Teen Titans Season 3 Episode 5 & 6 Group Reaction

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what's up Billy it's time for Teen Titans everybody wake up it's not morning anymore dude all of us look like we're sick boob saying we all look like yeah hey man talk you we're all sick kind of like you can hear it I blame uh to do winter yes blame having a baby in daycare that too whatever you're looking for is probably asleep like you should be what is Robin looking for this is going to be a slate episode every every time Robin get sad and emo it's because of slate Slade dude Slade's gone oh yeah oh yeah is it he's not coming back you know that's all that's left of him see nothing but D see he was never captured never found oh so he's still out there then trouble no that dude always comes back I don't believe it yeah he anything from my crime shows is if they can't find the body they are still out there I know two things Slade's going to come back and he's going to smell Robin's pillow like it's 100% he has to right yeah okay wow oh he's back oh cinder block guy this guy just keep showing up I know see this is the problem with the superhero worlds they need to stop capturing these mother just execute them that's always been my problem with supero just execute dude dude the amount of people that die because the superheroes just refuse to kill these people is literally more than they have like it dude it's ridiculous think about the Joker and Batman how many people would have survived if Batman would have just shot the guy in the face like you think this guy is going to be stuck in a jail cell exactly no so if Batman just used true violence and not just like like fake cartoony violence yes I'm pretty sure you used in the 30s yeah Batman had a gun back in the day wait what really that's awesome thanks so did he he actually shot people not sure I'm assuming oh Batman bu the kneecaps literally damn unfortunately he only taught Robin how to use a pipe so like you know yo it's a really strong pipe I I question if it's even the the same pipe cuz man has broken it so many times throughout the season he has endless pipes it's like Cal Corp he just pulls a pipe out of a capsule I mean Robin gets pretty good funding I'm assuming so does I mean do they even get funding like they live on an island away from the city so like well that was SL oh hey look so yo my man just jumped over a tree Robin have a concussion or is he on drugs Slade's back bro I don't believe it I don't believe it I think he's seeing they trigger an earthquake so magnificent it will break your city into not if I break you first w wow that was so agile he just did a handstand to what I just hate I I got to say though I genuinely like hate how creepy he is from the simple fact of like he's not a villain in the sense of like wanting to accomplish anything other than it seems like to watch Robin just be at his beck and call yeah right like other otherwi otherwise he wouldn't have I think is training what if he's Robin's dad think about it he's like I'mma teach this little Lon much if you're right I will stop watching is that even possible maybe why not do we like he's older he's taller I the only the only time we I've ever known Robin's backstory is like when he was a trapes artist thing I might be wrong but I don't I don't think anybody knows who Robin's dad is so why can't it be slayed he's like this little decided to be a hero are you kidding me oh I'm going teach him a lesson well if this is Dick Grayson Robin I'm pretty sure his parents were also killed like f or or were they I swear to God if that if if you're right I'm stop I'm not going to watch this show anymore cuz I hate that finish offer by ourselves in the rain and that's how I feel right now that's a theory that if it happened I would roll my eyes so hard they'd fall out but no I just hate how like slates goal is to make Robin dance it's not to accomplish like actual villain it's just to manipulate children yeah cuz CU it's just like body why why take the time to like you so you freed like let's say golf he freed Cinder block to gain the Titans attention to pull Robin away to then be like Hey so uh I placed three bombs throughout the city if you can't solve the puzzle and get it done in three hours like guess what your city it's like why even tell Robin yeah I would Robin would find out in the first place bom in the town hall you're on team slate is back you've come to the dark side no I'm just saying hypothetically if that was true that Slade is literally just a man who is straight up just messing with these teenagers yeah yeah like like he's essentially the bad guy in the slasher flick and like that's his extent he just has better funding like it's it's literally like he's like he's like instead of cutting instead of putting the axe in your back I'm going to destroy the entire city he's like a nepo baby for slashers [Laughter] it's it no they don't believe him he's pretty pretty he's boy not