Teaching About Identity: Lessons from The Cultural Revolution

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good evening everyone thank you so much for joining our fair and education webinar teaching about identity lessons from the cultural revolution as Gavin's explaining right now in the chat box it's disabled but we will have a Q&A box um and we'll preserve the last 15 minutes of our webinar tonight for discuss discussion we'll also be sending out a resource following tonight's webinar with some recommended readings two of which are books written by our panelists and we will include those links as well for you my name is Jennifer tudo I'm a senior manager with fair and education I'm joined by Stephanie Guera Fair's managing director of Education in a time we're teaching about identity is so controversial in schools we are thrilled and excited to interview two people who experienced identity-based division during 1960s China as a way to understand how to avoid similar mistakes in today's K12 classrooms sh van Fleet describes herself as Chinese by birth American by choice Survivor of Ma's cultural revolution defender of Liberty she was born in China lived through the cultural revolution and was sent to work in the countryside at the age of 16 after Ma's death she was able to go to college to study English and has lived in the United States since 1986 she now devotes her time and energy full-time to warning about the parallels between Ma's cultural revolution in China and what's unfolding in America today her book Ma's America a survivors warning was recently published and is currently ranked number seven on Amazon in Asian politics Dr ping Nan known as Dr ping to his students grew up in China during the traumatizing era of the cultural revolution he moved to America with his wife and infant son in 1995 after finishing Graduate Studies in Canada in the summer of 2021 he was alarmed By changes in Indiana state government and major School corporations after in-depth research he traced their roots to Marxism realizing the danger of Communism in America he started to give talks and publish essays and books including his 20 22 book a spectre is haunting America warnings from survivors of Communism he is dedicated to teaching middle and high school students about the evil nature and mass destruction of Communism she and dring thank you for joining us we are so honored and excited to speak with you um before we get started I'd like to share with the audience that this interview is part of an ongoing research project at fair and education so there's a lot of controversy around the ways that identity is Being Framed in American classrooms right now and we wondered if a historical understanding of other Count's experiences with teaching about identity might help teachers get a big picture view and recognize and avoid mistakes so we have been examining three 20th century contexts 1930s Germany 1960s China and 1980s and 90s Rwanda where teachers made serious mistakes in teaching about identity um mistakes that at the time seemed scientific or unifying or correct or even culturally necessary but actually laid a foundation for Intergroup hatred and violence we read history texts Memoirs um translations of lesson plans textbooks and other primary source materials and now we're conducting interviews with people who have direct experiences with these contexts so thank you both so much for being part of this project and sharing your experiences now you both grew up in China and experienced the cultural revolution firsthand and you have both written and spoken extensively about the cultural revolution and what you're seeing here in the United States so let's set some context for our viewers can you please tell us briefly about the cultural revolution um okay I start um cultural revolution that took place in China in started in 1966 and it was launched by chairman ma the dictator of China and it lasted for 10 years until his death in 1976 so it's 10 years uh um culture Revolution and what it is really about is really to replace the system and uh and and in today's word is just um really destroy what's uh old what's out of date and replace with something new and and what they're trying to destroy in China was the uh the Chinese Civil ization and then they call it four old old uh ideas old tradition old habit and old custom and they all should have to they all should go and that including the statues and uh um from uh from temples and churches and they should be uh uh destroyed and replaced by cherem Statue everywhere in cities and also and they also uh went after names names for Institution for for stets um they all have to change into uh something more politically correct basically it was just destroy everything that is uh old that is traditional and that's today's cancer culture and so why they want to destroy everything because ma want uh want to replace everything with his version um of uh um the uh Marxism ideology which is Mo and so and and there's so many parallels and we're going to talk more about it but that's just general an idea it is a revolution to destroy everything and and they want to rebuild we build a basically utopian um Marx's Utopia yeah I was uh uh younger than she so I didn't uh uh went to the countryside uh but all of my uh brothers and sisters they were old enough to be sent to the countryside and uh my experience with cultural revolution is that uh when I was about five my uh my dad was uh locked up in a mi shop uh prison that's when the M was dismantling the party hierarchy uh and uh then witnessed the the killings of uh between different fractions of the red guards and later on uh how they were sent to the countryside and uh uh I did a lot of uh thinking in uh after cultural Evolution uh in the early 80s is trying to figure it out why and why would that happen so so that's something I kind of Shar in my book uh and