Teaching the WORST Students Ever!...

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teaching one of the most noble professions and I'm really bad at it [Music] so it turns out that I am not a good teacher how bad of a teacher am I let's find out together shall we I'm the teacher which which is probably a bad thing for my students let's be honest I am not qualified but let's see what Stacy has to say for herself yes that is a cat what am I doing give her a little check mark it's a hippo Stacy that's not a hippo this is a turtle obviously give her a check mark elephant good I'm glad that you can recognize that that's an elephant that's good bad markings what do you mean that's not a hippo man I'm a bad teacher oh this is interesting cabbage no Stanley it's not cabbage that is a car very good I mean I guess maybe it's beans maybe there's beans on top of that pizza but I'm sorry Stanley you're wrong perfect markings yes I'm a great teacher doing my part all right Veronica yes that is definitely a sheep keep it up girl you're wrong about the fish I'm sorry that's clearly Nemo you needed to be more specific the Eiffel Tower don't be ridiculous that's the Statue of Liberty that's the Empire State Building duh give her a big old ax I'm so bad oh I'm sorry Veronica I got an average one exam was answered correctly that's average are you serious I hope the other teachers at this school are doing a better job than I am that's all I'm gonna say I love this look oh my gosh I'm gonna unlock a new outfit that's so good new game okay this is like a like a some kind of mini game oh Hall monitoring all right this doesn't feel like Hall monitoring this feels like sitting in a classroom and watching a movie okay take the job all right let's do this sharpen pencils that's not what I signed up for nearly there what I need to sharpen this thing more there's gonna be no pencil left what am I doing it doesn't give me any indication of what I'm supposed to do here okay I'm sharpening these pencils like so much okay just sharpen them until there's no pencil left oh now we're doing the hall monitoring thing okay let's do it what's going on I saw a bully get that bully what's going on with this girl shared pack lunch damaged School equipment had nicely polished shoes what kind of equipment did she damage I don't care just get out of here I don't know what you did I know I wasn't supposed to do that but it doesn't really bother me what's going on with you you need to use the bathroom raised hand in lesson how dare you shared crayons never was sensible with glue gun this kid's out of control spray them with a spray them with a fire extinguisher get them that'll teach him oh my gosh I am just a terrible terrible teacher stop the bully get her oh you know I gotta do it hit her with the spray so bad I'm pretty sure like this stuff in a fire extinguisher can really mess up your eyes there I am just like yeah I'm just what I'm I'm just doing my job spraying kids with fire extinguishers isn't that what teachers are supposed to do no for the record no all right Tina what do you got draw a scene from a historical drama film it's one of my favorites it uh I get a little choked up just thinking about it what a beautiful moment that was for all of history yes you're amazing Tina thank you for reminding me of that beautiful historical moment draw a character from a horror film you that's terrifying why does that avocado have a face get it away from me you you did you did your part you horrified me draw a character from a western film what is that this kid does not know what a western film looks like at all where's Spider-Man get out of here you get next let's see how the school grades migrating bad you know what it's fair I was testing the school I wanted to see how far I could go let's turn it around and become an actual good teacher maybe oh we got a new game you know we gotta try it what is this exam supervising no cheating also what is this class food I mean I can make 140 bucks I don't know what I'm actually supposed to do so I just sit there and sharpen pencils again I don't know let's find out yep I just sit here and sharpen pencils until the Bell Rings this is my job now I'm getting paid 140 bucks though for this I mean that seems pretty good not sharp enough how sharp am I gonna have to make this are you kidding me what is wrong with this pencil sharpener we need a new pencil sharpener this is dumb no this really just like that much pencil left how are you even supposed to use that I had one job and I couldn't even do that that's all right I still got paid rice is cooked in cheese what are you even trying to say there okay clearly that's wrong and now I'm actually gonna try to be a good teacher spinach is red no it's green typically although maybe there's a red variant of spinach out there Chinese food hamburger not typically but what if it's like some cool Fusion Restaurant anyways no he's he's wrong he's you just gotta go kid you gotta work on everything American food hamburger I guess but you can get a hamburger anywhere lemons are purple no Mexican food tacos again yes but also you can pretty much get tacos anywhere and uh just for the record they're delicious but you guys already knew that pesto is made from basil okay actually don't know I think pesto has basil in it but is it made of Basil this is probably why I shouldn't be running the food class I'm gonna google it I love the idea of a student bringing up a piece of paper to their teacher and then the teacher like pulls out their phone and they're like searching for it but pretending that they're not what are you doing teacher why do you can you finish grading my paper before you use your phone oh no it's just a it's a family emergency hold on one second Stuart pesto pesto don't know how to spell pesto hey Siri what's in pesto one second Stuart hold on that was the whole scene but I did just look it up here's what it says traditionally consists of crushed garlic European pine nuts I actually I knew that someone told me that recently I was like pine nuts who would have thought coarse salt basil leaves and hard cheese such as Parmigiano-Reggiano parmigiano parmesan cheese parmigiano reggiano or pecorino sardo what I'm just gonna and hard cheese um is pesto made from basil I I would not say basil is the main ingredient but let's give him a check mark pasta is cooked in water you're great French food Sushi gonna have to give you a no on that one how did I do perfect look at me actually doing my job as a teacher fine cheaters oh this is gonna be good this you you stinker hey get out of my classroom and never come back while I actually come back tomorrow because you know I need you to to be taught you also need to not be cheating who's next you stinky cheater get out what are they even taking a test of now I want to see the test it did not look that hard I saw a picture of a giraffe or according to my students possibly a potato oh my gosh I can be Super Mario teacher please let that happen Blackboard erasing sounds amazing how am I losing money all right I gotta pay for these all right let's uh let's clean some chalkboards shall we okay look at how good I am at this it's actually kind of weird because you can only go in in sort of like straight lines and it doesn't follow my finger oh there we go all right all right Craig what's going on man look at you spell in soccer great job and yoha one of my favorite exercise techniques yo ha that's gonna have to get a big old red X tennis well done sir well done what the very exciting Port of receiving fantastic truly wonderful golf you got it ballet wait I didn't actually get a check mark in there no come on it made that into a x sorry Stacy ballet all right you did it I'm sorry about the golf situation I'm still working on my check marks sometimes they turn into X's this is not yoga this is yoha what's wrong with you kid I'm just kidding you're right what okay at some point I messed up with these kids and I taught them that racing ends in IBG this is my fault this is a reflection of my poor teaching skills but I do have to say I would love to go gelfing let's do it it's so good I just sometimes I I I love how dumb my students are and in a lot of ways I don't want to fix it because it makes me laugh I can't resist the Allure of this big old VIP button what does it do no ads arts and crafts minigame VIP outfit and times two money I don't really care but I do kind of want to make a birdhouse alright I'm a VIP now what do teams pull in a game of tug of war an interesting question a ball all right let's see if Karen in the back can answer this a pole what is wrong with these kids no it's tug of war Tina I'm counting on you thank you thank you you're a genius you're actually the smartest person in this school you're smarter than me because you could answer that question name a basketball player okay honestly I would kind of struggle with this what are you gonna say Rory McIlroy no I'm pretty sure he's a golfer maybe a tennis player a basketball player that I remember I don't know I mean I was right so Michael Jordan okay okay that's a that's a that's a slow ball thank you Game for not punishing me for being dumb when it comes to sports look at me this is my VIP outfit I'm like uh I'm a superhero super teacher I really want to do the arts and craft thing how do I do the arts and craft thing I guess I don't let's go to science class here we go sharpening pencils in science class Good Times the perfect nailed it also nailed it can he do it I'm amazing I'm the greatest pencil sharpener ever we're building birdhouses in science class now um is unique I don't know about that one I think I'm gonna have to uh move you along um this is incredible well done wow better than anything I've ever made in my life with my hands this on the other hand looks like something that I would make yeah that's gonna be a hard F and I've done my part we gotta find ourselves some cheaters here in science class it's you you're way too happy and way too blatant about your cheating you guys gotta be way more subtle all right this come on I I feel like I should give these kids a lesson on how to how to cheat no don't do that that's cheating is extremely bad don't cheat but they're just so obvious about it oh my gosh it's super teacher Mario claim it what is this just a dude punching someone in the face break it up how oh this seems fun okay I just need to tap what really that's it oh okay I'm very good at stopping fights what are these things taxi you got it sink at least you're in the right room it's definitely something that you would find in the kitchen but it's not a sink I'm sorry Shield okay I'm I'm impressed that you can't recognize a microwave but you can recognize a shield a harp huh all right fair enough police car you did it school bus very good he's he's working on instruments but he's got Vehicles down he's got it figured out sandals I would have to say no they are not open foot that's not a baseball cap I'm sorry get out of my classroom no I'm just kidding that is a washing machine though looks so dumb and I love it I'm not very good at teaching but uh at least I can sharpen pencils pretty