Teenage Fugitive: The Legendary Barefoot Bandit (Crime Documentary) - Real Stories

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did you believe the team known as the Barefoot Bandit has been caught police in the Bahamas say the most wanted teenage fugitive in America was captured after crash-landing a stolen plane on the island of eleuthera 19 year-old Colton harris-moore could be facing dozens of criminal charges including the theft of five airplanes [Music] Colton harris-moore is 17 years old when he escapes from a halfway house in Renton Washington he will remain free for more than two years his story will become legend his legend will become history Moulton harris-moore escaped from a group home in Renton last night Harris Moore was just 15 when he was arrested for breaking into homes stealing valuables and computers to place fraudulent online orders he was serving a three-year sentence when he escaped [Music] [Applause] [Music] tonight there's an all-out search for Colton harris-moore dressed in camouflage and armed with rifles at least two separate agencies are looking for the teenage burglar after he was spotted late last night today a heavily armed tactical team searched the area around the elder based store where Harris Moore was last seen while the 17 year old is 65 and 200 pounds he is crafty and knows the woods for more than a year he eluded law enforcement playing a frustrating game of cat-and-mouse one of my sergeants came in he says hey boss do you hear that Colton harris-moore got out you know escaped and I was not very happy because I knew where he was coming he was coming back to his old stomping grounds and and all these burglaries and the whole thing was gonna start up over again which it did he had disabled the alarm where there was no alarm going to the police station he took food in money packages and hot dogs or not beef jerky potato chips a whole rack of vitamin water I mean I don't highly hot all this stuff away the undersheriff tells me there's been nine burglaries across Island County in the last two weeks now he won't confirm that any of them are related or linked to Colton harris-moore Moore is accused of breaking into dozens of homes and then disappearing into the woods of kameno Island Island residents begin to notice strange charges to their credit cards from online stores outdoor gear bear mace computer hacking software GPS systems and porn items they will never see Colten is gearing up for an adventure he knew those woods he grew up there he knew every every trail every pathway and he was building his camps and very very thick brush where you couldn't even tell there was a trail to him and he'd get in there and he'd stomp all of that you know the area down and put like a tent in there or some type of a lean-to or just even a sleeping bag and we'd find his camp and he just moved to another one not too sure how we actually met up I think it might have been outside of school because he's a couple years younger than I am anybody can do a burglary don't matter if you're the dumbest person in the world you can get through a window or get through an open door I [Music] was looking for cash he was looking for credit cards and laptops vacation homes are actually ideal to hit because of fact one nobody's there to a lot of people like to leave their stuff in vacation money Computers cars we were driving a stolen 2007 mercedes-benz [Music] every time we took it we parked it in the garage in the same exact spot wash the car and filled the tank up for the people so pretty much we're going on a joyride but we at least filled your tank and cleaned your caulk no matter what you always have to look behind sleep one night dawn the next morning never stay in one spot he reminded me a lot of like I was when I was younger you know kid dad wanted to make some quick money and make a name for himself teen Houdini Colton Moore has been on the run since he escaped three months ago from a group home on Camino Island he had confessed to a string of burglaries now deputies thinks more stealing again everyone in the in the morning meeting love the story idea they wanted to know more about it they wanted to know where is this kid what's happening what's going on what has he done this time you know he's already escaped this halfway house how can the law enforcement not catch him I mean everyone just started talking we heard this name Colton harris-moore as a teenage suspect behind these burglaries I think that it even if it had been an adult there would have been a certain news value to it just in the sheer number of burglaries that had happened but the fact that it was a kid who was committing these crimes I think brought it to an entirely different level Saturday morning someone broke into a deputy's car stealing a rifle ammo and a laptop then just yesterday someone targeted a firefighters truck in fire station as North bureau chief Rob Pearson reports people believe that someone its Colton harris-moore investigators say there's nothing definitive that links Colton harris-moore to what happened here but this is the part of Camino Island he knows in fact just a couple of years ago he burglarized this home just across the street from the fire station twice the fire station had been broken into this infrared camera had been stolen he had thought about it enough that fire station may have an infrared camera a device he could use to peer into homes to see someone's in there before breaking in deputies launched an island-wide search