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welcome back guys so we just finished up morning milking got the girls outside I think they're already out on pasture Yep they're out over there um got the barn all bedded and everything the last thing we have to do is feed the girls so the two new ashers that we got we actually separated them and the bigger one is in here with cinnamon right now which is kind of difficult cuz cinnamon is weaned and she is not but she's just so big that she pushed the other one around she's still down there in the corner by herself so we put cinnamon in here it's not ideal but it works Works she's very hungry so I'll feed her um she actually drinks out of a bucket the lady that we got them from trained him to drink out of a bucket and I just didn't want to switch her over so um I'm just going to feed her that way she drinks very fast cinnamon doesn't really bother her so much she just likes to bug me while she's eating she has grown quite a lot she's actually taller than cinnamon is she eats grain she eats hay I have never seen a catf eat like her she's gonna eat a sad house and home by the time she's 6 months old so we did dehorn them both don't dump it the smallest one her horns aren't big enough yet so we're going to do her later uh this is the first time I she hasn't drinken her milk I guess she's going to drink it but I also have to get them some hay cuz they ate all that they eat so much let's go see if you ate all your grain come here yes you're a big girl you don't need to be sucking on my fingers anymore yep so I mixed their grain with cornmeal and it looks like they picked out most of the grain so that's just that's that's what cinnamon does she picks through the cornmeal and eats the grain he maybe I'm distracting you am I distracting you going to be a big girl aren't you and then there's itty buy cinnamon we just a little girl [Music] so we do have a really busy day ahead of us um I'm going to be doing some mowing the forecast is actually changed for Maine which I should have known it was going to but we have 4 days this week I think that are going to rain which they were saying we weren't going to get rain for a long time now they're saying we're going to get a lot of rain so we're going to mow today and tomorrow and then we're going to cool it we're going to get everything bailed and done Brent just came out he's making breakfast I think ow you hit me um so we'll get the other calf fed and then we'll get into the rest of our day look at that milk mustache e not all over the chain my boots make a really weird noise when I'm walking there's the little munin hi baby she's like where's my food so she is doing okay she eats grain and everything and hay she just really wasn't pushy enough um the other calf would get done eating her milk and then she would push her out of the way and finish hers too and she just wasn't really growing like she should be so we separated them probably 4 days ago 5 days ago um cinnamon was absolutely terrified of the new CF she wouldn't even go anywhere near her was having a fit about it the other one finally won her over I think they lay beside each other now so I think they're getting over it but yeah she's doing better she's growing a little bit better now it's just going to take her a little while to catch up she's the same age as the other one pretty close anyway I think she's like a week younger and just not even anywhere near as big and she's still pretty skinny so just needs a little DLC I usually leave her and let her eat cuz she's really really slow about drinking so I'll come back and get the bucket later Brent is across the road right now sharpening the mowing Machine by the way if you are new here I'm Taylor and I work on a dairy farm in Central Maine I make videos about daily life on a farm so if you enjoy that kind of thing don't forget to hit that subscribe button cuz that does help us out and we just love taking you guys along with us so I wanted to show you guys a few things in the milk room we have gotten a little more technologically advanced around here so today is actually milk truck day so I got to move my truck too all the equipment is over here because um Brent had to mow the lawn the other day the equipment yard there so he moved everything over here so the Bor was over here and the mower was over here and the rakes are down there and it was just screwed everywhere take you guys in here did wash the floor this morning so that looks pretty good but the first thing I'll let you guys sit here for a minute and see if you notice anything different like that thing so this right here is a little mobile manifest thing so I guess what this is going to do is they're going to be doing away with paperwork when the milk truck driver gets here he reads our tank so how he does that is I'll show you guys all right so so this right here is a stick reader so when you pull that out you can see it has numbers on it and those numbers correspond with a little book that is kept over there and what they do is they'll read the numbers on this they go over there and it has a chart so whatever those numbers are it will give you the pound amount for what is in the tank off those numbers um and they'll come every so often and like I think they call it like calibrating the tank I think that's what it's called so they come every so often and they just make sure that that's correct so he'll go over there and he'll read that and he'll write it down so I guess what's going to happen now cover that cuz we don't want nastiness getting in there instead of writing it down in there cuz we have a little sheet of paper that writes it down on he writes his name the date and the temperature of the milk and the amount of milk instead of doing all that he's going to come over here and he's going to scan it with his phone and then put all the information in like that which I am not a fan of I don't really know if we're going to be able to check that I would think we would be able to check that obviously we can still check how much milk is in the tank before they come pick it up by the numbers and gauging it on the book and everything but we won't get to just look in there and see how much they said we got they haven't started doing it yet they were going to start doing it in June and I think they pushed it back until October or something like that so we're not using it yet but that's kind of a strange thing I mean it's a 50-year-old tank and now you can scan it with your phone which is odd but the other thing that we did is we've got this um what do you call this an electric water heater so if you remember a couple videos ago