good most of the time I'm expected to grade these students but I'm also expected to know the right answers to these questions that's gonna be an interesting situation this kit is very confident that this is America it's not got bad news for you kiddo that's an f and I got I I get an XP streak because I'm so good at this game I have failed as a teacher clearly um this is not Florida that's India let's go ahead and give her an F I'm sorry but I'm not because you're not very smart we got a winner here we got a kid who actually knows something give him an a give him an A plus that's all it takes you just need to know where the US is my standards are so low I made 120 bucks for grading three kids papers that seems pretty good oh okay I see so now I can upgrade my school with the money that I've earned I like this look at how much better that is now you actually know that it's a school because before it just looked like a pile of garbage I like the name of my school hyper high school that imply that all of my students are incredibly hyper I don't know let's just let's play Let's answer some more questions let's try not to embarrass ourselves as the teacher of these Brilliant Minds draw a flower you know what you've done it a plus for you kiddo draw a cloud my dog ate the drawing really really this kid had time to write my dog ate the drawing which probably took longer than it would actually take to draw a cloud that's gonna be an F yeah make a line I I've truly failed these kids I failed them I mean I'll take the money but man that's pretty bad let's go to our next class I hope these kids start getting a little bit smarter just a little bit that is very good well done Stanley you answered that one correctly find a look at you Stacy you found cat Jonathan my dear sweet Jonathan unicorn a flying unicorn is not a verb I do have to say though that is a beautiful drawing it is it is very nice I'm so tempted to just give you an a because it is So absurdly Glorious and dumb but Jonathan I have to give you an F I'm sorry gosh these kids at least they give us some laughs at least they give us some laughs hey we can upgrade let's do it yo we're moving up in the world of teaching also what are these buttons down here you can like oh you can change your teacher okay I like the dude who I am very snazzy dresser what about the students oh Amelia oh okay so there are actually names I was just giving them random names Dora the Explorer Elijah Elijah looks mad you gotta chill out Elijah oh and then our classroom of course it actually is in very bad shape what are you guys doing pretending that you're like on a ship or something you found you found an island happening wait what there's like mini games gym class drag into position What tap to exercise I don't understand what it wants me to do but uh uh what oh Dr okay oh yeah I'm doing a squat and then I'm putting my left arm up and then I'm putting my right arm over there and then they're all going to imitate me okay okay this is so weird okay all right so we're basically like doing a little dance and then and then we tap what is this maneuver how does this qualify as gym class oh my goodness that was amazing next class please all right they're actually the questions are getting a little bit harder I'm not saying they're hard but they're a little bit harder so the moon orbits what Leo here he got it right he got it right A Plus dude well done name each part of the treat leaves and trunk wow Gregory you've done it A Plus okay Susie the first cells were probably [Laughter] oh Susie I really want to give you an A plus just for making me laugh so good but uh it's incorrect and her name was actually Amelia so I don't even know the names of my students big deal whoa home econ protect your egg baby no scratches no breaks and I appreciate that you gave your little Egg Baby a Shrek hat It's actually an ogre it's an ogre egg uh looks good to me I don't know if I can move the the egg around I can't see the the back of it but that's fine you get an A plus well done bring me your egg no cool hats but it looks pretty good to me a plus what is happening oh my goodness I wish I could give an even better score than an A plus an S S Plus that is adorable a plus man all three of my students Lucas Emma Josh setting the standard setting the bar so high now my expectations are gonna be way too high for the rest of the students well done to all three of you let's go back to the classroom and let's do some upgrading I want to upgrade my classroom I feel like it desperately needs this uh get a bookshelf get some plants going can we fix the windows that'd be really nice how about ABCs these kids look way too old to be learning their ABCs but you know what we'll give them whatever it is they need I kind of want to watch the ads to get the skeleton and the the science thing going on you know what let's do it one minute 37 seconds later yo that's a much better looking classroom still a little messed up with the broken windows and the unpainted walls and whatnot but we'll ignore that for now and let's give our school another little upgrade we got the money we got basketball court now it's like a weird curved basketball court but whatever which country Canada well done draw a means of transportation via water I like how he actually wrote boat next to the boat A Plus Beautiful the shape of the Earth Tina Tina Tina Tina I give you an F you haven't been watching my solar smash videos her name was Sandy Tina Sandy is the same thing we got some money to spend and that is precisely what I am going to do oh I see okay so we can upgrade different sections of the school if I upgrade the main part of the school does it improve the look of the classroom no it does not oh wait upgrade oh here we go okay let's get a new floor dude new windows and new walls you guys earned it except for Sandy and a new ceiling while we're at it there you go beautiful you guys want new desks too bad I don't want to watch an ad oh all right I'll get you new desks a few minutes later congratulations you all have new desks to stand on and pretend that they're on a chip or whatever it is that you kids do oh it's recess time okay let's do it I'm gonna get 300 bucks just for going out into the recess yard move around to break up the fights oh my goodness uh okay here I am I have to keep an eye out for oh hey stop it stop it you two quit that troublemakers why aren't they actually playing they're just beating each other up what is wrong with this school stop don't fight it's it's stop please okay hey we made some cash and I got an A plus a perfect I didn't realize that teachers actually get grades too complete with the right number five plus four is indeed nine well done a plus paint two quarters of the circle you know what you did it fantastic job find the X foreign to be fair he did find the X I mean I can't really argue with that what it was asking for is the number that X actually is which for the record I don't think I could do I think it's the Pythagorean theorem but I don't really remember and a lot of you are probably gonna call me out on that but in Ted's defense here he did find the X and that was the questions I feel like I need to give him an F to continue my XP streak but I also deep down in my soul I want to give him an A plus for for just being creative I'm sorry to do this to you Ted you get an F I gotta keep this streak alive maybe we'll play around with the idea of giving all the students who answer problems correctly F's and all the students who answer the problems creatively Ace I'll mind being the world's worst teacher oh oh my okay it's it's science time um what so am I giving him instructions on how to make this volcano erupt so like you go you go oh oh you got okay you fill it up with the little blue you fill it up with the little pink and then you fill it up some more with some blue and then you get yourself an amazing uh volcano look at that it spews confetti that's that's science at work oh my this is much more complicated all right Lauren you gotta make this so hard on me well I feel like I'm the one doing the work here okay I did pass the line a little bit there and that's that's bad I'm gonna let you guys know that that's that's not great do I still get an A uh okay she looked very concerned for a second there okay now we go we go purple we go Blue we we go with a little bit more blue a little bit more blue okay and then we go back to purple that's that's an A plus I like how the students presented me with this project and I feel like I'm the one who did the project let's go back to our school let's do some upgrading and I feel like we should upgrade stuff like around the school yeah like the playground much better much more usable what is this the lunch area maybe okay so before they were just sitting on like wood planks on the ground I'm glad that we could give them something a little bit better let's improve the playground a little bit more and you know what while we're at it give them better cafeteria oh my gosh they have a donut shop now that's kind of amazing draw a cow I had such high hopes too you know I thought finally these kids were were starting to understand things were starting to click that's gonna be an F Bud draw an object that flies that's that's an object that flies you did it the Mona Lisa is a famous type of food yep okay that's gonna be an F congratulations Dora you're very dumb what's going on in the students section oh oh I can upgrade my students I can give them siding new looks I can give Amelia a Shrek hat you know what Amelia congratulations you are the most fashionable student I've ever had and Dora you get a diver helmet Let's uh continue shall we school dance oh my goodness am I like a chaperone I sure am separate couples dancing too close Okay how do I do that I don't know they're you're getting too close nope back off you guys get nope uh-uh uh-uh stop stop that get out of here okay I don't I can't even tell when they're dancing too close and I'm just like spotlighting them I guess with my little remote control so I can't even be bothered to stand up to separate these kids I gotta use a spotlight to embarrass them what's the common name of the composite what does it okay we're getting into some higher level language stuff here and uh I don't know what is the actual answer I'm guessing this is wrong f okay I mean I was right but I don't know why I mean I totally know why I'm a very very intelligent teacher name the shape ba and F complete the correct plural brushes that is correct well done he just what he just scratched out the question I think the question is how many vowels have the word car there was no question so I get an A plus the wording of the question is kind of weird right how many vowels have the word shouldn't it be how many vowels are in the word car so I worded the question wrong so actually but I know the game wants me to give him F we're changing things up now I'm a new teacher I recognize the fault in my ways I need to be more creative like these students you know what a plus Bud you're you're great Lucas you're great I don't care if the school grades me with the B these students need to be recognized