TE Travis Kelce on Chiefs, Bills, Bengals, Patrick Mahomes, Super Bowl, Family & Dating | The Pivot

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[Laughter] all right all right cool one touchdown one cut back living man I appreciate you guys coming out here tonight we appreciate you man we know I'm doing this it's a beautiful city yeah all you see is salt on the ground at this point it was so it was so cold and so icy this past week man you guys caught it on a good day finally got up above 50. that's right what was it at game time game time was like 10. we're lucky it was sunny though it was sunny so it got up to like 20 by the time it was like mid game Miami the Dolphins caught their uh second goal this game uh game in team history it's like what 45 yeah there had to have been some records this weekend this this past weekend was wild it was miserable before I couldn't even get back bro 45 though they shutting schools down in Miami at 45. that's crazy so it was 20 at the crib Louisiana yeah and I played in that code I was terrible your ass don't look no different man I love it I agree I grew up playing hockey man so it's like I'm I'm used to sweating in the cold being just I don't know it's kind of like my comfort zone when it's when it's over like 85 90. now that's when you say I'm a different player whole body drenched I'm going through like six different pairs of gloves yeah so he don't want week one in Miami then oh no no keep me out of Florida we were in Jacksonville one year for week one and it was above 100 and I remember that oh man I was lucky Sammy Watkins went off yeah Limitless [Music] [Music] man welcome to the pivot man it's a it's an honor man no for it we talked about this year we saw you in Vegas oh yeah uh probably around the Pro Bowl so this is something we've been wanting to do uh so on behalf of Channing Freddie T me man we really appreciate you understand how time is during the season and we know how precious is it it is for you guys because y'all always chasing chips right it's other teams that start training camp ah they ain't really chasing chips like they understand okay are we gonna tank to get the number one pick or we gonna work real hard to get four you know for you guys it's been consistently in the AFC Championship the last four years uh two Super Bowl appearances a Super Bowl ring you're on the list now man with names Tony Gonzalez Jason Whitney crazy Antonio Gates but you know in in learning a little bit about Travis Kelsey man I saw your uh your Cincinnati pitcher you know I mean the fade wasn't as tight you know what I'm saying the beard the beard was grown in but it wasn't edged up you know you couldn't get the Right Barber yet but I want to know a little bit about uh Cleveland Heights QB oh yeah Travis Kelsey and and what made that kid at least at that point special enough to now be one of the greatest tight ends ever played the game man I appreciate all that too and uh definitely uh I wasn't getting the fade as as often as I was and as I am now that's for damn sure but it's been a it's been a growing process and and and throughout my life I've really had to kind of mold myself uh along the way and I feel like that's uh that's been the biggest thing is um growing up in Cleveland Heights you got such a Melting Pot of people that I got a very good understanding a lot of different walks of life both social class racial it's helped me relate to a lot of people so I always have fun man when I tell you I'm in I'm I'm always trying to have fun always trying to you know brighten the room that I'm in and uh when I was younger I was a competitor on the field but I wasn't fueling my profession or my career I was just out there just winging it and having fun and you know as the ball came my way or if I was a quarterback and I was I had to ball in my hands I was having a blast you know whatever I was doing it wasn't until college that I really you know I got caught up in uh having too much fun off the field and it took me out of school it took me off the team for a year and I kind of realized all right if I really want to do something in this world and Athletics with my life my family my mother my father they they fueled me gave me everything possible to enjoy sports and I'm so thankful for that and obviously I have an older brother Jason who plays in the league and he was a huge part of my competitiveness and my ability to you know have to do more than just have to think more you know what I mean because going up against a guy bigger stronger faster you got to figure something else out yeah you know what I mean so that's where you kind of I always mess around with him he always calls me a flanker I'm always trying to figure out this the you know I mean the the small things that uh that I can trick you with but but yeah growing up and finding and finding that mold of professionalism on top of having fun um I wouldn't change the journey uh not a single part of it man and it's uh it's been awesome but uh definitely that cute that QB World helped me figure out you know what that pocket feels like for a guy and you see it in the way you play though the way you find zones and work with Patrick too yeah but I was I was never I was never that dude back there and that's why that's why they moved me to tight end hey Travis and going back to uh 2010 and not necessarily being overly descriptive unless you want to having football taken away from your losing football however you want to frame it uh what was that year like to you was it like the one of the most humbling uh moments in your life man I am I had a I had one other humbling experience but it was more of a knucklehead experience in high school where I failed French and couldn't play with my brother's senior year high school and you guys know everybody knows at this point how close me and my brother are and um the year I got kicked out of Cincinnati was actually the year that was my senior brother senior year so I missed both my brothers high school and Senior year of the year that I'm like actually supposed to be on the field with them sharing the field with them and um it was more