today with help from k9 units they combed through wooded areas down roads familiar to more without any luck one morning he came and I figured he was hungry like he was always hungry and he loves my breakfast because I make homemade hash browns that I grade up myself and so I made him a big breakfast and we sat there and talked and after he left the cops came and they asked me the same old question have you seen Colt they said yeah we just sat down and had breakfast together God did they get mad and well if you know that that's harboring and I said he's my kid if he's hungry I'm gonna feed him I don't care if it's harboring him or not and yeah they were pretty mad about that drove the police crazy I mean imagine we got a kid that's living within a radius probably of a mile of his mom's place and they can't catch you know I think he had a little vendetta with the police he wanted to steal their shotguns and their laptops and MIT I think he wanted them to look foolish but I don't think most of us thought of him as a dangerous kid he just seemed like a kid and really hasn't been socialized and which is another part of the myth you kind of go well who is this kid I mean he didn't really go through a school system did he he kind of is self-taught in everything I mean he learned how to steal he did pretty well at it when I first met him at a green hill a maximum-security institution we were out in the hall talking we got along got to be friends he's intelligent the way he spoke it's just sound like he's a smart guy he's into like psychology and criminology because I was interested in that as well I think his mind was set on one thing and he could accomplish that goal and he was so confident in it I want to be a professional criminal Colton chose to operate in small communities one of those communities was the little town of East sound on Orcas Island this is a picturesque little community on a beautiful Bayside with what you might expect in a tourist community there are restaurants there are gift shops a couple of grocery stores a hardware store a bank and that's the list of places that Colton hit [Music] we discovered that Colton Harris which we like to call him the cockroach came in our second-story window and what he did was we've got a what we call the bull pen in the back and he climbed up the fence climbed up the roof and went into the window upstairs he basically just walked into our store and started getting what he needed and then he decided to break into our safe which he did and this is our remains of it over $3,000 and our safe he had big crowbars and he just pounded it to death and it really looks like he did pound it to death a restaurant had surveillance video he had been there at some point stolen a credit card then used the credit card to buy instructional materials on how to fly a plane had it mailed to the restaurant then had apparently been monitoring you know the tracking number from FedEx or UPS whoever was that shipped it broke in that night stole his manuals you know the idea that you would use someone's credit card to buy something and then have it shipped to their place of business and then break into their business and steal it you know it's unreal Colton sets up camp in the mountains and immerses himself in the solitude of nature a human shadow an island rumor whispered over campfires his real journey however is about to begin it is the islands airport that brings him here a chance to make a lifelong dream become a reality [Music] [Music] I knew he loved planes since he was a little boy he wanted to be a pilot loved him a plane flew over and he said I can tell you what year that was built who built it and what size engine it has it was an airplane spread books bug talked about him all the time you've even had pictures of airplanes hanging up in his room he threw airplanes so when he got out he wanted to steal a plane and teach himself how to fly it that was that was this whole planet [Applause] [Music] Colten sets his plan in motion from this mountain campsite channeling his energy into the study of aviation he steals and studies aircraft manuals use thousands of online videos and carefully watches the comings and goings of the small planes of Orcas Island [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] authorities believe the plane was stolen by drug runners for the moment the act that will make him a legend goes unnoticed Colton vanishes into the wilderness this with one of Colton's uh cap areas here because it's like about 120 550 yards from where I live and supposedly his mother lives a couple hundred yards the other direction so this is actually Ground Zero it's up this particular area it's it's dark I don't know what I'm that's what 4:30 it's it's very secluded here unless you know it's here we've got a 360-degree view you could see it some somebody or something was coming at you [Music] you'd be surprised how many different operations that we did when we got a little bit of an intel on where he was at and sometimes we'd get very close one time three of my deputies found one of his tents and then all of his personal belongings [Music] come on the dog was impounded because basically we knew he wanted how much he loved the dog and the dog was running loose so it was a criminal offense so I called the animal shelter the next day and they said they had her but they couldn't give her to me because she was evidence and I said how can a dog be evidence she's not gonna get up on the witness stand and talk [Music] [Music] one night Colin picked me up in a beater truck and he drove back to this house that he said he was using real quick and he had told me the lights were off we get there and the lights are on I stayed outside and I had a pack of serious and I smoked an entire pack before he convinced me to come in [Music] [Music] [Music] Colten drop on the glasses and I watched it in slow motion I don't know why it was slow mushy but it dropped all really slow and then he ran past me I saw the glass shatter and I turned around and ran Oh [Music] I think he just got really addicted adrenaline it's the most addicting drug you can never get addicted to because once you have it you always want to find something that can give you more of it [Music] [Applause] [Music] notorious teenage burger from Camino island maybe island hopping authorities believe Colton harris-moore is connected to several burglaries on Orcas Island let's hear out this door with crowbars and opening doors and and I don't know exactly what all he used on the ATM as the tales of his exploits grow Colton harris-moore crime spree may be spreading to disable eight out of 14 cameras as he went he was barefooted he got almost $10,000 now here's where this story makes a turn for the almost ridiculous in addition to all those burglaries Colton harris-moore is suspected of stealing as many as two airplanes airplanes where did he learn how to fly I remember just being sort of dumbfounded thinking how is that even possible it just made it unbelievable and and impressive by the end of the day every network affiliate in Seattle I think had been out to Orcas Island Colton harris-moore they have taught himself how to fly the suspect made the island hopping with stolen boats and planes law enforcement officers have referred the cold harris-moore as a ghost with an uncanny ability to run from the law [Music] [Music] with the do you said I lost my [Music] I was in Abbotsford BC Canada when I met Colton harris-moore my car started making some funny noises so I pulled off this kid approached me out of nowhere he had the black hoodie military cargo pants he had mud on his pants maybe have to hear that kind of struck me as odd like maybe he was hiding in a ditch or something I said his name was Sean and then asked me if I was headed east so so then we were both waiting for a Geordi here to come pick us up so he hopped into the back of my truck that's right when I asked him if it was uncouth of me died later some of that green stuff whatever and believe it just said oh yeah [Music] we were heading through a a construction zone we started to duck down I think going through his constructions alone I'm like oh that's alright we kind of joke didn't make you suspicious or anything no once he told us about how it was so easy to sneak across from the us-canadian border yeah then we kind of wondered James offer to but I'm staying as valid as host [Music] so when you're just sitting by the campfire what was he doing just sitting in his mouth yeah yeah this experience thing is hi we bagged him a lunch me my wife and I gave him 5 or 10 bucks with cash and I dropped him off on the on the number-3 Highway how long was it before you realized who this kid was I was about 2 weeks headline says a SWAT team comes for support American fugitives oh my god whatever so I looked at it I was like we ship that's the guy that's the kid [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] he wanted to meet up with me when I was in labor Ridge made a place and time and he ended up stealing a BMW black BMW and drove it out there and met me I don't talk to vote stuff drove around you had a backpack full of money and you wanted to go get a grapple hook and knuckle robbed malls and we ended up driving over to a Airport Maple Ridge and I had a couple bunkers out there in the field we're gonna walking over there checking out the planes [Music] we was hoping that I would leave with them but I just can't make an excuse saying oh I can't I got stuff to do and I kept calling I'll meet up with him somewhere else some around smelling wine another got steelwill and I didn't want to especially finding the plain of them wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I received my lunch on that Ridge over there and I could see the white of it from that far ridge the bushes were knocked down so it was easy to tell that he came just on the other side that stump and came down in and then it nosed in right there and it kind of rared up and twisted and then lit they said even as slow as he could go he still probably hit the ground doing about 60 10 feet he would hit that stump you know or even less I looked it up the number on the computer and found out that it was stolen that Idaho and I kind of guessed it ran out of gas with my guess but Dennis things went on it found out that it wasn't out of gas he put it here on purpose and I brung the sheriff's back in they could come to look at it and and it progressed from there I know I was everybody here Sheriff's State Patrol was the Border Patrol and homeland security and they were all up and down the road with SWAT crews and dogs and guns and rifles and it was almost silly two days had already gone by he ain't around here I had got a text from my mom saying that a plane had crashed near our house did I see any action about it and I said no I didn't know anything about it I had just gotten home there was some food missing and our passports were gone my first inclination was go look at windows and doors