looking too hot that would I know that all too well yeah it can't be fun to be sick in a bunch of different species yep he Bo some chicken noodle soup and send him home damn yeah good luck Beast Boy hope you don't run into him yeah we will stop him so Robin got all these gadgets but he don't got a hood yeah man I can't no signs of nothing here either oh I oh that would suck B can Beast Boy even take allergy medicine does that work for him probably not I would assume I mean I think as long as he doesn't take a benad drill while he's a beaver or something he got to be all right right like Tick Tock here's the Moment of Truth where's Starfire Robin Starfire stop him stop who oh oh oh there's nobody was right what happened you are hurting me oh yo chill bro ran right by you there was no one there that's what I was saying it's a figment of his imagination what if Rob is actually like poisoned or something though like what if slate actually did do something to him and it's causing this maybe I just feel like there's no way he's gone just living R free in his head he really is like literally I mean maybe this is like one of play one of slayes like Plan B plans before he passed before he died I don't I don't know credit or not I I feel like I I I don't know I feel like if he if the fight was between him and them and he died I would believe it but I feel like that whole entire fight was so focused on Tera that like I I feel like the actual fight was Slade hasn't really happened yet what like well it feels like Slade is the big bad in the end still you know so that's why I'm like I don't know like I just can't imagine that he won't come back yeah although they did actually kill him by lava death sick Robin has elected to search on his own huh why because he's lost his mind let's go find Robin yeah Cyborg's like I'm going to beat the [ __ ] out of him I love cyborg taking more of a leadership role he has yeah well they've done a good job of like fleshing everyone out to actually not suck yep not that they necessarily did before but everybody feels like you know well-rounded character yeah they're in their Lane oh convenient oh that's not good oh god wow oh chin first Robin going beat himself up what I remember is that you couldn't defeat me at least not all alone he's want to talk he never fights his own that is true true our time apart may have made you soft but it's only made me stronger I just feel why you always got to say weird bro like just just speaking your trash talk is awful it's like it's more like like pillow talk long live the king yeah brother brother I've stopped you before Rob if you've stopped me then why am I still here I mean he's not wrong either oh I don't even know anymore like is he there or not I hope he has a tetanus shot I was just about to say that looks like a giant room of tetanus if slate ain't real he's kicking his own ass I know oh he's like really whooping the [ __ ] out of him okay I feel like we're going to find out for sure here right very nearby he has to be getting oh yeah he is kicking his own ass Slade must be cloaking them just like he's cloaking s that's why you couldn't see him but if I could not see him why could you yeah he said like damn it that makes a lot of sense but you think I did this to myself yeah starting to it kind of looks that way I have to stop him I'm the only one who can and I'll take down anyone who gets in my way bro holy [ __ ] oh thank you Starfire oh I feel so bad for her I mean Robin too but it's not like they want to do that to him alone again Robin yep he's just seeing as I'm around you are never alone Jesus yeah like did he drug him somehow I it I dude cuz like literally it could be that his mind has literally just snapped but it could also be like some up drug or well I mean I I you know I we don't know how I guess how much like true time has passed between the end of that to now and so it's one of those things like you know we've already had like adventures and and is like that in between and so it's like feeling like if it if it is like a poison or something like it like a delay yeah I I got an idea guys okay so check it out all right so what slay did was this is this is a delayed slayed plan man's planted some fermented orange juice that they hadn't opened yet okay and he was that that was like a long-term plan like he's going to wait to like mess with Robin so that way he could part the team Titans unfortunately he's gone now but that plan still like that that orange juice now made it to the front of the fridge okay and Robin's the one who drank it there you go you think that a the Teen Titans group with five of them in there it took them that long to get to some orange juice yeah I think that's the craziest Theory yet yeah if he's somehow right that's going to be in like if get it right I'm buying him a shirt that says pre-water on it right you have uncovered the cause of his strange Behavior beach boy is dying yeah he he needs to rest like they need they