Teardrop Trailer Camping - Cold & Wet! Is It Worth It?

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[Music] hi everybody we are at our house in bend oregon we're packing up to go camping this weekend at camp sherman with our new teardrop trailer it is not the best weather this weekend it's raining here in town and they're calling for snow up at camp sherman with the lows in the mid-20s we're gonna go off grid tonight and we're gonna let you know how it goes [Music] well we've made it to our campsite and it is indeed very freezing out here um nice and quiet there's only a couple other campers out here you can hear the water running from the river and the tullius river and mike's just making us some dinner and we're gonna have a campfire and try to get warm tonight with a buddy heater hello just making one of our traditional camping meals indian what we do have is the buddy heater and we have windows cracked and we'll have the fan going we have some hand warmers and feet warmers we have heavy duty sleeping bags and a wool blanket so it feels pretty good in here um and so far so good [Music] a bunch of rain on the awning mike's trying to get rid of getting ready to make my coffee in the rain i think it'll make it taste better [Music] what happened [Music] i mean everything's really nice nice and comfortable nice and peaceful see some people taking a walk on the trail next to the river i mean everything's really great except for the rain you know kind of just makes everything all muddy and wet but other than that it's really nice one thing with the ice coolers because sometimes it's a pain to get the food out from under the ice is to pack the meals together so you have the like uh foods together so this was yogurt blueberries and then i got the granola in the back so just pull this out together and i can start the meal nice little breakfast here we got the nancy's probiotic yogurt we've got some organic blueberries and some paleo cinnamon vanilla bean granola yay the sun is peeking through blue sky maybe the weather is looking up after all that's the great thing about living in central oregon [Music] [Music] we took a drive down to sisters and we're gonna get something to eat and walk around the town [Music] well we just got back after eating pizza in town and everything is in shambles port-a-potty tent is in shambles the awning came down i know keep your daydream warned us about this i said never leave your campsite without putting your awning down first but looks like it's okay mike yep the snow has arrived what do you think mike is that gonna put out our fire [Music] we might add something like a clam shell to our mix as well as maybe a propane fire pit when it's raining or snowing so that we don't have to rely on the regular fire um we might maybe in the future get a jackery so that we can have more power and maybe sometimes use a small electric heater things like that would be just more tools that could make this a more comfortable experience although i will say the ultimate goal out here is not to be entirely comfortable all the time but to immerse yourself in nature to get out and have fun with your loved ones to look up at the trees and the sky and the clouds and just to enjoy yourself away from your house and away from your normal routines and we did that this weekend and so i feel good about what we did this weekend and i would do it again in a heartbeat [Music] it is sunday morning we just woke up a little bit ago and what we did is we ran the buddy heater for about 10 minutes with the vent open then we shut the body heater off there was condensation on the walls and the windows and the doors so we wiped those down with towels normally we would have this fan on all night long to keep it more airy and dry in here but because it was so cold last night we shut everything up so there was more condensation than normal now we're gonna go have our coffee [Music] it's a beautiful sunday morning enjoying the sound of the metullius river and the blue sky and an eagle flew by our campsite recently so that was neat to watch well it always makes me feel a little bit sad it is time to pack up and go home and get ready for the work week thanks so much for joining us on this video and we hope you'll join us for the next one you
Channel: Highway to Hoeftland
Views: 31,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #teardrop, #teardropcamper, #tinycamper, #wintercamping, #MetoliusRiver, #campsherman, #off grid, #off grid camping, #portable heater, #Mr. Buddy, Camping in rain, Teardrop Trailer
Id: ENqhb87hViw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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