embarrassing that I did that for the second time but even now so further down the road when it means more you know I think uh I think it was a point in my mind where it was just like I couldn't even look my father in the face I couldn't you know when I talked to my mother it was just certain things that you know I mean I just uh it was a very like it was a humbling experience and um it built character in who I am and who I wanted to be and it's something that you know like I said I wouldn't take it back for the world because it gave me so much perspective on you know what I mean how how eyes were viewed on me right instead of how I was just out here for free living and having fun you know what I mean I could the way I was working the way I portrayed myself it was like I had a TV watching myself so I understand how I was portraying myself to everybody else and once I figured that out um and it wasn't being you know uncharoderous I wasn't being somebody else I was just being more professional or not necessarily more professional with just being a better teammate being a being a more focused individual on certain things so that everybody knew my intentions were going in the right direction right I um and I know Channel probably like this back in college I um I went to the law school and stole books and got suspended four games that was the worst moment in my Freddy they were still in law books for it I wouldn't accomplished no I wasn't going to read them yeah it made me a better person and for that reason I'm here today but no uh just it was an extremely low moment in my life but I went back had talked with my grandmother and she's like look I need you to read Psalms 127 every day right I did that in college I read it throughout my entire career before Sundays I wanted to ask you what what subtle changes did you make that that made you a better person going forward well I'll tell you what man I was uh I was extremely fortunate I kind of mentioned being embarrassed it wasn't just my mother and my father it was all the parents in the in the community that I grew up in that I felt like I had embarrassed too you know what I mean like the people that really helped me yeah and supported me growing up so many people that vouched for me in that situation my brother being one of them uh I know Bob mangine the head trainer at University of Cincinnati it was another one of them that vouched for me to be able to get back in to to at least be able to work my way back onto the team and uh Butcher Jones the head coach at the time the one that uh that is originally kicked me off but then kind of got some word that I might have been you know might not have been just a lost cause and uh so he he told me that I had guidelines that I had to had to go through and what it did is it created routine and structure in my life that I hadn't taken serious up until that point and once I found that routine I began to use that in every aspect of my life I started using it when I watched film I started using routine when I you know lifted weights or when I was training and things like that and it programmed my mind to be able to find how can I get better as a person in all these little aspects of life my barber growing up um one day actually I went over there on my lunch period to get a fade before I had a Friday night basketball game and it was uh he was telling my listen man I don't know if you're supposed to be up here but I'm at least going to give you some education while you're here he told me to go look up uh Carnegie mellons the last lecture and it was a Prof it was a profess a lecturer of a professor that was going through uh a certain uh type of sickness to where he didn't really have that long but he wanted to give this last lecture in the entire School knew about it and everybody showed up and it was a beautiful story about you know how he kind of figured out what mattered to him and it's not how you achieve your dreams it's how you lead your life in the direction and the routine that you set in the how how focused you are on the little things that's how you achieve everything you don't focus on the Big Goal at the end and have all this hope and desire like all that's good everybody has that but it's the ones that strategically put it in place every single day it that really figured that out man when I like I said when I started to really get into that routine um man I just took off and honestly football became so much more fun because I was having so much more success I wasn't just banking on my athleticism I was I was using my mind to open up things and do things on the football field that I had never been able to do and you thought about going to the barbershop they got the pictures of it you point what you want right is that the barbershop you still back in the day you you have money for sure you got to do to come to the crib now when you have them pictures of Trav when did you start pointing to the black guys because you know who my white boy haircuts honestly I didn't get the tight fade until I got to college I had kind of just like the two all over and just lined me up um and my mom started that when I was in Middle School I actually didn't start to go to the barber shop to high school but I uh yeah I started to go to go to the barber shop University of Cincinnati um crispy crisp man UC you already know it was one of them up there I don't know which one I don't know what number it was but it was one of them I said he asked me if I wanted to fade and he kept that thing right up here too it was a high fave it came down a little bit it came down a little bit soon he left them temp the no temps like that swag though because that's something that people know about you you're accepted by every woman in the world every color every size every age they love you you understand my daughters like when I get home I'm gonna be the greatest dad to ever live I told him that when I met him like my daughter they knew we were coming out over the weekend and she was like Dad you're so lucky I was like why I was like I don't care how he looks I'm just kidding he's good in football yeah I hit him when he