for their creativity we're changing things around let's go back into the school what planet has rings Saturn incorrect I don't have a quippy response because I know it's the correct answer but you get an F because that's the way we're rolling I'll give you 30 whatever I don't care matter is pulled To The Ground by aliens of course A Plus guys are brilliant Brilliant Minds what happens if I mess this up oh my goodness I'm just gonna fill it completely up with the pink goo welcome back to my classroom where yes I am a very bad teacher but also I have some remarkably bad students like for instance Earl here pizza shop that's a pizza shop what is wrong with you I love that he knows what Wi-Fi is but he can't recognize a carnival or a man lifting weights I always get the gym and the zoo mixed up they're pretty much the same thing a bunch of animals I don't really mean that but it did sound pretty funny anyways um that's wrong this is right you you know exactly what a Wi-Fi symbol is because that's the only way that you're gonna be able to play Pokemon go why did I go with Pokemon go why is that the game that Earl plays a restaurant doesn't look like a restaurant to me that looks more like an office but I could see maybe it's some weird like novelty restaurant where you actually actually eat in front of a computer like you're you're in a nine to five job which seems like a really weird restaurant to open um that's not a coffee shop those are fish Erica what are you doing I can't draw X's if my students are performing poorly clearly there's an issue but all I do is just tell them that they're wrong I don't try to correct it nor will I ever try to correct it let's keep going what's that you got there Nigel is that a rocket ship it appears your rocket ship is broken or just was not put together correctly I can still recognize that it's a rocket ship so I'm giving you a c even though you probably deserve an F we got ourselves a future NASA engineer look at this thing it's beautiful I wish I could oh I can totally turn it I was gonna say I wish I could rotate this and see the other sides of it it's actually very nice the the cardboard is a little beat up but that's not his fault that's an A plus beautiful job this on the other hand oh it's nasty but you tried I give you a c for that that was actually the right uh the right grade to give for that particular one and look at how good I am I am my job exams were marked correctly seriously wow I am very bad at this job arts and crafts not really my thing time to power up Mario style or I'm just dressed as a plumber sport let's take it right sharpening pencils one of my favorite activities as a teacher oh my gosh I'm so bad at this why oh man there's no pencil left beautiful well done here we go oh my gosh it's incredible I don't know how that mini game works sometimes I sharpen the pencil sometimes I don't just kind of guessing what is this it's a stool it's Stacy I'll be real with you like there's no way I could do a better job than this but at the same time like I would not sit on that thing it's gonna collapse and you are most definitely gonna get some splinters like in your butt and nobody wants that I gotta give you an F just because you've created something that's very dangerous and so have you what the heck this is awful that's another or F okay you on the other hand pretty pretty good this this right here is a little crooked you can see that and then there's like a little Notch taken out of the seat that's a c that's a solid C great job Mario approves that's a wood shop those were all marked correctly okay I sure I guess okay we're looking for cheaters in sports class what the heck taking a test in gymnasium like on a basketball court what kind of school is this I don't know I'm I mean the fact that they hired me kind of already makes me a little suspicious of uh what's going on in this school because I am not qualified to be here clearly but at the same time a job's a job and now I'm gonna be a football player claim it I will watch terrible mobile game ads for ridiculous outfits it's one of my strong suits look at me I'm ready to take a hit or two or three what is this business class what else can we do food class Geography okay geography is gonna be fun I want to see how bad my students are at recognizing countries and flags and things like that also it's kind of gonna test me I'm so bad that I ruined that pencil okay cool what the why how do you put a pencil into a pencil sharpener and it comes out less sharp than it was before who's making who's designing these pencil sharpeners they're the worst thing ever like in the world I hate this I'm ready for class and I have like this much of a pencil that's usable all right geography time what do you got capital of sweet wow okay actually these are kind of hard the capital of Sweden is not Berlin though that would be the capital of Germany capital of Greece Athens that sounds right I'm really bad um and then the capital of Portugal is Lisbon yes okay I'm I'm very smart not really I'm kind of guessing capital of Netherlands is Amsterdam is that I mean I know Amsterdam is in the Netherlands but is it the capital like go ahead and say Yes capital of Italy is not Paris that is incorrect capital of Israel is not Athens also incorrect I'm kind of shocking myself capital of Austria is Vienna yes capital of India is not Beijing people from Cyprus are cypriot I don't think that's correct I would say cyprian but I I don't actually know is there anybody from Cyprus watching this video right now you let me know that would be awesome I'd love to hear from you I'm gonna say that's wrong really okay today I learned I'm still a bad teacher and I should probably avoid geography those were genuinely difficult so you know I mean maybe I'm not giving my students as much credit as I should ask the class okay which is the largest continent on Earth let's let's see um Stuart you in the front what do you got Europe no incorrect Linda what what Antarctica what I'm realizing is that I don't actually know the answer to this question I'm pretty sure it's not antarcta though I'm gonna go ahead and say no and this gives Bobby in the back a chance Asia that's what I thought it was and I'm gonna roll with it oh I'm so glad that I'm not making an idiot of myself even though I'm kind of explaining that I'm guessing what is the capital of Poland I think I know this pretty sure it starts with a w but I'm gonna have to rely on my students let's see Moscow no I know that's not right that's the capital of Russia Susan let's see what she has to say Krakow I think that's the capital of Poland I maybe I thought W because it ends in W which is the opposite of starting with W but I'm pretty sure that's it yes the doll no I've made a fool of myself I should have gone with my gut it's Warsaw which totally starts with the w let's crack out that is it just a city in Poland hold on yeah Krakow is just a city in Poland dang you got me game you got me good should we try science class let's try science class it's testing me more than it's testing my students honestly oh my gosh I'm so bad at charting pencils I don't I don't know what I'm doing just go to the go all the way to the Eraser it's all the way that's what no you're stuck with that oh I I actually did it right I love that it tells me I did a perfect job sharpening the pencil when there's like no pencil left there you go I'm amazing at sharpening pencils what a skill put that on my resume anyways what you got the pig right I'm very proud of you the mouse on the other hand I could you know I mean it's a raccoon but it's not out of the question that you could get a raccoon and a mouse mixed up kinda and then an atom I mean there are some like Atomic phenomena going on with a magnet we're stretching it here I'm sorry that's a that's a bad Mark right there get out of my classroom and never come back no I'm sorry it's the only way I get paid syringe um no I would describe that as a beaker probably I actually wouldn't know what to call that but it's not a range dropper yeah that's fair enough molecular formula I don't even know what the right answer would be here maybe that's beakers or chemicals or I don't know sciencey stuff we would have accepted that as a proper answer molecular formula no not even close good try though giraffe you've done it you've recognized the animal I'm so proud of you protective goggles wow these students are really really showing me what they're capable of magnifying glass what is that thing called the thing that you know you know what I'm talking about we got drawing of it right there I don't know what that thing is called now I want to look it up what do I even search on Google what is the hanging ball thing called it actually knows what I'm talking about Newton's Cradle I guess is what that's called and now we know it's not a magnifying glass it is Newton's Cradle and again I'm the teacher who's sitting there grading papers in front of his students while pretending to not be actually Googling the answers on my phone yes of course I knew that Newton's Cradle monitor the Halls what am I looking for I'm looking for bullies what are you doing you played with glue you hacked the school computer and you played with friends at lunch I mean I feel like hacking the school computers is is a big No-No go to the principal I don't want to deal with you we got some bullying going on over here we'll get there bullied another kid not cool return School equipment kind of cool I guess cheated an exam get fire extinguishered get owned this is this is what happens it's just all in the face oh I am the worst I'm the bully now stop the bully wait I'm pretty sure the kid that the bully was bullying was a twin of the bully are they twins let's stun gun him blast him oh my gosh I just stun gunned him in the forehead I just love the idea of not only the teacher walking around and like spraying students with a fire extinguisher and stun gunning them but also doing all of that in a football uniform why guess maybe we should ask ourselves why not hippie teacher I love it let's keep going TV and film you know what let's give it a shot of course first before film class I need to sharpen pencils which is something that I'm clearly very very good at wow that was actually the best sharpening we've ever done look at me I'm an expert now ask the class okay who was the lead actor in The Wolf of Wall Street is that Leonardo DiCaprio Pierce Brosnan no he's James Bond dude get out of here what do you got Leonardo DiCaprio that's the one I'm pretty sure let's go who directed Titanic Avatar and the Terminator I know this James Cameron Quentin Tarantino no not quite his cup of tea you in the back Yellow Cap James Cameron that's the guy get him look at me I know film trivia kind of but there's more right draw a scene from a romantic I love this that's supposed to be Yoda right I just absolutely adore this I mean it's so wrong but it's so beautiful oh let's see what's next draw a character from an anime Asian film that's so vague who is this supposed to be avocado boy you know what yeah it's avocado boy from the classic Pixar film avocado boy okay really