and see where had been pried open so I decided to call 9-1-1 and get somebody out here he had to shut off all the lights and we just stood out there real quietly he shot his car off [Music] he said did you looked over and he said did you hear that and I said yeah I did and they gear it up they put on their their full gear and I hadn't started going that's when the heart started racing a little bit for me [Music] [Music] [Music] the officer said they scared him when they came up on him so he didn't have a chance to grab anything when he left so everything he had with him he left behind they came out with a like the business size vinyl zipper deposit bag just stuff and full of money I think I last I heard they were over twenty thousand [Music] SWAT teams fan out across Granite Falls today in search of a suspect considered armed and dangerous searching from the sky this homeland security Blackhawk helicopter is outfitted with the most sophisticated people finding electronics in the world and yet not a trace of the burglary suspect has been found one thing that doesn't match Harris more the gun shot at deputies he's never shown violence there's definitely a sense of paranoia out here I spoke with some firefighters one said he just had his car stolen last night a woman said she woke up and saw a tall kid roaming her house with a flashlight now again none of this is official and this extensive search hasn't turned up anyone's just last moment to first the police activity here as deputies are chasing down every possible lead as they search for the team and it seems as though authorities are going to great lengths not to get Colton harris-moore name tied up in all this for fear that he becomes some kind of folk hero law enforcement was really afraid that he was starting to look like this this hero that two other kids would think it was cool and then he was coming across as cool hey this this this kid could could steal a boat this kid could steal a plane and and he could make faces at law enforcement keep on going law enforcement doesn't want some some kid running around making them look look like a fool and then being on the news looking like a hero followed the Colton craze Colton harris-moore has been the talk of the town and now the country t-shirt maker enjoys a spike in sales with his Colton harris-moore t-shirt that says mama tried this is a tribute this is a great harris-moore there's more one day name is Colton harris-moore and he's known as the Barefoot Bandit I hadn't heard of the Barefoot Bandit until today there have been videos of him everywhere you turn on the news you're gonna see him they've been trying to catch him but can't Colton had thousands of Facebook friends you know people trying to capitalize on him by selling t-shirts and coffee mugs and writing songs about him yes that's all part and parcel of being a folk hero this is a kid who fulfilled the ultimate fantasy he wanted to fly and he did just that folk hero antihero whatever you want to call him a lot of people and a lot of kids found true inspiration from this kid tomato Island : Terra Samaras from how did you steal an airplane steal an airplane steal off of airplanes he didn't steal off of airplanes he stole three airplanes oh you and the theft of at least three airplanes you steal an airplane he's taught himself to fly is he didn't have any training or anything and he's been on the run for like two years from the FBI and the cops a San Juan County sheriff's deputy said he nearly caught Harris more in the woods and had him in his flashlight and then he virtually vaporized in front of me he recalled quote laughing loudly from the woods when he realized he had eluded them you see this in your life Wow a 19 year old who's that smart does hot stuff in the FBI can't even find him you're kind of like buying two roof warm even though you know what he's doing is wrong and everything you can get t-shirts there's several places we land buy t-shirts now yeah let's see how many friends and fans he has when they catch him and send him to jail I feel he's gonna be all alone [Music] first time I met him was there was an alarm at one of our local elementary schools and myself and another deputy responded there and found an open door so we went in and we searched the building and I'm high and low and it it was real obvious that somebody had been inside the building because all the drawers and the teachers saw desks were pulled out closets were open somebody was looking for something well the deputy that was with me opened the closet door and there was standing this little boy all of about ten years old and it was Colton harris-moore people should look more at who he is instead of what he's done because what he did is completely different from who he is I think he's been in survival mode a long long time Colton didn't know how to stop I was all I knew sometimes when you don't have the chance to prove yourself as a child you'll get off onto a wrong track and he got off under a rock traction he was a great kid he probably still is deep down underneath Colten would wait by the side of the road and hitchhike and he was about ten and one day this man picked him up and about halfway to where ever they were headed Colton said to him you know my dad's really a jerk that's something for if you think about a ten year old you know out on the road hitchhiking that would tell a neighbor someone he probably didn't know that well that his dad was a jerk Gordy left when Colt was about two or three well