Tech Expert Reveals How Artificial Intelligence Will Change Your Life

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every day we hear that artificial intelligence is going to change the future of our world but what does that really mean well in today's video I have flown all the way to London England to meet the CEO of the fastest growing real estate company in the world and Incredibly his entire company is powered by artificial intelligence now much like the internet and smartphones have changed every facet of our lives today the future of AI promises to do the same and whichever country whichever company and whichever individual can harness this power of artificial intelligence is going to have an amazing opportunity in front of them this is why you see countries like China and the United States working so hard to grow the future of artificial intelligence it's also why microchips have become such a Hot Topic in geopolitics in today's video You're going to hear an incredible story from an entrepreneur who built up an Empire and left it all behind because of the war in Ukraine he moved his company to Dubai started again and has made a tremendous success and is truly changing the future of real estate today's video is so important because it actually shows us what the power of artificial intelligence can do and I promise you this is one of the most unique interviews I have ever put on this channel and it is one that really will show you what the power of AI can do for the future of our world without further Ado let's jump in the podcast studio and meet Alex and the team from realis I want to welcome you to Central London I'm here with Alex gold Alex it is a pleasure to meet you in person thank you for having me today absolutely thank you so much well everyone we have an amazing discussion in store for you today because the topic is artificial intelligence and Alex we hear AI every single day of our life and I think for many people though they fail to understand you know how does this really influence my life how is AI going to change my life but I think what's so fascinating why I wanted to come to London is I want to sit down with you because you have developed an amazing software you have an amazing company that is the fastest growing real estate company specializing in really utilizing AI so tell us a little bit more about artificial intelligence and how it's really going to change the world in our own lives yeah for sure definitely it's going to change the world but the question is how fast right so AI wave is so huge now and it's happening right now and I would like to say why it's so special what people can do with this how people can understand it faster and just you know to take it and uh use it in a daily daily basis first of all we saw the two waves of Technology internet wave and it took 20 years from 1990 to 2008 in 2008 the internet had penetration rate of 95% so even now 5% of population in the world doesn't have uh any access to Internet connection okay in 2008 to 2017 it was a wave of mobile like smartphones right and penetration rate 98% now okay so even people don't have internet connection but they have smartphones okay so AI wave started two years ago I have been working on AI eight years so far before it was so popular you know and a bunch of people worked in different uh verticals like uh I have been working in AI for Real Estate like open AI worked for llm for text you know messages etc for language in general so for now in two years penetration rate of AI is already 25% okay it means that in 3 four years it's going to be 90 90 plus% penetration rate wow and this thing is going to change everything every life right in any business literally and this is the time when people can understand it take it utilize it in the business into new startups companies and use it and become rich first of all right if they would like to become rich yeah and unfortunately a lot of businesses will go out of the business right very fast very soon and maybe millions of people are going to lose their jobs and they will have to you know find the new one the new way that's how important this thing is okay and in real estate I'm going to speak about the real estate okay because I'm an expert about that's right in real estate first of all what's happening now for example and the big problem is solving right now let me explain so I lived in Russia for quite all of my life yeah and uh because of the war with Ukraine I moved to Dubai and started a new business in Dubai and I wish I knew that Dubai is a wonderful City for business for living you know buying properties and Etc but I had no idea once I lived in Moscow because no dat existed right um I knew about Dubai nothing in terms of tourists sand you know right summer H that's all I I knew right but once I moved I understood that I lost 10 years of my life for nothing you know definitely is RA a lot a lot of better places in the world that people just don't know about it previously we started this conversation I showed you that the most affordable location in London barking exact price as uh and the quality of real estate in this neighborhood is quite not good right and this is the exact price of real estate in the center of Dubai or it twice more expensive than in Las Vegas right and we spoke about it that people literally who live in London could could sell their real estate in London moved to Las Vegas and buy two or three properties the same quality rent out two of them and they can do not work for the rest of their lives right that's how geographical Arbitrage is so important and residential real estate is is is a key yeah because we spent in residential real estates uh 80% of Our Lives that's right yeah we live we you know we sleep in this residential real estate right and what kind of residential real estate you're going to pick is going to predetermine your whole