Teen Chugs White Claw in Police Car After Slipping Out of Handcuffs

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you did not use cocaine today no you expect me to believe that no it's nearly noon in Str Strongsville Ohio where police have pulled over a teenager suspected of driving Under the Influence hell you want to turn the car off for me please step out for me you yeah I talked to him um step out this is my car you can leave The Vape in there leave The Vape in there okay come on back here and talk to me what's going on huh the suspect was pulled over after her mom reportedly called the police concerned about the teen like I'm 19 years old my car this is my name cops like I told well you called the cops too I no it's on her about like saying that she's going to call on me and I showed up to see what's going on with you too and you're gone you left and then you came home and then you left again I know just see if she was there okay so what's going on I need to get my beat I just want to get my bee your what my bedtime blanket okay it's like my baby blanket is I just need it for my anxiety police identify the suspect as 19-year-old Karina Nat who apparently got in an argument with her mom before driving off let's continue so you're going to counseling for for drinking when's the last time you drank last time I drank was 2 nights ago it was that truly and it was half the trly I don't drink straight liquor anymore okay at all how long so that Malibu bottle's old that was one's okay that was my neighbor okay you can she doesn't believe me but like I literally do you still have your fake IDs no you got rid of them I don't have any fake ideas she so you you'll let me look at your wallet in your purse and I have my friend's fake ID so you have a fake ID well it's not mine I don't use it you're not talking but listen you're not talking to Mom I know but she gred up all my fake ideas so you haven't had anything to drink last night or today no nothing at all no this really was from two nights ago so you'll do a breast for me yeah you would yes okay sit tight right here Karina rolls out a laundry list of excuses but this officer is not budging finger M follow it with your eyes and your eyes only [Music] okay very good I so surprising I'm doing good because I have a stigmatism in my eyes do you so I technically should be having glasses stigmatism doesn't affect this though it does with the uh rapid rapid sorry okay you're okay I was talking like no you're okay you're okay you're good okay uh do one more thing for me stand right here do you have any leg or back problems I have um I don't know if it's like an actual problem but lately like my tailbone like my lower back has been really with me because I sleep on a futon does it prevent you from walking sometimes like it doesn't like not medically but I I can still walk okay so all right let's go um heel on toe heel on toe yeah we don't have enough room let's go on the sidewalk take nine more Heel To Toe steps counting each step out loud as you go all right any questions no okay begin when you're ready one two three four five six seven sorry okay eight it's hurting hurts yes okay you can stop wait got it 43 are you still on station can you not like yeah in any of this like yeah I know that's what I don't want to count this like it hurts the PBT that's in card 21 is not working could you bring me one down here to bradgate in Waterford four 6 S8 9 B on the left and pivot yeah see just don't stop I don't want you to hurt your back come on over here let's just talk after some uncertain sobriety tests the officer has some questions for Karina do you have anything illegal in the car no okay so except the my friend ID I don't I'm not worried about that I'm sorry about that again there's no drugs in the car no so your little blue pouch clutch that you always have with you there's nothing in there that it's at it's at my mom's house it's at her house okay moments later something catches this officer's eye that suggests Karina may not have been entirely truthful you guys got to find a way to communicate with each other have never had fuck she should have never K God gave her God gave her the blessing of not being you guys got to find a way to communicate no like um not finding away it's like stay right here hold on back up back up for me back up real quick back up away from your car back up what's that in that plastic bag in there on the front seat plastic bag oh it's wipes here no no don't go don't go in your car stand there can I look yes stand there stand there behind your car don't move don't look police find a bag of suspected cocaine in the passenger seat of the car turn around turn around put your hands find you back for J find your back J find your back let go your phone let go your phone you are under arrest yes it's not mine you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in court you have the right to an attorney if you can't afford an attorney the court will appoint you one prior to any questioning you have the right to make a statement if you choose to make a statement you can stop at any time for the purpose of Consulting an a journey and it's not mine it's on your front seat with a rolled up dollar bill and it based on my chaining experience I'm pretty sure that's cocaine so come on back here with [Laughter] me do you have anything on you that's going to cut me stick me poke me no nothing in your pockets so when I asked you if there was anything illegal in the car and you said no I didn't know it was in there sitting right next to you come on have a seat sitting right next to you