need to why are they making him work when he's sick he doesn't want to disappoint Robin he probably wouldn't go away yeah is a cause yeah he did grab her which is his heart rate is off the charts blood pressure neurokinetics most people can't survive this kind of stress oh and they don't n he's at he's gone there's no way he left he left yeah I thought I did like go to the doctor oh be boy go to a doctor or a vet good question what holy we shall see about that that's dangerous no one can get in or out I mean after what's happened in the previous times where they had to fight people I get it oh oh hell yeah zos dude she's so op it's not even fair Raven what are you you have to get out Slade he'll destroy you rob you activated quarantine protocol they can't get out right Slade isn't here he's not in the town wait what then let me see through your eyes wait the trapes so this is that Robin then right yeah I'm pretty sure somebody say Dick Grayson I think that's him there's no one here oh that's sick there never was Slade you saw him what what the is happening this is insane Robin truly believes he's fighting Slade and Slade is winning I mean dude can you imagine how much you'd have to get this kicked out of you for your clothes to rip apart like that yeah wait downstairs the light dude that is nuts I mean he started seeing Slade after he opened the mask we saw the mask light up maybe the mask like emitted some kind of drug go off star what the what the she just did that with her fingertips why didn't they do that sooner cuz then they had to call a floor guy in to come fix that they still do every dark corner you're only in my mind turn the light on I'm real enough to finish you lights out Slade Dam that actually gave me a chill bro that's all it was holy [ __ ] dude he's just some under some stress bro they are getting serious this season looks like Slade pulled off one last trick his mask contained a chemical re oh my God the dust it made me see here damn it it was the not the orange juice not Professor plum in the conser in the conservation area damn it says you're guess the Candlestick next time jump scare right I know imagine and if Slade really does ever return we'll be ready we've got things covered here why don't you get some rest sounds like a good idea something's going to happen that what about me oh over here Hypnotoad there was a signal somebody triggered it from outside the tower what yeah it lit up red for like a hot second when it was like flashing back to it so I guess question mhm does that mean that that dust wasn't just like a Slade plan like you know if he's dies or what not but he's been using that dust this entire time like to everyone to like Tara and a robin like during their training possibly like do you think like that was a Poss like that could be a possibility because it it seems very like like I guess like psychoactive I don't know if that's the right word I we know he's he was able to manipulate them pretty easily and like you know there was ways that they kind of broke out of it but I mean it wouldn't surprise me I mean now seeing that he he has a chemical that can I mean Robin was getting his ass beat yeah like he was just whatever he was doing I think that was more of like a end game plan okay like like if he died yeah at least he'd have like another plan after he was gone ah I could see that I think that was isolated inside of the Mask I don't think he used that with just the way that that affected Robin I feel like is different than true how the other characters acted under his like psychological control I guess cuz he still wanted to have that Psych iCal control without him being there present that's true do you want uncut and early reactions to your favorite series that we do here on the channel what about double episodes we have all of that available and more for billies on patreon and members on YouTube your support means the world to us and it allows us to keep doing what we love and keep delivering you the content that you love or will eventually love because Billy is love Billy is live everything's going to be fine Billy everything's going to be be fine Billy everything is going to be fine Billy everything is going to be fine Billy what what um what video game yeah feel like a video game or they're watching a movie maybe although it doesn't really seem like a great idea to use magic against a dragon any dragons I've met they have high magic defense necron mors oh go on so damn so it came to pass that I malor of null did Lay Siege to The Dread Dragon RoR okay the F Beast struck oh okay oh she's I want more I want more I didn't hear if it was what version it was that's why he's trying to hide it we don't want to know I was going to let us listen to it next episode but no it's fine he's like this is the best part of the day don't take this from me this this may be my favorite opening for everything we do it is really good I think you see this is confirmed now we have to watch that