does post-game press conferences [Laughter] where did the that's the the look is there you're a good looking dude hell I want to be on catching Kelsey if you have season two I might win I said I didn't have a regret that might have been the one right there okay I'm charismatic that might be the top three I get a rose but that but that swag well did that come with being successful on the field athletically like that swag you got this worldwide known where did that come from That's The Heights man that's Cleveland Heights I was mentioning earlier it's a multicultural you know you got a lot of different a lot of different races a lot of different ethnicities social classes you get you get an understanding of a lot and we had such a huge school I think our graduating class was over a thousand kids so we had four to five thousand kids in the school and it's like you're going to a school like that um especially artsy school or RT neighborhood um kids are going to work just so they can get fresh for for class and I was always the athlete so I really didn't have a I didn't have a job until College in the year that I got kicked out but I um I was always just in sweats in the hoodie kind of like I am now but I was always in ingrained in you know uh the the fashion culture it all starts from the ground up you know Jordan's when I was in fourth grade hooping and you know that the LeBrons in Cleveland were everything when I was going through high school um and it's just you know just being yourself being yourself I have so much the the tight-knit group that I got you know that's that style like we're all kind of one in the same and um just being natural being genuinely who I am I guess but it's definitely from Cleveland Heights for sure you know you say that though you you're from Cleveland Heights uh parents Ed Donald correct uh big bro Jason Jason one of the very few families in the world that could say they've been they have two children who won Super Bowls right achieved the the greatest goal in in our Sport and Mom's going you know from one game to another game in the playoffs and it's it's one of those things and it's one of those moments it's like it allows the world to know that whether your kids are all Pros or whether your kids you know work at ATT family is family family and you love your family but you're talking about Cleveland Heights and swag and all that your brother just went to the game dressed as Doug for 50 First Dates you know you guys are actually really different but the show's excellent because you do have those differences but you you bring the best out of one another man what is that relationship meant to you throughout your life yeah my brother's got the Swagger too he just doesn't wear it you know what I mean he just said exactly yeah he dressed his ass he can dress up as somebody but he's not gonna dress up for something right he's a he's a nutcase man my brother is uh he's one of a kind and to be honest um where where you see the differences is kind of in that High School area we both grew up playing the exact same Sports um I was on the court more in terms of basketball my brother both we both played hockey growing up I kind of mentioned that earlier but he played through high school and actually played lacrosse in high school too and um he was also in the band he was a jazz band guy he was I think he played with the Cleveland Orchestra at one point or the Cleveland Symphony at one point um and it had like that musical touch so that's kind of his realm he's almost like that that band gee he was the one that was that was getting like 25 tackles a game but at halftime was in the band marching band right with his uniform on he's uh and that's Jason man he's he's a jackal trades and um I've been so fortunate to to be able to follow his footsteps and that's the biggest reason I went to the University of Cincinnati um what it means to be comfortable be confident in where you are I see that guy have success and I know that I could have similar success because you know I mean we're Cut From the Same Cloth I've just been so fortunate like I said the the family that I've had the community I've had him definitely my brother in my life to be able to pave the way because I just been following his footsteps ever since I was a kid yeah I read somewhere too you say you were 87 because it's the year he was born 1987. it was uh when we when I first came in it was you couldn't just get whatever number so it was either the 80s or the 40s and 87 was just the number that made the most sense I know it I know I wouldn't be here without my brother I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for that guy so I definitely wanted to pay some tribute to him I was I was listening to uh you guys on the podcast New Heights when you had uh Patrick on and uh there's a segment I guess he asked Patrick if he was going to get some uh Skyline Chili and you guys was playing Scentsy so I wanted to ask you Skyline chili or KC barbecue I'm taking KC barbecue every every day twice a day okay beans or mac and cheese I'm mac and cheese man that's the reason why I can't really do chili is if it's coming out the same way it's going in man that's one last one white meat or dark meat gotta answer this carefully I know the answer respectfully respectfully I'll take the dark meat just it it tastes good it tastes a little bit better it's a little but you already know I don't I don't discriminate on the chicken baby right the end result is uh you're going to go down as one of if not the best pass catching Titan ever live yeah another guy that played in this organization Tony Gonzalez is the gold standard um of that you know you get to be reminded of that sort of greatness each and every day when you walk into this building you didn't play a snap as a rookie though you know and I don't think people will think about 2013 you know in that way and understand that that sort of experience how does that affect you or how does that change you especially after you said you had to be regimented you had to get organized you had to be focused in order to even get to that point a team now drafts you in