life for the next 5 10 15 years right and once you picked not good and once you picked the city the neighborhood the real estate or you invested in the wrong real estate it's going to have impact on your life for the Next Generation right at least that's how it's important what's happening with ai ai first of all is uncovering the data across the globe and make it so accessible in one click in one minute you literally can ask AI for now what is the best place I can live in the world right for you know I have an apartment in uh London and uh what is the price for this apartment and uh what I can get for the rest of the world better better quality where I could find better prices better taxes Etc right and you don't need to analyze it in your in your own right you literally can get as the answer in less than minutes right that thing is going to change everything so I predict that hundreds millions of people are going to move yeah in the next 7 10 years across the globe Alex I want to talk about that because very interesting I recorded an episode a couple of months ago and we were talking with another fellow entrepreneur and we were talking about the fact that in America we have a lot of the new you know Generation Z the Gen Zed um up to 50% of these Young Americans saying that they now have an interest to leave the United States and they want to seek these other opportunities around the world and we're actually seeing this very big migration like you said a lot of people are moving and I think a lot of opportunities are becoming available because of this and this is really a fascinating thing and I really wanted people to understand you know a tangible benefit of this AI that they could instantly see and I think you've put it up very very clearly here right you can tell AI hey I want to you know I live in London this is the price for my unit where could I go in the world and essentially you know find something comparable or maybe even find two properties comparable and and like you said get into that investing game where okay now I live in one but now I have extra income and I can you know maybe buy a second rental property there's a lot of opportunity that AI is presenting here yes for sure but it's much better to you know to see how it works than just to speak about it because literally people for now um don't understand that it's happening it's already here right yeah what do you think if I'm going to show you how it works yeah I would and we're going to go from this point let's do that because I want to show the audience here I want to show everybody exactly this amazing we Rec it and place that everybody can see perfect so first of all my goal and the goal of the company is to digitalize the whole world for now I have 114 cities the data from cities marro economic data Etc and one my goal is to digitalize 1,000 cities in the next three years so it's lit should be all major cities right in the world with all data about the real estate Mar economics data and different different different data just to make sure that literally this is going to be the choice of everything right not just limited Choice once you would like to speak for with a realtor for example in London right realtor are going to say you that London is a best here in the world you need to invest in London you're going to speak with the realtor in Dubai and you're going to see the same thing know Dubai is the most wonderful place in the world so all about the real estate is so limited because it's based on uh expertise of Realtors and people and by default they are limited in terms of data and Analysis right so this is something different so 114 cities and this is the rating of cities for now like real time so Monaco is the most expensive city in terms of real estate in the world right Hong Kong number second right Geneva Singapore Tel Aviv London so in the United States Boston and San francisa wow equal average equal pricing wow we can another a system like for example show me the crime rating oh wow across the different cities and you're going to see that Russell Helma Abu Dhabi Char Dubai literally are the most safy cities in the world now after this uh Saudi Arabia Medina land and United States far far away right from the top of level organiz the system for example show me average unit size and what do you think that what do you think is the smallest average apartment in the world apartments in the world Alex my first guess would be New York City no I mean that's that's far far away so maybe Hong Kong no Hong Kong as well yeah I used to live in Hong Kong absolutely so data shows that the smallest apartment in the world are in Russia oh wow in average wow you're going to see like Tokyo 586 uh fits okay Hong Kong the same SE a little bit less and uh Moscow interesting even less yeah so before we collected all the data across the world this kind of you know stereotypes had place so like Hong Kong C now in Russia so the biggest country in the world has this smallest average apartments in the world right so in general the population of Russia lives uh not good right right okay okay let's go just directly to the Dubai because Dubai is the is the most digitalized city right what that we have so in Dubai the system shows you what's happening with Dubai real estate market so it's it's growing right now dramatically and where is the ai ai also makes for you forecasting okay so what is going to be with the pricing in the future based on current trends microeconomics data local data new infrastructure and demand Supply ratio this a kind of amazing thing because nobody has done it before because all this data were was so fragmented fragmented by different experts different people across the globe and now it's all collected in one thing and it's free so people now can get access to all these data and more let's go to next what's happening with transactions you literally