Team coverage: Flooding concerns for residents near San Jacinto River

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Mayo. We're seeing these flood waters still really high in a lot of places including right here in Liberty County, near the east fork of the San Vicento River. Right here behind me. That's a section of FM 2090 just completely submerged in water. The flood water people here have been trapped all day. Emergency crews have been helping to do these evacuations throughout the day. Take a look just about an hour ago, we saw these two people and their dogs being brought to dry land in a boat for several hours. Today, crews from the Texas A and M task force and Army National Guard were here helping folks in Plum Grove get out of their flooded houses. We're told more than a dozen rescues were happened today but it was not an easy mission. Earlier, we saw one of these rescue boats having engine trouble and the crew inside couldn't paddle back because the current of this flooded river was too strong. Now, we also spoke to one resident here who went back to his flooded home to find some pets that got left behind. He told us that rescue crews couldn't get all the way there. So he took a small kayak himself, went in seeing my dog was still alive on my daughter's bed, the cat was still alive. I just don't have a way to get to him again. So we just paddled all the way back out. So for right now, you feel like they're safe and they're good in the house. We got another three or 4 ft before anything tragic happens. But I'll try to find a boat and get in there and that man says he'll be here tomorrow with a bigger boat to rescue his animals back out here live. We know these flood waters are expected to stay high throughout the weekend and just to kind of show you how high they are, you can see a car over my shoulder over here that is almost completely submerged in water. County officials are urging people who live along the east fork of the San Jack River to evacuate, heed those warnings if they can. All right. Thank you so much, Steven go. And another major trouble spot is in northeast Houston where the east fork of the San Jacinto River runs through the new Cany area and East River estates. That's where we saw first responders having to rescue people and their pets who they thought could ride out the flooding but then decided to leave by then they needed help. We talked to people who got out safely. They have this message for anyone not heeding the mandatory evacuation order told him, I mean, don't be stubborn and I've been through this before. You can get out, you can replace items, but you cannot replace your life. Put their lives in danger and they put everybody else in danger that's gonna rescue them. So it's hard, fair share of abandoned cars stalled out in high water tonight. Mayor John Whitmire says the flood threat to Houston is mostly in the Kingwood area but he added first responders already, all hands are on deck. We are prepared but you've got to play your role and the greater Houston community needs to open up their homes, businesses, their faith communities to those looking for shelter and assistance and certainly prayer works. In this instance. The Kingwood neighborhood lies near the west fork of the San Jacinto River where waters are expected to peak tomorrow afternoon. Matt Doherty is in Kingwood tonight and Matt, you spent some time with the rescue crews. That's right. We were able to ride along with them and see areas that we wouldn't have had access to. Otherwise first responders here in Kingwood are getting ready for a long night ahead. The floods have commanded the resources of nearly every law enforcement agency in the region. Photojournalist, Ryan Phillips and I went along with precinct for deputies on a scouting mission in their high water rescue vehicle looking for residents needing help. What we found were isolated subdivisions with neighbors whose cul de sacs had become islands in parts of Kingwood not far from Kingwood hospital, things were even worse where neighbors are now stranded in their homes. In the hours we spent with the deputy, we didn't find anyone desperate for help. But if things progress as projected, that might soon be the case. Our latest update as of now is they're looking for the worst peak point to be between one and three o'clock tomorrow, Saturday. And so that we're going to have full resources out in the area as the mayor and other officials said today, their focus will be on Kingwood this weekend. They say they are prepared and ready for whatever may come back to you. It could be a very busy weekend for them. Thank you so much Matt Doherty. Meanwhile, Harris County Judge Lena Hidalgo took a boat ride today to survey the flooding around the east fork of the San Jacinto River. She says she wants to get a look at the damage so her office can prepare for the recovery. Her office tells us Hidalgo plans to get a bird's eye view by helicopter tomorrow afternoon if you have evacuated and are looking for a place to stay. This map shows four shelters in operation. They are in Harris and Liberty counties and here's the addresses for those shelters starting in Cleveland at the Cavalry Baptist Church, then the Greenhouse International Church near Greens Point, the Philippians New Faith Baptist Church near Wayside and the North loop and the Leon Grayson community center that's in the clover leaf area tonight. Earth camp giving us a look out over the Galleria area this evening. Still cloudy out there. Definitely humid. Let's go to meteorologist, Cheetah Kraft Cheeto. What are things looking like for the weekend? Ok. As we trend into the weekend, we are going to stay mostly dry for your Saturday. You have about a 30% chance for an isolated shower tomorrow, but it is Sunday that I'm going to focus in on. That's where we have a 60% chance for additional thunderstorms and a few of those could be on the strong side. Now, live, look at our radar this evening. Notice these thunderstorms just west of I 35 a lot of these are going to lose their steam as they I 35 and get a little bit closer here. So I'm not expecting development overnight, but there will be the potential of an isolated shower to an isolated thunderstorm come 345 AM, then it's basically out of here. So we stay fairly quiet throughout your Saturday. But Sunday pay attention 4:05 a.m. in the morning. That's our first wave by the afternoon. We're looking at the second round. Some of these thunderstorms will be capable of producing about a half to upwards of three inches of rain. More about this guy coming up in just a little bit. All right, Cheetah, we'll see you soon. Thank you.
Channel: KHOU 11
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Keywords: [ harris-county, local, news, weather ]
Id: sZNcGA1id6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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