matter what I mean she just had this way of pulling people in towards her and she wasn't really outgoing she's not really this crazy loud person was just actually very anxious and shy but she had this energy about her that was so contagious that people were naturally drawn to her one friend of her said she made me feel Unstoppable as a trans girl and she made me feel really pretty because I don't know she would never let me put myself down and it just takes someone really really special I think to be able to do that and maybe that's what attracted Scarlet to Brianna Scarlet was absolutely fascinated by Brianna they would go to McDonald's after school just to hang out and talk and they both had a lot in common you know they both bonded over their anxiety Eating Disorders but also makeup and clothing choices Scarlet would just stare at Brianna's eyes every time she talked and there was just something about Brianna that made Scarlet feel a lot of emotions at once jealous excited obsessed angry I mean she couldn't really quite put her finger on it but she was obsessed there were rumors circulating at the high school about the new transfer Scarlet people said yeah not only is she obsessed with eyeballs you know she's a Satanist right she apparently does these blood rituals and she's asking some of the others to join her this weekend as she sacrifices a goat I don't even know what that means other students alleged that they saw her post a video on social media yeah it was of herself stabbing a couch with a blooded knife I don't know if it's real blood others would just say I don't really like her energy I mean she always talks about killing goats and she likes making a lot of dead baby jokes that just aren't really funny the nicer students would say I I mean she's definitely not a normal person right but probably the strangest rumor was that Scarlet had to transfer from her old school because she poisoned a classmate some of the other students thought it was pushing it a bit too far they're like but that doesn't make sense we can't just spread rumors like that what do you mean she poisoned a classmate if she poisoned a classmate from from her old school wouldn't they expel her wouldn't she be in big trouble how could she just transfer to our school we don't know if Brianna heard these rumors but if she did Brianna was also the type to ignore them I mean people spread rumors for all sorts of nasty reasons Brianna herself had been on the receiving end of these fake false rumors and it wouldn't be right for her to treat someone else differently because of these rumors it just to her seemed like a different form of bullying like there was no truth to it Esther ji Brianna's mom had just gotten home from work she puts her work bag down and she hears her youngest daughter screaming for help so she throws the rest of her stuff down races up the stairs taking two steps at a time and she flings open the door to Brianna's room and Brianna is laying in a fetal position clutching her stomach shaking in pain sobbing she's crying and she screams mom I think I'm going to die Brianna had struggled with self harm before and Esther was likely concerned that Brianna had hurt herself somehow but Brianna continued to scream and cry help don't leave me don't leave me it hurts Esther had never seen Brianna like this before I mean she had never been a sickly child like this was out of the norm she notices that Brianna is clutching her stomach and Esther is flipping through all of the possibilities in her head I mean could it be appendicitis maybe apparently the pain of appendicitis is so intense that it causes people to not even be able to sit up straight because they're in so much pain Esther pulls out her phone and is about to call an ambulance but but before she can Brianna grabs her wrist and gets up and throws up all over the floor shortly after Brian starts feeling much much better and Esther is wiping up the vomit and she notices that there are small specks of red in it she assumed they were grape skins maybe Brianna had gotten ill from eating too many grapes or maybe it was like a stomach bug because these are the only logical explanations of what happened right too many grapes because it's she's in high school it's not like someone would poison her Scarlet texts Eddie a picture of a handful of small red Tablets by the way do you die from eating these because I have a plan if you do Scarlet had given Brianna a ton of tiny red pills telling her to take it telling her it's going to get her high but she has to take quite a bit of it Eddie glances at the picture and texts back it's dangerous yes but I'm not sure how many would be lethal you know that girl I mentioned Brianna I'm still trying to kill her and the easiest way is a pill overdose don't you think plus people already know that she's depressed and so nobody would get sus but for some reason she's got a high tolerance like I gave her some of these today and I thought that should have been enough to kill her Scarlet carried on about her day feeling a bit frustrated she was less upbeat than usual she spent all day checking in on Brianna periodically asking her about the pills did you take them did you take them ding Eddie opens his text and he could basically feel Scarlet's excitement through the screen Brianna's ill those tablets I gave her might be slowly killing her scarl is 15 16 as well 15 wow it was ibuprofen yeah what she said it was working Eddie responds try doubling the dose that should at least put him in a coma misgendering Scarlet had given Brianna a handful of the IBU Prof and telling her to take it because it's going to get her high but in reality she was trying to kill her this would be the first of three attempts on Brianna's life so scarlet and Eddie they're tossing and turning in bed because it just doesn't make sense I mean it should have worked that should have been enough ibuprofen so they grabbed their yeah um I remember earlier you saying there's a new girl in the school right it's Scarlet right and a week later she was gone 10 weeks oh 10 weeks later she only there for 10 weeks so 2 and 1/2 months and this is all unfolding within 2 and 1/2 months like multiple attempts multiple I mean most of it starts unfolding like the minute that she meets Brianna not necessarily that she's trying to kill Brianna the minute she meets her but this like weird obsession with her I wouldn't say it's an obsession in the traditional sense it's not like she was like ah I can't like I need to stalk her I need to know her movements everywhere she goes but it is a very strange relationship she's developing yeah so the first text you mentioned it was really odd she saying I'm obsessed with her yeah okay like when you hear that you assume like oh my god I think I'm in love right but then later she gets really upset because she thinks that Brianna is prettier than her so I really I was having a hard time trying to I think later at the end of this episode you're going to start to realize the only answer to all of this could be Pure Evil and transphobia because other than that it's very hard to unpack everybody's motive in this mhm yeah so just like hold on to your seats because it gets weirder it gets more confusing so they grab their phones from the nightstand and they text each other at Night Eddie I want something to pour into her drink that's easy to get something that's odorless and is going to kill her quickly for the next hour and a half Eddie lays in bed researching toxic substances he sends this you can buy it at Tesco the grocery store it's very dangerous stuff Scarlet clicks open the photo sodium hydroxide lie the stuff that you use to make soap it would have to be consumed fast enough though since it's an acid you would have to force her to drink it unfortunately I can't find how fast it kills but I think it kills pretty fast if you were to drink lie it would turn your entire insides into literal soap the LIE is basically an acid it's extremely corrosive it burns all the way down into the stomach if you pour flaming gasoline down your throat and then swallow a 6-in knife afterwards that's what it would feel like to drink a lot of lie it's like liquid lava fire just going down your throat you can feel where it is in your body because the minute it touches any part of your insid your stomach lining you can feel it it's going to start dissolving you from the inside out Scarlet thought the idea was perfect she could just put it into Brianna's McDonald's milkshake after school another text comes in from Scarlet Eddie opens it up and this time it's a picture with a pair of scissors and a tissue with blood on it the message reads I'm going to eat human flesh Eddie Smiles cuz scarlet and Eddie they have a very unusual relationship they actually started off despising each other they were 11 when they first met so 4 years ago and they did not get along Eddie was a world kickboxing champion for 11year olds for his age group and he started training since he was like 9 years old is he actually yeah he actually is oh yeah and like typically being good at any sport it guarantees like high school popularity but not really for Eddie Eddie just kind of kept to himself I mean to the point where people thought he's like a really weird robot a weird robot with a mustache he started growing a full-blown beard when he's like 13 years old it was a lot but other than that he was a top student he did well in all his subjects he wanted