can see how many apartments sold last week wow and what's happening with the trend is going down or people starting to buy more Etc so you go to the lay down and see all neighborhoods across the Dubai so if you have never been in Dubai you literally can use this thing just to understand the city in half an hour an hour wow where are the most expensive locations andc or you caniz a system for example if you are a real estate investor what neighborhoods I should pick for buying something and rent it out so literally this is a percentage of net income from rent okay after service charge expenses so you don't need to calculate it in mind it's already here wow so just easier we can as the system different stuff like show me the neighborhoods with the best access to Parks you told me about your wife that it was kind of big question about the greenery correct yeah yeah yeah so in Dubai literally AI calculates the percentage of greenery in each location and compare it with other location so literally it's easy to navigate super fast and many more incredible real estate is approximately 200 parameters M each piece of real estate real estate is not commodity right so that's why you need to build a lot of layers of data right just to collect it in one place and after based on this AI could make good predictions recommendations Etc but previously you need to put it in one yeah so that's incredible yeah nobody has done it before so I decided to do it that's incred yeah I want to just uh share a personal story because when my wife and I were looking for a house in Vancouver Canada yeah you know this was not maybe six years ago so it wasn't too long ago but that process was very interesting because we had to find a real estate agent then we had to say look this is what we're looking for we want good schools we want access to a park um we want to have you know a b and c and I remember remember our real estate agent came by with all of these printout papers and said look at this pace look at this place and then we got in the car and we spent you know eight hours driving around all the city with the little baby in the back seat and it was you know at the end of the day we saw four houses and none of them actually met our requirements so it you know was it was it was a lot of time that the realtor had spent through looking the listings it was a lot of time for us you know we spent a day and maybe saw five properties and and then at the end of the day we we had we were no closer to our goal than when we started and so now you're telling me I literally feel it yeah I feel the pain yeah so I mean that's incredible though that you can look at a map of Dubai and and and because of your software you can you can immediately set up these parameters okay what you know if I'm looking for investment how much money can I make off of this after I subtract my expenses if I want to be close to a park if I want to be close to the ocean and I think what's fascinating as well is it instantly gives you a m a snapshot of the city and you see all the different districts in the prices it could be combination of your uh of your ask you know yeah so what we do we digitalizing the real estate market from the World level to City level neighborhoods level buildings even apartments and AI makes prediction and estimation for each apartment in a city right and that's why so AI sees that this apartment has a view Greenery noisy zones parks schols what is the distance right all these things so once you would like to ask AI this is my first priority second third AI will do for you personal rating of all real estate across the city and literally not just across the city but across the world wow wow let me show you forther yeah so these are projects uh and we digitalize all developers projects and uh in Dubai in general right and this is rating of projects if you would like to invest if you investor this is the AI the best AI in the city the number two number three so from the best one to to to the worst one or caniz the system just super easy navigation I would like to invest I would like to invest for rent out show me the rating and the system makes it real time for you you put the budget that you have these are the best buildings in Dubai for buying something and rent it out so the best ay in your budget 6.1% net right so super easy right yeah and once you find something interesting in terms of building you click the building and you can see available apartments right now in this building like in the 21st floor available apartment right now and you're going to see is a view from this apartment directly you can click to this apartment and uh have a look what's what is the price of this apartment Etc and this is a kind of magic that's why it's powered by AI do you see this historical price and the forecasting price and forecasting price up to three four years based on future infrastructure right what is coming in terms of events like for example uh in 200 30 is going to be the loop so this is going to be a kind of uh you know 90 93 kilm radios across the Dubai where people can cycl in you know okay interesting and this is going to be in the future and uh AI highlights by this ARS right green good red bad right right so bad it's shutting down du buy for pandemic it's bad that's right yeah for the pricing good Etc and also this forecasting based on demand and Supply data and literally we can predict quite accurate what's happening with the market right because once you collect the data faster yeah than anybody else on the market so real estate market is quite slow if something happening the real estate pricing are not going down the next day as a stock market so there is a gap of six to n months at least even in 2008 uh the stock market crashed right and the real estate market uh was felling down like 9 months right so it's kind of slow thing right let me show you one