TCS digital interview experience || TCS Digital interview experience for freshers

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welcome to the runtime era the place where programming begins you are on the right place to start your placement Journey today in this video I will be discussing my experience of TCS digital interview there are many people who got selected for TCS digital but they takes lots of effort to clear the pieces digital interview because whole lot of interview is mainly depends on your project and technical skills since it is for higher package as compared to TCS so in this video I will be discussing all my experience about what was asked in the interview how I prepared for interview how long my interview went on and how was my overall experience so I highly recommend you the pcsers who are looking for jobs in the TCS this video is really helpful for you so I highly recommend you to watch this video till end so that you can come to know a brief idea about how to prepare for TCS interviews and at the same time this interview will also help you for rest of the companies as well so without wasting time let's get going foreign [Music] TCS as a system engineer I'm working on a project uh it's nearly I would say 13 14 minutes months completed for my particular project I'm working on and I have come across many new experience about interviews and other related things so today I will be sharing you one specific experience that is about interview so let me tell you that I got selected in TCS for a digital profile in October 2022 so it's nearly been one year so my interview took place on 23rd October 2022 and the result came on 2nd November 2022 exactly on a day of a Diwali so what was happened in the interview that my interview was exactly at 1 pm I still remember clearly so there were three people in the interview there were two ladies and one man so one man who was there he was from database section because most of the questions were mainly asked on the database so first question they asked me about introduce yourself then I introduce themselves and if you want to know how to introduce yourself in a unique way I have already made the ink video on this the link will be given on the description box so first they ask as usual introduce yourself then I answered the question introduce yourself so from my introduction they came to know that I am from CS background so the person that is a man give me a list of subjects like C C plus plus data secures algorithm HTML CSS JavaScript operating system and many other subjects you use and he asked me to choose a subject which you are really good at it so I chose a subject like C C plus plus data structures algorithm database and operating system because these are my all-time favorite subjects and I was I'm really good in this Supply but as that person was belonging to the database section so he started asking me questions on database so my interview totally went on for nearly 47 minutes so for the 47 minutes I would say 25 to 30 minutes was all related to the database he was asking a lot of database questions I still remember few of the questions he asked me what is trigger what do you mean by cursor he asked them questions related to the joints then he came a difference between their primary key and the candidate keys and unique key and then he gave me to write to two different queries so what I would suggest is if you are going for TC's digital interview you have to thorough with technically clearly because it might be possible that depending on the person standing in front of you or the person who is taking interview might ask you either to write a code or either to write a query it is really important yes if you are going for Ninja interview they might not ask you to write a query or coding but again it's totally depend upon the person who is taking the interview I would say so they asked me to write the two queries then I wrote those two queries and he was asking lot more questions about my database and the last database question he asked me about asset properties and when I was about to answer that question he was like okay you know this question because for your information I would say I really feel happy about it because in that 47 minutes of interview there was exactly one question I was unable to answer I still remember that question that is what is cursor he asked me from database section and I was not aware about it apart from that all the questions I have answered them clearly and that's the reason why when you asked me the question what do you mean by acid property as I was about to tell that answer he said that you know it so we stopped our database section and then he went on to C plus then you asked me questions on friend functions virtual functions polymorphism and then he gave me a couple of examples just to make sure that which is error and which is not error and in that example use the concept of polymorphism so we need to understand which function will give us error and which functions will run smoothly after that he was supposed to ask me the questions on project but I played really smart the one of the most important thing I will be telling you today whenever you are going to give any interview make sure we use your presence of mind the reason why I will tell you my whole project was written in Java but the point is at that time I was not much confident in the Java but I was bit scared that if they try to jump on Java they will really go in there because and there are certain things I'm not much aware about it and it might affect my performance so he asked me about my project and I told everything about my project and finally I told him one thing that changed my interview I would say I told them sir I'm really good in C plus plus but I wanted to learn some basics of java so I decided to take a challenge and develop the project in Java believe me I didn't get a single questions on Java and the project this was the most turning point of my interview I would say this is why I'm telling you that you should keep your presence of mind so clearly so that you can come to know exactly what to answer and what not what most people think is they are controlling interview no with their power answer we can control our interview as well because the point is whatever you say at last will be your next question will be your next question say for example if they ask the question what do you mean by variable and if I say it is a name given to a memory location for sure the next question will be what do you mean by memory but if I say a variable it is a name given to a container which is capable of holding value now will it be any questions I will be coming on this absolutely no that's the reason why I always say keep your presence of mind so clear so that you can come to know what to answer and what now so we're done with the C plus plus section and finally they jumped onto the HR question but the point is I just asked two or three HR questions I still remember if you want to know more about HR questions I have already made a playlist you can watch through it so that you can get better answering non-technical answers as well so the first HR question I was given as say for example I am a leader and I have 100 peoples under my hands and I have to complete the project but the point was the project is going to take six months for the completion but the clients want to complete even four months then he asked me how will you complete that project in four months rather than completing in six months so many people give answers like I will ask my team members to work over time and all this stuff no I played a game really smart because it's been a four years I'm reading books and it gave me a habit to think on those answers which we call it extreme force what does it mean is answering the question on this spot so what answer I gave is Sir first of all before developing the project I will check the history of my company that whether my company has developed a similar project I'm not saying same I'm saying similar project and if it is then our requirement design and Analysis these things will be saved so instead of completing project in four months we will be able to complete some two or three months isn't it this is the most beautiful answer I gave and when I told this answer the interviewer was really happy and the final question includes the wait what about reallocation then said yes since I'm traveling a lot during my engineering days so I can adapt to environment easily and finally I ended up with the interview then I waited for one week and after one week I got a mail from thesis that you got selected for teachers digital with the package of 7.5 LPA so this was my overall interview experience so I highly recommend you if your teacher is digital make sure you are really clear on your projects and Technical access if your teachers Ninja sixty percent make sure you are good in Technical and 40 percent you have to be clear with a short question because that those things is turning point for Ninja profile and for digital profile since it is higher package your technical plays important role again if you want to know how have you paid for aptitude do know let me know in the comment section so that I can tell you how to prepare for aptitude because as of my experience the aptitude of TCS is bit difficult than rest of the companies so if you want to know the clear road map of preparing aptitude do let me know in the comment section till then I hope so you understood my experience of interview and all the best if you are giving any interview till then have a happy coding
Channel: Runtime Error
Views: 3,586
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Keywords: Tcs interview experience, latest tcs interview experience, my tcs interview experience, tcs digital interview questions, tcs interview experience 2023, tcs interview experience for frehers, tcs interview for freshers, tcs interview process, tcs interview questions, tcs interview questions and answers, tcs ninja interview experience 2023, tcs on campus interview experience 2023, tcs digital interview experience for freshers, tcs digital interview experience 2024
Id: Chp-vHTAgBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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