to go to university to study microbiology and and absolutely nothing nothing would get a rise out of him at least not at school I mean who knows what's going on at home but at school I mean everybody said Eddie was like this emotionless robot that he didn't even have voice inflections he would talk like this he would talk like this and then this is how he responds to everything even if you tell him something wild he would just respond like this everything is monotone there is no emotion this is his excited voice this is his sad voice this is his Bland voice this is his voice you would just see him walking around with his dark coat long hair never talking to a single person in the hallways just very quiet if you were in class and the teacher has their back turned and someone throws a piece of paper at the teacher's head and they start screaming who did this you guys tell me right now who did this I'll wait if someone points at Eddie even though it was not Eddie Eddie would have zero reaction he wouldn't say no that's not me he would just be like okay it's kind of scary yeah he would study at school he would study at home play video games he just really didn't interact with anyone except scarlet and Scarlet at school she was loud do you guys want to sacrifice a goat with me I'm serious I'm doing a blood ritual this weekend I mean it makes sense that these two hated each other Scarlet saw Eddie as this weird socially awkward kid and Eddie saw Scarlet as this obnoxious weird kid they instantly had a strong distaste for one another but they were always in the same class and in the same groups as each other the forced proximity made them see each other in a different light they realized you know what maybe we do have a lot in common Scarlet started texting Eddie almost daily I'm going to stab your grandma I'm going to your cat that's just how Scarlet talked apparently Eddie didn't seem to mind it in fact he seemed to at least like it to a degree or thought it was humorous like it was a sight of scarlet that only Eddie got to see interestingly enough Scarlet had a boyfriend that's not Eddie and Eddie has different girl that he's interested in both of which have no idea about these text messages or their dark interest they do not talk like this with their romantic interest Scarlet's boyfriend seemed completely in the dark about all the disturbing things that she was into it said that the two of them actually seemed like every other normal high school couple they would go to the park and go on walks and take cute polaroid pictures with each other and from the outside they seemed somewhat normal and stable except for the fact that Scarlet carved her boyfriend friend's name into her arm with a knife so yeah I mean like I said I don't know really how to dissect these people but Scarlet is kind of crazy Scarlet describes Eddie as trustworthy a sociopath someone who doesn't have any motions or at all has a good sense of humor though very very smart like genius level smart but socially very awkward gets anxious a lot Eddie said about Scarlet that he's not really sure how to describe her personality but she's definitely not normal so it looks like they're both on the same page neither of their descriptions are glowing reviews of one another I mean not really the kind of comments that you would want to hear about yourself socially awkward sociopath not a normal person I don't know how to describe her but scarlet and Eddie they thought it worked for them they just had like the right amount of understanding they had just the right amount of respect for one another and it worked Eddie opens up a message to a text that he got from Scarlet this one he'd been anticipating he asked Scarlet for advice on how to ask his Crush out and he felt like you know I'm just so awkward I'm so nervous I mean I just need help he wouldn't even be able to start a conversation with the girl of his interest Eddie opens up the message and Scarlet texted him Eddie there's nothing to worry about she's not going to think you're weird show her that you care for her and give her support she's going to know and she's going to rely on you and open up to you he said well what if she what if she replies what do I do then I mean I've been trying this for the whole day Skarlet reassures him that it's all going to be fine but he knows it's not fine there's another boy that literally likes the same girl as him Mark and if Mark gets to her first then what is he going to do then Eddie starts sharing his anxieties with scarlet and she reassures him we could just kill Mark we could just kill him Eddie considers it for a moment and then he responds you mean cut his heart out and then cook it and feed it to your dog that's not what she said okay Eddie would text Scarlet the more you think about killing the more likely you are to kill someone I mean it's hard to say if they knew the other party was exaggerating or lying one would imagine that the lies were so obvious that there would be no question about it but maybe maybe they believed each other's lies because it made it easier to believe their own Eddie and Scarlet they had their own idea of Ideal selves like visions of who they wanted to be and they start projecting it onto each other so the way that I see it let me try to simplify it is let's say there's two people one of them is studying to be a doctor that's what they go around telling everybody but you know that they're never actually going to get there because they're not actually ever studying they're just so busy telling everyone they're studying they're just saying that they are and it's like they're more married to the idea of getting the respect of being a doctor or getting the respect of studying to be a doctor than actually wanting to be a doctor that's one person the other person is starting their own business but they have done nothing like no real work to do anything all they do is post on Instagram about all their meetings but what meetings there's no business now if either of them talk to anybody who knows them it's going to be the same thing they're not going to be treated as a doctor or a business owner because they're not one I mean they're so far from it they haven't even taken the first step to become one but when they're around each other the wannabe doctor pretends to be a real doctor that they've already studied they've already become a doctor they're already licensed they're practicing the wannabe business owner pretends to be a Fortune 500 CEO and that's how they talk to each other in this kind of bizarre I don't want to say Fantasy Land because that makes it seem like they are detached from reality and don't know what they're doing but they're not but it is Fantastical it's definitely a fantasy they talk about how stressed they are and all of these things but it's all fake Scarlet always wanted to be treated like an evil coldblooded killer so she texted Eddie already killed two people you know but who knows it could be more scarlet told Eddie she was having these weird dreams maybe they're more like hallucinations perhaps they were flashbacks of what really happened she told him I hallucinated that I was covered in blood and it was this guy named Landon and I was covered in Landon's blood and I could hear him scream and choking on his own blood and I just saw myself standing over his body with a knife in my hand smiling and holding the knife she would later Tell Eddie that she thought she did in fact kill a man named Landon and these were not just hallucinations that her brain made up Scarlet would text do you know what the red rooms are scarlet told Eddie that she downloaded tour and started going on the dark web she said she's a huge fan of the red rooms which side note if you don't know what the red rooms are it's like a t torture rooms allegedly on the dark web where you can pay money and someone will kidnap someone and torture them while live streaming it it's like a snuff film in the making someone is going to die there will be Bloodshed it's really gruesome and it's also questionable if they exist so she texts him I love watching torture videos real ones on the dark web I've liked this stuff for a while and I'm just happy cuz I finally found a good Red Room no okay side note by the way you know how I said I don't know if these exist these types of videos do in fact exist I think the Red Room concept is unclear like if you can live stream it and actually bet Bitcoin or whatever cryptocurrency to make acts of torture happen that is what is debated the existence of snuff films and stuff like that I mean those are very much true there was one video that was recently making its rounds not even on the dark web a video of a cartel who had amputated a victim's arms and had skinned his entire face off off while he was still very much alive and they continued to torture him in various ways while he was screaming and they were listening jamming out to music is how it's described that wasn't even on the dark web so perhaps she did find some of these videos I just don't know if it was in a Red Room setting and in return Scarlet let Eddie be whoever he dreamed of being which is someone who absolutely did not care and was willing to kill anyone because why not he's just bored Eddie would show show off his knife collection and these throwing stars that he had like you know those metal star- shaped daggers that you can throw at things in walls he was so desperate to be bad and Scarlet just