interesting thing about Ai and how powerful this could be so in 2022 December uh AI predicted that Dubai markets uh grow uh will grow in price 46% correct 2023 so the Dubai Market it grew not in pricing but in volume sorry in volume 45.8% so the currency rate uh was 99.9% wow that's how AI could be so accurate sometimes and what we do it's a prediction of the city neighborhood buildings even Apartments that's super easy right yeah and once you just pick some building you're able to see all infrastructure around that you asked previously correct let me show you how it work Works need to wait a little bit so it just shows you all water zones around not just what uh what infrastructure uh this building has now for now but what water res are going to be in the future okay so it's kind of in next years after next years right so this AI downloading every day floor plant uh Master plants um news from Medias uh from you know uh press releases of developers Etc and digitalizing it in one place so all green spaces AI even counts green spaces like this okay you know right between the roads right so yeah for now ai use uses satellites okay and it's just very easy navigating and more and more about the rent all this stuff even AI calculates recommends you strategies for investment and calculates Roi for each apartment and calculates the best strategies what you should do once you would like to get the best ay should you rent it out or should you buy hold it and sell all these strategies are calculated by AI right and once you have some apartments already or Villas or town houses this AI works with residential only for now okay because the residential is the most um valuable assets in the world asset in the world and it's so important for people more important than commercial real estate yeah yeah so once you have some uh assets for example this is my portfolio and my friend's portfolio I have apartments in Dubai and Moscow yeah uh it divided by what assets what type types of apartment and this is the current balance so what is the real market price of my portfolio right now you able to put information in about what assets you have in across the globe wow any City so for now it works in the four cities but in uh several months it's going to be access to any city in the world wow you're going to get estimation for 10 seconds of your residential real estate you're going to get explanation why right it's not just a black box it's going to be explanation why this your apartment or your house has a price like this and from the day one you will be able to track the price of your real estate daily that's how it's happen right now it's like a stock market you know absolutely and also you're going to get recommendation should you sell this uh asset or should you hold it okay if you should you sell it because the market is going down you need to exit and uh each number AI has to explain so AI versus calculator the difference is that calculator works for you but in a specific logic correct in a box AI is a software that could make the work as as better as human or better mhm so if you have some kind of software that makes something not algorithmic work like estimation of apartment and it's on human level or expert level or better it's literally AI doesn't matter how you build it right it doesn't matter if you have one million Chinese peoplea right so but it's impossible for sure uh people can call this AI yeah so people can call AI any kind of software because AI it's a bunch of Technologies in general people call AI something that works on the level of a human or better right once you have it you have a technology because you can build it in another way Alex I got a question for you because I think up until this point I think you've made a great case of you know why realist the software is just it's fantastic I think for any for any of us that you know we all are buying real estate at least to live in you know I mean residential is is the most important like you said we spend 80% of our life in residential uh real estate but I want to know a little bit more about the team and and realist because how do you go about building this and I know you can't you know you're not going to reveal all the secrets of your company but I mean I'm just like how do you get all of this data how you know do you have a team of Engineers that are working with you tell us a little bit more about the story of realist and how you go about this because for me it's very hard to understand like how how can the AI be this good to get all of this data just seems incredible I'd love to know how you how you built the company your vision kind of tell people more about your company because this is I've never seen anything like this and i' and I've never seen a better Real Life Application of AI into something that wow we can really use this in our life and it can change our life yeah so first of all it's free and people can use it any day uh and the key thing is that real is now is scaling across the world yeah so it's not just analytic thing it's an opportunity for people to buy online if there's something across the cities or across the countries if they would like to buy something and it's all also going to be for free no service charges this is our principle by the way how we how we make money is the next question us uh once people buy something developers and sell a pay commission okay right so easy super easy business model but because we don't have realter in inside so we can provide much better price and all this stuff so we don't have just people we need to pay yeah that's that's the key reason so about the team and um just before I remember when you opened that segment you said you know AI is going to result in a lot of many millions of job losses I'm I'm thinking a lot of real Realtors are really going to be in trouble in the future unfor um I think 30% of Realtors are going