copy my homework but don't make it too obvious you made it too obvious so not only did you copy his homework but you copied dummies homework like if you're gonna copy someone's homework make sure they're the smartest kid in the class wow I love that drawing of Yoda though it's so good and yes I will get hippie teacher they are happy I am man my dude loves being a teacher even though he's a really bad one should we try out business class let's give it a go okay I think I've I've perfected the art of sharpening my pencils um basically you get to nearly there and then you just sharpen for like half a second and you're good look at that all right business class Bitcoin why I'm teaching kids about cryptocurrency yeah I mean that's right that is not the symbol for a Euro that's the symbol for a dollar right get out of here you're wrong Bluetooth what does that have to do with business I mean he was right aquarium you did it again business class definitely business class learning about aquariums and Bitcoin that is not a dollar my good friend I love that the only thing that he recognizes on this piece of paper is Bitcoin this kid has a very very bright future what's next in business class okay we've got we've got uh a test I can kind of see like I'm looking at the tests that these kids are taking is that those are animals it's a giraffe there's like a it appears to be maybe like a like a fish or something I don't what kind of test is this in a business class I don't know I'm having the greatest day of my life look at how happy I am pay me out I earned my salary next time you see me I'm gonna be a viking that's what I'm spending all my money on is just weird costumes to wear to school and also Bitcoin welcome back to my classroom where I'm not qualified to be teaching but I do know that yellow and blue doesn't not make orange Mikey on the other hand he hasn't quite gotten there my dear sweet Mikey how how we need to talk about this mixing yellow and blue does not make orange however mixing red and yellow does make orange which you knew you could have just used process of elimination and just thought you know if red and yellow makes orange yellow and blue probably makes a different color he also knew that red and blue makes purple so you know what Mikey maybe I was too hard on you I think over a little bit more next time red and white does make pink great job Jonathan red and yellow makes orange my goodness and red and blue makes purple a perfect score it's Einstein this is this is our future we're saved all of my hard work is finally starting to pay off kind of I've never been more excited to grade papers in my life yellow and blue green oh my gosh that's four check marks we've been able to do in a row red and white pink holy cow red and yellow purple why Craig we had such a good thing going until you disappointed me I will be calling your parents no I probably shouldn't I mean you gotta be he did fine oh and by the way it's a me are you a teacher listen a bad Mario costume gets a bad Mario impression I'd do a better one if it was a better Mario outfit that's uh that's a lie because I can't do a better Mario impression anyways let's move on I just earned 332 dollars I feel pretty good let's ask the class some General Knowledge Questions how many stripes are displayed on the American flag I actually don't know I really don't I'm gonna have to rely I'm pretty sure it's not 18. isn't it like one for each of the original founding colonies so maybe it's 12. if someone says 12 I'm rolling with that 11's pretty close to 12. 11 sounds nice I'm gonna say no okay okay he's he's on to them 50. there are not 50 Stripes although maybe the question was asked incorrectly we're looking for for Stripes not Stars so okay no one actually knows oh except for Stuart in the back 13. that sounds right oh my gosh oh thank goodness my elementary school education is All Coming Back to Me Now Zorro is Spanish for which animal I really don't know I just know he's the guy who like has the little sword and wears a mask the masked Bandit I don't know what Zorro is Spanish for it's not cat is gato I know that I I do I do know that let's let's try another one fox it could be it could that you know I mean like Zorro the masked Zorro that's a great name for like a bandit type like Robin Hood guy you know what give it to me oh my gosh I'm genius even though I I'm just guessing dang okay these questions are getting a lot harder I'm glad that my students are smarter than me wait a second my students are smarter than me that sounds awful let's let's jump into home ec class shall we test our food knowledge oh right sharpening pencils one of my favorite pastimes I'm uh amazing I'm the greatest to ever do it and oh there we go look at me sharpening pencil expert something I am much more proud of than I should be honestly all right let's see so broccoli has two C's in it I mean this is food class why are we doing spelling it's wrong but at least you got the right sound that guess hmm I love me a baguette and beef at least you didn't put an a there that would have been pretty funny though b e a Fife all right you got that one right congratulations you get to walk away with like a d it's a pass Sushi hey you're a genius pineapple oh that is good that is really good oh Craig you never cease to amaze me and mushroom hey you got that one right pineapple oh it's like it's like a Apollo the Apollo Mission but much sweeter the pineapple okay someone copied um someone who didn't know the answer to this or the whole class just was absent on the day we learned how to spell baguette it should end an e for the record I do know that not H they at least got the mushroom right and you got the beef right I still think it would be very funny to have b-e-a-f and there you go it's a me Mario Yahoo monitor the Halls oh we got some bullying going on oh that's right we can like spray them with the fire extinguisher that's put chewing gum under desk satin crack seat was kind to new people you know what I feel like being nice to someone who's new at the school like that erases all of the other bad things that you did like a hundred percent and even though the game is mad at me for making that decision I think you're cool if you're being nice to new people through Lou roll streamers what why wait that's not even a sentence remembered PE kit respected their teacher that's such a vague thing like just go to the principal's office because I don't know what you're doing Lou roll streamers ever are we gonna tase this girl right in the face oh I get that bullying is not cool but tasing is not cool either it's a bit of an extreme response just leave it at that I'm a viking yeah I'll watch the ad let's go to general knowledge class I need to uh brush up on and I also need to work on my pencil sharpening I got all the pencils so at least I got that Stacy the most beautiful artist Renditions of a man and a woman walking the dog I think I've ever seen look at the emotion on the man's mustache it's glorious a plus plus s plus plus we don't even give out those kinds of grades but you got it girl draw a man using a telephone you know what I see what the game is like oh she's so dumb she's used she drew a camera it's not a telephone it's a camera yes that's fair but in this day and age pretty much every single phone is also a camera that could just be the latest iPhone it's just got a big old lens right in the middle of it and it kind of looks like an old school camera you know what I'm gonna get docked pay for this but I think you're a genius you get hey even though the game didn't want to give you one draw man carrying five drinks on a tray you know you were close just one more when you run out of pencil like you just you couldn't quite get that last one I'm sorry it's only four you did I mean the reality is that she did all the hard part she just had to draw one more cup drawing a man like that holding a tray I couldn't do that I feel bad giving her a bad grade maybe I should give her a check mark let's ask the class some questions that I don't actually know the answer to like what planet is World of Warcraft set on this is general knowledge curriculum in a standard school I never played World of Warcraft is it Asgard that sounds right Tatooine no Star Wars get out of here I got this girl in the back Azeroth oh man that does sound pretty more crafty what did I say earlier what was what did I even say I don't even remember I said Asgard no that's that's Thor I'm getting Marvel and Warcraft mixed up Azeroth sounds good up somewhere in my brain really Oh I thought that said World of Warcraft I literally thought it said winded world of warcrafts the video games are taking over my life okay I I don't actually it's it's the 30s 36 39 September 1st 1939 is the first kid right yes oh modern history my high school history class did not let me down I cannot believe that I actually got that right huh I mean of course I got it right I'm the teacher also I'm a viking I like how I'm making fun of my students for being dumb half of the questions that are getting asked I don't know the answer to don't tell them that let's do some TV and film friend of Frodo Ron Weasley no that is not right isn't it Sam I'm pretty sure it's Sam get out of here enemy of Frodo Voldemort um no you're getting franchises mixed up and stuff I'm pretty sure enemy of Thor Thanos that that checks the Box I mean he's not like the only enemy of Thor but he's pretty high up there where Elsa lives Arendelle I just know the song is that where she sings the song Let It Go I don't know I don't know I don't know that's my version let's say yes okay villain from The Avengers was it Loki it was just Loki he's he's kind of a he's he's like a a gray character he he kind of flip-flops which side he's on we'll say yeah enemy of Spider-Man's not Lex Loser that's that's Superman's villain get out of here you gotta be congratulations friend of Iron Man War Machine I guess that's true right yes Captain America's real name Bruce Wayne No I know that one my comic book knowledge is not great but I do know that Bruce Wayne is Batman to get out of here Hulk's real name Bruce Banner that is true you guys see the trailer for She-Hulk she scares me anyways now let's ask some movie questions oh this is gonna embarrass me what is Thor's hammer called in The Avengers movie I'll know it if I see it it's mjolner there like MJ it's got a J in there claw that's a great name though ah my mighty Hammer claw valineer no no I like how the students clap they get it wrong it's really kind of messed up mjolner that's it that's the one majolner what was the tower in Die Hard called I don't know for real Willis Bruce Willis Tower if that's really what it was called I kind of I'm gonna say it's wrong but I hope it's right let's ask the kid in the back nakatomi Plaza that sounds right-ish I don't I really don't know let's say yes I can't believe it I uh honestly I'm tapping into some ancient records in the back of my head there was cobwebs on those things or I'm just getting lucky let's get sciency shall we this is gonna be a really great way to embarrass myself my knowledge of science is very bad and if