the third round you have an opportunity to fulfill a goal or fulfill a dream and then that first year goes like that man you want to talk about struggle that was arguably almost a harder year than the year I got suspended because it was like you said I'd finally done the things uh that I needed to do to get back into good graces of everybody to get back into football and the dream that I had to play in the NFL and um it just got just swept right right out from under me and um to have a micro fracture surgery which at the time if you Google micro fracture man it is you just see got this guy's career in it this guy's screen it's just like man there's only like a 70 percent chance that you will get back to full health type deal and that was all demoralizing to me and I had never really had like big time leg injuries or knee injuries and things like that so I really wasn't sure what was next but it was the ultimate you know growing uh experience for me to be able to refocus um to kind of focus in on why I was having the issues in my knees and um and I became more understanding about the anatomy of the body how am I supposed to be out here uh what muscles in my body need to be loose for for everything to be working perfect um and I and I feel like I've mastered that since that year and um I'm not sure if you know I'm having the longevity in this in the career that I'm having if uh if I don't lock in on those kind of things and uh just get curious about that world because I think it's helped me out uh a lot and uh obviously I'm not the only one that that I didn't just naturally go at it there's guys in the training staff that's in this building uh David Glover my my one of my favorite people that I've I've ever met in this business um athletic trainer for us he helped me out and did my rehab through it all and really all the surgeries that I've had and uh just picking his brain on on a lot of the things really helped me figure out you know the anatomy of my body and how I need to get things going TK you mentioned well Fred asked you a question about Chile and barbecue I'm gonna take it a step farther to to where we are now the the team that's in Cincinnati right now I could say something about the Kansas City Chiefs that no one in your career could say especially anyone playing football right now could say three times in a calendar year yeah they've beaten you guys and you know when the playoffs come it's going to be the Buffaloes it's going to be the Cincinnati's what are y'all doing right now to put you all in the place uh to be ready for those challenges because y'all to go to State Warriors Now teams are being put together to beat the Kansas City Chiefs that's their goal and now they have because you got a Patrick Mahomes we got to go have a Josh Allen because you got Patrick Mahomes we have to go have a Joe burrow we got to have a defense that's built strong in the middle to stop 87. right now what is your focus on making that next Journey Back to the Super Bowl to keep growing man and that's the that's the biggest thing in this business is to keep growing you can't you get you can get schemed up in a heartbeat in this game and you can there's certain things that uh that another team can do that can just make you take a second or a half a second longer and that half a second is everything in the league and um as I'm honestly I'm I don't want to say I'm not worried about other teams but I'm I'm focused on the Kansas City Chiefs I know what we're capable of um we haven't put a complete game together against that team and hats off to the Bengals hats off to Buffalo for the time that they've beat us because at the end of the day we're the ones that you know I mean put that out there on film and playing against them they're the reasons why you know everything kind of unfolded the way it does so hats off to them for getting the wins but I'm focused on the Kansas City Chiefs man I know if we go out there and we play Flawless football uh there's not a team that can beat us and that offense now we all know about one five we know them homes is that dog playing for him and now we talk about it you were the number one talk when Tariq was here yeah if you really want to be honest with him now reaching on and now that you know you're saying I say you're seeing more touchdowns than you did in the past but playing with him we see him underhand flip kickballs off his goddamn heel into the end zone with people to catch like running routes for him and he started scrambling is it a different different than you've ever seen dealing with any other quarterback in your career it's good Jiggy time baby as soon as he gets out that pocket I know there are no can we cuss on here yeah I know there are no [ __ ] rules man I mean everything's out the window I know what play it is I know what coverage it is so I know where everybody is at and I'm running to where nobody is and I know he no matter which direction he's going he can throw it anywhere on the field at any time and uh that's what makes him special man he just keeps growing within the system because he becomes more of the the professional uh like uh pocket passer to where when he was when he was in college he kind of mentioned this a little bit too and he was at Tech there were times where they weren't the better team and he had to just figure it out you know what I mean when you're playing playing up against the the top dogs and you know the o-liner d-line or your wide receivers on better than their DBS and you know I mean all across the board it's kind of like man I don't know really know where we got the matchup well one five was back there shaking and putting up crazy numbers against you know arguably teams that were just that much better than him so he's he's got an ability to over the course of a season or the court over the course of a game figure out exactly what's going on and manipulate it in his advantage and there is I mean it's the most special guy I've ever played uh really sports with because he has that that ability to do that and um how he can ad-lib as well as how he can grow and be in a pocket passer and be in a a game