accepted it people would later comment that it's so interesting that they found each other you know in this small town because in the small town of Birchwood there's only 10,000 residents and one of them would go by the Instagram handle the C Lord he was on Instagram the C Lord in reaching out to a high schooler named Eric the Instagram account is reaching out to Eric asking him if he wants to meet in the woods at the local park linear Park who's the it's like an anonymous Instagram account in Birchwood oh it's like a fake account and he's reaching out to a high school boy named Eric and is like meet me in the woods it'll be fun trust me the Eric is just a random yeah same school random kid the Instagram account is prom ising Eric whatever he wants in exchange for showing up to the park Eric opens up the DMS from the Lord he doesn't know who this person is and he's like this is sketch he blocks the C Lord and Scarlet and Eddie are pissed they're like damn it they lost him so scarlet and Eddie had been going through the trouble of creating a fake Instagram account called the C Lord and they were trying to specifically lure Eric out all because they wanted to petrol bomb him what is that it's like a Molotov cocktail which is essentially a DIY firebomb it's really dangerous typically it consists of Highly flammable liquid inside of a glass bottle you stick a flammable fabric shoved into the opening someone lights the fabric on fire and you have an undetermined random amount of time for the fire to reach the inside typically nothing happens typically but we don't know because there's no oxygen in the bottle but once someone throws it the fuel the fire it goes fly lying splattering everywhere and it's really dangerous they wanted to throw a Molotov cocktail at a high school boy named Eric a fellow student they just didn't like him but they can't ask him to come to the woods themselves because he knows they don't like him so why would he go to the woods with them so they created this fake Instagram account to lure him out into the woods so that they could Molotov cocktail him they wanted to record the whole thing and post it on every social media platform because they thought it'd be hilarious but Eric did not by their bait he blocked them scarlet and Eddie they're really disappointed and honestly they're very upset because this is the fourth person they tried to kill and it fell through again there were three people before Eric and there would be one more after Eric on their kill list October 2022 scarlet and Eddie made a kill list a list of names of future victims people they wanted to kill there was no particularly good reason anybody was is on that list I mean not that that there ever is an appropriate reason but it could be something as trivial as liking the same girl as Eddie remember how Eddie had a crush well that guy Mark like the same girl for that he was on the kill list they plan to chop off Mark's Achilles heel chop his tongue off so that he can't run or talk yeah they wanted to torture him and Scarlet had an idea she said if we kill mark can I keep some things I'm going to keep a couple of his teeth and his eyeballs I don't know how I would cut out the eye though without damaging it or get the teeth out but we should torture him before killing him sometimes their target on the kill list changed but the conversations were always the same Eddie would try to bring Scarlet back down to earth we can't just go and kill everyone that you hate for the sake of it okay one guy was on Scarlet's kill list because he almost got her expelled from school Scarlet wanted him dead gone right now Eddie tried to reason with her over a text calm her down he responded well you can't just do that first you have to lure him out depending on what excuse you use it can change the plan like maybe you use drugs to overdose him if you said you were going to give him some drugs you could drug him or if you invite him someplace you could always assassinate him well I just want him dead ASAP then you distract him scarlet and I'll go from behind with my knife and then I'll stab him in his neck Scarlet text okay fine promise that you're definitely 100% going to go through with this Scarlet waits for Eddie's text ding if the plan and timing are good then yeah I will the two would even search for rope on Amazon to strangle victims with but they concluded that $17 for rope was way too expensive Scarlet would keep brainstorming without the Rope she would write down on a piece of paper okay give them alcohol with sleeping pills slit throat dismember body Place pieces in black trash bags bury bags 7 ft underground bones included in the bags yeah that was her initial plan that she wrote down on a piece of paper and the kill list was ever rotating Scarlet was in charge of picking the victim and her mind changed every day on Who quote deserved it she would pick some random small trivial arbitrary reason that someone needed to die and then it was settled she and Eddie would go about planning or fantasizing about the murder how long was it from like when did they start October to February so like a month February 11th so so like 3 to four months yeah wow now one day in January Scarlet texts Eddie and she's complaining I think Brianna is prettier than me Eddie responds but is it a feminine boy he uses a shortened version of that or a insert transphobic slur he followed it up with I mean prettier than you but it's a boy scarlet told Eddie that she was getting nervous and stuff around Brianna and she wasn't sure why she said she's really different I'm kind of obsessed Eddie responds tell me how you feel when you interact with it Scarlet said well I get nervous and stuff Eddie takes a moment to think before responding and he says I don't think you're necessarily in love I think you're more Curious and intrigued by its unnatural nature you find it interesting because the majority of people aren't trans it's like you're going to a funeral and one person is wearing pink you're going to be fascinated by their difference and somehow Scarlet's jealousy Fascination Obsession for Brianna and Eddie's transphobia combined would make Brianna their next Target Skarlet made plans to meet up with Brianna so that they could kill her at 11:25 a.m. Scarlet texts Eddie I'm so pissed Brianna just last minute said that she can't come because of her stepdad's birthday dinner let's kill her tomorrow instead at 6:00 p.m. I don't want to wait I just want her to die so badly I want to done ASAP I want to see pure horror on her face and I want to hear her scream Eddie texts back well I can't not tomorrow because it's a school night Scarlet was annoyed with him but she texted him a firm date February 11th 2023 mark it on the calendar it's going to be February 11th we're going to kill Brianna have you ever seen the movie Sweeney Todd it's like a musical okay but the plot of it is a bit violent it's a violent musical it's about a man named Sweeney Todd who is played by Johnny Deb he shows up at a pie shop in London the pie shop is called Mrs loveit's pie shop but most locals in London they call it the worst pies in London they're disgusting they've got flies flying all around them but when Sweeney Todd walks in the pie shop owner instantly recognizes him you're the barber aren't you Benjamin Barker you have to be Benjamin Barker was the local barber who was exiled from London so one of the most powerful judges in London decided that he wanted Benjamin Barker's beautiful wife so he came up with this random excuse to have Benjamin Barker banished from London and once he was gone his wife was all alone taking care of their one-year-old daughter the judge invites her to a party essays her she ends up self- exiting because of all the trauma she endorsed and the judge formally adopts the Barber's daughter what kind of movie is is it's a musical yeah and now Benjamin Barker the barber is back to get his Revenge basically he's going to kill anybody who stands in his way he kills his victims with The Barbers razor slitting their throats and he gives Mrs love the pie shop owner all the bodies to bake into her pies it's cheaper than purchasing real meat for her meat pies so she takes it and apparently it's a hit because everybody starts showing up to the bakery for more pies they can't get enough of these human meat pies the meaning of the musical is basically dwelling on a dark past and horrible injustices and seeking revenge for those horrible injus Es are ultimately going to destroy you and everyone around you at the end Sweeney Todd the barber he ends up dying but that's not the moral of the message that Scarlet cared about okay she didn't even care about the music she was obsessed with the killing scenes there's about 11 throats that get slit in the movie and she texted a friend saying he kills people with one of the sharpest blades in the world one slit slic things good very deep it's really good and dark and gory and romantic I'm watching it for the 9,000th time you should watch it too she would post Sweeney Todd Clips to her social media accounts and mainly they were just compilations of the kill scenes she said it was her favorite movie of all time if she did indeed watch it 9,000 times the movie run time is about an hour and 59 minutes if she watched it 9,000 times she spent about 18,000 hours watching the movie or two full years of her 15-year life and normally I'd say 9,000 times sounds like she's just exaggerating