TEDx Talk How Humans and Animals Communicate - Val Heart

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[Applause] thank you all so much for being here and I said I was listening in the wings and it seems that there's some animal lovers in the house yeah all right if you're a dog lover say dog dog cat lover horses horses Birds snakes oh yeah all right I love it oh my goodness oh thank you for coming today and thank you for loving animals I one of my friends says that animals are angels on loan to us and I think that's true and in fact in my work I've been doing this since 93 professionally they they're angels their guides they're healers they're teachers and what we don't know is how incredibly intelligent they really are you know they say that humans are spiritual beings having a human experience right we're in a human body and I believe that's to have animals as well animals are spiritual beings having an animal experience so if you think of your intelligence and how you feel and you think and how you reason and process and you experience life they do too in their own way in their own way I love animals I've loved them since I was little and right now I'm really delighted because they get to help people all around the world who are struggling with their pets who don't understand each other they are in conflict we've got one of my specialties of solving problems with pets so behavior and health and performance with show horses which is actually how I got started way back when but what I want you to know today is that animals are smarter than you think they listen to you they feel you they know who you are they get you at a very deep level yeah they're heroes have you heard stories about the like the little dog that the the Cobra was going after the child and this little dog ran and got in front of him and attacked the Cobra and it fought with him until the child could it could get away to safety did you see that yeah oh my god and then there was this picture of it you know the dead snake and the dog is sitting there with this smile in its face dying because it had been bitten so many times by the Cobra you know that was its life's mission it was the angel in that moment for that child right so they touch my heart you know I one of the reasons I want to be on this stage is to tell people wake up animals are intelligent they're sentient they feel they know more than you do right all you have to do is communicate with them and guess what they communicate did you know they communicate you're shaking your head you hurt have you heard an animal speak to you if you felt a message yes all the time right all the time it's we humans that are so dense that we're not open and connected you know we're not like we're like this talking head in our society and we don't even feel we don't even know what we're feeling in our body we don't know what we're doing with our energy you know I mean animals look at us and they go oh my god I'm so worried about my person was because they're like clueless and so there's a phenomenon I call the human animal body mind connection and it's really interesting it's it's where animals mirror us they mirror us they act out our stress our wounds they carry our illnesses our sickness I learned about this from one of my dear friends and colleagues she's a best-selling author Susan Chernykh mcelroy she wrote a book called animals as teachers and healers and from her own story she her dog I think it was a golden wound up with a very rare cancer and the dog taught her how to survive cancer how to go through this and she learned so try being with her dog through this experience her dog died and then they discovered that she had the exact same cancer and she knew from what she'd gone through with her her dog how to do this it's like oh my god I still it's not a you know I I don't know if I'll die or not but I I have courage I'm gonna step in I'm gonna step up you know I'm gonna face this cuz my dog taught me how how did it step up and show up and she survived her cancer so her dog was her angel right so there are something like if I can remember my notes something like 7.2 million animals I think it translates to 27 thousand animals every day that wind up at the shelter twenty-seven thousand lives every day of intelligent sentient feeling-wise ones who are misunderstood nobody ever communicated with them they were acting out and trying to help their person right by saying you know you have a stress here you have a wound here you're sick here you're here let me show it to you so maybe you'll get it maybe you can you can take action you know they'll come to you and they'll go right right here mom right here right here right here right here right have you ever had an animal come to you and like be it point to this area in your body thank you for saying yeah yeah they do they can smell illness inside our body sometimes they're the ones that say ah get to the doctor quick right there's something wrong here or they get sick first to me it's really tragic to see all those animals lose their lives and that's not counting the ones that are abused and lost and tossed out of cars you know and just like abandoned just dumped right so once upon a time there was a horse named ateva she was an Arabian a beautiful beautiful Arabian mayor who was with people who did not under sandé her and des never took time to communicate with her and she was highly opinionated a bit aggressive she was had an attitude this horse had an attitude imagine that she wound up being abused she almost lost her life she was in very bad shape and she wound up at a horse rescue facility in upstate New York with one of my colleagues her name was dawn and Dawn is a communicator and so Don is talking to de tizi and she's wanting her story it's like so how did you get here what's going on with you why are you so aggressive why are you so dangerous you know how can we help you because this isn't gonna work here if you hurt us or hurt the other you know animals here and it ISA said I am a wise one I have never been respected or acknowledged I know how to heal people and they went what and she said yeah for instance and she told Don something about her own health she said you know here's what you do to feel better Wow okay and so the words started getting out and said the volunteers are working with her there and they're like oh my god this horse knows the advice she told me was right on how did she know do you all remember Edgar Cayce anybody remember Edgar Cayce do Tisa had the gift of Edgar Cayce she became famous people would go to her and ask her for advice I mean the doctor our doctor in the audience here it's like they would go to her and and she would be translated of course communicate and she would say you know you have a problem with your pancreas and you have a problem with your you know your kidney or you know whatever and then take these herbs to do whatever it is you had to do and and they would do that and they would feel better extraordinary who knew right the people who had to teasy before their abusing her who knew that who they had in their life you know Wow so I want to challenge you today and I made me not a challenge but I want to invite you to consider who are animals really who are they really you know at this point you know I have a mission I have a vision my vision is a world where everyone can communicate with the animals where we all understand each other I think when we do that the