to lost their jobs in four years yeah I could I could I'm sure yeah 100% sure but Realtors um are very important so I don't want to say that Realtors are useless no no they're important but they're important for different task you know right like if you buy something for yourself for personal living it's literally better to work as a realtor because you would like to know some different you know what a neighborhood what are your neighbors and all this stuff so Realtors spent years of their lives just to collect all this information right so it's quite impossible to digitalize but once we speak about investment yes uh once we speak about uh you know parking money right right yeah somewhere in the world so Lally don't need in real sense Mak yeah yeah so and why why I'm here and we are speaking together so I told you previously that uh what I do I have all these Technologies banch of Technologies how to collect data how to digitalize ities Etc and this is a very important thing because I'm looking for people who can run this business even for free yeah they can take this technology and run this business in a city so I need to open 35 40 cities this year and my goal is to scale it to 1,000 cities so in real people can take this technology in the city they live and run a business and this business with us so in Partnership of course um but they can run this business and this business kind of incredible let me give you the story and after I'm going to explain why okay this is important thing because what's happening with a now is a lifetime opportunity believe me so and the window is closing now okay it's not forever right like it was a go time of uh internet error right and some people made billions on this and it changed the lives corre changed the markets and Etc what's happening now it's a 10x more powerful wave than the internet wow that's how big is it and we are on the middle of the way so the window is going to be closed after 3 years approximately okay now it's you know free f for changing for you know disrup status quo everything that's happening now so about my story uh I started my real estate career I can say real estate career 12 years I sold my first piece of FL at 12 I helped my family the my family invested in real estate for the long term and I started to help them and once I sold the so I managed the viewings you know yeah after the school and once I sold my first piece of land uh uh piece of real estate my mother told me so you're going to be or uh real estate ton you know or you're going to sell used cars so I still don't have a driving license so my my pass I predetermined yeah yeah so at University I made uh quite a good Capital by uh managing real estate agency so I ran real estate agency and I started to invest in real estate and I fast understood that all my day was about excels files analytics uh listings speaking with Realtors Etc and I dreamed about kind of software that could uh take out of my life 90% of the job right so I I didn't know anything about it okay like 12 years ago uh and I started to travel like in New York uh San Francisco um uh Hong Kong other countries and try to understand maybe someone made it already and I can just take it and make my fortune so at that time I had approximately a little bit more than $1 million and my goal was to make it from 1 million to 10 million yeah and I just calculated how many deals I need to make and I understood that without any kind of software it's kind of going to take 30 years for me and I wanted to make it five right that's my it was my kind of motivation right and I started to work on algorithms and build the first team and lost almost all my money by building uh IT company because I had no experience right but using this uh very expensive education yes I understood how to manage the team and how to build the it systems and eight years ago I understood that AI will come right anyway yes it's going to be happened and I started to work on AI so from that from that time we made a lot but we made it in Russia we worked with banks developers biggest banks and we were integrating our AI estimation into um mortgage estimation all this stuff and after the war I decided to move from Russia to Dubai and we started from the scratch so I moved uh 80 people from my team um yeah so and we just lost the business in Russia at the time so we lost dozens millions of dollars at the day wow yeah but I understood that uh I'm going to never build Global business from Russia that day so we decided to start from scratch and on what we had previously our knowledge AI all this St on top of this we made a Marketplace just people can find and buy something online and we decided to make it free estimations free technology no SAS no payments nothing so literally people investors across the globe can use it right any place in the world and just buy it and uh one guy called me uh like a few years ago um after the war and he said I'm moving from Russia could you please make the same software for me I would like to run this business in a new location okay I said okay right because we're going to have two locations not just Dubai but another one and I made it for him and uh he became our partner in the specific City okay and more and more people started to come right and they saw us in media they saw us in you know in Bloomberg or forbs some kind of Global media and uh they said wow this is a good idea I thought about it for a long time but I had no knowledge how to do it but you already did it so why we just don't make a business together in uh Jakarta okay I have never heard about Jakarta prly I said why not let's go why not and so far we uh now we are launching uh 20 cities already from s Paulo to Jakarta Bali right so um Bangkok uh pukat Istanbul all Spain uh Berlin V and many more cities yeah and I understood that I need to digitalize this thing yeah absolutely I need to