right but she seems seems like she would have watched it 9,000 times yeah or at least a few hundred times we're not exactly sure how many times she rewatched it but we do know that re-watching Sweeney Todd was what Scarlet wanted to do the night of February 10th the night before Brianna's murder she texted Eddie I'm excited as Eddie text back why oh yeah I forgot she texts I'm watching Sweeney Todd again you should watch it I can't I can't watch romantic movies see I don't even know which one's more chilling the one that say that I'm so excited or he's saying that I forgot for yeah what he's like I can't watch romantic movies well make sure you wear clothes and shoes that you can run in just in case what knife are you bringing tomorrow the hunting knife that I showed you in person you should bring a knife too if you want to stab her because I'm not going to throw my knife at you after those text messages Scarlet picked up one of her journals to write in if you were to flip open a page and take a quick glance I mean it looks like any other high school girls journal pink and blue gel ink with those little squiggly lines and hearts doodled all over the page Scarlet's handwriting is very small and squished together so if you just glanced at the journal from maybe a few desks down or from across the classroom you would have no idea what she wrote but her little Journal would have some of the most atrocious things in there if you flip the journal to a random page you might land on Jeffrey Dahmer's page and just to give you a refresher Jeffrey dmer was a serial killer cannibal necrophiliac meaning that he likes to have relations with diseased bodies he was probably most widely known for obviously the heinous nature of his crimes and the fact that he chose a specific he chose a lot of P victims but he also wanted to create love zombies he would kidnap victims drill holes into their skulls while they're still alive and try to pour acid into their brains because he wanted their brains to be turned turned off that he could control them just physically and they would still be alive where he could do whatever he wanted with them he was trying to create zombies love zombies he was also very keen on keeping Trophies the police found five severed heads in his kitchen but Scarlet had a page in her journal in purple and pink gel pen that read Jeffrey Lionel dmer squiggle squiggle first line gay intelligent very very killed 17 boys and men organized disorganized serial killer not sociable sad that everybody leaves him usually dispose of bodies in a disorganized badly way next line reads dismembered bodies smart alcoholic smoked weed when he's close to being caught he usually panics and makes up a strange but smart and believable story to prove his innocent disorganized made 14-year-old his own zombie with a drill Etc high IQ 145 genius Level side note his IQ was not 145 most Reports say that I was closer to 120 so definitely not 145 but I the page continues loved getting roadkill and dissecting it lonely wants love attention affection from other men but never works out and they end up dead arrested got beaten to death in prison last words she never wrote them but allegedly they were I don't care if I live or die go ahead and kill me if you flip to another random page in her journal you'll find John Wayne gas's page the clown killer he had at least 33 victims and he was a sadist on his page Scarlet wrote 33 victims killed victims by strangling Last Words kiss my ass but her favorite was Richard Ramirez the nightstalker the one that took the eyeballs she wrote on his page the nightstalker squiggle squiggle characteristics robbery's mutilation Richard Ramirez quotes heart big deal death comes with the territory See You in Disneyland which is what he said when he was sentenced to death there's a list of all the quotes that he said that she apparently really liked you maggots make me sick I will be of Ved Lucifer dwells within us all I've killed 20 people man I love all that blood I love Satan you know who I am don't you I'm the one they're writing about in the newspapers and on TV Richard Ramirez was her favorite he had over 15 victims and he was I mean he would drink his victim's Blood by blending them up in his juicer he was he would write messages on the walls and pentagrams to taunt the police he's the one that gouged out the victim's eyeballs and put them in his jewelry box as a trophy Scarlet would tell everybody around her I could talk about him for at least 2 hours including like quotes and dates and stuff but Scarlet felt like there was a fundamental difference between them and her unlike those serok Killers she was going to get away with it the day after a teenage girl is found dead at the local park Scarlet's Life starts spiring out of control Scarlet is staring down at her phone and she has a new message from a stranger on Facebook it read is that your friend who got hurt who was with you yesterday at the park I saw you at linear Park your friend's face looks familiar Scarlet could feel the blood pumping in her ears who who could have seen her together with Brianna at the park she tried to think of all the people they came across was it that full grown man playing hide and seek it was John and Christina's turn to hide their kids started counting and they're playing hide and seek it's a classic I mean it's winter time so the air is crisp and the kids are just getting their energy out Jon wanted to stay close by but still kind of hide so he stood behind the trunk of a tree and he would poke his head out so that he could keep an eye on his kids from his hiding spot John looks around for his kids and he's watching them but he sees someone in his peripheral vision he turns his head and he sees a young teen girl and the other he couldn't really make out if Eddie was a boy or a grown man I mean something in the way that Eddie carried himself just gave off like Manchild energy John watches them as they start climbing up the steps towards the trail towards John their heads are swiveling back and forth It's like they're like they're scanning for someone or looking for someone it feels like they're also playing a game of hideand-seek it seems like they're looking for John so Jon pulls his gaze from them and glances back at his own children and when he turns back around in the direction that they were they have now reached the top of the stairs and are now ey level with him he makes eye contact with the both of them the boy looks away but the girl keeps staring she just had these deep intense blue eyes that he would never forget there's just something very dark about them John feels unsettled so he calls for his kids and they start making their way down the stairs and off the trail and then they see another teenager a young girl on her phone sitting on a bench he can't help but notice that she had this beautiful waistlength red hair that made her look like this real life mermaid like Ariel and she had this very light presence compared to the other two but it seems like the three were friends it looks like they were at the park together but the energy was just so off earlier that day before John found them while playing hide-and-seek before he stared into Scarlet's eyes Eddie and Scarlet had two bottles in their hands Eddie had a Coca-Cola bottle Scarlet had a Dr Pepper and they're checking out at the Sansbury Supermarket they were going to go over the plan One Last Time get her to the park isolate her that's the plan right and when Scarlet says the code word Eddie's going to take out his KNE and slit Brianna's throat does that sound good sure and don't forget Eddie the code word is gay now Briana is starting to get a weird feeling about all of this probably not a dangerous feeling because this is her friend but it was just it odd it's frustrating it's weird I mean Briana agreed to meet up with Scarlet at the park to do for the first time she was more peer pressured into it so she was really nervous about it I mean for one they're going to do cook first time and two Scarlet said she was bringing a guy friend that Brianna had never met Brianna was socially anxious so she didn't know how she felt about it and maybe it was the fact that they were planning on doing drugs Scarlet was having Brianna jump through a million Hoops that day there's a bus stop Less Than 3 minutes away from Brianna's house that would have a bus taking the same route but no scarlet told her absolutely not you cannot go to that one you have to walk over a mile walk 25 minutes to the Birchwood train station and get on a bus from there why do you think she made her do that I okay so some neens suspect it was a power thing other netizens think that she's so dumb that she thought this was like a way that Killers go about misleading the police okay I can see that yeah yeah yeah she's like analyzing all the killers and she thinks she's doing something okay but she's not because there's CCTV footage everywhere yeah so it really doesn't matter what bus stop that she gets on it's not like there was a CCTV dead zone at that bus station yeah now Scarlet tells her good there will probably be not as many people and get on bus number 28 and ask for a child single ticket to colth library Banna wasn't even used to catching a bus on her own she was way too anxious for that this is all so strange but maybe there's a logical reason behind it because Scarlet has been nothing but pretty kind to Brianna so she went according