you've been watching me for a while you probably already know that tell okay well I can tell you that's not a telescope so at least I got that going for me now alcohol burner that's just a beaker isn't it or like a measuring cup what's an alcohol is that just the little thing that has like the the small flame that you'd put like one of these things over I don't know but that seems wrong and then that is a microscope so at least you got that going for you but that's still a d Triceratops you tried like it's a dinosaur that is not correct this is what I was talking about this little flame thing is that an alcohol burner you let me know if you know because I don't I never actually had a class in all of my schooling where we got to do that kind of stuff I feel like I missed out but I don't think that's a frying pan and that is definitely not a thermometer I'm I'm sorry Karen you need to work on everything really you're good that's two F's in a row I'm failing my students it's a Stegosaurus guys I know that's not really sciency but you should know alcohol burner it is not that's uh I'm failing my students yet all I do is make fun of them and point and laugh really builds their self-esteem fine cheaters all right I can do that I'm very good at this let's be honest you guys really need to be careful who you're cheating from cause uh the sharpest tools in the shed the brightest knives in the drawer the sharpest light bulbs in the closet that's how all those phrases go right let's do some geography how old is the USA as of 2020. well isn't it technically 1776 so I don't know do the math it's definitely not 2400 years old I'm sorry I'm hoping someone does the math for me 224 years that seems pretty good that that seems accurate that is correct you've done it thank you thank you for doing the math for me what is the only major city located on two continents what does that mean the only major city located on two continents well I guess technically Europe and Asia are on the same land mass but I don't I don't know let's see what my students say Vienna Austria that doesn't seem right get out of here okay I'm glad that was incorrect Sydney Australia okay Australia is a tricky one right Australia is a country and a continent but I don't think that's what the question is asking unless the question is just worded really badly I'm gonna say that's a no okay okay let's let's continue the hunt for the right Istanbul you know what Istanbul can be the the right answer that hungry because Istanbul is kind of close to Africa and Europe you know what no no I've done it that's actually I I gotta look that up hold on it's totally true I got it right for the wrong reasons though so it's in Asia and also in Europe that's awesome so technically turkey is Asia and Europe congratulations turkey you're cool and that is a fun fact to know I just learned something from my own class capital of Russia is not Stockholm get out of here capital of Colombia is Bogota is that yes sounded right now if you asked me just like Point Blank what's the capital of Colombia I wouldn't have been able to tell you but because I have an actual answer to go off of I can be like somewhere in my brain that sounds right capital of Canada Ottawa yes yes yes okay all right Capital South Korea is not Tokyo close but that's Japan capital of Australia's Toronto Toronto's not even the capital of Canada it's not even a capital get out of here capital of Switzerland burn um no wait burn for real okay I don't know know what I was thinking I don't know the capital of Switzerland apparently I'm I'm sorry my Swiss viewers seriously but at least I know now capital of China is not Seoul that's the capital of South Korea capital of North Korea is Beijing also incorrect capital of Turkey and Kara then we already established that Istanbul is the capital of Turkey I'm I'm bad I'm I'm bad all right students it's time to answer some very very simple questions green hair dude I'm gonna call you Gumby it's not a car it's not a car my dude it's not even a drawing you wrote a word you wrote a word he gets an F who painted the three musicians okay honestly I don't know the answer to this but based on the multiple choices here I'm gonna say it wasn't Ronald McDonald although he did create the icon of the you know Big Max chicken s now I'm hungry Tom Cruise probably not Pablo Picasso let's go with that very well done Stephen I don't even remember my students names draw two parallel lines you know what well done submarine Jane you've done it okay of course I meant Dora we're gonna have to give some attention to Oliver though yeah he's gonna have to work on his drawing of cars can we upgrade the school at all or have we already maxed out our our school okay so wait no we can upgrade the playground you know what they say having a roller coaster for a playground makes for much smarter students probably we can of course deck out our students as well um okay we've got we got Fishbowl Elijah Emma you need something cool how about uh a Batgirl mask buy it wow Emma fighting crime and doing basic math very impressive Josh what does Josh get Josh gets a helmet because I'm always worried that he's just gonna trip at some point all right I've spent all my money let's go back to class shall we complete with the correct letters Batgirl you did it a plus well done complete the plural with s or ES bus or buses I Gotta Give the kid points for trying he definitely is trying very creative it was just es the plural of course for bus is not bus with like an extra s it's buses so we're gonna have to dock you some points for that one you how many syllables are in the word rocket she did it a plus all right you know what maybe my students aren't completely lost causes although it's still yet to be seen Josh the the studies okay bud please can we change our classroom at all are there no there's oh wait we can decorate oh okay those are kind of expensive we'll get around to that stuff let's continue teaching our students oh but first gym class oh I love this this is so weird I don't remember exactly how it works but it just like yeah yeah okay so okay we do one of these of course yep definitely a totally normal stretching exercise okay students follow along there there you go oh gosh that looks uncomfortable and then you tap okay this is the maneuver well done I I see you back there Batgirl Groove into the music look I got an A plus world's best teacher all right let's see what's going on here Donnie fishbowl Donnie I I forget his name an herbivore is an animal that eats only chocolate seems like a really unhealthy diet that's gonna be a hard F what's the strongest force on Earth wow a true romantic diver Dora I I think her name is Dora I think I'm starting to remember their names maybe that is a great answer and I really really want to give you an A plus for that because it's a good answer but it's wrong I think it's gravity honestly but I don't know Circle the body part related with the sense of hearing you did it Jason you're a genius I'm really just saying that because the rest of your classmates have kind of set the bar pretty low anyways a plus congratulations my dude Lucas Jason this is the same name next class please I love this okay for the record my students not not the sharpest tools in the shed if that's the way that it goes not the brightest light bulbs in the kitchen I don't know despite that they are very good at taking care of eggs look at the I feel like I should give this guy an A plus plus it's adorable a plus dude you are a true egg carer uh that's an A plus not quite as exciting as the previous one but uh I love the Shrek hat so carry on with your your best self um you've you've cracked your egg in half and even though there's a toy dinosaur inside of it I'm afraid that's not gonna count bud that's an F I gotta give an f word f is deserved Oliver man he is not doing good gonna have some very awkward conversations with his parents in the future next class please I'm I'm raking in the dough right now name the continents Europe Asia Africa Dora you're a genius goodness where was the American Declaration of Independence this is Lucas right Lucas I love these out of box thinkers he's not wrong however Lucas let's talk about the context of this question it's not asking where the signature went on the piece of paper it's asking where the people were located when they signed the paper of course then he's gonna be like a building on a desk all right Lucas I wish I could give you an A plus but that's an F what is the country south of the United States that's Mexico you've done it Jane Jane Sandy of course we got money to spend and I'm gonna spend I want to make all of my students unique because I feel like that's the best way that I'm gonna remember their names so if I give them goofy hats and faces and masks and stuff uh Sandy uh you get a unicorn horn congratulations that is very exciting you should be happier about this why are you so mad oh my gosh there's just a straight up monkey mask that is terrifying Oliver you get a monkey mask dude I can't I can't it's so good oh man all right Mia Mia how about some cool glasses yeah oh looking snazzy Lucas I like you a lot Lucas you're an out of the box thinker you're going places your answers are wrong and you're still failing my classes but you're going places let's give him something epic this dude gets a dinosaur face all right straight up oh that is glorious Liam get a monocle man even if you're kind of dumb in the classroom if you're wearing a monocle people are gonna believe that you're smart and even if you're extremely wrong just say it with confidence they'll buy it alright let's stop some bullying out in The Recess yard let's do this just gotta watch out watch out for police okay I see them squaring up okay stop stop nope none of that monkey guy Oliver Oliver right Oliver is our is our monkey man uh okay yep block that guy okay no no we got two fights going on okay uh the Lucas is a dinosaur right why are there two Lucas's there's two Lucas's I cannot approve of more than one dinosaur head in this classroom next class please complete with the right symbol that's actually a fairly complicated question I mean it's easy but it's it's a little bit tricky this is Sandy Sandy you've been studying a plus I don't remember your name so I'm just gonna call you Fishbowl head how much money that is not seven dollars my dude that's an F if a equals b and b equals c then a equals c what's Shrek girls I forget she gets an A plus though good job Amelia I'll I'll get it in there eventually oh my gosh Oliver it's terrifying okay Oliver uh we gotta go blue pink good good good good good back to Blue you win Oliver despite barely being able to see with that giant mask on your head you've done it what was her name I gave her cool glasses because I thought she was a cool girl don't know her name oh no I think I kind of messed up please still we got confetti that's a good Fishbowl head you're never gonna have a real name you're just always gonna be Fishbowl head in my heart and in my mind Hey but you passed the volcano test Elijah Mia Mia has the cool glasses how many edges does this figure have you