Teen Titans Go! | Multi-Personality Robin | Cartoon Network

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we all have very specific roles in the Titans I'm the lone wolf leader you tailor the good-natured slackers radios the sarcastic older sister and you're my unrequited love when you hang out with them you have to go back to normal you are absolutely right uncle [Music] [Music] yesterday did you know what just happened there start what became a comedy trio I thought nothing could be more perfect gonna do some but I was wrong you okay balance will be restored it has to be restored [Music] never before and I regret it shut up everybody I'm trying to read what's going on Robin can't function with the team's balance out of whack so his body is genetically mutating in order to restore it or something like that oh and shut up everybody I'm trying to read [Music] [Music] just once I'd like to see Titans go come on hurry up can we pick up some pizza on the way no time for pizza we've got to focus on the mission this elevator is so crowded might I stand a little closer shucks we're surrounded cyborg take out the left wing yes Starfire provide covering fire and all because he can't hand a lot comedy trio we have no choice we're gonna have to kick start fire hot wet comedy trio and become whatever you'd call a duo of comedians a comedy duo bingo he's so cray-cray for the reel reel not for the play play channel amumu Shamma Lamma mumu it's nicely I'll go excuse me yeah nice one uncle are you uncle in me make it uncle joke really don't you get it we all have our roles we're a good-natured slackers [Music] I get it but I will need the comforting from the lone wolf leader did someone say lone wolf oh please give me the comforting lone wolf yeah they're your home no star you know so brutal bro so brutal we had to do it we had to let her go I know hopefully it's enough to make Robin normal again [Music] you've been watching the Cartoon Network YouTube channel if you want more awesome stuff like this click the subscribe button [Music]
Channel: Cartoon Network UK
Views: 19,067,872
Rating: 4.4762821 out of 5
Keywords: Teen Titans Go!, Cartoon Network, Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, Beast Boy, Animation, Teen Titans, Fusion, Robin & Cyborg, Funny, Cartoon, HD, Multi-Personality Robin, Split
Id: yTwfWrZl3pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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