to the plan she walked 25 minutes to the Birchwood train station waited another 30 minutes for the bus to arrive bus 28 that's the one that she gets on then when the bus came Brianna gave the driver her ticket and boarded the bus ride itself was only 15 minutes long and Brianna would watch it pass her house on the way then at 1:53 p.m. Brianna meets scarlet and Eddie at the bus stop it's Brianna's first time meeting Eddie and maybe she got a strange energy from him or maybe she thought that Eddie was shy too because Eddie distances himself from the two girls he keeps walking further away from them if a stranger walked past they could possibly reasonably guess that Eddie was not part of the group it was like 50/50 he's walking so far behind them I mean it's just weird it's more like he's stalking them he's like walking behind Scarlet seemed too distracted to try and calm down Brianna's uneasiness I mean everything would have to go according to plan Scarlet even texted Eddie the itinerary for that day the schedule it was handwritten on a piece of paper and at the top it read the murder plan time Saturday February 11th 2023 squiggle victim squiggle Brianna ji plan squiggle meet Eddie at wooden post at 1:00 p.m. check walk down to the library at the bus stop done wait till bana gets off the bus check and done then the three of us will walk to linear Park currently in progress once they get to the park it does seem like the three of them feel a bit more comfortable with each other they would periodically joke around talking and laughing with one another but Eddie seemed to Resort back to Hanging back and doing his own thing like he might laugh for 2 seconds and then he would go back and do his own thing and now they just had to focus on the next best step go to the pipe or the tunnel area a secluded area in the park that they had scoped out before this murder so far that part's not going well Brienna is starting to feel off about the whole thing and they could sense it they were supposed to meet up with a drug dealer to purchase the but scarlet and Eddie just seemed like they were thinking about something else they were doing something else I mean the whole energy was off Brianna snapchated Scarlet while they're together girl I'm going to wait where I am right here until we have the drugs I'm way too anxious for this this is not going according to plan Scarlet starts going on her phone and is furiously typing sorry it's Nathan the drug dealer insinuating that she's having a very intense conversation with Nathan the drug dealer likely to ask where are you Nathan where are the drugs but she's not texting anyone she's just texting herself and Briana is not buying it I mean it's so obvious that Scarlet is messaging herself at 2:30 p.m. Brianna sends a message to her best friend Amelia who lives 3 hours away what do you mean she's messaging herself she's like oh this is what Nathan said and she's just like oh she's fake texting fake texting herself yeah there is no drug dealer who is Nathan there is no Nathan this is all just to lure her out to the park and she's catching on so Briana texts her best friend Amelia who lives 3 hours away and says Scarlet is so weird girl I think she's pretending to have a dealer not going according to plan at 3:01 p.m. Scarlet texts Nathan the supplier just the word hurry and then she looks at Eddie and she coughs Eddie knew exactly what that cough meant because along with the murder plan note the picture of the little handwritten note of the murder plan Scarlet had texted Eddie reconfirming everything just to make sure he didn't forget anything she said grab on to Brianna and slit her throat when she starts to fall stab her in the back and then pass me the knife I want to stab her at least once even if she's already dead just because it's fun LOL Eddie responds okay then let's have two code words one for me getting the knife ready and then the other one for me stabbing Scarlet says okay for getting the knife ready I will look at you and I'll cough and then for stabbing the code word will be gay before Brianna could even register what Scarlet said because why did she just say gay what just happened Eddie throws her onto the floor and stabs her three to four times they're in like a semi-secluded area in the woods he looks down there's blood everywhere he starts to panic Scarlet snatches the knife from him and just goes into a stabbing frenzy Brianna raises her arm to try and defend herself but the knife slashes through the tendons in her hands and her wrist and at any moment Scarlet can stop she can drop the knife instead she plunges it down fracturing Brianna's wrist bones she brings the knife all the way back up and back down again and the stab passes through Brianna's upper arm she could stop now Brianna has been nothing but kind and compassionate to her this was her friend who refused to believe murders who was on her side instead Scarlet plunges the knife back down leaving Brianna's wrist gaping open and at this point Brianna manages to escape from their grip she gets up and she starts running up the stairs in front of them she's trying to get to safety flag someone down but she makes it halfway up the flight of stairs when she's pulled onto the ground again and at any point they could have stopped but they stabbed Brianna 28 times 14 her head and neck 14 her chest back inside she was stabbed with enough Force to fracture her ribs vertebrae and sternum one stab would reach a depth of at least 5 in and it penetrated into her heart her throat and lungs had been punctured her jugular vein and neck arteries were both severed these are the two biggest veins and arteries in the body and if severed you could die within 5 minutes and that's being generous many of the stab wounds had caused damage to her bones including her chest bones her ribs they would require considerable Force to inflict those levels of injury and because of the location of where she was in the park it took police and paramedics 20 minutes to get her there was no direct path and she was pronounced dead at 402 p.m. p.m. 45 minutes after the vises the couple stumbled upon her the couple watching the dog the couple were the one that caught the police yeah and the couple saw them yeah and gave their description and everything but they had already run off now in the US there is a 40% chance that you can get away with murder the UK has just reported an abysmally low rate of solved crimes we don't have the exact reputable stats for murder clearance rates but we can imagine perhaps it's similar to the US which means all scarlet and Eddie had to do was make sure that they don't end up in that 60% after they take off running from the park scarlet and Eddie both took separate routes to get home Eddie hops on a bus but he would make a few crucial errors in the first 24 hours or really even like the first hour when Eddie boards the bus he looks down and he notices blood on his hands he had already tucked away his bloody knife but the hands are stained red he's seen on bus CCTV wiping his hands it's kind of an odd movement then he starts pulling down his sleeves to hide his hands from The View Eddie gets home at around 400 p.m. and he patiently waits for the right moment to text Scarlet by this point Scarlet has already been home instead of taking a bus Scarlet ran all the way back to her house since she lives pretty close to the park and she had a few things that were top priority Scarlet took Brianna's phone she uses Brianna's phone to text herself then Scarlet uses her own phone to delete a Snapchat thread and then walks over to a nearby drain on the way back to her house and tosses Brianna's pink phone in very quickly she was home safe and sound playing Brianna's favorite video game it said that Scarlet doesn't even really like this game that much Minecraft it seemed like both Eddie and Scarlet's family did not notice anything odd or alarming about them which I think is more odd and alarming but if we analyze their phone and internet activity there is a lot going on ding Scarlet would get a text message on her phone from Eddie so Scarlet how's your cat good lol how's yours it keeps trying to purr a an hour later Scarlet Texs Eddie again my brother just told me not to go near leonaire Park because a woman just got stabbed there I'm so sorry do they both actually have a cat yeah they do I think so so they are talking about their cats yes but I wonder if it's code word for something or right or if they're if that's their alibi to just be like no I was at home playing with my cat Eddie text back Jesus really yeah they said it's murder holy crap the text messages read like two high schoolers just finding out some local news they're screenshotting linking news articles first news article is woman still alive and taken to hospital via helicopter then at 7:18 another news article is shared in the messages the headline reads police confirm death of woman found with serious injuries at Park Scarlet asks Eddie when do you think they'll find out a name at the same time Scarlet's phone is making searches for Brianna on Snapchat she's watching her old videos but by 11:00 p.m. that night a few very interesting very fascinating conversations are had between scarlet and Eddie Eddie text Scarlet do you know what my favorite quote is if you wish for peace prepare for war the quote is originally in Latin essentially it means you have to be prepare to fight a war when necessary because