Tech-savvy teen takes on e-waste, gives community fixed computers

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reopen the road. Well no 10, a teenager in the North based started a project using E waste to help the community. He tells KTVU is amberleigh that computers have helped him get through challenges, and now he wants to go back. The teenager is using his talents and skills to help others. But he shares with me that the journey hasn't always been an easy one. I have ram. I have fans. Logan over of Rohnert Park, fixes broken computers and gives them a way to students and other people who need them. It makes me happy when I'm able to help others make them happy. The 17 year old tells me he started his passion project about a year ago when he repaired to broken computers for a teacher and decided to channel his skills into a way to help others who couldn't afford a laptop or desktop. Among those he's helped a daycare Redwood Country Kids club, where he received childcare himself as a little boy. Donations have helped us greatly were able to get the kids use them for educational games. The senior from Rachael Qatari High tells me, he asked schools, government agencies and anyplace looking to get rid of old, broken and unused computers. To donate them to him so he can make them useful again. Someone's trash is someone's future like that they could do anything with it. Logan tells me he has overcome challenges living with high functioning autism and anxiety. I didn't think I was gonna make it through elementary school. But he says computers changed his life. I was angry or upset, and I had the computer let me connect like differently with the world logon to me has Is one of most empathetic young men that I have that I have type teacher Matt Carp says he's impressed by Logan's focus on people. Logan is remarkable in his ability to look at the situation and understand how people feel and to care about how people feel and what they need in that situation and really address that Logan has advice for those facing challenges. There are a lot of people out there that care, and there are a lot of support systems out there that you just need to find and don't give up. Logan is set to graduate from high school in June. He plans to attend community college. His dream is to work for a tech company to create a program to do what else but fix broken computers and donate them to people in need.
Channel: KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco
Views: 1,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: News, Video, KTVU, Bay Area news, top news, Bay Area, seen-on-tv, e-waste, Rohnert Park, teen, technology, computers, donate
Id: m8b-AYy5_4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 21sec (141 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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