he kept leaving and kept leaving and would come back and then he finally left for good I think he just didn't like living out in the country that far away from beer to tell you the truth and he never paid child support so I had a rough time he told me his mom with a sheriff and his dad was the pilot and an airforce they told everybody but uh I guess I guess that's not how it's not what it is at home like it was rotten I have never heard my life a mother used the words that she used against him at times I mean it was it would make me want to leave home at an early age I think he started breaking into houses just to see how other people live because there's the alpha dated trailer that he lives in and new houses being built all around that are you know nice I think it was a kid he knew he was doing wrong but I don't think it was criminal intent there was no intervention to help this kid by anybody like there was trouble at school trouble with the police and CPS all those things had trouble with this little boy and not anybody stepped in nobody starts right now hurting a teen outlaw into a hero first on TV and now on newsstands the story of Colton harris-moore is getting more national attention to the coverages revealing a lot about his past we're set back from everything along a dirt road this is the entrance to Colton harris-moore house you can see there are several no trust passing signs out here now adding to the mystery behind his life and really the neighborhood tension she certainly wasn't come on in and sit down and have a cup of tea but but she was willing to talk are you hiding him from police no with friends so there are friends that are providing him refuge yeah so you don't think that he's escaping into the woods you don't think he's living in the woods I know well how do you know that because I've talked to him Pamela Kohler spoke with us today on the condition that we not show her face because she doesn't want to be targeted by all the folks out here who know all about her son this is where Colton harris-moore grew up just Colton and his mom for most of his life if he flew planes I'm proud okay because he would have had to teach herself kids do what they wanted it isn't the parents fault was it a parent's job though to steer them in a different direction share but not all kids can be steered I called his mother and said what are you gonna if you could give him a Christmas present what would you give him and she told me she would give him a bulletproof vest [Music] da-da-da-da-da [Music] these kids [Music] the next time that we were out at orcas island after another plane had had been hard landed we went to a grocery store where the surveillance system had been dumped in a some tank of water to try and destroy it he had taken a time to draw chalk footprints throughout the store of these big bare feet and written and the entrance was seea just sort of flipping the sort of thing you might see written in a text message from one teenager to another well police believe it was Colton harris-moore who hit a number of businesses last year but it is certainly the speculation of the town that he's back deputies are still on the lookout for Colton harris-moore now several residents of orcas island told us they'd be patrolling overnight with flashlights and radios to keep Harris Moore from striking again I think we're well beyond the Robin Hood stage we're into the John Dillinger stage [Music] behind me is hanger belonging to a friend of mine and it had been entered several times by Colton harris-moore he'd set up this little nest there and you have food water clothes stolen property flight manuals and the deputies could be running around like chickens with their head cut off while he's sitting up there laughing at him I think he did plan to take my friends airplanes but he subsequently stole the wife's truck out of here and used that in another escapade the opinion my friends house making phone calls so the plan was for the FBI SWAT team to take up position in the forest and around the house hopefully Colton would appear I'm not sure who was more surprised but obviously he met the gentleman inside and his response is is really quite thoughtful as soon as I'm confronted I'm gonna run cuz that that's my my best tool [Music] [Music] authorities say they're closing in on a teenage fugitive in the San Juans the infamous Barefoot Bandit Colton harris-moore we're talking about the FBI and several local police agencies all converging in to try to corner this teenagers but after two and a half years on the run authorities may finally have Colton harris-moore right where they want him [Music] [Music] [Music] we woke up about 1:30 to the helicopter basically hovering right above our house at about 6:00 and morning my husband came out to feed chickens and do our morning chores and that's when he discovered there was a footprints going through our property you went right and saw the chicken coop and went into it and then came out in the tracks led away from the coop this one was found right about underneath where I'm standing and then this one was found over by our pickup truck that was parked over by our chicken coop what gave you the idea to do that uh County deputy um had made a comment about you since you're the only one that has anything like this you should it you know make cast and put them on eBay and see what you can get for him and so we tried it and we had a lot of people look at him and we set the price high and I ended up getting 2 death