that's the only way that you can achieve peace skylet text back at 11 11: p.m. do you have any anxiety about getting caught probably you're not going to get caught don't worry the police are here I haven't been caught yet and I'm a lot less smarter than you yeah what phone records show the two of them reading any and all press reports on the killing that they could find and all Scarlet could do was look up articles about the stabbing at the park send them to her friends text her friends about the stabbing in the park there was just one friend that she did not message that night but was always on the back of her mind February 12th the day after Scarlet text Brianna girl is everything okay some teenage girl got killed near lunar Park it's on the news everywhere and why did you ditch us for some random guy from Manchester like what that is so up so you're saying she didn't text her the first day no she texted everyone else and then texted her the second day and she's creating this Alibi because she thinks oh wait maybe Brianna's family knows that she's going to come meet with me yeah so now I need to make it seem like she ditched us for some guy from Manchester throw the police off and literally someone saw her yes and not only that it's like I don't understand the whole cat thing so she's like texting about the cat almost as if she's creating this Alibi like we're both home with our cats and then later that night she's like are you anxious about getting caught yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so it's like does she think that the police are going to check her phone or does she not think that they're going to check her phone exactly meanwhile Brianna's sister Alicia is home when she hears Sirens going off in the distance this is Brianna's older sister and the sirens are getting progressively louder but instead of passing through and fading off again it sounds like they're getting closer and closer and closer and then suddenly it stops and then there's a knock at the door Alicia swings open the door and she sees two police officers standing there they look Disturbed they look shaken up can I help you is everything all right the police ask if they can come inside I mean sure what's going on though is my mom okay we need to speak with the whole family is there anybody else in the house yeah my sister Brianna's in her room the two officers glance at each other and they look very uneasy about that comment are you sure your sister's in her room Alicia was certain like Brianna is almost always home she's a home body but just to get some peace of mind she's like yeah she's always but I can go check she goes to check she knocks on her door and there's no response and she feels like this anxiety in ing up just bigger and bigger and she flings open the door and Brianna wasn't home and she wouldn't be coming home because her life was cruy taken from her it took the police less than 24 hours to find who they were looking for they took witness statements collected local doorbell and dash cam footage CCTV footage the last people to be seen with Brianna were scarlet and Eddie they both fled the park after she was found stabbed I mean it's very obvious that they were involved February 12th at 7:30 p.m. just over 28 hours after Brianna was stabbed police arrest both scarlet and Eddie the two of them had very interesting reactions to the arrest Scarlet looks straight at the officer and she asks how come I'm a suspect how come you're a suspect wow yeah is it because I'm the last person to have seen her is that why you were under arrest on suspicion of murder how come I'm a suspect how come you're a suspect because I'm last person i' seen I don't know all all the information I've received as you are a suspect okay for the murder meanwhile Eddie is forced onto his knees his hands are behind his back and the officer with the body cam footage walks in and says are you Eddie yeah his voice is super monotone no voice inflections anything just yeah robotic the officer reads him his wrs and Eddie stands up and he just mumbles in a robotic tone I can explain you Eddie Yeah Eddie you Lo suici and murder all right you do have to say anything but you may harm you def you me when questioned so you later line in court and if you do say understand I can explain it listen right listen do it all on into it right you say you be ined about it to ask your questions all right yeah within 48 Hours of Brianna's murder the Cheshire police would be the ones doing a lot of explaining they told the media and press and I quote there is no information or intelligence to suggest this was a hate crime by this point the police had already read a ton of the transphobic messages between Eddie and Scarlet and they believed because the two had a prior kill list that did not include transgender people Brianna's murder was not a hate crime they weren't targeting Brianna specifically for being trans that's what they said Brianna's lifestyle they said made her more vulnerable they said because she's anxious and she stays indoors a lot and is is just a very quite vulnerable individual that's what made her relatively easy in terms of accessibility for The Killers that's what they said and the media ran with it the media ran with it's not a hate crime and started committing hate crimes of their own yeah in initial media reports many news networks dead named Brianna which means you use and refer to someone by their old name that they no longer go by which is incredibly offensive additionally some Publications even stated that Brianna had been living as a girl for several months that's what they said who says that living as a girl for several months some headlines would switch between ignoring Brianna's trans status or they would just refer to her only as quote transgender girl while they also insisted in the same article quote there's no evidence of her murder being a hate crime a lot of netizens said Brianna was being killed and bullied once more after her death by mainstream media now as for the two killers because they were minors at the time of their crime their identities were not initially released to the public but the judge decided to lift it and release their names because they were already somewhat circulating on Tik Tok people were doxing them on Tik Tok their names were later released and they became two of the most hated people in the UK now before Eddie stops talking he does a lot of talking he blames the whole thing on Scarlet he said he never tried to murder anyone because and I quote it just goes against everything I know and I believe you know one of the first things investigators noticed even during Ed arrest was that he had a ton of tiny scratches and cuts all over his arms face and hands even one near his eyes and they're like where did you get those various reasons some were self-inflicted because you know I was stressed about an upcoming exam this one on the right arm was from chopping limes interesting he said he was chopping a lime when the knife slipped and it cut his arm but the cut was on his right arm and Eddie is right-handed so he just decided to chop limes with his left hand and what about the cut near your eye oh that was my cat he claimed that day he went to the park to admire the trees but he had this sudden overwhelming urge to urinate so he went behind a tree to pee for about 3 seconds and when he was finished he turned around and saw Scarlet stabbing Brianna and he played Zero part in this he was absolutely innocent he said he frantically asked Scarlet what are you doing why are you doing this scarlet told him bluntly because she tried to break me and my boyfriend up it's unforgivable but that doesn't really make sense does it because the police found pants and a jacket in Eddie's room splattered with Brianna's blood as well as the blood soaked knife found shoved into his closet but Eddie sat there in the interrogation room he was allowed to hold a blue stress ball to keep him from his stress I guess he said he was just so panicked and stressed and in a State of Shock and the police said well what about the blood on your clothes Eddie claimed he went over to see if Brianna was still alive and so he touched her and he got the blood on him he said the blood was on his clothes shoes and hands because he was checking for a pulse but that can't be true because blood splatter analysis showed that Eddie would have had to been close up when Banna was stabbed and what about the knife Eddie had an excuse for that too he stated he actually never took that knife out of the house ever he came home washed his hands and for some reason he touched that knife and His Hands weren't fully washed of blood so it transferred onto the knife okay what about the messages where you're both talking about murder Eddie claims he just wanted to impress Scarlet he said that Scarlet had told him in person that she was going to write a book and I guess this was like their way of like method acting so for her writing he said he just wanted to impress her with his knowledge you guys were specifically talking about ways to preserve Brianna's body parts after the murder well I thought I thought Scarlet just wanted to learn about preservatives I didn't agree with anything she said in those conversations I mean nothing was really a plan it was just me joking I don't tend to speak to people until I get used to them anyway Eddie said he thought everything Scarlet was saying was just a madeup fantasy