manager in the pocket um you know on time progression type stuff like all that stuff he's working his tail off it becoming just that much better at it obviously is showing this year because he's having one of his better years and I got to bring up the the puppet master that God respect one of the big red the most the most in the league because I played he was he was the Eagles when I was playing and going to play the Eagles when he's there you can watch all the damn film you want he's going to come out on one of the first and second plays you're going to see a formation of motion a shift of a a Personnel you've never seen stress your rules you already know you've played with him a long time does he surprise you on install date sometimes yeah there will be a player like both both get excited for because I know it's going to be white ass hoping and both on the other side like I don't know if that's going to be open then be in the game and it is I mean don't get me wrong I'm watching the same film he's watching at least I think I am he's just got a way better imagination on what can work and what can't work and um yeah that was that's what makes you know coach Reed in my mind the greatest offensive coordinator or offensive mind ever in this game his leadership makes him one of the best head coaches ever in this game and it's my job to get them all the Super Bowl rings so I can say he's the best and I can brag brag my guys the best but he's been so crucial and critical for My Success when I tell you I came in as an inline wide tight end I was 265 close to 270 by the end of the year playing the Y tight end and uh with my hand in the ground and he's kind of mowed this offense into um the the type of skill sets that his players got and he's done that everywhere he's he's been at but he kind of saw something different in me at the tight end position and how I how I would work my leverage on deep crosses on shallow crosses how I how I would work uh you know the the basic cross ends uh 10 yard in routes and um he saw how I could have success and I understood the number count and everything on where guys would have to go and he I've been so fortunate that he's helped me progress as a player in the passing game because it's just you know it's been a whole lot of fun running routes and catching passes and and and being a part of this offense throughout the years and kind of there's a little bit of honor and pride that you know coach Reed is that great and I'm one of those pieces that uh that are you know just a part of the madness man even going back to uh 15 really quick and just looking at him from afar I've never had a chance to meet him yet but uh watching you guys play you can see the the intensity and the passion that he brings in his play but more than that he finds time to celebrate with each of you going back to that game this year you had the four touchdowns you know you're always breaking records left and right it seems that he's more excited for you knowing your success you know than he is in with all of the success that surrounds him you know speak to that in the type of character person he is and how he is with all of his teams that's one five man and that's how he's been since he got here like you said Alex was still that guy his first year you know what I mean like he was still he was told that that Alex would get the starting job and he would be able to you know be that guy for us and 15. Pat was just the best teammate you could possibly have when it was scout team and he was going to get going up against the number one defense my eyes were on the show because he was doing some of the craziest [ __ ] that I had ever seen you say against scout team like that like he knew it wasn't as serious as you know what uh what being the number one quarterback was so he's really testing the waters now he's throwing it behind the back no look passes all over the field rolling out right throwing it all the way to like it was just like oh wow that's what's capable all right that's that's what he's capable of doing and he was just dropping him in the bucket every single time he would throw it back to back to him just being a competitor and a teammate man his pops his pops grew up in I mean he grew up watching his Pops in the MLB so he's in those locker rooms you want to talk about a diverse league right you're you're around a big old Melting Pot of people in in baseball in the MLB right guys that aren't even speaking your language so he's had a unique upbringing being around his father and being around those locker rooms to see how guys do it the right way and how guys do it the wrong way and he's just he's in it for the right reasons man and it was one of the one of the you know most refreshing things is to see a top pick come in especially at the quarterback position um everyone kind of understanding like eventually he's going to take the lead you know but coming in Humble enough to be able to learn from a guy like Alex Smith that that helped him if you even asked him took his game to a completely different level seeing the professionalism that Alex had he's just the ultimate competitor man and he's a team first guy that's why he likes to he likes to spread the ball around he likes to get excited when when guys are out there making plays because he's all about the team man and it's always been like that man I want to ask did you guys Flinch when a cheetah was announcing his departure to Miami um I want to say I kind of caught wind of it before it happened it was eye-opening when it did happen because it was like man that can't be real man you know what I mean that's the guy that I call my brother on and don't get me wrong I'm happy as hell for his success I'm I'm so happy for because of the big decision that he did make um it didn't just backfire on him he's actually he's still going out there being The Tyree kill that we all know we can beat and uh and you know I can't I can't say I love that guy enough because what he was for my career caught grabbing all that attention on the football field it just it made my life so much easier and on top of that he's just a great teammate