uh I was actually alarm uh because like she said that we experience a period that everything has to be wiped out because it's uh Imperial and the colonial kind of History so like say for example when you have a street you don't call that uh like uh if you have a kind of a foreign name like uh uh jungson Street then you have to replace it or you have something like uh kind of reflecting old Chinese tradition uh even things like uh like something like say nice or happiness or uh fortune and those things has to go has to be replaced with new one so so uh I saw how the things get uh being like uh the statues of like in this country like the Confederate uh generals being taken out and even like people like uh uh Thomas Jefferson and and also uh how they trying to blame everything on uh imperialism and col uh colonialism and all that so it's kind of similar U um how say similar uh terminology that that been used and and also is trying to uh divide people into two different classes like the oppressed and the oppressor which is typically uh Marxism so that's how I can get get him uh uh into this uh fight because I really don't want to see uh cultural Solutions or at least anything similar to that and happening here thank you both so you know you mentioned the destroying of the four olds and Dr ping your father being locked up um in a makeshift jail if we back up a little bit what were the first changes that you know noticed happening um particularly in school leading up to the cultural revolution you know when did you realize that something was wrong in China um it to me it is almost day and the night and all of a sudden as a little girl I was only seven when it started and I just uh um all of a sudden I just uh saw that uh uh the students were encouraged to challenge uh anyone that has uh Authority and anyone in Authority's role and to students the first one they challenged was teachers and the principles so they went after um their own teachers and did pretty much overnight and because that's what Ma told them to do they ma ma told them that the uh reactionary uh boura intellectual Authority was the problem for China because those people they still have old ideas they still teach the old idea to students and those ideas are dangerous because those ideas want to uh undermine socialism and so as students we were so um indoctrinated we we have no idea what was uh uh what was bad about capitalism because I did not know what capitalism really about I just was T it is evil so those teachers and principles they want to to teach us capitalist ideas boura ideas to really to um to bring us back to capitalism so they become our enemies once that's um a label was um given to the uh uh the the group here's the key word group it's not never about individual it's about a group so if you're a teacher if you are um administrator you're a principal um then you become the group so what we need to do is overthrow them so school was really the kids um were encouraged to uh to take down the principles so School become a um dysfunctional there's no one was in charge so the in my case my school was closed for two years in other parts of China and it's lasted as long as four years no school and because no one was in charge and that was pretty much everywhere in China middle school high school college universities it's so like that so the the change was not gradual the change was to me at is overnight and to a lot of people they probably can relate to 2020 when all of a sudden they turn they notice something really really big what's going on what's Happening and that's my memory yeah uh for me that the first thing I noticed is that uh uh the school were closed and closed yeah school and of course my uh my I'm the youngest in the family so uh my my brothers and sisters they were in elementary school and middle school so they were happy you know no school right exam and all that and they all kind mobilized and organized and and and trying to uh basically they uh uh they want to go to Beijing and to see uh chman M and uh for a period of time that uh all the transportations uh were free so anyone wants to go to Beijing they can just hop hop on the tree and is going there uh and then uh then things turned the uh downhill for us for my family uh and then our family was rans sacked and a lot of things were stolen and just not stolen I just took it uh and then uh later on pretty soon that uh my dad was put into uh uh make Chef uh prison and uh my mom and us kids were kicked out our apartment and uh we have to move to a to a Countryside and to live in a m house so that was a quite traumatic traumatic for me uh for the beginning of the cultural revolution it sounds it wow it's shocking to hear that so in thinking about kind of drawing the parallels between what you noticed that was wrong in China when did you realize that something was wrong here in the US um to me and actually it going back I just noticed little things along the way and uh I think it's in the early 90s I started to notice that uh the political correctness is taking over the American lives and uh so we were constantly told that we need to say certain things certain way and that certain things and certain way keep changing and that just kind of remind me of what's going on what what I experienced in China because there was only one correct way of thinking and there was one correct way of talking and speaking and if you uh if you did differently and then you become the Enemy of the State and then you you get into trouble and uh so but that did not uh um uh really I I did not lose uh sleep over those things but I noticed that and it's getting worse and worse and uh so the turning point for me is 2020 when I really witness and uh what I witness or everyone else in in America um is really a a kind of a um I I would say it's to me it's OB Evo OB EVO to me is what I saw when I was in China and remind me of the