he just went along with it because he wanted to impress her and he wanted a friend that's it now about the crazy transphobic messages Eddie said it was all a joke I was just picking up what I've learned from people you know how people talk about other people I just pick it up and I use it why would you just simply do what they do I have insufficient knowledge about myself to be able to tell you why I copy what other people do he also claimed that he knew gay and bisexual people so okay yeah I mean the police were not inclined to believe anything Eddie was saying so at that point he just stopped saying anything at all he stopped talking to anybody except his mother before the trial he was diagnosed with Selective mutism now just a quick disclaimer selective mutism is a very real thing selective mutism is an anxiety condition where the sufferer is capable of speech and understanding language but is uncapable or unable to in certain situations that typically deal with extreme loss or grief or stress they can't talk in front of strangers sufferer said it feels like a switch suddenly flips and they can't speak even if they want to and they just want to like grab out their throats and they're trying to push the words out it's so frustrating and it's even more frustrating because it only happens in certain situations so people feel like you're faking it but they're not now the condition is relatively rare and it's found in less than 1% of the population typically in younger children under the age of five and typically in girls so Eddie's sudden onset of selective mutism very rare indeed but but it doesn't really help him in any ways right in the trial it does it does yeah it does okay so let me tell you first the trial is delayed for months because Eddie's legal team is struggling to communicate with him on how he wants to proceed the trial would officially begin November 27th 2023 it would last for 18 days and for the first time in British history due to Eddie's new selective mutism and again if it ever sounds like I'm skeptical about selective mutism I'm not skeptical about the condition or its existence or the real life effects that it has on real people who have it I guess all I'm trying to say is I I I can't be 100% certain that that is what Eddie had right now it did make the trial unnecessarily difficult for the first time in British history Eddie was allowed to give evidence by typing it out on his computer that's how he gave his statements he would sit in a different room from the courtroom with his little keyboard and whenever he wanted to ask a question or say something words would appear on the screen and they had to be read out for the rest of the court and it was a whole process because Eddie would stop to think or he would delete everything he was typing fix up his grammar and then someone would have to read it out loud do they see like real life typing yeah and it's just annoying like I I think it's also kind of insulting like really now yeah you know and then he and Scarlet were also given fidget toys in court which a lot of people were upset by and I can kind of understand I was trying to wrap my head around it I can understand the use of fidget toys in courtrooms if it means if the purpose is for a smoother trial for the victim's family but it is kind of annoying when they show up with like fidget toys and sodoku books that they're allowed to work on like you're just puzzling like I think that's kind of disres like I mean I don't think they're respectful people in any way shape or form to begin with but yeah Eddie was just playing sodoku at like high key points of the trial especially when they're describing Brianna's stab wounds he's just puzzling and just as Eddie blames Scarlet scarlet and her attorney were blaming Eddie I mean the whole thing was really ridiculous at one point Eddie's attorneys even accused scarlet and her defense team for stealing their defense it's giving I robbed a bank and then you robbed me how dare you side note at first before the trial Scarlet did try to tell the police the whole Manchester guy story where she was like oh Brianna left to go meet a guy from Manchester but once the police brought in all the evidence she started answering with just no comment no comment Eddie did it she said the same thing about the text messages that they were all fantasies that she just like to fantasize about this the prosecutors asked her why even fantasize about killing your friends like that's not a normal thing and Scarlet would respond I just found it all quite interesting why did you tell Eddie that you already killed two people I just wanted him to think that I was a serial killer to add to the fantasy you told him that you wanted to eat human flesh did you intend to eat human flesh no then why did you tell Eddie that you wanted to I just I just know that some seral Killers would like they'd be cannibals for example I thought I would introduce the fantasy with Eddie it was just weird during the trial Brianna's mom was devastated when she found out that her daughter was killed by someone she knew as a friend she never met Scarlet but Bri used to talk about her all the time about how they would hang out at McDonald's afterwards and she would later say it was the worst possible person that could have done this to her because it was someone that we trusted someone that Brianna trusted as a parent you would never imagine that another child that your child has met from school would be capable of such a thing it was also revealed that just 4 months before Brianna's murder Scarlet did in fact poison a 13-year-old at her previous school that's why she transferred she brought a bag of gummies to school they were cannabis at and she kept trying to get everyone to try it she's like try it try it I mean by this point she already had a reputation of being a creepy untrustworthy person so everybody rejected Scarlet was so peeved off by this that she went up to a 13-year-old at her old school and basically just forced them to take the gummy within 15 minutes the unnamed 13-year-old started feeling an odd sensation tingly Sensations like their heart was racing their mindbody connection was not not intact they were hospitalized because again we don't know how much like 13-year-olds I don't think that they can metabolize much cannabis and they were spiked they were poisoned they were drugged wow yeah which I mean it was a huge deal but the school did not treat it like a big deal essentially Scarlet poisoned a 13-year-old and this is crazy but Scarlet was not expelled from her school she was just suspended for 5 days and in that time she was arranged to transfer to a new school and her old school said it was to give her a second chance she got transferred to Birchwood Community High where she would meet Brianna this was her second chance the new high school they didn't even know the extent of the poisoning they just thought that she brought weed to school that's why she was being transferred during the trial it's revealed that scarlet and Eddie had tried to kill Brianna twice before so the ibuprofen was one attempt and the second attempt was they wanted to lure her out to the park a like a two weeks before the actual murder but it was Brianna's stepdad's birthday so she did not go now a lot of neens initially thought that Scarlet was the most vile of the two like she was more evil than Eddie because there was a lot of notes and journals that were released by the public her obsession with these really creepy movies and the serial killers people thought that because she's the one that befriended Briana she's the one sending all these text messages to Eddie he's just engaging right but she seems more excited about killing someone that's what neans thought but then after the trial a lot of neens think that Eddie is actually the more evil one I mean don't get me wrong Scarlet is Twisted neens think that she's vile evil gross and she's fascinated and excited about the idea of killing someone and she needs help she needs to be kept away from society she's a danger and she's an evil person but Eddie Eddie seems to have killed on pure hatred alone like he hated Brianna for who she was the attorneys the defense attorneys would argue that because there were other people on the kill list that were not transgender that meant that this was not a hate crime this was just two people who wanted to kill someone and chose Brianna not because of her identity but because she was vulnerable meanwhile during the trial Eddie's Dad could not show up to court because this is so foul but just a few days before Eddie went on trial for murdering a 16-year-old girl Eddie's dad drove up to a bus stop in his Maserati he saw two 16-year-old girls standing there waiting for the bus and he pulled down his pants exposed his private and started touching himself while making eye contact with the two 16-year-olds couple days before that killing Eddie's dad Not the Killing the murder trial so he's already going to be on oh this is in the middle of the trial before the murder trial starts like while they're prepping Dad is driving around in the Maserati yeah and then just pull up to two young girls and doing that in public yeah the girls that are the same age as Brianna and then he was caught yeah he did it twice actually so that day he would drive and he exposed himself and touched himself and then he was driving around town the rest of the day and then found those two girls