Teaching Ben Barnes Gen-Z Slang!

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[Music] hello hi how's it going yeah good how are you good is it where are you right now um i'm in los angeles okay so it's morning for you too early start yeah yeah well welcome to young hollywood thank you thanks for having me we have to talk about the tree we'll bring we'll bring in katie the mastermind behind the tweet and i love why am i imagining this hi katie madam people went crazy that tweet our tweet your tweet blew up people could not get enough of it um that that sort of like trend which obviously you were keying into of that sir but it struck me it was such a british thing to be like madame it's better when i say it than when i type it i think i i heard it i heard your voice in my head i read it so it's all good and i have to just point out real quick before i skeed out all over that this interview is happening on the 11th at 11 o'clock meaning in eight minutes we can you have to wait [Laughter] just had to point that out 11 11 all right there we go shout out katie though because katie did the whole tweet she did everything okay so speaking of 11 11 how do you feel it hit one million streams you know what it's very exciting i have no experience in this so i have no metric as to whether that's good or not i don't know whether like all songs get a million streams or whether that's like adele staggering i don't know i i have no idea and then um i mentioned that actually to my dad the other day and he went why are you measuring it by anyone else's standards it's a million people have heard your song isn't that amazing and i was like yeah that's a really good point that's all that matters because you put say you put a million people in front of you like each one of them listen to the song you know yeah that would feel that would be overwhelming that would be a lot of people but i tell you what the them to me that the numbers and the things is not at all what it was sort of i remember when i started out doing films and stuff and and and you the film would come out and they would say oh it's made you know 456 million in the box office and you'd be like you would you would sort of have some you would you would put some stake in that you'd have some flesh in the game with it and worry about it then going forwards whether comparably that was good and it just it just doesn't matter if it's someone's favorite film what does it matter and for me like just seeing all these little like tweets and instagram videos um there was there was one video right like the day after it came out of this like girl young woman dancing in her kitchen with this big smile on her face to the song and i was like you can't buy that that's not like like i i wrote a song on my piano and now this person that i don't know have never met will is is dancing to it yeah in her kitchen with this broad beaming smile on her face and uh you know that that that's about as great a ward as you could ever get and now people are doing like pole dancing routines and like isolating ice skating choreography and singing covers of it and stuff and that that to me is like better than any other sort of conversation i could ever get for for doing it and that's so cool because this is kind of like you're you're just getting into music and you're not really sure like what comes from it and everything because of your acting background so it's like this is a new world so it's fun as it's happening for you yeah it's really fun i i i obviously have sort of signed up to music things about 20 years ago and i really wanted to kind of make a go of it in terms of doing some some big band jazz or some you know i i wasn't quite sure pop band so i wasn't quite sure what it was that i what it was that i wanted to do with it um but i knew i wanted kind of music in my life and i've been really lucky in that a lot of the films that i've done i've had music you know twist through them and in court yeah exactly i've been able to sing on soundtracks but it was always kind of doing an impression of somebody it was always kind of singing in someone else's voice even even when i was at school and stuff i would do these sinatra tribute concerts and stevie wonder soul nights and i would always be singing doing impressions of people and obviously in my acting life i i'm sort of trying to spread little pieces of inject little pieces of myself into characters that i'm playing but i'm pretending to be someone else whereas this is it's the first thing that i've done that it's really just me and from me and you know it it was just it was just it was almost like essential for me actually it just i reached a point in my life whereas i have to make something honest i have to make something from me not pretending to be anyone else and just like stick it up into the world do you know what i mean yeah just forgot that that's so good and for you what is the meaning behind eleven eleven what inspired that song um i think uh you know i i mean in terms of the eleven eleven of it it's um you know i'm not a particularly kind of spiritual person not particularly like uh i would say superstitious or or anything like that but but i think i believe in this sort of like you know that syndrome of where you where someone tells you about something and then you come and you see it everywhere literally everywhere you see you know someone tells you you try a new drink and suddenly there's billboards for everywhere and you just i've never even heard of that before um and it was a little bit like that and i you know as soon as someone tells you that oh 11 11 is like uh a mirror number and you should make a wish or it seems to be it seems to be 11 11 more than twice a day after someone tells you about it and um and i just got into this little habit of like making a wish for somebody um you know just whoever i would be thinking of if i had a friend that was struggling or or whatever it might be and uh i just