threats on eBay we hope that you're the one he kills because you're enabling him to proceed with his criminal career and so yeah I mean and we were just doing it all and just it's fun I'm probably gonna end up on the side of the chicken coop for months there is no sign of Colton some speculate that he's left the island or died alone in the wilderness or drowned in the ocean unsettling rumors reached Camino Island [Music] I told some news media I said write this tell him to contact me somehow because I'm very worried [Music] [Music] we knew he had stolen a boat and gone to Freddy Harbor and stolen one there went to Lopez Island [Music] I stole another one on Lopez Island actually caught on video talk about the camino al [Music] people were just angry and frustrated on two levels that people were elevating him to this level of folk hero and angry that he hadn't been caught yet and that you know there they might be next if if he was on Camino Island he would be shot I knew that and that scared the hell out of me we want him stopped most of us want him dead period yeah it's probably don't want to hear this guy he's actually pretty sharp he calls himself a recovery agent in other words a bounty hunter he and other agents are pledging free of charge to help find Colton harris-moore we've already please don't there's a there's a little formula for catching the fugitive and that's eliminated the places that they're comfortable we were watching hangers on the islands marinas we had boats patrolling the marina areas we had teams set up all over the place and vehicles you know it was locked down well this was an unusual opportunity to get a glimpse of work that's normally hidden three groups of masked searchers hit the woods and beaches on Camano Island waiting for Colton harris-moore just show himself most guys when they're on the run the quiet is good low profile and I find a place and melt into the woodwork and his was the exact opposite his just like here we go try to find me get catch me if you can [Music] [Music] the infamous Barefoot Bandit left a calling card at an animal hospital in Raymond a worker there town the note with a hundred dollars to be used for the animals sign Colton harris-moore we realized very quickly that he had moved south of course the note was kind of a dead giveaway at the veterinary clinic but you know that it wasn't back to him he'd sign it with his name here's a clue Colton hopscotch is across the country leaving a trail of stolen cars driving each until it runs out of gas [Music] he breaks into a half-dozen airports looking for just the right plane to execute his plan [Music] [Applause] [Music] Airport Airport state-to-state the authorities are left days behind [Music] 2,000 miles nine states nearly a dozen stolen cars Colton finally finds his plane in Bloomington Indiana he camps in a nearby patch of woods and watches waiting for just the right moment [Applause] [Music] release me from [Music] this final flight takes him 1,200 miles south to Abaco island in the Bahamas [Music] [Music] we're on the south side fishing for mutton snapper and we saw the plane coming from the West and it made I don't know maybe six seven circles around the area and he did a very good job putting the tail down first and then when he slowed down so much a nose dipped over but they said the plane was probably able to repair if if somebody wanted to put the money into it that's a that's how good a job he did the Barefoot Bandit might be basking in the Bahamas investigators say a stolen plane from Indiana crash-landed off the coast of one of the island yesterday the FBI's got agents down in the Bahamas working with local police there to try and catch harris-moore there's now a ten thousand dollar reward for information that leads to his arrest [Music] you know they call them the best abundance [Music] I came here to open my shop founder the door was broken into to Gatorades two sodas about three chips pro Kadima Castro also the police found that a lady's house was broken into on our vehicle was stolen top buddy gets away [Music] I normally check the security cameras to make sure nothing happened the previous night I noticed that all the cameras in the downstairs area have been turned towards the wall [Music] right Tippett or on and people in Rome [Music] I looked around there was nothing nothing missing nothing really damaged except for the doorway of which had been wedged open with a crowbar or some other tool the night that he broke into our place he stole a boat and drove out the boat down the Bahamas is one the new cures salad [Music] yes despondent father the barefoot fan that has once again given police the slip police initially felt they'd find the young man quickly but now the chief is backtracking and says it's possible Harris Moore was never even there [Music] for one week Colton harris-moore is the biggest news story in the world the barefoot kid from Camino Island showed the mall [Music] for all his fame Colton must felt more alone than ever three thousand miles from home it's about 2 or 3 in the afternoon this young man seen my internet sign and he said ma'am you think I could plug in with my laptop to your access I need to talk to my mom I haven't talked to her in over a month or something to that effect I said sure he says I don't have any money I said I doesn't matter to me just make yourself at home and I went back and I said to him I said would you like me to make you a sandwich and he said but they don't have any money I said