Teaching Sharks (and Eels) to Attack Invasive Lionfish
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Channel: Patrick Explores
Views: 4,762,656
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Keywords: shark, sharks, lionfish, lion fish, lionfish vs shark, shark eating lionfish, shark eats lionfish, shark attack, shark attacks lionfish, scuba, scuba diving, scuba with sharks, diving, scuba diving with sharks, shark gopro, shark gopro footage, shark attacks fish, shark eats fish, fish, sharks attack, shark vs fish, sharks eating fish, eel, eel attack, eel attacks fish, eel attacks lionfish, eel vs lionfish, teaching sharks, invasive, invasive lionfish
Id: Mz3S9fCJf5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 54sec (174 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2017
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I have read that this activity can result in aggressive predator behavior which can be dangerous for the divers and is potentially harmful to the predators and is not condoned by many experts.
EDIT: Upon reading this info I felt obligated to confer it after making the post.
Terrible diving practice. When I was leading dives in Tenerife a few years ago, we had a customer nearly lose fingers to a lightning-fast Barracuda. Needed something like 20 stitches.
Later found out one of the other diveshops had been bringing sausages to feed the rays that congregated there, and the barracuda clocked on to it. Now as far as the marine life were concerned, all divers were bringing sausages to the party, 5 on each hand!
Made Los Chuchos a fucking sketchy dive spot when it used to be a favourite for open water. Had to start telling my groups to tuck their hands in their armpits if the 3ft+ barracuda came by. Gnarly fish that were otherwise harmless if not for those fucking divs.
fuck this guy hes only teaching those animals to follow divers. he is endangering the lives of others
Why does the shark in this image have MS Paint teeth?
Not exactly relates but lionfish always remind me of Deuce Buffalo when he blends it up on accident and serves it as a chocolate margarita lol
Or are we teaching sharks that humans will give them food?
I believe the lionfish has poison in their fins. Not sure this is a good idea
I think in the wild it would be pretty hard for a shark to get at, as lionfish usually are caught with spears and swim in crevices sharks usually would not be able to reach. A little fish and a lot of work for a shark to even mess with and waste energy on. They are an evasive species in FL because unless you spear them, they keep multiplying.
Lion fish are fantastically delicious. Great way to have a sustainable item on your restaurant menu.