cultural revolution and and what the uh the red guards did on the street and uh and it become really really violent in the beginning you know taking down statues names force people to uh to conform of all sorts of they come up with all sorts of rules that girls can only have certain hairstyle if your hairstyle was not up to the standard that they arbitrarily said you were stopped and your hair was cut they have hair cutting stations by the red guards and I witnessed they cut uh girls hair because it was not the right style and the clothes you can only wear this and not that if you wear back then there was a um like um um uh what's the style that big TR trousers and that's considered bis and they will go after people wearing the wrong type of clothes and cut it so that was uh they really demand Conformity and then and then in what I saw in 2020 is there is absolutely the same thing they demand that there's only one way of thinking everything else is racist bigot whatever now they are the the label keep expanding and so to me that was H how I noticed things and how I really determined the turning point and that's because of 2020 I decided to go to school board in lden county in Virginia and then told them that uh what they're pushing in in school the CRT is really the uh Chinese cultureal Revolution repeating yeah uh for me the first thing I noticed is actually in the I think n uh 2012 or 2013 that kind I don't remember exactly uh my wife actually went to uh uh IU University and um doing her graduate study at in the in the dep uh School of Education so uh her professor actually told her and her classmate that their job is to make social activists that was a shock to me because that's something familiar like when we doing the cultural revolution that's we have been constantly told that that's our mission is to change the world uh so it's nothing is not about academics so that was the first time and then uh I noticed something's not get is getting like the political correct list but really really kind of shocked me is uh in the summer of 2021 and the uh Indiana state government hired a uh Dei uh hire uh Dei um director and and also have a office there there and then uh couple major uh uh very good Public School uh District they the corporations also hire um simar directors so that's kind of sounds familiar to me because during the cultural revolution and we have those so-called political officers came to our school and their job is make sure that uh teachers and following the parties uh um following the party uh party line and uh uh kind the uh uh to IND doctrate uh in induct with us and and then I can started to uh go to the resource Pages uh in different schools and found actually uh a book that is very popular is a um uh IAM X keny's book how to be anti- rist and that was very popular and he has been invited to talk in different School uh you know uh to uh to teach um teachers so I read his book and that was shocking to me because that just uh that just purely communism and he actually have a a a a passage in his book uh so so in his book he he said that capitalism is essentially racist racism is essentially capitalist they were birst together from the same unnatural causes and they shall when they di together from on natural causes so he Ted up tied up racism with capitalism and he wants to destroy capitalism because he wants to destroy racism so that was a shock shocker to me because how could any school corporate uh really have uh teachers going read this and then of course from that point on the uh things getting worse in many school board I went to school board and uh some meetings uh and even to the uh the state uh capital and just Indiana State U capital and they just the the there was a lot of concerns from the parents and especially also during the co parents fig find out that their their children are didn't are not learning anything um actually I wrote a book my first book is about our our children are not prepared because what kids are not learning they're not prepared academically a lot of people uh just couldn't read them right uh a lot of high schoolers their math level is just about like fourth and fifths but but the the school board and the they don't care they don't care about academics so that's how I can of like tiny things together now if your goal is to make uh social activists the academics is not nothing which is something happened in the during the China's cultural revolution if you are good in academics then you will be uh criticized and you have to be a a political activist you have to be a uh you know uh devote and the Communists and if you if you don't do that if you just go in in academics you are you are bad people you are actually being you'll be uh you're getting in lot trouble uh so so kind of everything kind of uh to me is kind of Click is that uh I can I made that connection and I did spend time actually trying to trace uh CRT back to uh uh uh cultural Comm uh Marxism and the so that's how kind of I get in actually uh in a way reluctantly but eventually get involved because I find that uh people like uh she and I if we don't say anything then and uh we didn't we we didn't do our job because we experienced something terrible and we don't want that same thing happens here we don't have want those things happen in our kids yeah we're so grateful that you are that you are sharing your stories and you know when you were just speaking uh Dr ping about that emphasis on activism instead of academics I can testify you know after 30 years total in education and 20 years in teacher training that is absolutely true um I want to read a quote by Ma that connects exactly to what you just said in all it he said this in one of his speeches in all its works all schools should aim at transforming the ideology of the students schools must carry out struggle criticism and transformation they must practice economy while