man great guy in the tab in the building but it definitely um it definitely ripped my heart out when it happened man I was uh I was a little down about it at first but um at the end of the day man he made a lot of money I can't I can't sit here and say I wouldn't do the same thing because I'm not getting 30 million dollars thrown to me 30 million dollars a year at least and it's just like you man you know what um I know we got something special here and I know we got the players and the coaches to be able to keep this thing going and to be honest it was a challenge and it was a refreshing Challenge and it was kind of like a um a regroup to to get back to you know creating this offense around New pieces and the feeling of that new man you can't say enough about you know how motivating that is how exciting it is when you see the new pieces go in and make those big plays Big Time moments crucial moments and it's a whole different energy when you see it for the first time than when you see the consistency of it you know you just know that Tyreek Hill is going to eventually get open down there yeah well he's not here anymore so now we're sitting here waiting on that big play and it finally happens Juju Smith's out there flying around it's just like right I can I love that because he's a great dude he's done nothing but come in here and be the best teammate he can and just work his ass off so it's like all that built up and that's why you really see the success you you're seeing this year out of us is or at least not the drop off that a lot of a lot of guys were expect a lot of people were expecting because of the Tyreek Hill trade it's because our leadership of top coach Reed Veach the the whole front office everybody just dialed back in and we put together a team that we know we could go out there and win with man you know that that leads me to a question I had coming in you mentioned the new pieces uh one piece that's not new is you uh the other piece is 15. and I said it in the off season I said you can only make that sort of decision when you have belief in somebody that's the quarterback I said and also too when you have not only an explosive player but a Dependable player like TK but you guys are no longer judged on how many games y'all win in the regular season right it's about where we finish when all the the marbles are laid on the line in mid-February you know we've texted a little bit just in getting to know each other and you talked about leadership and wanting to go out and lead and wanting to be a part of the reasons that you guys win when you talk about all those new pieces how much pressure do you feel individually to more than Play Your Part in what has to be done here in order to get another ring um I wouldn't necessarily say it's pressure because I genuinely I feel the want to be able to do that I think that's just being a good teammate putting putting your heart in the right place and and you know what I mean wanting to have that drive to help everybody out make sure everybody's on the same page communicate we just saw Eric the enemy over communicate communicate you know he just he's always harping on guys being on the same page and um you know that's just been a part of the leadership that we've had here is to make sure that kind of the veteran guys help along the younger guys and there's no bad feelings of if this younger guy is better than me put them out there right I've been the first guy to say Noah gray Jody Fortson Blake Bill those those are great tight ends if there's something that I'm I can't do right now there's something like I'm dog [ __ ] tired on the sideline and you call that one play that you know I'm gonna get open for I'm I'm trusting Noah gray Jody Fortson and Blake Bell to be able to make that play and um I feel like having that just passion and desire to be able to want that for the guy next to you and to want it so bad that everybody's on the same page and everybody's doing the same things everybody's helping each other out in that regard um it really doesn't put pressure on everybody to do that it just it makes it makes it just that much more fun of an environment to keep growing you know what I mean I was about to change the topic to something I know what you're about to do yeah because you said we always ask about regrets and you already brought it up with the catching Kelsey this is right at my alley what what what was that experience why do you regret it and what is it experience to be chased around by women for weeks it was extreme really awkward because I am I really didn't have much to say about what we were doing on the show it was kind of just he took it they uh and I turned down the show about a hundred times is what it felt like I kept having my manager come to me and and tell me oh they're gonna do they want to they want to date each I'm like ah I don't think so man I don't know about reality TV it doesn't always you know I'm what kind of what kind of TV is going to be Bachelor or we talk a Flavor of Love You know I mean which one are we talking here you know and then it's I don't think I'm gonna do it and he comes back he says all right well they said they said 50 women one from each state I was like well that's that's kind of intriguing I think I'm gonna do it man I don't I don't want to do it I don't want to do it so I told him no for probably a good three months and um and finally came to me and this is this is the real reason they came to me with an offer financially that I was just like all right man I gotta do this I was so bad financially my first couple years and I said this on uh Club Shay I said this on uh um Shannon Sharp's podcast or show and he uh I I literally went through my first couple checks like it was nothing my season checks all of that it was I was having so much fun buying whatever the hell I wanted to going wherever the hell I wanted to I wasn't financially looking at this as you know I need to have money down the line so I was there were times in the off season I was avoiding the rent lady I was just you know what I mean it was that bad it was that bad so I I heard about the situation