know what I actually don't know but I can count so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Shrek girl whose name was just in the previous class I'm so sorry but you get an A Charles Chaplin was famous for playing soccer that is not correct he was an actor anyways it's wrong either way draw a dog Sandy sandy sandy sandy my dear Sandy if hear me out if the exercise here was to draw a snake I would have given it to her yeah it's a five but you know what it's kind of a snake I I can't stretch this one to a dock the number five is not a dog I may have even given it to you if you wrote a four because like a dog has four legs I'm trying Sandy I'm trying but you and your unicorn horn are gonna fail now we definitely have some more money to spend so let's go to the classroom and we have some decorations that we can buy oh a periodic table this is probably a little bit more advanced than my students are ready for but you know if we've got money to spend let's spend how about a nice sign of the the solar system got all the planets there let's start with recognizing what a dog looks like and then we'll move on to you know memorizing the names of the planets in our solar system school dance time got a chaperone break up any kind of close dancing no none of that who is that that's Sandy and fish bowl head who would have thought a little romance there who was the one who said the strongest uh like force on Earth was uh was love because I gotta keep an eye on that one she's gonna be troubled she's a true romantic either way we're making money oh we've got some geography going on but we have the legend here Lucas right doesn't matter he's got dinosaur head and also has answered the question correctly well done sir well done you oh no did he just not understand the question you know I mean and the way he's saying it with such confidence and conviction very wrong very wrong my friend just there's there's no justifying it Oliver monkey guy a plus dude I'm glad that you recognize that country he's been studying Oliver's been studying maybe it was the monkey mask it's unlocked his true potential what hot liquid rock spews out of an erupting volcano lava that's that's right Mia right I do like the idea of a coffee volcano just throwing it out there would have given you an A plus for that as well but lava is actually correct which is heavier gold silver lead now this is actually a pretty Advanced like geological question but I'm pretty sure it's lead gold and silver pretty light lead extremely heavy that's gonna have to be an F that girl what is power from the sun called yes monocle man answering with confidence but I see through it um it is not laser I do like the idea of hot pout the power from the Sun is hot power it's solar power man F Liam despite your monocle your teacher sees through it I think we have enough money to buy the last decoration I think it was a computer yes get these kids a computer so that they can play Minesweeper or Solitaire or something is every single one of my students decked out yo everybody has something going on but I will say I think we can improve you know what MIA I'm gonna hook you up girl Mia now has the googly glasses which is fantastic everybody's gonna take you very seriously when you're wearing that kind of stuff I promise oh what new schools are coming soon so they're gonna add additional schools to the game that's actually awesome because we've already Decked Out hyper High School it has a has an entire roller coaster it's insane no wonder these students aren't learning they're too busy riding roller coasters eating Donuts in their cafeteria them probably getting sick and throwing it all up all right Lucas you've done it you've answered the question correctly connect the drawing with the right name why did you draw weird squigglies you could have just drawn straight lines I mean it's right right but like why why all of this all over you getting all fancy okay you know what you're an artist A Plus Circle the noun in the following phrase my car is very old that's just wrong the the noun is car sorry dude also there was two Lucas's can we talk about the double Lucas going on here this is freaking me out double Lucas all the way across the sky protect your egg baby I can't help but feel like you have not protected your egg baby you've turned it into breakfast f oh I like this very very bold take a plus man Lucas you're gonna make a great parent one day promise how many chocolate chips are in the cookie you got it man great counting whoa I uh I appreciate the art but you really just didn't even try huh didn't even give me a number for an answer you could have drawn you could have put a whole bunch of numbers in there also um what's going on with the commas here they're in the wrong spot so maybe I should get the F you know what honestly you get an A plus and I'm gonna lose my streak just because I'm a bad teacher complete with the appropriate number I imagine it's supposed to be 15 so that's uh that's no good I gave Dora an A plus because I wrote that question incorrectly and I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong okay you know what let's flip the script Africa is now Billy well done which one is bigger Earth Moon Earth moon Australia incorrect the answer was of course Australia F oh he's gonna sue me I can send him to detention which I've never done let's do it go to detention kid he just puts his arms up like yeah okay all right fine you're the teacher north south east west you did it f wait wait did I did I misread that oh you know what now that I'm thinking about it east and west were reversed yeah all right I know my directions I'm a great teacher we're gonna continue grading our students papers and uh see how low they truly can go I'm scared what causes erosion wind moving water all of the above actually I believe that's an A plus Frank I think that's your real name rocks are made of minerals true or false I actually don't 100 know that I would say true but like what if there's something else that is in rocks I don't know I'm gonna say that this is wrong F okay I was right he was Raw who's the smart guy now wait I'm the teacher I should not be mocking my students what landform has a peak plain Mountain Valley yo Cindy if that's your name you know what scratch that that's not your name your name is unicorn head you got it a plus well done Liam Josh and Sandy I called her Cindy I was close the questions are definitely getting harder which is embarrassing for me because up to this point I've been making fun of my students for not being able to answer these questions and now I actually might find myself having trouble answering these questions either way let's move on oh it's volcano time I love volcano time with with diver Stacy why did I give these students these ridiculous helmets I I just I'm not sure what I was thinking but also it is pretty sweet you're just a monkey you're a straight up monkey who are you I don't know your monkey person this is so good oh man we need to uh change up their their masks I think uh I think there's more options that we can play around with hello Shrek welcome to my swamp and by swamp I mean classroom obviously uh the volcano one pretty easy doesn't really uh challenge me because all I have to do is press the buttons but also when you think about it it doesn't challenge the students at all either because I'm telling them exactly what to do maybe next time they can figure it out themselves although if we do that we'll probably just stare at each other forever alright Danny boy you have a fishbowl on your head man complete the word Apple a plus wait what am I dumb don't answer that hold on how did he why is that wrong this is gonna haunt my dreams okay I'm actually going back into my recording to c o o I see where I went wrong yes to answer your question yes I am dumb he put two L's not two P's well there you have it f for me I rushed to conclusions and gave a student who didn't deserve it an A-Plus form a word with the following letters he literally just wrote the letters underneath the letters to crowl you know what could we form with that I mean I see Taco but that's just because I'm hungry but that's not five letters we're not using the r can we actually spell a proper word with this arrangement of letters I don't t c r a o racto that's not a word I may have given football kid uh a question that's impossible to answer what can you spell with this I really don't think there's a word Crow Arc toe Arc to Credo that's not a word I don't know I just pulled up a scrabble cheat website where you can put in the letters so t-c-r-a-o search oh my gosh apparently Tarik t-a-r-o-c uh but also actor actor yeah you dummy why couldn't you find that you could make actor with this arrangement of letters I man I am dumb well anyways um that's an F for you Circle the adjective in the following phrase the car is best yes you did it Mia well done I can't believe that I did notice that apple had two L's in it I'm feeling bad I'm a bad teacher that no wonder these students are failing so bad I'm teaching them oh it's recess time let's break up some fights I love breaking up fights that's that's my favorite pastime could you imagine if you were in a school where kids were fighting like every few seconds that'll be awful it was nothing like that I mean a fight was like an event when I was in school of course it never truly happened because it always got stopped but these kids are fighting all the time and they're fighting with themselves there's clones of them no wonder they're so angry they don't know who the real person is putting this just loading up this insane hyper school with a bunch of cloned students it's weird oh yes Fishbowl Dan it that is not Antarctica man okay I do know that country It's Brazil so I'm not a complete fool I'm gonna try to make make up for my my previous mistakes let's see if my geography skills will uh will play out well here Kenyatta yeah there's the the little squiggly line above the end you didn't know that a plus you did it South Africa oh I beat you to it I like how I'm competing with my students could you imagine if you had a teacher who was trying to beat you to the right answer all right well done lady you did it Amelia no you are Shrek Elijah he looks so dejected but at least he has his fish friends always with him Mark the one famous for his paintings okay I mean it's not a super hard question but it's you know we're getting up there we're advancing Beethoven Van Gogh or Einstein it's definitely Van Gogh so monkey guy you're you're brilliant red is a cold color is that like an actual thing like can you say that color is cold that color is hot I would always associate red with hot I can change the lighting of like my my studio lights and like I can make them cold and when it's cold look I'm like blue and then when it's hot I'm like orange look at that so I would say red is a hot color F all right I was right mark the percussion instrument flute guitar bongo drums percussion I don't know like what the exact definition of a percussion instrument is but I think it's one that you hit I'm not musically inclined at all so I'm just gonna give her