got to kind of got into the habit of it because i wasn't raised in a particularly religious way i don't pray you know whatever but but it was just the sort of sweet thing i got into i i sort of started doing when i noticed it um but i think that i like songs which are general in terms of thematically that people can relate to something in their life um and in this case obviously it's a song about um you know loving someone to the point of even if you can't sort of be with them you're still you're still kind of sending all your you know all your positivity and and and um all of your hopefulness in their direction but i also like it when songs have very specific details to them because you never know who that might connect with and i also think that good storytelling is just like specific so so it's kind of you know you take little details from your own life and then you sew them into themes that feel a bit broader and a bit bigger and like you know i don't know what any of my favorite songs in the world i don't know they're about what they're about who they've written for um but i know what they mean to me and i know what i relate them to in my life and that's why it's so exciting to see uh that young woman dancing in her kitchen because she's smiling because there's something in it she's doing the same thing yeah yeah for 11 11 okay so say you see when you do see it during or throughout the day do you make wish like do you make wishes you make a wish yeah if i see if i see it's 11 11 i'll like shut my eyes for a second but you have to notice it you can't like wait you can't like you see it's 1108 and then like wait if you have to yeah yeah you just have you have to notice it has any of your wish wishes that you wish on 11 11 before in your life you think came true maybe in a way you don't have to tell us what the wish was because then that ruined it it's not that it's it's more that i wish like oh uh you know i'll i'll i'll kind of i won't i'll wish for small things i wish for like i i hope that person doesn't worry about that problem too much or i hope you know there's a sort of a bit of a theme stitching through the the ep that i've got coming out on friday which is you know oh it's 11 11. um there's a sort of theme stitching through about about about hopefulness and about and about kind of that those things will always kind of be be all right in the end i've got a song called not the end which which which references this john lennon quote which is it it'll be it'll all be okay in the end and if it's not okay it's not at the end yeah and i love that quote so i stitched that into the song it's a song about sort of like cliche life advice um but it boils down to just that one thing and i think that's that hopefulness is kind of very much who i am as a person like i i i'm not necessarily like an optimist but i am kind of a hopeless hopeful romantic human and and so so that's kind of stitched into all of the all of the songs um sort of thematically yeah and speaking of eb do you have a favorite on there or do you i mean you probably love them all but do you have like a favor that you're ready for listen to i've never really understood it until now but it it does feel like your babe like my bed like my little baby birds that i that i that they become my favorite there were a couple i'd say there were two or three of the five that were that i always felt sure about and then there was a couple that i that that needed to go through different transitions and i needed to like add strings to or add like horns to or like one of them was a really slow song and it didn't work until we like doubled the tempo of it and like gave gave it like this some paul and the broken bones like horns and drums and like i was like oh no this is a fun song i thought it was a sappy song because i think everything that and you're feeling like that but but it's not this is this is like this is that this is this is that this is the head banging um this is a groover this one can i say groover how old do i sound when i say the word groover the show that i do on netflix called shadow and burn it has like a quite young castle in their 20s you're like in this that like and i'm and i'm 40 now and and i felt like when i turned up i felt there's this there's this like gif jiffy still don't know yeah um of steve buscemi yeah and he's like got us he's like in his forties and he's got a skateboard and a backwards hat and he's got a t-shirt that says hello fellow kids and i feel like that quite a lot of quite like venturing into music for the first time and doing interviews it's like in a way you feel so confident i feel so settled in who i am and talking about this stuff but then i try to relate it to like anything and suddenly i'm completely out of my depth and drowning in in in twitter terminology i mean you're learning as you go though that's good yeah yeah i'm trying i've got lots of i've got lots of like good people in my life like my shadow and bone kids that will that will always keep me facing the right direction so it's good there you go shout out them honestly jesse yeah exactly um okay we're gonna play a game too you ready for the game right so it's it's this or that so there's two options and then you'll pick this isn't like squid game or anything in it i'm not gonna like just die horribly in this macabre awful grim way if i like lose the game speaking of squid game do you like it do you like that like the hype i i just finished it and it it reminds me of a quite a lot of you know battleship battle royale and you know those sort of like hunger gamesy things a little bit that's the end of the end of spartacus that sort of cathartic playing people off against each other i don't know i i've seen a lot of it before but i think the aesthetic of it is amazing and i just love that this like so carefully crafted korean show is like them going to be the most watched show i love that and i love um yeah i i i really i really like