did you use cocaine today no you did not use cocaine today no you expect me to believe that no you got in a fight with your mom you're all Angry you're all worked up and you have a bag of cocaine with a roll of dollar bill right next to you on the front seat and you expect me to believe that you didn't use any today all right I did okay all right put your leg in the car can I have my song no your phone is evidence now put your foot in the car please I need my phone to call you'll call lawyer when you get back to the jail with our phone police leave Karina alone in the cruiser while they search her vehicle it's at this point the teen seems to decide it's 5:00 right here Karina appears to put something up her mouth through her hoodie and seems to take a drink next our slippery suspect manages to escape her handcuffs now with nothing holding her back she appears to do it again finally the secret is out when the 19-year-old reveals what appears to be a white claw can hidden in her pants she polishes off that drink but our lged backseat Boozer isn't stopping there Karina then appears to take a puff of her Vape before she decides to fill officers in on her handcuff situation yo yo my hand cough came off hand cough came off the one handc came off yeah cuz you pulled your hand out no I was trying tojust let go of this you're done with this oh please can not touch that I raptured through my where' the Malibu and there come from you bought it today with that fake ID that was on the front seat I don't use the fake ID kill B does an ID they don't an ID so they sold that to you today all right the weed you obviously smoke weed use out your anxiety all right my mom knows that though okay yeah she never said anything about weed she just said she was worried you on Coke or something worse and she was right it I I took one bump all right and supposed to go to another person that I was giving it to and like it l was not like I promise you I took one like I I'm Pro I tell you I'm I took one bump and I was supposed to give it to someone else I don't keep it on on me at all before Karina is put back in that patrol car she has one request for the officers we'll talk more at the station have a [Music] seat no I can't let you in the car I'm not it's against our rules and I like my job I'm not going to lose it so you can up your hit it yes I'll let you hit it before we go no before we going to the jail when we get there before we go to the jail I'll let you it one more one more you need it that bad she's stressing okay is it just nicotine I'm assuming yeah the nice officers let Karina hit her vape and return with a breathalyzer test all right all right blow into this keep blowing until I tell you stop okay stop [Music] [Music] okay that what's that that a lot did you drink today no what it's on it 243 three well I mean can I blow again let me blow again go ahead literally I did not drink at all today not at all huh with that high BAC officers are unsure if their portable machine is accurate they decide it's time to hit the road and once in route to jail Karina keeps up with her excuses I didn't even know isn't my car I was even you have a problem no it was not me like I was getting my no I was getting my weed you have a Dr out all right still illegal it's not yet illegal and even after illegal still going to be considered a drug I got my weed and I didn't even know he dropped that you can see that I'm like there was no I took a bump off of nothing off off another thing wondering where that white claw can went back at the police station it isn't long until it makes another appearance that's what I asked you did you have I said I go to the wall what you got in here hold up she got something in here what you got [Music] On's charge she had in St out got an empty beer can here God come on keep your hands on the wall take steps back toward me spread your leg wi I'm going to search you you got anything else this will be the time to say something police then ask Karina to take another breathalyzer test good keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going good job good job you're almost there keep going keep going keep going okay all right stay right here all you want her down there Angela okay go down there I don't know it's going to tell us in a second it's got to do its thing it's going to spit the result up come on down here no yeah just leave that I'll take it you don't worry about that come on me a police report shows the 19-year-old's test resulted in a 219 blood alcohol level slightly lower than that port test earlier I haven't eaten anything I know I [Music] [Applause] [Music] know you R actually hold on one sec come back in here for one sec I just got to grab Oh I thought you need to check Karina Nat was booked for operating a vehicle under the influence and underage possession of alcohol call my boyfriend we're going to let you Call's happening come on let's go hit your face this is a lawn crime legal alert Google incognito tracked users browsing data without their knowledge Mass toward Alliance one of our legal sponsors is helping users file for compensation due to Google misleading the privacy of their Incognito browser if you've used Google incognito anytime since 2016 you can start your claim in in less than 10 questions at incognito.com ELC bodycam you got to put your toes down okay it's like you can't do that I request the superior officer right now the police come from the underground it's January in Clearwater Florida where we meet one woman who well let's just say got a little carried away no way are you kidding me no way no way no way no