an A and move right along well done monkey you're not Oliver you're monkey Circle the verb in the following phrase I ate a Burger today that is incorrect eight is the verb F connect the drawing with the right name what are you doing man unicorn lady okay so it drew like insane squigglies and I have to follow the lines clearly you don't know the difference between a fish and an apple that's gonna be a hard F right there which option better completes the phrase I blank with my hand I touch taste here with my hands listen it's not working for some reason uh yeah that's correct well done diver Dora I like that diver Dora we got alliteration okay so can we change up any of the hats do we have some some fun hats I I don't want to ruin what I have going here though I mean come on that is just what if we turned every single student into a monkey oh my goodness I am brilliant everybody and now I'm definitely not going to be able to tell the difference between them the only thing that is different about my students if I turn them all into monkeys is um is their shirts and their pants I guess I don't think I have enough money quite yet but we'll get there I'm so sorry to do this to you Fishbowl Dam Elijah that's not your real name Dora the diver you're a monkey now so I need to make 260 more dollars and then the whole class are monkeys oh gym class I love this this is the dumbest gym class ever this is they're all just staring at me oh my gosh oh this was an incredible idea I'm so glad that I did this all right let's do a little side squat here and then we'll put our left arm in the air and then our right arm off to the side and then we'll stand back up and and then do one of these and there you go exercise look at us look at us exercising we're doing it the monkey crew together forming the most elegant dances in gym class ever it's a beautiful thing and there you go I I have enough money now to fully monkey eyes my classroom unbelievable welcome to living life as a monkey and then you Sandy you're now a monkey oh my goodness this is fantastic play Hello green shirt monkey which is heavier water lead cotton candy I really wish you would have picked cotton candy but you are right well done oh also green shirt monkey which resources renewable wind coal silver it's wind coal is kind of like the opposite of a renewable resource but you know at least you marked something that's gonna have to be an F I'm sorry gravity in the earth is stronger than in the Moon that is correct red shirt monkey guy well done oh Amelia Sandy and Liam I like how the picture of the monkey head doesn't even fit in the little circle fantastic absolutely fantastic these questions are getting too hard oh are you Shrek girl underneath the monkey mask she's still wearing that that Shrek hat guaranteed all right you did good A plus oh very clever idea in hiding the fact that your egg has cracked in half I appreciate like you used it as like a mouth but uh that's a bad that's a bad grade I'm sorry this is adorable a plus you're you're all fantastic I love all my monkey students equally even the slightly Dumber ones name three animals which specifically in the Arctic well pink shirt monkey person um you're you're not wrong if there were three polar bears they they could be living in the Arctic um but I think what we were asking for is three different types of animals like polar bear that's one sure maybe penguin that's two and then a seal that's three I love this answer and for this you get an A plus congratulations like she she she's like oh I got away with it so naughty and you know what I'm tired of these smart kids thinking they can rule the classroom you think you're so smart red shirt monkey guy yeah that's the flag of Japan but you're wrong take that my test was correct I'll sue you no you won't here have thirty dollars there you go we all win complete the drawing North West South you think you're so smart blue shirt monkey guy F how dare you no here's thirty dollars there I got sued for thirty dollars I guess we're changing things up I'm giving F's to all my smart students and you know where the A's are going to the creative ones like three polar bear person complete with the appropriate number oh so you figured it out look you two four six eight yeah wow amazing F take my thirty dollars I don't care how many days are in one week too many you're right you're absolutely right and a plus plus for the sad face it would have been a triple A plus plus if you drew tears I'm just saying but there you go a plus well done oh I got away with it connect the same letter yeah a goes to a b goes to B but you think you're so clever with all your weird squigglies F you could have drawn a straight line no shut up and go to detention that's such a rude thing to say also why is shut censored really weird now I'm watching the ad but maybe this is actually detention this is where I send the kids when I send them to detention send them off to a decrepit building in the freezing snow that'll to answer questions correctly that's right get out of here oh I like how I get a nicely done I got a nicely done for sending that kid off to detention I should get fired for sending that kid to detention but don't tell anybody how does this work have I ever failed this you know what let's fail it on purpose that's right if you wanted to pass this class maybe you should have figured out how to do it without me telling you exactly what to do we're going all blue it's an all blue day Pink Monkey person and now we're doing the complete opposite of what we're supposed to do look at this there you go I flipped it up I flipped it around F I like how I tell them the wrong thing to do and they all get F's brilliant alright it's time for English class Stephen King wrote Billie Jean great song Stephen King he was such a talented musician and Dancer I remember watching Stephen King do the moonwalk no one is getting these references um It's The Shining so this is incorrect but you know what maybe at some point Stephen King Billie Jean or wrote a character named Billie Jean or wrote the name Billie Jean or listen to the song Billie Jean so you know what a plus well done mixing blue and yellow makes orange if you squint hard enough yes yes it does a plus cubism is a phase cubism is a famous movement of I actually don't know this I'm gonna assume art that kind of makes sense but let's be honest yellow shirt monkey guy you were just guessing and I'm calling you out on it if you had picked culinary I would have given you an A plus why because you make cubes when you cut stuff when you're cooking that is a scientific fact and for this you get an F don't sue me here's thirty dollars bribing my students incredible teaching ability oh it's school dance time I love this no dancing too close to the other monkeys alright this is so good and it's made so much better by the fact that they are all monkeys right now oh my goodness this is a beautiful beautiful situation hey hey kiddos you stinky monkeys you stay away from each other get out of there all right well done a plus for me all right it's geography time I'm a little scared it's not America let's face it it's wrong but if we turn it upside down kind of sideways and then we separate it from the rest of the land mass it's kind of shaped like America so you know what a plus well done very creative thinking I'm proud of you monkey person Japan wow Japan is much bigger than I remember but you know what if if you consider that Japan and Russia are actually neighbors maybe Russia is actually just a really really big Japan a plus fantastic fantastic work purple shirt monkey person USA no you should have said America f [Laughter] try to sue me they just gave up put their hands in the air you think you're so smart animals that eat other animals are called carnivores but you know what is a plant an animal does a plant have feelings I like to think so that's right when you're eating a salad it's screaming out in pink those poor lettuce leaves they had families so you know what in some ways herbivores are eating other animals a plus which instrument measures earthquakes it's a seismograph as someone who lives in California very familiar with those things and earthquakes unfortunately but you know what you know what a seismograph probably uses some form of radar to measure earthquakes and the person who reviews that and says wow there was an earthquake there is indeed a scientist 100 a plus well done people who study fossils are known as paleontologists or physicists honestly I don't even know what a physicist does I know they study Physics and maybe if they're a human physicist humans have bones okay hear me out and technically that's what fossils are they're just bones they're just bones that are underground and very old so you're wrong F don't sue me here have thirty dollars when something is not fair it is fairest fairer unfair I mean let's be honest he's wrong but we'll turn it upside down a plus Circle the noun in the following Phrase the game is good no it's not f i just disagreed with the statement not with the question connect the drawing with the right name no your squiggly lines are too confusing you should have just drawn straight lines F get out of my classroom you're fired wait I'm fired we're all fired Let's Get Serious for a second here I really thought that my students were on the right path gaining one IQ Point slowly but surely and then this happened the Ella Ella Fant elephant really just I mean come on and then the elephant Channel very mysterious creature has never been seen before and then of course the one the only crocodile goes really great with Pickles anyways my students have have betrayed me and I thought we were on the right track and then you you throw something at me like that it's not even close I guess well technically it is kind of close because it's supposed to be an h and and G is only one letter away from H look I'm trying to find a silver lining here it's wrong there's just there's no way around it however you did spell penguin right and you nailed it with our reptile friend the crocod crocodile it's a crocodile anyways I'm I'm concerned sometimes my students will like blow me away and they'll answer questions that I don't even know the answer to and then other times they'll spell penguin with a B what is wrong with you gosh and then you you had the audacity to copy off of the other student that didn't know how to spell elephant of course the the believable irony of this whole thing is that you spell elephant right the first time around what is wrong with you I I'm inclined to to let her know that she's taken dumbness even further not because she couldn't spell elephant correctly but because she couldn't spell elephant correctly after spelling it right you're just guessing you just happened to get the first one right I'm just I'm mad I'm more I'm more disappointed in myself right I failed these students as their Viking teacher anyways let's collect our money try to try to relax let's ask the class some questions right off the bat I'm not gonna know the answer to what is the first element on the periodic table is it alphabetical I don't think it is is it