Teaching Spiking to Beginners with Tod Mattox

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hey spiking is fun we we want to make sure they're having fun so we're going to start with spiking and the first part of spiking is arm swing so we're going to take them through some arm swing keys once we get through some arm swing keys then we're going to move to the approach keys and we think that the simplest way to teach approach is the last two steps which are the most important so players will be calling those steps and then jumping and swinging and then we'll put it together we are going to do some arm swings and so we do that all the time so I want you guys out on the court you can spread out on this Court and I want you to go through your arm swings five slow motion and then five regular speed and good hold it a second okay and come on over we're going to eat we're going to be our demo here okay so you're facing the net okay so I said no just like you're hitting so you're facing regular so you are getting back so our keys for arm swinging our first is sight 90 so we want to sight the ball with our left hand we want to get a 90 degrees with our striking hand okay her feet aren't going to be fully sigh but they're going to be a little bit facing here but still so she can get her hips all the way back perfect okay so key number one is sight 90 key number two is what we call elbow lead your eyes are going to stay up at your sight your elbow is going to get in front of your wrists your eyes are still going to stay up high I so head is back up you're going to be looking up there this arm is going to come down and that's eyes up eyes up so heads back because your eyes got to be up at the ball there you go and then we're going to swing through so our keys let's get although everybody back out right now I'm going to go slowly through the key note spread out spread out spit up okay a little bit so our keys sight 90 relax you got to say it so I say it you say sight 90 elbow lead lift and whip and just let it go again site 90 elbow lead once again where does it look at where my hand is it's coming down to my chest and then my eyes are up my eyes are up and lift and whip okay here we go site 90 elbow lead lift and whip okay say 90 elbow lead lift and with site 90 elbow lead lifting with okay good enough okay now you can come up on the 10-foot line and we can get into flamingo okay so for us we say flamingo is being on the 10-foot line on our left step for our right-handers to do a two-step approach and we do these every day at practice these guys are pretty good at this so we're going to just step close and jump and swing you're going to call your steps okay right left jump and swing swing on your way up on your own go good and then back to five and hold it good I like it a couple things okay I really like what you're doing looks good but when you're landing you're landing with your hips back so you're landing like this and we want to make sure when we land we're here we're right left slow motion we land and our shoulders are always in front of our hips so we land facing forward not leaning back can we finish up we have two more to do right good let's do two more good I like it so we're going to divide up into two groups so let's go your a1 your two your one year two one two one all the ones in a line over here all the twos over there okay so now we're going to play a little game and come on in and listen to the rules of the game first okay so it's going to be hitters versus defenders so you guys are a team you guys are hitters you guys are defenders you have to catch the ball if you catch the ball and doesn't hit the ground you get a point okay if they hit the ball in the net you get a point as long as you what you got a you got to count your points you don't count your points you don't get it okay there's only one tricky one if they hit the ball out of bounds we think that's better than hitting it in the net correct okay because team might play it if you hit it and just going out they might play it so if they hit it out of bounds you guys get a half a point and you need 15 points as soon as you get to 15 points you get to be the hitters and they're the defenders so after you hit you're going to jump and hit and you're going to get right back in line you're not going to go under the net you're not going to go over on that side yes points no you're all one big happy group your hitters and you're playing against the defenders you're trying to get it so you're trying to get it so you're not hitting it right down the middle of the court at them so can you hit it cross-court can you hit it down the line can you hit it in so they can't catch it makes sense all right here we go we're playing to 15 we're gonna go just just lemming go so two-step approach okay two-step approach okay I want you turning a little bit out there facing into me to come kind of angle you're you're just going to see the ball out here and then you can start it make sense here we go I'm ready bop boom don't go don't go change in no go running under the net no running under the net okay you just hit and you can go circle around me and get back in line and what do we call that what you do want to just have Cale kill yeah that's a kill no we're not scoring points they're scoring points okay they need 15 we're just trying to go as long as we can so we get to spike as much as possible okay they they have to count we'd have to count we just have to get kills okay here we go not away out four and a half very good good let's let's face a little more angle so we can hit the ball angle right because we're hitting the ball down the middle here we go oh nice sit what is that fifteen switch oh I like that move down there ah nice way to go cross court off two feet we want your jump up two feet that way good way to go cross court you got it in good work
Channel: The Art of Coaching Volleyball
Views: 1,388,400
Rating: 4.8948145 out of 5
Keywords: volleyball, girl's volleyball, youth volleyball, coaching, sports, youth sports, coaching volleyball, how to coach, tips and tricks, learning, education, learn, drills, skills, training, mental training, practice, competition, rules
Id: 08guf-U_jYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2016
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