I'm offering you a sandwich would you like one so I made him a sandwich he stayed there for awhile thanked me and enough actually I kept all a lot of people not just me on the island we heard about his background that he had a bad upbringing he lived in the bush my heart went out to him because my kid's father he's dead now but he left me alone with them 3 to bring up my own thank God I had parents of my nephew next door and I had help for that little kid no I I had no bad feelings I didn't want him to catch it no [Music] perhaps Colton became lost in his own legend or his thirst for adrenaline became more powerful than his need to be free maybe he just felt the need to write the ending to his own story [Music] [Music] we were raided on the dock and out of nowhere this guy came in on a boat and all this was looking to see who he was this kid in this 13-foot Boston Whaler comes in spun it like like it was a jetski when he came close he's like he's the Barefoot Bandit I'm coach Dan Harris more [Music] I playing dumb I was like I don't know what a pair for Vendetta because they were giving a big reward so I wanted him to come in so I gotta catch him and he kept saying repeatedly call the cops on me man or call the boats or something I want to have some fun call the FBI call the chopper he's like well I want to get chase I'm bored I was like what this kid into we're calling some of our bodies that that has a boat he's like you know 13-foot Boston wheel if you guys coming over you might see him golden hair smells like fire your buddy on the phone I'm out of here I don't want to talk anymore and then took off I got a phone call that they saw this white guy saying that he's coaching her and small I jump in my boat me and like 11 12 of my friends they keep telling me that's gonna snow as a reward there should be water I saw this little skiff with this white boy in the boat and he was like smiling and he took off with speed I took off with me [Music] chased them up and down the harbor up and down up and down [Music] [Music] I've been driving both just about all my life I've been the captain school I've captured myself but to him you look like you have some good skills they put that move on me as unbelievable [Music] midnight there was a boat coming from the Sutton in here they were screaming outside in the area they were screaming and chasing him he had them like over 200 yards but they thought he ran down that way but by that time he was already here and I'm watching the speed he's coming with [Music] this is a white guy on white people running I told you trouble do you see he ran right into me right in I say so I see what's up see it trying to kill me I said who was trying to kill you he spin around it he grabbed his bush he break these down I just had it straight out into the property I ran behind him I was 50 yards behind him [Music] I took my phone of the pocket I call a detective called heart the police puller I say he's right in the bush here I said we need to do is quarantine this whole property so he had to just sit quietly we didn't hear nothing I got word that this individual was on the ground I realized that oh boy this is it we need to go for the big one we need to go for the catch rally all of the troops the on-duty officers as well as the off-duty officers we need to mount an operation [Music] we were all out that night and the doc hand-wrought knee he comes running it goes you won't believe the bandage just put a boat right next to y'all boat and you don't want to go check your boat huh nothing man if you write up an eye on his doc we got him under surveillance and sure enough oh man that is the dude we figured okay he's come he's gone he wouldn't be very smart to come back to the same place probably three minutes later the officers start up coming down from up top we had two teams of officers on the ground one officer one team of officers were actually free stage in that remar bay area whereas the other was mobile checking the beaches check-in two marinas communicating with the security officers and so forth he come right down through his thick patch of Bush and he snuck himself right across this little picket fence and here humble himself through this bushes here and he come on the side this little ad property and as he came through yeah this is where he knew it except into the water [Music] we were all up hanging on a dock right here and everybody was just mad that's not right both leave it with no lights and real slow Alton marina okay he's stolen a boat okay there's cops okay they want to go catch them we're the only people available to help them out so we just kind of jumped right in and got the cops on the boat and ran out there Ron was driving the boat I'm kind of hanging over Ronald like yeah get in the radar going you see right now we've just gotten on a sandbar see the waters a lot shallower right there this is where he was right here he was actually sitting on his sandbar and the green part is the shallowest part the sandbar and that's why we were able to catch up to him it wasn't actually stuff he was gonna pump well he didn't turn up the engine so the engines are actually going through the sand right right here is when we actually like came up on him and started shouting and cut down the engines you're cause you got nowhere to go and basically at that point is when you put the gun to his head so he's gonna kill himself I can't go back I'm not gonna go back Rana Lennar we're looking at the CPS we notice that he was getting