way no way are you kidding me you came literally at the worst in those men were literally taging me for the whole night no no weit s like I'm telling you this man were literally taging me for the whole night and the second they came I was literally deting myself please don't arrest me like I'm telling you this that was literally the one second I Wasing myself I'm telling you right now like I'm telling you as a woman I'm the only one as woman I'm the only one in CS and all the men who were literally standing up and going like this to me they're all time there was a gentleman downstairs ready to her home I work here and um say these men were literally play GES and not working I just want to put that out and my nephew C we'll grab that honestly they told to leave cuz she was little inated and she was a little slow doing we're going to come talk in a second not doing that right now laet I have a lawyer [Music] on right now all out of all the men that were acting crazy okay we're going to go back up there and talk to everybody and figure out what's going on I hope we do and you don't give me my pH I call my lawyer right now please please I like to call my lawyer right now actually looks like our stumbling suspect decided not to follow that woman's advice let's move on can get my phone to call my lawyer right nowe you can dial Zach r no I literally have my one and I have an hour later back down oh my God all right so what the happened where y all got cough over here like this like in a big well obviously something happened you're you're on the floor you have a security guard on top of you so I literally and you're highly intoxicated so we got to figure it out okay all right as another officer approaches we get a better look at our suspect from his angle hi I I haven't hi hi honestly this guy's anho won't like call me he won't stop touching me when I said please stop touching me him yeah yeah you're under you're under arrest cool but can I just be not touched and just chilling so uh security guard was on top of her so that's my pH and that's as far as I've got no so do you actually know what the happened why don't we put her in Mill's car and then we'll figure that out no I know I'm not going into car yeah you're definitely going into car I won't I will l call My Water right now okay cool bring me call my lawyer you're hey everything you're doing right now is just proving why we got called out here okay honestly no okay I was look better for you I'm not trying to act like crazy but like no honestly all right well get in the car we'll figure out what's going on only if you give me my phone right now so I call my lawyer cuz La only give my phone give phone did you double no give me my phone you on my lawyer no hey going in without get your leg off of him you're going to make this worse dude okay so when can we call my lawyer when you get to County going you kidding me yo yall got to progress while police try to work out what happened let's join the woman in the back of that patrol car where it's anything but quiet oh my God no no no please let me out please let me out baby please let me out are you kidding me just relax no no I don't like you get white girls stop are you kidding me are you kidding me her drunken tirade continues you Fu I literally so upet of what happened and they literally just took gra me in they even ask me what happened that really upset here my like who cares about to call no one obviously call okay whatever all right the call let's the call right now for real dog you want to see what I doco yeah yeah and I love Nico I I love myself but I just want to prove a point I want to prove a point cuz I I what I said I going friends so I to prove point to see what happens when I run away from the cops I'm getting illegally illegally dude thank you T hell no I'm sorry excuse me excuse me I'm sorry I got a little r for you despite the apology she keeps going where's my wary you where's my lawyer look at that I don't care that's not mine oh there is my one other found my purse good shit thank God oh God cool thank God y'all found my Pur the suspect we see here is identified as 28-year-old Nicole aselin she eventually notices police found her lost purse and reveals some of the contents inside right now what is it um he's searching receipt that I had in my wallet it was for I think I and it's embarrassing but anyway he's still starting it and it's embarrassing and he hasn't his him and he rolled up and he put on the r of the car and I literally cannot wait cannot wait until I can talk to mying lawyer yo this man all these tapes is getting requested oh all y'all are getting fired all y'all are getting fired no do you know my dad is yo tell them who that is no seriously yo yo seriously I know I'm get the window for me but they found nothing they literally found nothing wait till they hear my daddy they're going to have a great time let me out I'm telling you right now you're going to have a bad time there's really nothing in a bag but lip gloss and tampons let's check in with the bouncer of that bar while that Tipsy tirade continues sir to see you cracked out nuts kicking screaming yelling um where here in the bar in the bar Upstairs Downstairs she started doing the most inside so I trying to bring her to the elevator to let her go she turned around kicked me in the legs doing all the extra okay did a point I just put her down hel her hand behind her back told the manager to call you are you injured no back inside the patrol car Nicole is not letting up take a look let me talk to the supervisor let me talk to the supervisor please no I want to