and i like how like strong the metaphor is in terms of like the representation of its country and what it what it wants to say um and it's also it's got riveting and amazing acting so yeah i'm i'm down with it down with it let's see there's another one can i say that no i don't know it's good that's good like i'm fine yeah like if someone asks you to do something you just be like i'm down like not yes i'm down the fact that you have to that you sit there and you're young hollywood young hollywood luckily you've cropped out the word young just for me it just says hollywood no no yeah and uh yeah but the fact that you have to explain to me what's okay today proves that i'm yeah anyway have you heard bet like back it's b-e-t like bet no as in place a bet okay so basically terminology like all my friends like if you're like okay i'll be there in five bet oh do you want to go to the game bet like sure yeah if you show up to the like the set whenever you shadow a bone or who literally talk to them if you reply bet they'll love you so what question if they're like oh like you want to go like are you going to be here soon yeah like bet i'll be there in five but what's wrong with the word yes because it's cooler to say that it's good yes or no cap like no cap was like i'm not lying so it's like no i literally got attacked by bears no cap no capital letters no cap eap cap yeah meaning no capital letters meaning all lowercase i'll get that wrong and they'll be like yeah that really happened all lowercase no just no cap you can't you can't i don't want i know i'm pushing this agenda myself but i don't want to become well known for being the like uncle who's like not quite like trying to be really hot i i that's a bad that's not a good rep that's not good okay well we'll move on from that but just in case you wanted i've done it to myself i've done it to myself this is mine you asked i was just hoping you're on young hollywood we're keeping you young this is bad okay this or that back to the game okay i'm ready stay in or go out uh stay in okay it's friday night you're staying in well i haven't finished squid game yeah so we're staying in okay sleep in or wake up early wake up early and then sleep in okay bet you would say better yes you know what i mean like you wake up because the best the coziest sleep is always you wake up and then go back you can't like feel the pillow if you're asleep asleep but it's like that half sleep yeah shadow and bone or westworld oh that's unfair in every single possible way see this is like a squid game this is impossible if we'll give it we'll give you a third option just for your struggles today um i'm going i'm gonna go uh uh shadow and bone because i i'm going to make more of that good spend money or save money um these are all both questions and you know that uh um save some of the money and and spend some of the money i i found a loophole in your game here okay well you're cancelled no don't cancel it um save money oh god i'm boring what would you buy right now if you got a million dollars um a house actually a car that's a good uh yeah an electric car oh not like a lambo like electric car no it's something electric yeah i think that's good ah music or acting katie came up with that one um uh music for the joy i like that um okay so what are you gonna do when your ep drops that was the game what are you are you gonna celebrate are you gonna go out to dinner are you gonna stay in what am i gonna do um well i was just i was shooting um a horror when my first when 111 came out i was shooting a night shoot in a graveyard uh in the rain so that's how i celebrated my first song coming out so hopefully something different from that yeah i'd like actually i'd like i would it would be it would be pretty i it's a bit like birthdays isn't it it's it's yeah you sort of anticipate it and there's a sort of certain hype to it and sometimes it really lives up to it but a lot of the time doesn't and i don't know exactly i feel but i would like to celebrate in some way so yeah maybe i would like to do like a little dinner or you know have some some people come and acknowledge it i think that's important that stuff you're going to have to it's a huge day for you you're dropping an ep yeah okay yeah i'll i'm gonna i'm gonna go out and rage is that am i allowed that yeah you learn you you're doing so well i wanna go rage you know what you should do young hollywood just have like a thing where you get like you get like little ding ding ding ding things in the corner whenever you say something that isn't young hollywood whenever you say anything that's like we're past that you get like the whole interview every tuesday you get five if you get five like the interview just stops cuts out ends meetings yeah thank you for your turn next yes well congratulations on everything acting music and now you're going to be able to talk like young hollywood so yeah you're welcome you're welcome actually thank you so much means it means so much to me you're very welcome well we can't wait for the ep and i hope everybody sends you more videos of them dancing in the kitchen too me too me too thank you that is that is the thing i wish the most bet did i ruin it with the hand thing i did didn't i i knew i did i knew it i knew as i was doing it i knew i was ruining it with that it's okay yeah it's all right we'll cut out the hand and we'll just cut it out no just leave it
Channel: Young Hollywood
Views: 95,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben barnes, 11:11, 11 11, eleven eleven, songs for you, shadow and bone, westworld, ben barnes interview, music, pop, 2021, interview, ben barnes 11 11, yh at home, zoom, actor, singer, debut ep, game, this or that, squid game, twitter, tweets, young hollywood, joely live, Celebrities, Videos, the darkling, darklina, General Kirigan
Id: xCshHEoPqt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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