again on the street and did it again when he was brought in by the police he argued that he needed to have his pants down even while driving due to his medical issues what are his medical issues he said that he would need to urgently pee like urinate at any time so he always drove with his Wei wee out is basically what he's saying Eddie's dad Kyle Ratcliff also had indecent photos and secret recording videos of 12 to 15-year-old girls in the changing rooms of a water park on his phone he tried to argue that someone sent them to him on Snapchat but that was easily proven as a lie he also searched up on the Internet explicit acts involving school children while his son was preparing for a murder trial he would be tried in the very same court as his son and he was sentenced to 15 months in prison so he couldn't show up to Eddie's like the second half of his trial wow oh this is crazy yeah I don't even know what to say about that but in the end prosecutors argued that both Eddie and Scarlet were equally guilty they both planned and acted on the murder together it didn't matter who stabbed or if they both or who started at first they played a role in her death December 20th 2023 scarlet and Eddie were both found guilty of murder the judge stated transphobia was an aggravating Factor but they did not get charged with a hate crime they were both given life sentences Scarlet was sent to a minimum of 22 years before she's eligible for parole Eddie a minimum of 20 Brianna's mom Esther gave her impact statement where she told the court due to Brianna's autism ADHD and anxiety she wasn't really good at spotting danger but nobody could have predicted this situation was going to be like this she said she was devastated that it was someone that Brianna considered a friend she said someone we believed to be her friend someone that we trusted someone that I was so happy that she had fearing that my child had been lonely I have moments where I feel sorry for them because they have also ruined their own lives but I have to remember that they felt no empathy for Brianna when they left her bleeding to death after their premeditated and vicious attack which was carried out not because Brianna had done anything wrong but just because one hated trans people and the other thought it would be fun I wish we knew more about Brianna's life before she passed but I think just seeing the way that Brianna's mom Esther has been carrying herself with so much grace and compassion which she absolutely does not need to have in this situation I think it's very easy to tell what kind of person Brianna was too cuz this is her mom when the verdict was read for scarlet and Eddie Esther said when the verdict came through I saw how devastated one of the moms was Scarlet's parents have been um really like they have fully disowned Scarlet they're apologizing non-stop they want nothing to do with Scarlet but um Brianna's mom said that's how I felt when I found out about what happened to Brianna I don't feel that either Scarlet or Eddie are the type of people that would get on very well in prison and I suppose that is now a worry for their parents for me I feel that Brianna is in a better place but they've got to continue knowing what their children have done and it's true that we've all lost our children at one vigil held for Brianna everyone turned on their phone flashlights and lifted them in the air for 2 minutes of silence and Brianna's mom said if she could see from wherever she is now I think she would have been very happy Brianna's mother Esther now has started um Peace in mind UK a nonprofit dedicated to teaching mindfulness techniques in schools with the aim of teaching children to cope with negative emotions in a very healthy way there is a GoFundMe that I've linked below where all the prophets will go to training teachers but there's a book called beyond the gender binary and it reads how are you supposed to be believed about the harm that you experience when people don't even believe that you exist and that's how the trans Community felt when the authorities and the Press refused to classify this as a hate crime there are some vile comments on Twitter of people dead naming Brianna of people misgendering Brian and somehow trying to excuse her Killers because Brianna was transgender the vigils held for Brianna were a mixture of vigils and protest I mean it was a mixture of grief and anger many of Brianna's friends who have spoken out since her murder many of them are from the trans community and they said the minute that they spoke out people strangers started flooding their comment sections with just deplorable things one friend told Vice news they can't let go of their horrible politics for just one minute they're constantly trying to debate or trying to say that she was a man it's vile one of Brianna's friend stated I cried myself to sleep the last few nights I don't feel safe to leave my own house anymore and I remember hearing about Breeze death and I instantly ranted to my mom and I just said I don't know what to do anymore I feel like nowhere is safe for us according to a spokesperson for the mermaids UK a charity for transgender youth they saw a 31% spike that week in calls to their helpline another friend of Brianna's just said I pray that her death isn't meaningless and for the UK government and Society to see the issue and change because we can't let this happen again Brianna's biological dad stated no amount of time spent in prison will be enough for these monsters they are pure evil but Eddie is trying to appeal right now and I'm not sure what we can do as neens but I hope this video is a reminder of the person that he is and how he does not deserve an appeal and he does not get to make up all these bizarre excuses of how he just talks like that because he heard other people talk like that and how he knows gay people he played suduku while the prosecutors recounted how Bri was stabbed he texted that he wanted to know if it would scream like a boy or girl Brianna's funeral was held March 15th 2023 she was pulled by white horses in a white Carriage with pink feathers all mourners were asked to wear pink and Amelia Brianna's best friend was in attendance and this was um this was the first time they were meeting in person at her funeral I think being a doctor for inmates would be a very emotional exhausting job especially if that includes juvenile offenders Dr church was sitting in front of scarlet and she said that she had something she wanted to say she was incredibly calm and she said I indeed did Kill Brianna I stabbed her why I found it exciting she said that she was the one that made the final injuries and if she wasn't interrupted she would have dragged Brianna 's body to the secluded Woods to hide her why I never wanted her to leave I didn't want her to stop being my friend so I killed her so that she could always be with me she admitted to the doctor that she wanted to take parts of Brianna's bodies as a token she wanted to keep Brianna's pretty eyes Skarlet would later immediately take it all back and blame Eddie for the attack she was also asked if she had any regret for Brian's murder and she said I did for 2 hours now I don't give a f and i' do it again whoa which side note it's also messy but Scarlet created another kill list while she was in prison and it's just names of like several staff members doctors and guards that were taking care of her whoa whoa whoa meanwhile Eddie is allegedly in speech therapy on taxpayer money and complains about how fruit is not fresh enough at his facility and here's what's interesting apparently Doodles mean something like what someone chooses to Doodle and at what point they do that could have a lot of meaning during the trial Scarlet sat there folding a piece of paper refolding it opening it folding it and drawing a very detailed eye she would color the pupils and sketch the eyebrows and it's stated that people who draw eyes want to be seen or they feel like they're being watched and they don't like it it's likely that Scarlet wanted to be seen but she won't be because she will be in prison and she will be watched 24/7 by guards meanwhile thousands of people will remember Brianna forever thousands of people have showed up to her vigils to hold signs that read rest in Pride rest in power pride and power again something scarlet and Edie will never have ever and that is the case of Brianna ji it's a really heavy one what are your thoughts I'm going to leave a link to Brianna's mother's charity in the descript destion if you have even like a dollar if you resonate with their mission I would check it out and with that being said please stay safe and I will see you guys on Wednesday bye
Channel: Rotten Mango
Views: 1,691,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stephanie Soo, MissMangoButt, Stephanie Soo Story, Stephanie Soo Storytime, Stephanie Soo Podcast, Rotten Mango, Rotten Mango Podcast, Podcast, Mystery, Mystery Storytime, Mysterious, Scary Story, Internet Mysteries, Urban Legends, Creepy, Creepy Storytime, Documentary, Bailey Sarian, Dark History, Dark Reality, Dark Truth, Morbid, Ashley Flowers, AudioChuck, Kendall Rae, Mile Higher, Eleanor Neale, Danielle Kirsty, kpop, k-drama, korea, korean case, Netflix, GrazyTV, korea case, scary
Id: WsHO1Y0VcRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 5sec (6245 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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