I said we had an inspection done and everything was all good and everything but we had some questions for her about why we were having high Pi she came in and tested our water and said that that was fine Brent's water comes from a boiler down in his basement um and we use that for everything washing the machines running the rinse and then washing the whole line what was happening was by the time we washed the machines and ran the rinse and everything the water wasn't hot enough to actually get the line really really clean like it had ought to so what we're going to be doing is we're going to be using this this is just a little one it doesn't do a whole lot of water but we don't need it to we're going to use this for washing the machines and running the rinse and then strictly use the boiler water for the wash that runs after the rinse we think that's going to take care of the problem we've already got our numbers down and everything um we just use double the amount of soap and double the amount of chemicals and we finally got that number down it's not really a huge deal but we do think this is going to make a big difference moving forward we haven't gotten it hooked up yet the electrician is coming this afternoon to hook that up um so yeah it'll be super easy you can just run this hot water right into the sink wash your machines run your rinse into the sink and then you can use your boiler water to run the acid or soap or whatever it is you're doing afterwards I think Brent is done sharpening the mowing machine so we really need to get out there and start mowing because it's going to be a beautiful day and we've got a lot of bailing to do and just a lot of stuff all right so this is the field we're going to be doing uh it goes all the way up there so it's going to take us probably 3 to 3 and 1/2 hours it looks really good it's really tall and headed out it's really early like I said I keep saying this all the time but I think the last yes last year we did this field June 17th so it's June 3rd right now so about 2 weeks early exactly 2 weeks early so um we'll see what we get last year we got 100 bales out of this whole thing which is really really great I'm not expecting to get that much this time I'm going to say like 70 hopefully I don't know all right um I probably won't be talking a whole lot cuz you guys were saying you're having trouble hearing me and I tried to use the microphone that I had for my old camera and it just won't work with this camera so until I get a better microphone that actually works with this camera or I just figure out how to use the other one cuz I'm not very technologically advanced so um I'll either figure it out or I'll get something done but I'll mostly just be mowing shots so you guys don't have to strain to hear me this time but we're going to start right here we're going to go up this way we're going to cut the field in half mow this whole half and then go up there and mow that half there is a wet spot over there that we need to pay attention to but other than a legal that's right in this half we don't have anything that we're going to hit Ren is going to raake a field that I mowed yesterday and then when I get done mowing this I have to go over and bail that and then he's going to wrap that um we actually have the mowing machine opened up completely by the way because we're not going to be taring this at all we're just going to open it up that way and then rake it without taring since we're going to be doing baage and it's plenty warm um we won't have to C that out at all we got all the Wings open there's two Wings on it the ones I opened last time and then there's a little you can see that little gold handle that's pointing straight up if you move that all the way forward that closes the rows together completely if you move it all the way back like it is right now it fans it out just as much as it possibly can very convenient to have that option so enough blabbering let's get going oh [Laughter] all right so I said I wasn't going to talk to you guys much during this and it's been like 20 ft and I'm already staring at talk so I did want to mention before we got too far into mowing this field today when I was sitting out front having some coffee before we were milking I saw a dough standing out in this field and she was just kind of standing there so I'm assuming she was feeding her baby so I do have to pay close attention I don't want to kill a fawn I've done that before and it just makes me feel really awful so we're going to keep a really close eye out stopped right here because I can see a spot where one has been laying so we're going to keep our eyes peeled and just pray that we don't hit one because that's just the worst thing it just makes you feel really awful there's not much you can do cuz they're not supposed to leave when they hear danger they're just supposed to lay there and that is going to get them killed so I have to keep it really close eye on that keep your eyes peeled guys we'll see one [Laughter] for [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] we just finished the first half it took us almost exactly an hour so a little bit quicker than usual we might be done this in 2 hours or 2 and 1/2 hours um I try to cut it perfectly in half but most of the time this side over here does take a little bit longer so this is the wet spot that I was talking about we didn't go through it last year at all we had to cut across that direction diagonally kind of you can see where that wet type sale grass ends there this year I think we can make it through just fine but we'll see I did not see any babies in this field which is either a good thing or a bad thing I'm almost certain that I didn't hit one um I didn't see anything I kept a really close eye on it and usually the mother will come out if the baby's still here she'll come out and watch for the sidelines that's how I know most of the time that there's a baby unless she's a really bad mother and then they don't come out uh until it's too late no big birds hanging around or anything so I think we dodged a wet this time hopefully it's out in the grass over there somewhere and it didn't move over here Brent isn't actually back yet from raing that field which is surprising I thought he was going to be done by now so let's get this field done and see if we can beat him back [Laughter] [Laughter] no so obviously we didn't beat Brent he's back and he's going to mow I'm going to head over to what he just raped and start bailing he brought me a sandwich by the way so I have prop on my face probably but we're going to go over and bail a little bit and then we have to go pick up some net