Tech Craft: AI Textures in Blender using Intel Core Ultra

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Hey it's Bob Duffy from Intel here and we've got another exciting episode of Tech Craft today we're looking at dream textures an add-on for blender for creating textures and materials simply by describing them and I'm excited that we're going to do all of this on an Intel Core Ultra with a built-in Intel Arc GPU using the MSI Prestige 16 it just blows me away that we're able to do work like this on a device like this we're doing AI and Blender at the same time so you may be asking yourself what's the big deal about textures anyways so textures are part of the 3D asset workflow for creating gaming assets architecture assets cinematics and design and a single asset can cost tens of thousands of dollars to create where materials and textures can be about half of that workflow and price and we can reduce all of that with AI so it's nice to have tools like this that run on devices like this so let's jump into blender and give dream textures a go so here we are in blender um on the left I have a 2D image plane and then I have a viewport a 3D viewport on the right here and then on the bottom right I've got an area where I'm going to select my materials as we go through this so this I'm just giving you a lay of the land of of of how my layout is working but when you install dream textures under preferences you're going to have the add-on there and it will be loaded that way and then once that's done it will be available through the end menu on any of your viewports so in the 2D view Port you'll have an "N" menu and then also on the 3D view Port you can have an "N" menu and I'll explain the differences of the two so if we're in our 2D viewport there um I can bring up the "N" menu and there's a couple of things that I can do um I can select which model that I want to use and since we're doing 2D it's going to be the stable diffusion 1.5 you can set your resolution and then a prompt for what kind of image you want to generate and then you're going to type in your prompt I've got their uh flower Fabric and I'm going to change this to roses um then you can set your negative prompt there however you'd like and then under Advance is where you can do things are really cool is set it to be a seamless texture or not and then you can set um which processors you're going to use for different portions of this um if we're doing the 3D viewport I'll show you how to select npu and then you click generate and you start going so I'm going to get rid of the "N" menu here and then that's going to go ahead and work and I just want to show you how this works I have some textures over on the right like brown leather texture that I created that was really what the prompt was and it generated that really nice texture I also have I think a red Linen in here somewhere yep there it is red linen and then that that I I think it's really cool just generate these textures without having to download them and then here's kind of like a mid-century modern kind of brown and orange geometric modern you know fabric that I created and you can create anything you want you don't have to just create Fabrics here, another flower pattern right here and then yeah it looks like we're done so let's go ahead and turn it onto this let me select that one and I can change the size there a little bit there you go um beautifully seamless textures done just by typing what it is that I want okay we're back in the 3D viewport all to its own and we've got a number of treasure chests here so we're going to do something called projection mapping where I projection map a texture on the treasure chest so let me get rid of these extra ones here we're going to focus on this red and steel Treasure Chest so let me go ahead and zoom in on this guy and then I can bring up uh the "N" menu like I said we're going to projection map rather than create a single seamless texture so with that you don't want 1.5 you want control net depth int8 and int8 is what's going to allow us to use the npu at the same time uh the rest of the settings are the same set your size custom and then we go and input on our promp so let's change this treasure chest and let's uh change it to be maybe a a wood and um and gold, right so uh let's change the color scheme up here a little bit uh and then I think what we can do is the rest of this is going to be the same you can select different processors for different types but what we're going to do here specifically is we're going to s npu for the negative device so the npu is actually going to be put to task in this as well and we're going to do it to run the negative prompt the rest of this will be exactly the same um and then we're going to have to select our mesh and select everything in order to get going but again what we're doing here it's not a seamless texture what we're going to generate is a texture that gets projected on the device and so we'll have different textures on, at the same time so we've got everything selected we have load model and then what I can do is bring up my command window to see how this is going this is this takes a little bit of time to load it and then once it's done loading we can go ahead and move forward and then I can yeah hit uh project texture here so let's go ahead and click that and get that going um just so you guys know um I'm going to make sure that performance monitor is running so we can see that we're using both GPU and and NPU, let me set this to compute so we get the right data and we'll we'll pop back into this when we do it the next time all right so that looks okay I mean the wood kind of looks like wood the gold is okay but I think we can do better uh so let's go ahead and change this prompt and we'll change this up to I think we'll make it an iron and um yeah we'll make it iron and wood um and we'll do it again so let's go ahead and hit uh that and so here with performance monitor up I'll show you that Intel Core Ultra Processors have an array of engines optimized to accelerate different kinds of AI workloads so in this case what you're seeing is we're assigning two of them to two separate parts of the same task to improve the overall performance so NPU and GPU working at the same time and there it is a beautiful Treasure Chest that looks like wood that looks like iron that's a winner to me but wait there's more so I thought I'd show you more that you could do so I modeled this out the street in these buildings everything here is done using dream texture so the concrete uh the road the brick buildings Windows Etc just typed away and generated textures so I want to do more stuff like this show you what you can do using AI on an Intel Core Ultra and Intel Arc GPU so if you enjoyed this please like this video subscribe to this YouTube channel and we'll do more of Tech Craft until next time I'm Bob Duffy we'll catch you [Music] later
Channel: Intel Technology
Views: 2,031
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Id: hMVNYn7qhC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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