digitalize this world world and I know how to do it I built a lot of uh software under the hood how to take the data how to digitalize this how to download how to you know take more sources how to work with developers and they're going to provide the data daily and all this stuff so I have a package yeah but I literally have no I have no people across the world and my efforts are my focus and effort that I need to speak about it yeah openly correct even all the software is is open and people can go and check how it works it's on the website how it works yeah yeah exactly exactly yeah and and they can take it and once we together can digitalize the world it's going to be something great because this thing could change a lot of lives for example in a few months we're going to launch a software that you literally can put your address where you live now okay or you rent yeah and uh get estimation in 10 seconds and get recommendation from AI what you could get better in your city or across the globe right and what is the price difference and what you can get if you move and what you can get uh or for example you have a new child you have a two-bedroom apartment you need a three bedroom this CI will find for you the best match okay between what you have and what you can get amazing even this AI uh will calculate the mortgage rate for you best okay so any kind of U scenario you know any kind of way should be calculated by Ai and this should be for free yes for people that way we can you know make impact on this world and change something I love that so I literally lost 10 years of my life and I wish nobody yeah are going to lose so much well Alex I think a big takeaway that i' I've also learned today is just your journey as an entrepreneur I mean it it's actually quite amazing you spent a million dollars building a tech company you know Lo almost lost it lost a million but but you learned a lot of valuable principles and I think that's really good thing with a lot of entrepreneurs is that if you have that ability to learn and you can you know you you go through the process you can lose a million but you know how to make it back and you you certainly G had a very expensive education but now you've built something and and I think you have see the opportunity here this is this is quite amazing I love the analogy we open this this podcast on saying the penetration right we had the internet for 20 years then you had mobile phone now that's at 98% but now ai is just 25% you said right already penetration yeah penetration so but cling one more interesting idea uh do you know what what was the first business of el musk no oh I I I don't actually no okay it's not PayPal yeah um the first business of Elon Musk was zip2 company uh literally it was a map okay with uh points on the map with description what you can find in the map it was previous Google ER Google Maps ER okay okay so a lot of companies across the world uh were building this Maps Berlin Dubai Moscow New York Etc so El mask sold his company for $ 32 million not billion million dollars uh it was the first company that he built before the Google and after Google came and crashed all these companies across the globe more than thousand of companies uh went bankruptcy right because of the Google at that time right but what's happening with the now we have a horizontal or basic llm models like CH GPT for now right but the world needs vertical AI let me explain what does yeah what's the difference for horizontal vertical AI it's like AI for Real Estate AI for detecting cancer in LS AI for you know uh managing bookings in the hotels okay you know or AI managing uh your travel okay all this around so it's vertical this are vertical let me explain how big is the opportunity now for example with um example of realist store with example of vertical imagine that in Dubai for example there is a developer uh imar imar is a developer of bush Khalifa and many more right buildings so last year they made uh in sales 11 billion in sales okay they sell residential right what is AI model AI model could uh give to IMR like first of all they could sell real estate without agents right and they can save two three 4% at least right second once you have a AI model you could make better pricing so what's happening in real estate for now developers use kind of assistant advisors and they play the real estate pricing like not algorithmic but once you book a plane all pricing in plane tickets already based on Smart Pricing so once the demand is high the pricing are high and it's Dynamic but in real estate not so in general and once they have AR for example they can understand what they should built on specific plot of land what set of apartments and how much money they can make so in general AI model for example imar tomorrow buys realist in Dubai uh this AI model could bring them at least 5% extra margin on the business so 5% extra margin on an 11 billion business it's $540 million net right a year right and the beautiful thing about this example is that that imar has the business with real estate only in Dubai right 95% they don't care about Singapore they don't care about London they don't care about New York right in each City you are to find the biggest players like Banks Insurance real estate developers and they all need digitalized model of the city right in terms of real estate for better for making better decisions can they build in house no no no it's not a game of money right it's a game of uh talents and uh you know engage people okay so in real one model in one city could be valid hundreds millions of dollars right even one city wow that's how models are so important B based on this example in the world in the future so the next three to five years AI models vertical AI models are going to be the hottest products on the market interesting and the companies like huge companies are going to buy um