Teen Titans Go! | Healthy Habits | DC Kids

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we need to call a doctor Robin he looks like he is in the pain I thought you'd be more excited we have no idea what you just said oh I'm ordering you a pizza that's right that's more like it so the toppings Wyatt what I was trying to say is I didn't have the money for toppings so it will be plain cheese [Music] now before we dig in I want everyone's assurance that we will enjoy this pizza responsibly what are you even talking about brah for some reason every time we eat pizza we end up fighting over it and running around silly and everything that does not sound like us well a little pizza makes you all do both cookiecutter and goofy random humor I don't want any of that understood you are the overacting Robin it is only the pizza [Music] you're running around silly and everything look at what you've become Titans running around silly and everything you have to stop this because the point is pizza brought us together meat is popular I just don't like what it's turned us into but Robin PJ is of great importance yeah and pizza is the coolest food look how cool it makes me we can't give up pizza it's our thing it's just bread and cheese in the shape of a circle I have no choice but to institute pizza then no Beast Boy he said pizza pan Oh like pizza guitars pizza drums cave even cooler no Ben I don't know what that means actually do I have to eat the cherry yes and the whipped cream and the chocolate syrup and the nuts too young lady every last bit what you pushing that ice cream around so it looks like you ate something it's not gonna work no fair I want vegetables right now no vegetables until your balls i okay very good I hope you the collard greens worthy exquisite and those sweet sweet potatoes mmm I do love me some good vegetables Titans it's time for bed you want some shredded coconut on that bro you know it says keep that coconut coming [Music] [Music] I am done now with the coconut rage Titans we should check the other side of the island is the unexplored side of the island who can save us there the mysterious side is where the marbles away Worcestershire awaits the play [Music] whoo - whoo - whoo - that's good start to the other side of the island [Music] [Music] been here this whole time [Music] so much better than the diabolical coconuts it's like a flavor explosion yo you know I bet these would be really good tasks hmm okay check out those dinosaurs okay I just wanted to make sure I was hoping this team was held together by a bond stronger than pizza cheese is the strongest bond bro I see that now if the Titans are going to continue to stay together I must lift the pizza ban they're so heavy no we can eat pizza again let's make it official what toppings do you want plain cheese it is hi I'd like to make an order for delivery what do you mean oh I see they're out of pizza so call somewhere else you don't get it everyone's out of pizza everyone in the world regret eating all that meat oh no no it's cinderblock he's attacking jump city you guys ready for a meet field melee Titan show one of my stomach's and the meats are locked in a most ferocious struggle the meat has won oh there's a meat person in me what's your name little meat person got this how are you so focused and agile all things are possible through vegetables Braille as you can see from these science drawings vegetables make a line that keeps going up yes cyborg what's up with that weird little purple carrot that that's a rutabaga oh of course and that round leafy green carrot that's just lettuce and the brown lumpy carrots the potato you know all vegetables aren't just carrots right then what's this point he orange carrot that's a carrot I am so confused this is a lot of information to process beast boy but aren't vegetables still just gross tasteless rabbit food yeah why should I eat like a rabbit I'm not a rabbit it is true vegetables do not give my mouth the deliciousness in the same manner as the meat you don't think vegetables can be tasty huh fur Abin the carrots do starfire broccoli raven falafel and hummus and Cyborg spinach brown [Music] whoa that's good really good I thought this would taste like dirt [Music] crime alert you guys ready for a vegetable powered victory No [Music] thanks to spinach I'm stronger than ever [Music] these carrots are giving me super sight [Music] [Music] do me a favor and look under your shirts whoa what's this that's your vegetable good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so much delicious food yes this world would be very easy to conquer it's time to teach those bellies how to eat Starfire Raven you know what to do [Music] nice try but how will they see where these delicious treats without their smile bones how are we going to savor our food now take ours quick Raven give people your smile bones oh no way you do it star very well [Music] well I sincerely hope we all learned a little bit about the importance of favoring your food we sure did thanks Robin you
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 20,389,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go Songs, Justice League, TTG EN, teen titans go, cyborg teen titans, titans, teen titans go songs, teen titans go!, teen tiatans, starfire teen titans, stellarubia teen titans, dc kids, youtube kids, batman, kids, batman unlimited, starfire, wonderwoman, dc comics, robin, series animados, catwoman
Id: IMc9LA8Di9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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