making Revolution and then he goes on to prescribe political training and military training for all the teachers and student students but you're right that shift towards social um activism is a profound shift and one thing I've been very curious about in my research is when that crossover into violence happens because there's a buildup a significant and long buildup that takes place in people's psyches before they erupt into devastating violence and my understanding and please correct me if I'm wrong um is that the first outbreak of violence committed by young people in the cultural re Evolution was actually a group of students who murdered their principal um and then were a little nervous at first but realized that Ma approved and that other adults approved and then a wave of violence spread over the country my understanding is that millions of people were murdered or committed suicide but um if is that does that comport with what you know as well yeah uh it's actually uh uh the the netflex TV series three body problems that was a beginning scene is about uh uh uh uh fedics Professor was being beaten to death because he uh he insists that uh he was teaching like uh relativity in his class but the the the thing is uh the people actually beting him uh were like high school students high school girls and that actually came from a true incident uh there are many like that uh was a group like 14 uh year old uh um uh girls the female student actually beating their principles to that uh so that the violence and all that and uh uh yeah it's it definitely I mean of course for me I didn't experience that I live I experienced something later on is when the red guards were turning against each other they have different factions and they were uh really killing each other they were actually just kind of like there was actually a civil war like the people were um shooting at each other and uh my uh my uh H my my apartment actually is in between the two factions so so you you hear the bullets actually pathing through us yeah but that was a yeah very very traumat I mean traumatic uh experience um can I I I just want to uh address this why um a for uh you know the some are preing some are King uh students were turned into killers and that has to go we have to go back to the indoctrination the indoctrination by the communist and and we Dr pin and I were part of that know we were uh everyone had to go through the government school and what we're taught is we have to have clear um Love and Hate we will love the party we love chimu above everything else if you have to choose between your parents and your and and the party you always always choose the party and not even you don't even give it the thought because the party was our real parents and the uh chimma was our real father and then we our love is reserved for them and hate we need to hate with all our might the enemy of the states okay so who are the enemies the party tell party will tell us who the enemies uh were and so um and I remember as a little girl and so overnight if the principal was labeled as enemy to me she literally looked like a bad person and so and we were just go after them and including killing and just like Dr pin uh described already the first killing was um took place in a very pre prestigious Middle School for Girls in b in and the girls were just from 12 to 16 and they're all from where too family basically they're from high level CCP CES um so they just took their principal out and uh give her a struggle session just like what's described in the opening scene of three body problem and they beat her tortured her and then killed her actually the girls were a little uh little scared they did not know what to to do after they found out the the principal was dead so actually it was reported to the so-called culture Revolution committee and they heard nothing after that it become a common place after that in uh August it's called red August in Beijing because it's red with blood it's a blood bath they killed thousands thousands of people by the red guards and the only thing you need to do is you wear that armband called red guards you could do any everything and anything um no one can stop them because the police like here def police but there is destroy the uh um it's called um Criminal Justice System the whole system was destroyed and the policemen were told if the red guards hit you you're not allowed to hit back so with uh no one there to keep the order with M clearly declare he was the red Commander in Chief of the red guards they they uh there's no one to stop them this they start to kill just like Dr Pin said they start to kill a lot of people millions of di but eventually this they thought now they are in control so they thought MW let them share power they were dead wrong so when they started to fight each other for power that was the time my M used the min to suppress them and meaning to kill uh some of them and send the rest to the gulock to be re-educated by The Peasants and by the time I graduate from high school there's no place for me to go because the economy was totally destroyed there's no employment opportunity so all Urban Youth were sent to the country side so I was the last group I was the first I was in first grade cultural revolution started but I was the last group to send to the countryside I spent three years in the countryside getting my so-called re-education from The Peasants doing the hard labor and it's it's a it's good locks there's no uh nice word yeah for it yeah it's a actually it's a way worse even that uh we worse than slaves yeah wrote about that in your book and it really struck me that you wrote about how you were told so frequently um that you were Masters but the fact is you were being exploited in slavery yeah yeah ABS struck me and I think it's a it's really um I think the problem here in America is that the history of the horror