where I could make six figures in two weeks and I was like ah foreign and 50 50 ladies I'm like this is actually starting to sound a little better a little intriguing um but at the end of the day um I don't think I got portrayed as myself and um there were a lot of things that just made me uncomfortable about the show that I don't really necessarily want to talk about because I don't want to say anything about the ladies and you know any of them but it just um I was I was asked to do more of them than what I wanted to and um yeah that that's not that doesn't always work out great that doesn't always work out great yeah it was it was it was I don't necessarily say I regret it but it was definitely a learning experience I know I'm not going back into reality TV yeah I bet that for you though but like at your core you just seen one you're a good dude but you're a football player and sometimes based on blessings right on being handsome on having Style on being charismatic you do get those opportunities and those opportunities kind of transcend football and now whether it's a clothing line or all of these things you get into people know you away from what you do for a living but that also gets into how you live your life whether it's dating and all of those things oh yeah how much of a just of an adjustment has it been for you to now know that I'm more than just Travis Kelsey 87 of the Kansas City Chiefs I'm this person and this brand that people want to know about but part of that is being dragged down as well the brand that you that you have is um I mean I don't want to say it's everything but it you know that's your resume that's that's what people are going to judge you by that's what people are gonna you know pay you off of that that's that's everything off the field that uh that I feel like you got to focus on and um I will say this what that show did for me and coaching kessen Kelsey what that show did for me is what it got me out from under the face mask and um and that was the start of understanding even more so on the grand scheme of things how I was being viewed um and from that show at that point on I was very strategic about how I wanted to be viewed in the media and how I wanted my brand uh to be represented and um yeah I think it was it was it was the ultimate learning experience but that's um I don't think enough people realize that that brand is uh it's everything especially um in the off season when football is not for months away what those rooms that you're in and the and the and what you're showing people um Can can give you a whole different life that football can't even can't even really provide for you it's the new year and we're in a great place to celebrate there is no New Year's festival or event like New Year's and Times Square but that also means that we're halfway through the college basketball season and DraftKings wants to give you a little more convincing so you pay attention so any new customer that uses the promo code pivot any five dollar wager on a college basketball game you instantly 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coupons with her as trying to get me oh man I ain't heard of this one a coupon book a Project Pat CD and a starburst heart Circle and that was that was the best performance a woman's ever done to try to gain my the love of you know of a 10. what what's the wildest thing that you would have seen the one in the DMS a girl trying to shoot at you what's the craziest thing I would say just persistency man there's some some ladies that'll just you'll see it it's just like it's almost every single day just a different note or a different hey what's up and it'll be for probably almost like a year straight and it's just like ah I don't know man I don't even want to get into this whole thing some sympathy traps yeah exactly just say hey I see you trying but I'm gonna respectfully say no no I can't even do it I can't even open the floodgates for that one uh I would I can't even think of anything that's that that's that out of the ordinary man um I'm in the free market right now man I'm out there just enjoying life focused on my profession and you know got my feet up outside of football and the store and the store you know outside though you you had you had a girlfriend for a while very public the story that you were too damn cheap man that store is crazy man I needed out the horses man I'm crazy he blew through money the first time don't buy into that [ __ ] don't buy into that [ __ ] I'm not saying I I would I would I would never say that I was supporting it she had a very financially stable life and and what she was doing in her career um but you got to be crazy if you think I'd never get like helped or gave her a couple dollars to grab some food or she gave me some money to go get some food I mean we were in a relationship for five years yeah a hundred dollars here and a hundred dollars there wasn't even thought about you know what I mean which is ridiculous man absolutely ridiculous the city boys thought we had it was one didn't we I'm gonna pivot really quick man uh because I think this is important and uh you know say you focus on football uh you're an eight-time pro bowler in 10 years in a 10-year career it's crazy three times uh All Pro gonna be four at the end of this season um the predecessors Shannon sharp Hall of Famer he's an eight-time pro bowler in a four-time All-Pro and Tony Tony the goat Gonzalez he's a 14-time pro bowler uh 17-year career in the six-time All-Pro are you the best tight end to ever play the game because no doubtedly you're going to be a first ballot Hall of Famer I appreciate that man I am I I feel like I got so much respect for those guys I can't say that I'm just flat out the best that ever play the game you got to throw a guy like Gronk in there you gotta throw a guy like Antonio Gates who paved the way for a guy like me for sure built that trust at the tight end position to get that many uh catches that many targets um and there's a bunch of names that I could keep going on but well Tony Gonzalez beat chatting like for eight for 150 or something like that oh yeah I'm that