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what's up buddy how's it going man hey tomorrow [Music] [Music] well good morning from Amsterdam I was a long flight red-eye seven hours from Toronto to Amsterdam I'm here for 24 hours then I'm headed back crazy but you'll see why [Music] [Music] it's all way [Music] [Music] yeah oh you can just leave the hole I'll just drink it out of the pot okay here we go ready first coffee of Amsterdam holy crap that's hot that was way harder than I expected it to do Oh does it feel good going down okay buffets with Casey he's the guys gonna show me how it's done now the key is complementing the cheese with one or two or three or four or five mini cross all now I'm going with the English whole-grain mustard here just because it seems fancy with the bad I think it's free you want to get a lot of meat your high protein here low fat and keep you strong build them up are you vegan I think this is gluten-free wait what is this sugar stir stir and sugar in one motion this is this is simply fantastic is what this is okay we can officially start vlogging now or see a bridge that bridge right there yeah that's the bridge that I proposed to my now wife on download my you should download my buddy off of youtube then put it in right when I say that like cut to it it's a great idea I'll do that so we'll see a bridge that bridge right there yeah that's the bridge that I proposed to my now wife on [Music] speaking of YouTube tips Casey mentioned something that I found actually quite fascinating that doesn't necessarily align with what I do all the time but it could be something that I adapt more into my own filmmaking this is that tip there was a horse that won by as you said that like I heard like the clacking of like the feet and I try to just not think about it because it was distracting me I think the technical term is the clip filmmaking tip goes like this this is a Casey Jim I think a lot of people would push back against this button I think especially if you're a youtuber or blogger that perfection can often get in the way of productivity so my rule is never let perfection get in the way of good enough so there's like a shot back there on the bridge that's trying to shoot time-lapse it wasn't perfect I was like let me just get this okay shot because I'd rather get like four okay scenes than one perfect scene because poor okay scenes equals a story one perfect scene is like these people are so kind to wait so nice I think we're funny it was a good tip yeah yeah don't let perfection get in the way of good enough [Music] we're gonna rent bikes you ready yeah I haven't been on a bike in like like nine years I'm can keep my backpack on but I got to put this away so that I don't die in the streets I'll be right back dude look at my pants so we were outside but we were outside and suddenly the skies opened up in a monsoon rained down upon us sitting here waiting for the rain to stop whoo all across the ocean for this and it's raining thank a little like still a little like I hate sliding doors that's not a sliding door so that's yeah I was hoping you wouldn't point that out but thanks thanks thanks for us Damir the comment mazing yeah I think I'm a lot nicer let's rewind that I hate rotating doors hate them you know one of the things that I remember the most from visiting certain places in the world is obviously the view and how everything looks and the architecture that kind of thing but a big part of it for me is also the sound so by the sirens the Sun in the rain hanging the bridge all those kind of things help me visualize telling a story I feel like it it really adds character to a place you know often as cinematographers photographers were we're very big on the visuals but we forget that you know the audio is an important part of that story how many times have you actually been here probably like 10 or 15 times I've never been here for more than a day or two it's just such an easy place to like have an extended layover and it's such an amazing city okay super long day I'm tired I'm going to stay right here until tomorrow Peter who gets up this early should never still be dark and you wake up in the morning I don't run either by the way going running with Casey you don't seem very well dressed for it are you ready I'm gonna start my GPS all right and we're cooking so cool started a nice easy pace and then work into it you don't want to go faster out of the gates you know all right yeah running tips you get a warm-up as you move oh this isn't so bad no that's great it's a great way to start your day I can get used to this let's go for the chicken how far are we gonna go she's like a couple blocks do you think I look ridiculous right now ah wait so how long were you doing this I taste blood dude there's nobody outside right now why are we up this early who gets up this early this isn't even fun I don't think I'll ever understand so some of you might be wondering why I named this vlog teaching Casey how to vlog it is really pretty out right now I'll get in that much she was like nobody look there's nobody out here he's just me so it's less about me actually teaching him how to vlog is obviously Casey knows how to vlog but it's more so like sharing our styles with each other different filmmakers different content creators obviously have different ways of doing things different ways of shooting things so I'm obviously into shooting b-roll in slow motion and transitions and like heavy into the sound design that kind of thing where's Casey is very strong and very good as you guys know I don't need to be telling you this at storytelling so it was cool actually being able to fuse our two strengths together all you been out here vlogging and kind of teach a little bit to each other about our own personal technique which I found awesome to be able to do so I want you to help me explain to my audience why I named this vlog teaching Casey how to vlog because there the truth is there are few youtubers on the platform whose cinematography and just camera skills I think is like so much better than mine and you are one of those people and I want to like absorb some of it is some of your crazy camera skill set to make my videos better I wanted to make sure that people knew that it wasn't because I was like oh I'm gonna show you how it's done you need you need to be doing oh I I i if there's anything it's that I was very forceful and like tell me all of your crazy secrets Peter because I I think your your content so great thank you yeah but like Nick but also forceful eyes then come to Amsterdam tomorrow that was a very gentle suggestion that was an invitation this guy plans everything so last minute I am NOT the kind of guy to book a trip within four is it less than 24 hours he's like oh I've never booked it what was it you've never booked a trip yeah I usually don't ever booked it was more than 24 hours but I'm sorry and I'm really I'm so psyched that you came no best day ever good shoot and thank you Peter for teaching me how to vlog [Music] [Music] yo what's up Peter its Casey what are you doing next weekend [Music] you [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,034,021
Rating: 4.9439688 out of 5
Keywords: Casey Neistat, Casey, Casey Neistat Vlog, Peter McKinnon, Vlog, Amsterdam, Teaching casey how to vlog, Travel Vlog, Filmmaking, BRoll, Slow Motion, 1DXMK2, Casey Neistat Vlogger, Peter and Casey, Netherlands, Cinematic, How to make your vlogs cinematic
Id: eZQdQ5pV6EE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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