of Communism was never caught it it was not taught in school and actually they taught uh earlier like in the even up to 80s I I heard people say they they do hear learned a little bit of the horror of Communism but then it's totally out of the curriculum people do not know and when when I went to H Len School Board to give that uh one minute speech uh a lot of people probably was the first time I've heard such a thing as Chinese culture Revolution it's it's totally something that they never uh learned about and also it's just as recent as just a few weeks ago when the three body uh problem opening Sy was aired so many people was shocked to say how come someone said I was the I'm 60 some years old how come I never heard about this cultural revolution yeah good question and that's the problem with our um educational system not teaching Real History well I mean oh sorry Stephanie go ahead no I'm just nodding go ahead Jen well I was I was going to ask why do you think that is in in the US but it also kind of ties into thinking about certain educational practices that we do need to support or protect to avoid some of those violent outcomes that you shared with us can you speak to that a little bit more um I think U um the the reason is it's not like they overlooked it the reason is and the educational system has been really hijacked by marxists and they are really teaching um what's called the Ferrari uh educational ideology uh Polo feri uh it was a Brazilian educator he was considered the really the the grand the father or grand father of a um Marxist education for the west and what he was trying to do is to teach the students to be social activist not to not as uh citizens the traditional education was to uh train the kids to be responsible citizens to be uh really um responsible or um um to be individuals so that they can choose their own way of succeed in the future and but that's not the goal of our today's uh educational system it's really to help the kids to become activist in the mouse word is to become revolutionaries and Dr ping has talked about that already so it is by Design it's not an accident yeah I I I agree with I I did um uh some uh research on how things changed uh over years education and definitely there was it is a to take over at least by the ideology of Communism in the Americans higher education and uh what we see now in uh at the middle school and high school level in recent years it just a natural uh progression of that ideology yeah because all the teachers are from universities so yeah eventually um it's the same same people they they got their education from professors who teach them marxis ideology and then they become teachers they they teach our kids teer 12 they teach what they learned from their professors and that has been that way for a long long time even in the 30s and so and people probably need to know a little bit of JN Dy he was considered the father of a American public education but he was the one the instrument or this ideology into the system you know I hear you there's been a really interesting trajectory in terms of the theory that informs our American education but I think we also have a long-standing commitment to some really strong values and I believe that there are still many incredible teachers trying their best to work against very flawed curricula and methods and overarching structures and so when when you think about the best of American Education even if you have to reach back to the past what do you think is worth saving preserving fighting for in American class rooms um okay I just talked to um a a group of people who are running at the classic uh school in Maryland It's called Divine Merc Mercy classic school and when I look at their curriculum when I look at uh their reading list what a day and a night between what they're teaching and what uh uh is taught to the uh public school students what we need to go back what I see is we don't need to create anything new we just have to restore the traditional way of teaching teaching the values that made this country possible and and that is classic um um classic uh books that our founding fathers read and then made them um the gave them the ideas that made it possible for them to build a country like America and we we just need to go to B Basics and the other things that I think it's important for people to know what is Marxist what is communist um they tell you it's not we we don't have to guess in Marxist uh in the Communist Manifesto uh KL Marx and uh and uh Frederick Engles they spared it out what their goal is their goal is to destroy private ownership private property and and capitalism but they also um made it um their goal to destroy religion specifically to destroy Christianity and to destroy um family they have been very successful in doing all that when we lose our um religious um uh when we lose our faith we lose the our moral compass and we no longer know uh what is right or what is wrong and that's why they can push all sorts of things they can push things like a what is a woman a question that is so absurd yet now we struggle with this what is a woman it's because we have left our moral compass so far away and we don't know we don't know the answer even the um the people who are become our Justice can answer this simple question what is a woman [Music] yeah uh I actually wrote a book my latest is uh is called the uh education 4.0 so I did actually uh in-depth study about yeah thank you the history of education not just in this country but as a human uh as a human uh uh race and uh from different cultures and all that and you can see that uh uh the the current especially public School uh is a uh in a way is a product of the industrialization uh because Society needs a lot of workers and soldiers and uh and that's why well actually our Public School uh education system actually was copied from uh uh Germany but that