realistic person like if they if they ask me can you cover trap I'll be like hell no coach don't do that I switched out on Jeremy Shockey one time because I looked over there nope never mind who's in that backfield so so I know but Tony in Atlanta one time got me funny seven for 80 in the first half just ran up on me put that big ass hand in the middle of my chest and leaned out that was that was that was 30 that was 34. that was 34 year old Tony too hello he was waving at his granddaughter in his stand and whooping my ass on third down first off again thank you for your time man we're truly grateful but from somebody who would have to play opposite I think you were the greatest to ever do it and I think you're one of the greatest players uh to put on pads and there's no question that could be asked about you after a game ask about you the week of a game that shouldn't be answered at least starting in that way and and I can have all the respect for you um in the world thank you for that big guy I appreciate you guys Paving away both on the field and off the field man yeah it's you guys that that make our transition off the field on in this league man that much better man because you guys are doing it the right way man well hell you're doing it now man the pot is amazing the the question capitalize on it now you're supposed to my question my last question for you um because playing in Pittsburgh you know how Channing cut off the room you know he was talking about tens I'm gonna cut the room off too and I have to do this often talk about people who actually have Super Bowl rings right there's only in this conversation only you and I um he cut this all by I didn't do this yeah you know we're used to it only you and I had enough to play habits come but for for you Travis how are seasons that don't end in a Super Bowl champion for the Kansas City Chiefs view now is that a failure one thousand percent and I've always had it in my mind even when the team was 2 and 14 my rookie year coming in you know if we're not if we're not trying and focused on winning in February I don't even know why we're out here we have to find a way to to find the system to keep building and that's everything man that if you're not trying to win Super Bowls man I don't even want to play with you and that's just the reality of it uh and that's kind of the culture that coach Reed has coach play you at CVS tomorrow morning you know what I mean we'll play right there in the parking lot man I don't I don't care where it is when it is whether it's sleet snow A Beautiful Day 70 and Bree I don't give a damn I'll play you wherever it is I'm trying to get a championship and I'm going to keep I'm gonna always fight for my team to be able to put our team in the best situation to win that man Travis as we rap right here man I wanted to ask you was 2008 when you transitioned to tight end your freshman year at uh UC is that your biggest pivot in life yeah the the year that I got kicked out when I came back that's when they moved me okay yeah because I was still doing a little Wildcat QB stuff under uh Brian Kelly's offense but I um when I made that transition to tight end and and the the focus that I had at that point in my life to try and do things the right way and I really found that routine to to find a way to get better and uh I found a love to play tight end that I didn't really have a quarterback there was a it was a lot of nitpicky things that I was like man shut up why are you are you worried about this one little foot in the angle that it's at and like where I'm releasing the ball like it still got there you know what I mean like I was I was that quarterback I was like man you guys are getting too nitpicky man let's just go out there and ball you know and uh I realized that that's not that's not the quarterback mentality that you need to have but at tight end uh when I started to figure out and nitpick my game at tight end I had so much success uh because of the ability I had and really being back in the in the in the pocket understanding like man if this guy would have ran that route a little bit more this way he would have been wide open I would have been able to hit him having that feel uh that transition point that one one thousand percent was probably the the biggest uh the biggest difference so that year with 100 was the probably the pivoting year for sure well the good thing is man your your throw at Cincinnati back to the quarterback worked out way better than you're throwing the league man and I saw you recently saying you was gonna throw it period they told you not to throw it to that guy so it's probably better than man that you switch the whole world Kansas City Chiefs are definitely better for your pockets um are better for it man and we're grateful that you sat down with us so we're better for it too fam I appreciate it fellas you already know until the next time yeah is it in the city boys now appreciate divorce you guys are the real one man I appreciate you jumping out here man hopefully the flights went too crazy yeah everything's wild right now I got bad but right here this little lady right here bro already told them that you guys are sure she was not gonna let us Miss Delicious [Laughter] just the craziest I don't know this might be the craziest thing Limitless [Music] [Music] [ __ ] to me camping in it our father here to witness it got my people feeling militant waiting to get me up
Channel: The Pivot Podcast
Views: 985,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the pivot, the pivot podcast, new podcast, football podcast, channing crowder, channing crowder podcast, fred taylor podcast, fred taylor, ryan clark, ryan clark podcast, nfl, nfl 2022, football, super bowl, super bowl podcast, nfl 2023, nfl podcast, superbowl 2023, TE Travis Kelce on Chiefs, Patrick Mahomes, Super Bowl, Family & Dating | The Pivot, travis kelce, travis kelce highlights, travis kelce interview, travis kelce podcast
Id: W_70zid92Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 53sec (2933 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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