wrap because I think we're almost out of net wrap we've done 90 Bales so far and we still have some left but I don't know we'll see so [Applause] [Music] I think we need fuel yep definitely am I the only one who likes to smell a diesel fuel whoa that seat is off [Applause] oh [Music] a you [Music] [Applause] oh we're about half done right now we've got 15 so I'd say there's about 30 maybe a little more than 30 in this just half section of field which is pretty good we didn't mow that side we're going to mow that tomorrow I believe and then we have that little piece down there so I'd say there's about 55 to 60 in this small field which is really good um we're getting really good crop off these ones that we just started on recently I'm not really sure why the other ones were a little bit behind it looks kind of like dry hay but it still is pretty wet in the center if you stick your hand in it's pretty moist you can squeeze some water out of it but yeah so far the Bor is doing a great job this year I don't want to jinx it but it has it screwed up once we are going to check see how much net w we have left quite a lot I still think there's a lot on there I'd say there's about 50 left on there um when you get about 10 Bales away from the End of the Roll a red streak will go down the middle of it just so you know you're almost out um and that's not showing yet so we've got quite a lot left I'll finish bailing this and I'll get back to you guys later all right guys it is 4:00 right now we got done bailing at like we I don't know who we is well you guys were there so we got done bailing at 1:00 I think exactly um I did have to bail an extra piece that was some sale grass that we didn't get to it all last year so it was the old grass mixed in with a little bit of new grass we are going to wrap that and feed it to the heer but that was the field I was in where you guys saw the dough that was running around and I don't know if you guys could see it but she had her baby and he was just kind of like jumping along through the grass behind her and it was adorable but we're definitely going to have to watch out in that field because she clearly has a baby and she's going to hide him somewhere in that field so I'll have to pay close attention in that one but I did get to go home for a little while like an hour or two Brent went to town and got some more net wrap for us so I'm going to put that in the bailer right now he's overwrapping the fields as we speak I have to go get him when it's time to milk the cows are already inside so we got to just open this up which I never remember to bring something with me that I can open that with wouldn't you know it I don't even have a ring which is usually how I open it kind of necklace no all right usually I wear a ring for that very reason I used to have a bracelet that fit in there perfectly and I used to just take it off and turn it and it got so bent that I couldn't even wear it anymore but my mother always called it my Bor slip all right we have a knife Farm rules got to do farm rules got to do so one of them doesn't Hook and the other one does so all right so I think we still have enough for probably 25 to 30 Bales but we're going to put that other one on here right now we do have to open up this wing and then we have to uncp that and then you just pick it up and slide it in there it's a lot harder than it sounds both of these ones are broken off there we go and then you just uncp this and you just slide the bail up there and when it's time to put the other roll on so you just lift this up and it dumps it onto that super easy so let's grab that sucker it's a big one all right tell this is going to be a struggle this is 48 inch net wrap you guys this is the good stuff too this is Titan for some reason it's cheaper this year than it was last year figure that out with inflation and everything I just don't know how that happens but I'm not compling all right now the only thing to do is figure out which way it needs to go so when it goes on the Bor then it has to come off the back so which way is this going so I think it's coming from there so we need to slide it up there like this if it's wrong we can just change it later but this is the hard part so don't laugh at me guys Lord you got it then you just hook that good to go well this is going to be the hard part all right there we go that other roll was tightened too I think so I'm not sure why this one's a different color did they change it over here I don't know all right now we just shut everything up there we go just got to slam it that is it for me today I'm going to go sit down for minute before I go get Brent by the way you could probably tell something I want to do on one of these rainy days that's coming up I want to pressure wash the Bor cuz it looks awful I don't know why if it's just where we live or what it is but this nasty moss grows on absolutely everything so I want to get that off and get it all cleaned up nice so that's something I want to do in a spare time like we have any a lot of you guys have been asking what was going on with the corn silage so sorry I haven't answered any of you guys we've been really busy and we haven't gotten a chance to get out with the planter so we've gone to several different places and nobody sells bags of corn anymore I don't know what's up with that our local feed place used to sell them they used to keep a bag of corn around all the time so you could just go pick one up they don't do it anymore the other place that Brent went I don't know where that was they don't do it anymore just having a really really hard time finding seed we may just have to get some sweet corn to test it out because we not going to have any other option it's going to be too late after a while we do know of a farm that plants they haven't even planted yet actually they usually plant in mid June so they haven't planted yet and their corn always grows and catches up to everybody else's so we're not really super worried about it but it's getting down to crunch time if we want to try it this year we got to find somebody that's selling some corn seed so that's what's going on I'm sorry I didn't really update you guys that's the happenings that's what's going on we're having trouble with that right now so thank you guys so much for watching please don't forget to like and comment and all the things hope you enjoyed this video keep it real keep farming and hope to see you in the next one bye guys
Channel: TayFarms
Views: 61,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zYrMIS1-cLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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