world will be a better place for all of us you know when we learn to recognize and respect and revere them for who they truly are as the master spiritual teachers that they are they make us better people and God knows we need to be better people right the best version of ourselves so anyway so I hope that if you don't go away with anything else today I want you to go away with that but there are some things animals would tell you if they could one of them is they're intelligent hope you got that point too they worry about you they do they when we're not fully present and consciously aware which most of us rarely are they worry about a specific safe right it's not it's not safe to not be fully present in your life right here right now so they'll do whatever they can to get your attention they feel they feel greatly they feel emotions they feel thoughts they feel sadness grief depression that so many research studies have proven this over and over and over animals are super intelligent and they do feel they mirror you they can mirror you so if you're having a problem with an animal you'd talk to them because it may not be their problem it may be yours that they're acting out for you right so find out what's going on first before you make any decisions about what to do so let me tell you how I get started so imagine a towheaded little girl living in rural Texas outside Lake Austin outside Austin Texas and now it was a really lonely only child I didn't have any playmates and no human kids for miles and miles around it was very very isolated the only friends I really had were the animals and I was known for being able to befriend the wild animals you know that we had dogs like guinea pigs they had you know chickens we had pig pigs but my bestest best friend was a mare named Maisie Maisie was a big a good good sized chestnut mare with big black mane and black feet and black tail and she was so near and dear to my heart and when I be when it when I started into my teenage years I was manically depressed and I was suicidal so after my parents would go to sleep at night I would sneak out of the house and I would go to the barn and I would go to Maisie and I would throw my arms around her neck and I would cry into her Mane and she would look at me with those big liquid brown eyes and she would wait patiently until the worst of it had passed and then she would tell me she I would hear her voice and she would say child what's wrong and I would tell her and her counsel and her wisdom and her philosophies of life sometimes she would make me laugh and she was so funny she had a great sense of humor along with Pera lips that could open any gate she had a great sense of humor but she would you know she'd always counsel me and I survived my teenage years and I attribute that in large Testaments amazing in my life and I went on and I went into corporate the corporate world and I wound up going to call I got married and dive off and I was not in a good marriage and I was depressed becoming suicidal again and starting to look at what am I doing with my life and I forgot I could communicate with the animals until one day my husband and I had two cats and he was a professional opera singer a tenor and he had these giant Bose speakers and they were using the speakers as scratching posts not good they're really not good so I was really worried of thinking they're gonna lose their life you know or they'll lose their home at a minimum right and so one morning I get up and I'm gonna do my meditation that morning and I'm tuning in and something just kind of downloaded to me and it said instead of tuning in word does anyone meditate here anybody else meditate yeah yeah good a few of you do good so instead of tuning in word in fact y'all can try this instead of tuning in word tune towards the animal and see what happens as an experiment because I did that that day and I tuned in to the animal and to the cats and I saw things oh my god I saw images I dead no no clue about I heard voices I felt feelings I heard thoughts it was so extraordinary and so I'm going through this process and I'll VIN it it's off a sudden it was like complete and like wow and I opened my eyes and the two cats were like glued glued looking at me both of them like like you know it was like wow and we took a big breath together Wow and they never used the speaker's a scratching post again that was it so I went on to work with Valkyrie Valkyrie was a black Percheron mayor black beauty of a horse she had this huge knot in her hip and I was out there working with there was a cold kind of a rainy day in January in San Antonio of Texas and met the stable and it's just me and her and her owner and at one point Valkyrie told me what happened to her hip it was like did you know that they can take you into their their memories so they can take you into their mind and they can show you where what they know what they saw what they felt what they experienced what they thought and so she did that and it was like I was sucked into her mind and her into her head and I saw where she was she was there I smelled the caliche dirt I saw the gate I thought I saw the horse trailer I saw the three Hispanic men that were trying to load her in the horse trailer it was really pissing her off and how she was fighting them cuz she didn't want to be wanted go in there I mean she banged into that gate and when she did she banged her butt so and then after you know I listen to the story and I'm translating it as quickly as I can and in Charlene her owner said oh my god I remember that incident I remember when that happened I know exactly what she's talking about I'm so sorry that happened that way and at that moment Valkyrie felt acknowledged and heard and she could let it go and she took this big breath you know and the not melted out of her hip was gone so you know they know they know things you don't know imagine if you will just a real quick little exercise imagine you're an animal let's say for the dog lovers for the cat lovers the the horses the birds whatever think of a of an animal and imagine that you're them how would life be if you were that animal how would it feel your viewpoint would change your senses would enlarge they they have much better senses than we humans I've had animals tell me what pitiful orbs my eyes were which I had a peregrine falcon tell me that thank you very much just imagine a world where they could communicate with us and we could communicate with them what amazing things they could tell us how could they help us how could they help you right how could you help them what we have when we do that is team and partnership and an expanded sense of life and being reconnected to life because companion able animals spend their whole life trying to break through your barriers to help you evolve and heal and grow so the next time you see an animal remember smarter than you think you can communicate with them so thank you for loving animals [Applause]
Channel: Val Heart Animal Talk
Views: 10,760
Rating: 4.923913 out of 5
Keywords: intuitive animals, animals, animal talk, how to talk to animals, animals purpose, animal mirroring, human animal bodymind connection, animal communication, how humans and animals communicate, intuitive pets, telepathic communication with animals, traehlav, The Real Dr Doolittle, highly sensitive people and pets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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