based on like what's the most common is it carbon is it oxygen aluminum I don't know I don't know iodine I don't think so I don't even think iodine is a is an element is it oh no know hydrogen you know that does sound right these kids couldn't spell elephant but they know the order of the periodic table I'm definitely the problem here I don't think that's right that was right okay so hydrogen is the first element is it based on how common an element is though like I I don't know Earth is located in which Galaxy okay I do know this let's see if our students can can tadpole Galaxy is that even a real thing sounds cute but it's wrong let's ask one of the kids in the back what do you got yo I don't know your name I think I've been calling you Stacy you nailed it maybe that's part of the problem I need to get to know my students better I've been neglecting them on a personal level because I've been busy like you know doing Viking stuff I feel bad about the periodic table one what now I need to Google it here I go Googling again periodic table in the modern periodic table the elements are listed in order of increasing atomic number okay hydrogen of course being first with an atomic number of how did it get that number honestly I have no idea well beyond my pay grade let's continue yeah let's do some TV and fill all right it's TV and film trivia time Western film okay this is weird that seems correct cartoon film it's a mermaid yes animation film it's a jester's cap something tells me that's not right because maybe the jester cap means like it's a comedy I don't know this is a bad test I'm sorry that I gave it to you but I feel like that's wrong I it is wrong I'm I'm right for being wrong comedy there you go yeah that seems right that's a check mark for the record gonna go ahead and uh pretend that never happened Western film you've nailed it cartoon film I guess you've nailed it I'm sorry that this test is is so terrible hey Stacy I think I think Stacy might be our best student she's she's very smart she's showing her skills in the brain department so I guess I spent too much time Viking and got fired from my job which means we're a new teacher now let's be a female teacher now why why was she like scared she's like oh me I'm not qualified at all trust me lady I know how you feel let's see how our students are doing which animal is pink okay that I mean that's a pretty broad simple question to answer pretty sure cows are never people unless they're strawberry milk cows see see what I did there that's wrong man your previous teacher has really failed you I don't know who the guy is but he's let you all down let's ask this kid in the back he seems smart hey look at you what a genius flamingos are pink but do you know why flamingos are pink it's because of what they eat I know it's crazy if flamingos don't eat pink shrimp they like stay white and I think when they molt they turn white maybe that's true maybe it's maybe I'm spreading incorrect information I don't know Google it let's ask Stacy a question she's always been a good one lean out lad what does that even mean you know what in your head I appreciate that every time you say LOL well in a text message you're actually saying lean out lad someone says something that's like not funny at all and she's like LOL and they're like what it's like you know lean out lad you know what you're right in your own head so I'm gonna say I love it I'm a superhero too so you know that's pretty sweet what do you got for me cat correct hippo gonna have to say that's not correct elephant you nailed it you're so smart cabbage huh fair enough listen I'm not gonna let you down like your previous teacher how do you get pizza and beans mixed up I mean come on how old are these kids what do you say like between the ages of 10 and and 14 I would say you're not eating pizza you've never had a burrito come on you need to expand your palate there's more to life than just chicken nuggets anyways I'm sorry but you are wrong you need to get out of here yes that is definitely a sheep how do you not know what a lion is but you know what the Eiffel Tower is that it's just depressing honestly I thought you were better than this Stacy I had had really high hopes for you although you did walk away with a B so not terrible let's go back to just boring teacher not superhero teacher she kind of looks like Velma from Scooby-Doo and yeah let's do some TV and fill watch this teacher sharpen pencils she is a master pencil sharpener unbelievable skill I can't believe it we're keeping this teacher around oh it's time to monitor the Halls let's see what the students are causing had nicely polished shoes what a weird thing to approve of like I don't care what your shoes look like had a food fight I mean that seems kind of fun left phone and Locker I guess that's a good thing but also like what if there's an emergency go to the principal's office hung up Blazer okay flicked Inc spat on the floor you're doing a great job keep it up kid I'm a terrible teacher I'm I'm realizing and maybe this isn't the first time I'm realizing this but I am realizing I am very inconsistent when it comes to these students sometimes I'm like hey you're great yeah just move on with your life other times I'm like no you don't know what pizza is what's wrong with you gets kind of intense let's just let this kid go keep up the bullying kid wow average sounds about right let's answer some film based questions draw a character from a superhero film this is an unbelievably good drawing this is a hundred times better than anything that I could ever do there is nothing about this that indicates anyone in the scene is a superhero and for that I thank you you've done an awesome job maybe hey you know what maybe this is the origin story of that lady becoming a superhero draw a scene from a comedy TV show I love clowns clowns are hilarious The Joker it or Pennywise Krusty the Clown very very funny haha see I'm laughing stupid draw a character from a western film what is wrong with you this looks like a scene straight out of Star Wars obviously this is satire but I like being a bad teacher and I'm committed to it let's see how bad we can truly do I'm still making money listen it's a terrible attitude to have but I mean I'm getting paid let's get our food on clean the board wait first we need to investigate what is actually on the board I see pineapples I see a lot of butterflies this is a very cute drawing kind of looks like a weird Pikachu cat I don't know what's going on with this kid's face down here I just erased it I heart you too chalkboard I heart you two I like these drawings in a lot of ways I feel like I'm destroying someone's creative expression and it feels kind of bad but also like I need to write really complicated math problems that nobody can actually solve myself included on that board so that's a valuable uh board space that I need back which cypriot cheese is traditionally served fried thrilled huh so this is a cheese from Cyprus um and I want to apologize ahead of time to anyone who's from Cyprus who's actually watching this that like let me know if if you are watching this from Cyprus right now that's awesome leave a comment I've also learned that Italian is not the language of Cyprus Greek and Turkish Greek and Turkish are the official languages of Cyprus cheddar is not a Greek or Turkish word so uh let's let's look for for something free fry is that supposed to be Brie because brie is b-r-i-e but I don't I'm just gonna say no okay I'm glad I was right third time's a charm back in the classroom you got this dude hello me or halloumi that sounds Greek to me I'm saying yes let's go I know cheese not really but at least I was able to figure that one out Mexico are known for which food okay dim sum no dim sum is Chinese and delicious I might add um that that's wrong we're not looking for delicious foods we're just looking for Mexican foods Vegemite for real my guy I've never had Vegemite before I know it's a Australian thing and I hear it's disgusting that's gonna be a hard no uh let's let's see let's let's ask this girl in the back tacos oh yeah that's a mega track mark and uh and 110 uh percent if you actually brought tacos in we've got more questions oh no no more cheese questions what what is the main ingredient in meringue like a lemon meringue pie I think it's um I think it's egg whites because I think meringue is literally just whipped egg whites maybe with some sugar maybe there's something else in there but I think it's mostly egg whites milk baking soda no you got this kid egg whites yes ah I'm feeling kind of smart what is a common pizza topping I love how we went from cypriot cheeses to pizza toppings such a weird jump in yeah I mean pepperoni I'm so happy be and here I go again being completely inconsistent I thought I was being a bad teacher and then my students were asking questions or answering questions correctly and I'm giving them the thumbs up and I'm just I'm being a good teacher now I don't know what's wrong with me I can't make up my mind let's do some business classing oh my gosh there's a fight uh I kind of just wanna not do anything what happens if I just don't they're just gonna stay they're not actually fighting they're just getting ready to to hug what is this they're not no fists are flying right now I'm okay okay great we could have just watched them like dance for forever all right smarty pants what do you got for me draw an artist painting some what also what does this have to do with business you know a rock and roll band they're artists and they're painting flowers with their music musical notes of flowers you nailed it kiddo go tell your parents that you've done a great job not being great draw the equipment used to run a taxi company a taxi really go with the most obvious answer wrong you should have picked crowbar no a driver's license see clever draw the equipment used to run a gym a strong guy in a speedo no you should have drawn a Peloton or a treadmill with a TV in front of it but you messed up you messed up big time business class what am I teaching these kids fine cheaters okay this is this is easy you know what you do you do you Charlie that's right the kid with the glasses his name's Charlie Freddy over there doing his thing I don't know why every kid ends in e the e sound so this could just go on forever I could let my students cheat till the end of time incredible I kind of want to see what their test is about it looks like that might be a giraffe and it looks like this girl in the front wrote otter for giraffe and the best part is kids are cheating off of her ladies and gentlemen I present to you the smartest class in the world
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,258,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, teacher simulator, prank my teacher, prank teacher, teacher game, funny teacher game, bash the teacher game, papers grade please, papers grade, papers grade please game, funny game, mobile game
Id: RDR_kMay9Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 51sec (5811 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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