steep water see him go from this motions where it was steering to turning around and throttling up on the boat and if that weight Ronald holds the office like if you guys want to stop them you know it's gonna have to happen soon and shut the engines instead he's taking off and taking off [Music] got him the Royal Bahamian police force did what no US cops could they ended the run of the Barefoot Bandit [Music] [Music] [Applause] all I'm gonna say is I'm he's safe and I'm happy and I love him and I miss him how soon will you see him [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] coming gather round me people that sing me a song sing it - you're right I think you're still mad think it's wrong about a young man by the name of Colton harris-moore I seen his son the key to have inherited before Washington grin was all he ever knew his daddy went to jail when he was only two these by his mommy still like that he done well you know he was just having self lots of fun and if you've ever played any routine cars he saleable both hands I know she for the Barefoot Bandit in the news [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 1,400,704
Rating: 4.794817 out of 5
Keywords: barefoot bandit, fly colt fly, teenage criminal, young offender, crime documentary, real stories, documentary movies - topic, amazing documentaries, amazing stories, true crime, colton moore, superhuman, fugitive, folk story, Real Stories, Real Stories Full Documentary, Real Stories Documentary, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary Movies - Topic, Amazing Stories, Amazing Documentaries, Extraordinary people, 2019 documentaries, tlc, only human, wonder, plane thief, plane hijack
Id: 144TR3ejIts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 59sec (4679 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
Reddit Comments

My favorite part of this story is how the cops seized his dog at some point and he reportedly said, "NOW WE'RE GOING TO WAR!"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 665 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fancyfrenchtoilet πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Funny story about this. I actually saw this guy before he was caught, after he stole a van from a nearby airport. I worked at an airport in southeast Iowa and noticed an airport van from a nearby town parked in a very strange place on some property owned by the company I worked for. I drove by a few times and saw someone in the driver's seat. I called the guy that ran the airport the van was from and he told me the van had been stolen. Apparently the barefoot bandit had broken into a hangar there and tampered with a Cirrus in an attempt to steal it. When he was unsuccessful, he stole their van. When I went back, the van was gone, but the FBI showed up later and wanted to have a full interview with me regarding what I'd seen. It was an odd series of events.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 118 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Smuck_of_doom πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was in Middle school when this guy crashed the plane. Police landed a black hawk on our football field. I remember riding home on the bus and seeing swat guys staging to move through the forest .

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 274 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stayfrosty44 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I remember my Dad handing me a newspaper about this kid back in middle school! Thanks for the post, I'm excited to learn more!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 142 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Zarathustra2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just another example where the parents needed to do time for not being there. Guy is probably a genius and shitty parents let him down.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 706 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Itdidnt_trickle_down πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

How is this not a movie yet, story is beyond crazy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 108 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Calvinshobb πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Moved onto Camano Island a couple years ago. Interesting how much people still talk about this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/carrierael77 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I only recognize only one Barefoot Bandit and her name is Toph.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/serfdomgotsaga πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was in high school on orcas when this was going down, I actually got mistaken for him multiple times while out on jogs. He broke into a couple of my neighbors and friends houses.

Also a couple of my friends got stopped by military guys with M16s while walking through the woods looking for a place to smoke weed. πŸ˜‚

He was a folk hero for teenagers on the island until we started to really see the damage he’d done to friends and neighbors property.

the dick head shows no remorse for what he did and got caught emailing friends in prison saying the dumb ass cops believed he felt bad for what he did.

Hope he rots in prison.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrPresidentGorbachev πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
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