other show that's made by the people who make the song it gets stuck in my head for like a day I'll find myself randomly just randomly just shouting te Titans as as I'm just doing in the house like I'll just be like cooking some food and I'll be like te Titans and I'm like what the am I saying this right now Spellbound I've already learned you don't you you run away from those things look at that going to explode or not uh oh what the super weird the well little Billy it's a giant heart vacuum or not ciac you're under a cardiac oh my God that's awesome please tell me somebody in the comments please tell me that cardiac is an actual villain do how I mean Dam how do they arrest cardiac uh same way they arrest the cardiac arrest Decades of greasy food damn okay cardiac ain't fuing around like this is actually a legitimate villain right here maintain your cholesterol I love that all it takes is is her getting serious yeah her just getting serious and pissed is like can I'm going rip this thing apart wow I'm done with this [ __ ] can we go now God damn she wants to finish that book uhhuh hey I've been there before interrupted me nothing's better than a good book I have a hard time reading books I just can't stay focused I read too fast see I read slow I enjoy the whole story at an incredible I feel like I jumped from the beginning of the page to the end of the page page and spoil myself I struggle to balance reading versus comprehending yeah so sometimes I'll go too fast and then I'll have to go back to rec comprehend it m anything you want to talk about no no like just say I'm trying to read a book off maybe she's scared they'll call her a nerd true this was the 2000s reading wasn't cool yet she is going to murder them is this Beast Boy or cyborg oh um and discovered the joy of Earthly hair ornaments do you wish to no [Laughter] no open we're here tonight with an excl exive oh no oh God that that slogan on that part of that video was pretty funny want to be referee oh that's actually they made her a little cloak why can't you just have fun like normal people why are you always locked in your room reading your nasty old books why do you have to be so creepy damn damn why you got to be book mean I'm just different she just likes her books you know what Beast Boy I love you but that was that was insens that was uncalled for talk to someone more like me there is wait um uh that ain't right yeah no my books ever did that and my books did do that though dude I I'd be able to write so many book reports but I am no book I am a man cringe all right this guy's here that ain't right some goddamn respect in here I've been W for someone to me so did Raven also have some of Robin's dust from last episode oh damn what wait what this is this is going to be bad theyed smashing you're funny and you're the best thing that's happened to me in a thousand years okay yep yep he's Charming her you don't uh creepy certainly not you are dark I mean if he's been here this entire time he heard her saying that right I don't I don't trust this guy he's trying to use her yes see using that that's a cheat code saying I understand you ain't nobody understand anything we're all dumb yep true do you promise you'll still be here when I wake up he's going to watch her sleep hey that's that's that's that a't right malor of rizle town oh he's sleeping with her really oh God damn it Beast Boy okay all right maybe not maybe I don't like Beast Bo anymore if he's doing that every morning just in case you're mad I'm going to go ahead and say sorry I called you creepy last night uh so weird question here but do we know how old Beast Boy is I think he's like he's like 14 cuz like I I just I care like uh I mean I think the rest of them are around 16 17 man is exhibiting animal characteristics throughout the day right so who's to say that once he starts going through puberty like wouldn't he just start doing Ming calls and stuff of all the different animals like man is going like around as a peacock and just kind of I you can hear his voice and assume he is currently going through puberty that's fair it it feels like I mean that's fair he's between 13 and 14 I mean I I I don't I I genuinely don't think it's I think somebody said 15 one time H cuz it's like he he exhibits these animal characteristics but it makes me want like the mating call stuff like I don't know if they're going to do that cuz it's you know children show at least 13 when he joined Teen Titans but not more than 14 so okay so he is literally going okay yeah he he he's at that age he's also at that age where you s incredibly stupid I just wanted to make sure you were okay better than okay way better sorry malor he won't bother us again damn he's like she talking to this goddamn book she gonna bring him to life probably it kind of does seem that way I've been trapped in a book no much to do but read I think it's almost ready are we not have access to other books in yeah like what he's just in the book