Teen Wolf (Season 5) | After After Show: Apotheosis | MTV

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bless me Father for I have sinned and it's been about two weeks since my last confession um I just wanted to say that I've been secretly shrinking Dylan Sprayberry shirts so he thinks he's getting buffer but he's not he's not at all ha ha ha ha ha ha it's so strong yeah he does so I'm forgiving that oh yeah have a good day ha oh good a normal music box that's not scary at all it's just a normal music box that to me is not frightening ah it's got creepy is what happened you see hello and welcome to the Teen Wolf after after show the only show that follows in the great story tradition of Shakespearean theatre verily I am Morgan Evans and forsooth what light through yonder window breaks how about that for acting dad well Teen Wolf wrapped up yet another wonderful season tonight and it looks like we're finding out where the dread doctors came from and that's very cool hey you know what else is cool the breaking news breaking news this just in it's bull versus Pro aslha bet that Frenchy beast face is down with the last and those dreadful doctors no sir this is what immortality looks like I think you might have been misled for you all for you why did you do with it Martha where is the mic the Argent's yikes someone needs to use moisturizer well after news bye-bye acting is hard and they don't always give you everything you need on the page so the cast is sometimes forced to come up with their own character backstories to hear what some of them are please keep watching you still watching okay good keep watching just a little bit longer and it'll happen now I always thought that parish was in musical theater you guys actually probably don't know this but Mason has the Benjamin Button disease it was a train hopper he went through struggles man he would take candies from stores apples he was almost like an Aladdin type she is actually a time-traveling alien I think the real reason she hangs out is to hang out and make out with a bunch of hunks his parents forced him to carve piano keys out of the ivory that they smuggled from Africa I can tell you how Malia and Shelley are sim similar Malia as you know was a coyote so she could piss anywhere and Shelley I guess thought she was a coyote at one point her life and almost got arrested for peeing in public stay tuned and now it's time for the part of the show where I sit down with the cast of Teen Wolf and remind them to go to the dermatologist hey Dylan just remember go to the dermatologist at some point okay thanks but it's good checked out all right um so let's get right into it this season's been amazing you have any favorite memories did you is that yours yeah can I have can I have a little no okay um how do you get into character oh okay pass sure yeah you passing any of these literally so uh uh you ever do any fun pranks on set bass okay um what's it like to kiss Shelley bass okay so the desert wolf seemed real mean right uh pass okay um actually uh having some Twitter questions hard pass okay um this is told this is absolutely fine because actually I have the perfect opportunity for me to pitch you some movies that I think you'd be great in if it's um that you wrote yeah please don't pass please not on this one sure okay this one's about a little guy all right when falls in love with an elderly woman who turns out to be like a man in an old and old lady makeup a little guy like he's like a like a little like a like a kid is he like six is I gonna look you know like a little guy uh okay that will you just do it you don't hear another one yes I'm here for sure um so this one's about a little guy who tries to catch a robber only to find out guess what he's the robber none of this is sounding great with me ma'am I totally understand so this one's about a little guy who gets second space and then he finds out space has been his home all along it's called space has been his home all along why just a little guy oh that's what you don't you don't like that part so this one's about a normal-sized man who goes to teach at a school in the inner city and then ends up learning from the kids the kids teach him it just seems that the only constant is the this little guy okay all right I won't do that part anymore okay okay we have so I'll just pitch it to you in this so I'll just say normal guy okay why don't I give you my email I was the one with the grandmas sounded sad it not bad sounds pretty good right yeah I'll do some questions the movie you want to go back to some questions okay great so what's your favorite thing to eat on set who pass will you do me a favor what is it we just been having everybody do this it's really fun if you would you just take like a normal little bag and then you just you mind just taking a little cotton swab and then you just take that and then if you don't mind swab like the inside your cheek it's perfect and you just drop it right right in there what are you doing with this can I have it guys are you gonna keep reaching towards me like guys just get it a little bit you're a tough one there alright everybody thanks more you yeah thank you so much for coming on the show I hope you got it no thanks yeah stay tuned putting all my cards on the table all right I got nothing I got nothing on this case tell you what I want to know though who messes up their lines the most out of the whole cast I can't tell you that that's rude it's like me a snitch how do I break you that's fake it's a fake gun well what are we doing here you're nothing we should go are these real those are real yeah do you know the keys someone's on them no I need the keys well grab your lamps and other things that have wish stuff about them cuz it's time for a fan wishes granted today's wish comes from at dylan o'brien fan who asks can we see a cast member host a part of the after after show I guess I'm not good enough for you you're getting your wish welcome to the after after show I am Morgan Evans and I will be interviewing Morgan Evans um that is that right does that sound that's exciton Posey I like I like I want to be saying whatever you want I like you know what I'm gonna be I'm gonna be you I'm great my impulse is to kiss you I mean is that what you think I would do yeah well that's why it might that's my scene you think I said sorry just wanting kiss everybody only me okay yeah or yourself only yourself oh maybe so I mean okay time for the interview how do you push yourself to keep innovating within the rich established world of the after after show I usually wait until the very last minute and then I do it all in like two nights mmm how do you keep the bad man away hello I don't want to talk about the bad how do you keep the bed oh wait no there's other people that are talking about the bad man okay Margaret Thatcher any thoughts uh real hot Jim Carrey from the Cable Guy any thoughts uh real hot what is your favorite food hard pass well that's it for us here at the Teen Wolf after after show because nothing lasts forever and everything you love will leave you in the end ashes to ashes dust to dust is that a penny well there that's it for us I'm your host Morgan Evans and I see London I see France I must be on a semester abroad in Europe by you
Channel: Wolf Watch
Views: 395,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MTV, official, video, tv, watch, series, teen wolf, teen, comedy, drama, supernatural, action, romance, horror, tyler posey, crystal reed, dylan o'brien, tyler hoechlin, holland roden, colton haynes, shelley hennig, arden cho, dylan sprayberry, Cody Christian, scott, allison, stiles, derek, lydia, jackson, malia, kira, liam, theo, werewolf, Ryan Kelley, season 5B, After After Show, Apotheosis, morgan evans, cotton swabs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2016
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