talk to the supervisor I want to to the supervisor this is unfair Sir Mr supervisor sir please let me tell you that this man did not properly detain me then Nicole gives a little TMI sharing tidbits about her personal relationships I have literally five lawyers I for fun so I don't know what kind of G TR honestly I literally this is bad this is bad for y'all right now cuz I requested a superior I requested a superior earlier excuse me excuse me SOS SOS that being literally get up my C are you kidding me officers noticed Nicole managed to get her handcuffs in front of her when they go to correct the situation things get a little Topsy Turvy okay so's going he put those things back behind you hey Nicole put the Cuffs behind your back okay that's a charge if you oh sorry yes I I was trying to feed you the answer not to put them in the front I don't want you to get a charge for having Cuffs in front this is my first time ever you're good just relax all right I'm going to open this door I'm going to put my handcuffs on you they have to be in your back though okay wait they're not there put them in your back please I've been nice to you be nice to me okay are you going to be nice yeah I will put your feet down though I don't want to I promise I will you promise promise you won't get mad at me this is literally all I can do right now I can't move my arms and legs I want to crazy I'm telling you right how about you put him back in the front um can you do that again and then we'll we'll go from there okay whatever you do okay as long as you don't get mad about it just don't now sit up like a normal person in the chair okay on the ground now stay there okay with our suspect successfully untangled let's get back into the action can I please do your Superior officer don't spit my face just look that way while I do this now can I talk to your Superior officer right when I get these cuffs fixed right now where's the boss man put this hand call him call him right now keep your hand down there right there okay okay just relax for please call the superior officer relax for relax give your hand my Lord's going to this good time cour can you turn that way for me can y'all call your Superior officer for me first please can you please call the superior officer please call the superior officer I didn't do anything wrong Sergeant I'm the sergeant are you really the sergeant can I call my lawyer please I did nothing wrong I did nothing wrong please let me call my lawyer let me call my lawyer are you kidding me hold on I'm going to tight do this thing so it doesn't get tight hold on let me double lock it so it doesn't get tighter all B we're going to have feel we're going to fucking lost I'm bitch you're about the 400th person really what I'm ah all right Miss Nicole you're going to sit back in there okay no I request the secui officer before I are you kidding me recued and tucked back in our Massy suspect just keeps going are you kidding me know they're lying and they're over right now okay so if this footage gets played in court I wanted to be know that they were all laughing on me when I'm in my hey hey let me out Superior officer said let me out yo Superior officer Superior officer Superior officer I request I request the superior officer right now and my lawyer say that you I request the super Superior officer right now I request the superior officer right now I request the superior officer right now I request the superior officer right now now I request the superior officer right now where your boss you little seriously where is he and staying on brand Nicole shares a message for her favorite officer can I please be involved in this conversation cuz you're liar your mustache is trash and you're being a and a hes some girl on your face when she's riding that cuz you suck officers decide to take Nicole to another transport vehicle and let's just say it doesn't go smoothly this is a realop car F no no in the real no no no no no I request a real toop car and I request myemployee to be here when this happen no I don't know this now I don't want to get kidnapped what do you mean I don't know y'all I don't know y'all no I don't know y'all weird house molesters and I hope yo Karma's going to get you going to get know your an are watching like handcuff like [Music] this way to too you're the one pulling away doing you're steing my all y are the police coming straight from the underground no all stepping on my well if you stop kicking I won't do that I wasn't yes you were you wait please let me out did you catch that Nicole appears to kick at an officer making One Last Splash before she's whisked away to jail let's rewind and take a look from a better angle on my all y are I'm underground no oh we got some people well if you stop kicking I won't do that I wasn't yes you wait till please let me out you just turned your misdemeanor into a felony y cuz you kicked me you kicked me good job he was flaming on my foot are you kidding me you're being ridiculous this is ridiculous hey you can record all you want that's fine but don't don't interrupt our investigation right yeah whatever I my no you okay Nicole was booked for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest she plad guilty to both charges
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 100,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network, true crime, truecrime, true crime videos, court, trials, law&crime
Id: RrAco7pj0ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 11sec (2051 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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