was before the uh it became Germany it was a uh um Pria U uh system so that was actually being transport um by horis man who is the father of uh American public education and so that the the goal for that one is really just produce workers and soldiers and and and uh and now uh that model has been outdated I mean a lot of people have been saying that uh because now um first all we don't need that many workers and now with the uh advance of AI you can see that that has going to has already replaced a lot of White Collar uh uh jobs so a lot of college graduate are facing this challenge that they won't be able to find job because AI will do that uh will U uh will will take over their job so what kind of education do we need so uh during my research I can find out actually we have to go back just like she said the the Classic Education uh which actually uh we used to have in America in America early uh years we actually have homeschools and uh Latin schools and all that so they are been trained uh more trained have to um to train uh to be able to think uh logically to be able to think critically and to be able to learn new things uh and that's what we need right now because uh nowadays even if you learn a a good skill who knows how long that is still needed might change something else you have learn something new and that we have to learn uh have the ability to learn new things and which is uh What uh which is something we don't have in our public education the kids not knows how how to do the work but they they couldn't do anything else and what even worse this is what I say even in private schools most of the kids when they get educated I mean quote unquote in school they won't touch it anymore like just look for example how many how many kids hate math and math is so essential so useful but the kids once they get go through school they're not going to touch my math again they're being fed up or even traumatized by that so that's whole the system uh is really outdated we need to change it and I think the change actually is going back to uh small schools and uh um parents um uh directed uh uh and also um definitely not uh to be controlled by the government and we see things like that I mean even like the state Indiana and if you want to be credited then you have to teach social emotional learning that's that's required and so we really need to give back the education the the the responsibility and the uh the authority back to the parents so that uh their kids can have a good uh uh Classic Education and put a lot of emphasis on how to learn because that's a key uh I don't know if you if you read uh the the uh speech by uh Doris uh singer SE Doris Seer oh yes I think I know what you're talking about the force of um learning oh yes that is That's a classic right I really appreciate her last sentence is that uh uh if we cannot teach student cannot teach people to learn on their own then we fail that and that was the the problem we are having the kids don't know how to learn on their own they always waiting for you tell them you tell me what is what is Right Out WR it and that's the thing as mass teacher I have to over help them overcome that and they always say what do you think what do this good answer I I what do you think you know you should have the confidence to say this is a crack because I follow the rules I mean I I did all the things you know I follow the logic this this is it doesn't matter who said who said that I have the confidence and that's something definitely La knacking uh in in definitely in public education uh uh system and you definitely have the experience there I mean and your wife is a teacher as well um I yeah and for for all of you in the audience I highly recommend Dr Ping's several books and she V fets excellent book mes America we'll we'll put the information in the chat and we'll also send it in our resource list before we get to Q&A I do have one important question to touch on and it's circling back to the title of the webinar it has to do with teaching about identity now I read a lot as I've um been doing this project and one book that made a really significant impact on me is uh this book called The Red guard's path to Violence by Jing Lynn um he also is a survivor of the cultural revolution and um he I'm going to read just two sentences from him um he says in the process he's talking about his research in the process it has become clear to me that in large part it was non-critical categorical thinking that had taken over the redguards which led to their destructive behaviors this destructive categorical thinking came as a consequence of features in the political cultural and educational system that prevailed long before the cultural revolution features that prepared the red guards psychologically to engage in such massive damage to human dignity and precious lives and the reason um that I landed on that quote to ask you about is because categorical thinking is sort of a key feature of the way that we're approaching identity today in classrooms and I was wondering if you could tell us just a little bit about the categorical thinking during the cultural revolution which looks you know it looks quite it's distinct it it's its own flavor yeah I know that that's the title of this um webinar identity what is identity and a lot of people here in America the first thing to think about a a identity is race but in the uh in a country like China 95% of us are Han Chinese look like me and Dr ping you can tell the difference where this the same people sharing the same language and culture and everything how do you uh divide them and and based on identity and that's what m did using class so it's way before the cultural revolution and was as soon as the communist took over China in 1949 they started their first campaign for uh it's called Land Reform what they did is they categorized the entire Chinese peasantry uh