Universe you know uh I might not know how to break the curse but at least I can get you out of that book so you think he's actually the Dragon no well I oo I didn't even think about that cuz if you like the way his face is ripped too it could be RI like show not showing the mouth yeah maybe he's wearing the guy's skin that a right so is that still just the eyes from the book If I ever to be truly free well it would require Magics of much greater power then teach me the Spells taking over her body oh I must teach you everything I know oh oh damn that's a lot of reading and let the energy flow through your entire is it me or is her like suit becoming lighter and lighter yeah I thought the same thing I didn't know if it was just the lighting yeah because she she's in a dark room like but maybe her mood affects it there is a better way uh wish he just threw the knowledge into her brain I guess spons by Audible I mean even if he does turn out to be evil at least she's learning a lot new true true oh she her cloak white they're like what the oh oh damn she busted in there like happy because I think it is I think that think remember when we were in her mind and there were all those different personalities and her cloak was green I thought that was just to like differentiate the personalities but maybe like her mental state color well I mean you know the thing is she's in like a constant state of having to keep her emotions in check or she'll you know lose power so if you could wear clothing that could change colors depending on your emotion would you nope nope nope it's the first time like I'm somewhere and it's like oh you all right and I'm like no yeah it's all good and I'm calling him a [ __ ] in my head like and and my shirt says I'm calling him a [ __ ] in my head like I'm good I don't need that in my life when do we get to meet this friend of yours soon I am unable to wait Beast Boy has told us much about the malor and how he remains trapped within a book but how would Beast Boy know something like this he fly on the wall the pre-at oh straight up a fly on the wallat wait wait how what oh that's dangerous that's really dangerous was was was that cuz she forced the thought into his head where's Raven where is Raven she was Lolly gang oh it's cardiac oh he going to get hell yeah that's one way to do it hippos are so cool why this time when I break you you stay broken oh oh she's saying different words careful the girl wait she vomited that yeah I've also eaten at ore Raven stop I [Music] can't what the right hang on oh so Beast Boy just had to attack Raven right there I know what's wrong with you oh oh okay you've been teaching me dark magic is it dark or is it simply misunderstood like you spells I you are very he's good he's real good but for people like us such distinctions do not exist what a way to stay in the gray area right there right yeah I mean it's not even gray in the end he was like yeah I guess it's dark magic if you're a to be alone she's not alone oh [ __ ] Ren it's time this is this show is just filled with a ton of manipulative men it really God damn holy you're right [Music] wow uhoh so she never finished the story it was the dragon it was the Dragon yeah I don't think she ever finished the book malor actually no she didn't oh roric actually banished malor damn bro the dragon was risen her up dude with you a little bit [Music] oh bro could you imagine seeing that he lied and I gave him what he wanted men girl so sorry true sisters before misters all day I think we know one thing her clothes going back to black later [Music] yeah I love this she just throwing Robin what that's sick as he actually got an upgrade or he's just never used it before right I think the only person who can defeat this is is R yeah I mean it's a mythical dragon who can use dark magic right like yeah oh God like dude the stakes F like they feel real right now uhhuh here we go nah she's going to have to use the dark magic to like beat him light shall overcome the dark also bricks hey it's like the book I taught you everything everything you know you taught me spells but I just learned a curse what not my [Music] book oh oh she pushed that back in see down the power of reading this is what happens when you use your imagination the power of knowledge yeah see and she's already back to like her old outfit you think you're alone Raven but you're not a stank [Laughter] ball oh ew oh that was a good episode yeah dude I feel bad for her still though like damn you just you just trying to belong I she she knows a bunch of black magic or dark magic now though so like she got that going for right she actually use it you know like I don't know no I don't think dark magic especially now like he lied to me like you would assume that bye bye be enjoy
Channel: Sorta Stupid
Views: 39,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4cj8Fn2aOxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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