small companies not because of the uh the brands or database Etc they're going to buy them because of models yeah inside so that's how powerful and how much money it going to bring once you build AI models so for specific Niche Fant you know that is so it could make a huge impact in big businesses it's just one example right right that so what I do I'm just building and I make seats across the different cities so to train the model for specific City to be kind of it's stupid example but to be kind of el musk with a zip 2 yeah yeah nice so zip 2 was a map yeah why I said about the map the map is always unique for each City digital map so now you have a Google Maps for all the world but previously each City had several companies who were working um on maps right the same thing now is happening for example in real estate okay so and the same thing is happening with the vertical uh AI once you have a model for specific business or specific City Etc it could be valued hundreds millions of dollars wow amazing there's such an amazing opportunity I think in in in the world but certainly real estate AI I think you've made a great case for that um Alex this has been such an amazing chat with you I've really I've really uh what I always like to do with these chats is I I like to come in and be a student I like to learn and you made an amazing case realist is an incredible company what about people that are watching this that are interested you know either using this software or learning more about your company you said you had some you know you you'd like to find you know there might be some viewers here that are interested in this and saying like how do I partner with real estate what I did uh I digitalized my brain already so I used chpt model for uh my knowledge so I trained this model and I uh took the data from the realist platform and combine together wow so it's in real I can provide the link to my AI okay AI digital twin and this AI first of all it's much clever than I yeah second uh it could answer any questions about real estate across the world or how AI Works what's all parameters it's already digitalized so it's much easier you know yeah yeah so literally anyone who would like like to speak with me can speak with my digital twin and get all answers amazing for any questions okay yeah I'm going to provide the link so people can use it fantastic yeah we'll put that link down there so you can talk to your digital twin that's awesome obviously obviously the website for our realist as well and Alex you have any final words you want to talk to our Our Guest uh thank you for watching this video yeah absolutely and thank you you're incredible oh thank you Alex it's been a been a pleasure thank you for having me here in London and once again everybody we're just so committed to uh bringing you these amazing insights you know we travel around the world we're meeting with experts in artificial intelligence technology I mean the world around us is changing it's changing so fast AI is going to be a big part of this um it's why I have such an interest in this and why I flown all the way to London to meet you Alex to learn about the fastest growing AI real estate company in the world so congratulations to you and the entire realist team on the success that you've achieved I have no doubt I mean I'm I'm sold I think this is a fantastic platform I know that you're going to continue to achieve great success and you have a very ambitious goal of uh going to a thousand cities I know very soon you know the whole world is going to be in your platform and and it's going to make real estate investing and really knowledge right we're really just talking about knowledge and and getting that out to the world that's going to help people U be smarter and make the world a better place so thank you thank you like people say in Dubai inshah inshah very nice everyone I want to thank you for watching today's video and I hope you enjoyed this incredible entrepreneurial story story with Alex gold I want to thank him and the entire team from realist to Flying me out here to London it was incredible to spend some time with this team and again this is what we do on this YouTube channel we bring you amazing insights into geopolitics around the world but also the future of tech many of you know me for my insights into the United States and China but again it's entrepreneurs like Alex who are harnessing this power of AI embracing technology and again are truly changing the world if you want to find out more information about realist make sure that you click the links down below we're going to put a website link and if you are interested in real estate and you want to learn more about the power of AI I want to invite you to check out realis I spent many hours with Alex looking at this data it is truly incredible the most amazing thing is that it's free to everyone around the world and again I think it truly is going to change the way that we see real estate in the future everyone as always thank you for your incredible support on this channel I can't wait to show you more insights as we travel around the world thank you for your support and we'll see you in our next video soon
Channel: Cyrus Janssen
Views: 61,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence explained, artificial intelligence documentary, artificial intelligence news, artificial intelligence tutorial for beginners, artificial intelligence tutorial, artificial intelligence course, how will ai change the world, how will ai take over the world, how will ai affect the economy, ai real estate, ai real estate investing, ai real estate marketing, ai real estate video, realiste, realiste ai, realiste ai review, ai
Id: CPAMbLZrul4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 56sec (2756 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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