which is up to 90% of the population into five categories and landlord reach uh Rich peasant middle class peasant lower middle class peasant and petarian and then divided into divided into two categories the rich peasants and uh landlord were called black uh uh class bad Enemy of the State and the rest are called red and that's how they uh divide and label uh Chinese people and that's something that's very serious that's become part of your identity and you pass it down to your children and your children's children what it means to be a black class uh person is that you are denied of the basic rights that others have like going to college your kids can't go to college and when we fill out uh any uh government documents you have to fill out one um one area called your class origin what kind of class and uh black or red and if you are um belong to the black class you you you you have no chance of getting a good job even if you have a job you have denied the opportunity of promotion and that's how ma divided Chinese people and label them using identity and in America we know that they use also use clouds like a Bernie sander still believe that it is 1% versus 99% so they are the 1% were the are bad people the rich the billionaires not even millionair but the billionaires they're the problem and then by race and now by gender by sexuality they use this to really invite people and everyone get uh identity and who don't get identity and um usually it's the white uh male straight middle class and you know you know the rest and that is so so so important to understand it is the same trick it is from the same Marxist playboard to divide the population by identity some is real some is made up and then the the goal is to divide people in order to control them yeah like uh during the cultural revolution every family has a uh a booklet it's kind of residence booklet and on that booklet list out like the parents' name the kids name and uh what class you belong to you belong to this class that class so that's something go with you and also when you're starting to work you have a dosia uh dossier to go with you no matter where we go that's this that everything like your mean if you uh grandparents or uh as a landowner then you belong to that class even though you had nothing uh but that's how they uh separate people but there is also uh in a way like the party allow you to redeem yourself if you kind of go uh you betray your your class you want to be a you know want to be a getting to the the the the red class then you have to uh do something normally you see that those uh people hitting uh their teachers and a lot of that sometimes is the the kids from the bad class they want to redeem themselves so they actually be turn violent on on teachers and other people's yeah it's really I mean everything we look through and that's we called it uh class Consciousness uh back then that means you have to not only wear your own class you have to wear other people's class like so everything just turn into you know you are this class and I'm that class so therefore and we are supposed to love our class you know the red class but you you hate the black class and the whatever you know the bad things I mean violent thing can do towards them that just shows that uh that you are loyal to your you know R class so the whole thing is um it so so during the cultural resolution every knows who who I mean which class uh anyone is belong to and here we are taught to have racial Consciousness and no longer we we don't no longer believe that we should be color blind but we are told to be color Brave that we should always see color of the skin color is become the uh the dominant factor and uh and as white people you should admit your white guilt just like in in China if you belong to the black class you're guilty guilty of a owning land that your grandfather did and you never saw the the land yourself but it doesn't matter that is the new uh kind of original thing in China the original thing was wealth that your family used to own a property or land and here the original sin become whiteness and if you are white you are guilty you are guilty of slavery you're are guilty of colonialism imperialism in uh Jam Crow just all this bad things it's it's all because white people and because of that if you have um if you're born white then you are guilty again I can't emphasize enough this is nothing new that's why it's so important to to learn history once you know history it's oh this is nothing new they happened before and happened over and over in different countries in under communism because they all come from the same playboard that's Marxism yeah the sorry Dr ping go ahead sorry the the the uh the basic uh the worldview of Marxism is look uh through the lens of oppressors against the oppressed there always those two classes I mean sometimes it's really between the people owning property versus people who don't have it the Bazi versus the brarian and some sometimes just between different races you know in this class in here uh in America is really the white versus uh people color and there is funny thing is uh how about the China Chinese Americans actually Chinese Americans will not consider people of the color we are considered uh you know uh part of the white people at least as white white adjacent adjacent uh people so it's kind of funny uh in that way and uh it's because we don't fit in their narrative because their narrative that is America is inherently racist and so therefore if you're doing well in this Society then you definitely uh not belong to the people of col well I want to thank both of you for sharing all these parallels as chilling as they are I think it's so important that your message gets out there um we only have a few minutes left I kind of anticipated that we'd have a little more time for Q&A but that's okay um I think everything you you both said is incredibly important so the first question we received and you kind of just touched on this Dr ping to really draw that specific connection between what's happening now I presume in the US and Marxism can can either or both of you um touch on that yeah actually my book uh I I actually um describe how I trace the back from what's Happening Now back to uh Marxism so it's it's I guess uh it is hard to say in just in couple you know seconds but definitely uh that book uh provides the whole thing the how how the things got traced back uh it definitely go uh for me it took me a while to understand the connection and sometimes I can see the parallel but as a as a teacher and the and I was trained as a scientist I have to make that more kind of scientific approach to really uh give the um you know give the uh the the sources and also um why why is that how the things get connected there's a lot of things actually going on um before what we happening today so if you want to look back and really you have to go back to more than 100 years ago and how the things progress over the years great um thank you we'll definitely include your book titles for the registrant someone had asked um she if you could repeat the name of the school that you mentioned in Maryland the CL called Divine Mercy classic School Divine Mercy classic school and there's a lot of schools like that but uh uh well not enough not enough and U so they are really pushing for Universal school choice and that will give them an opportunity to grow more yeah thank you I saw a question there uh uh uh someone said I don't think parents are qualified uh yeah um so uh some what depend first all it depends on how we definate qualification by in terms of teaching uh of course u a lot of people uh teachers are not uh parents are not uh to to be qualified as a teacher but the still the parents is Authority the parents has the final say which school they should send their kids to and what kind of uh you know materials what kind of education they're uh their kids should uh should take yeah again um just kind of uh to Second uh she about uh there are definitely a lot of uh similar schools Latin schools either they call Latin schools actually right now I teaching at a uh uh Latin School in Indianopolis and also some called them classic um studies or things like that but definitely as a parents if you have a son uh have kid I mean son and and daughter in in schools uh public private definitely go in and and look at their curriculums and also how they and make sure um they are really learning the academics and if if not the case case you might think um put them into different schools and sometimes maybe you have to homeschool them and uh in terms of H school I think nowadays most uh most the parents are are qualified homeschool their own kids um not means they can qualify to teach every subject but the the the parent actually can send their kids to different home homeschool co-ops which can Pro provide the uh you know uh some courses that the parents cannot offer or cannot not go uh was not comfortable of teaching their kids I think you know we're at the top of the hour now and um Dr ping that's such a great reminder to parents to really own um responsibility for knowing the curriculum I cannot emphasize my agreement with that enough I it really is true just it does take energy it can be exhausting and sometimes it can be awkward to ask for the access but it's so important and um and I too know many I you know the homeschooling movement is is absolutely skyrocketing I looked at the latest stats and we're looking at projected losses from public schools of up to F state by state anywhere between approxim imately 5% to 25% by 2030 we have a just a couple of states that aren't projected to lose enrollment um and homeschooling is on the rise and the quickest growing population of homeschooling families are black Americans and I think they're just you know these are things that most folks don't know but anyway thank you for sharing that advice in closing I we are so grateful that you spent the time speaking with us and sharing your experiences and um and speaking with our audience so thank you both very much and to all those in the audience thank you for for spending an hour with us this evening and um we hope that you have a wonderful rest of your night absolutely and we will follow up with some resources thank you so much she and Dr ping it was great to see you both thank you thank you for the opportunity thank you Stephanie and uh Jennifer for this opportunity to share uh with uh uh with your audience our pleasure thank you so much can I say one thing yes please and uh yeah even we talk about those problems but uh uh I am very very optimistic because I see how many uh just like Stephanie mentioned the home school movement uh I see more and more uh parents are taking back uh the responsibility of educating their kids so I'm really really helpful I think the things the country is uh turning around the pandarin is actually swinging back I see I see that too Dr ping I see so many families just really taking action so the perfect way to close at optimism especially considering all that you both have lived through so thank you all right good night everyone good night good night
Channel: Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism
Views: 623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: racism, anti-racism, anti racism, antiracism, social justice, woke, wokeness, FAIR, Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism, Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism, pro-human, prohuman, pro human, education, Cultural Revolution, China, Chinese Cultural Revolution, communism, FAIR in Education
Id: 3eNjDMpil_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 58sec (3718 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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