TCR UK LIVE | Round 11 | Castle Combe

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so do do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back ladies gentlemen everybody just come this way would you adam because myself paul o'neill i'm here andy mckeown's with me um literally that was right on time um that was right on time i was starting to panic then because literally the live stream luke i know you're watching who's managing the whole thing you're literally thrown to us and there's nothing happening so i don't know what you want me to talk about my head's burning as it is oh jamie tonks has arrived um but forget about him he's rubbish anyway andy mckeown's here he's much more fun to talk about um right i've got the grid scott sumpton is on pole disgust yeah yeah well second time he's done this inherited a reverse grip pole position he did it at donington i seem to recall and uh that didn't go too well for him so i think he'll be hoping now that he can stand his ground a bit he's got good speed in the car qualified sick this morning so uh yeah i think if he gets through the first few laps he could be a bit of a force to be reckoned with his teammates the kent we're uh we're kind of goading him before saying you're gonna drop to sixth on the third flat mate um not really a nice thing to say i was all in good uh and bit of good fun but um he seemed a bit more chipper than he would do if it wasn't maybe donington i mean it's not a nice place to be flat out round on a reverse grid if you don't think that you're quick enough to be up there i think he is definitely quick enough to be up there yeah it's just those first few laps and we've seen this from drivers in the past in fact bruce winfield he's just arrived behind us now he struggled with this last year as well getting those those rear tyres switched on especially even on a hot day like this you know if you don't have the confidence in the rear of the car you're going to struggle in those first few laps so uh you know i'm sure the team will be be talking to him he's got a great team behind him as well essex motorsport they know what they're doing um so yeah i mean i'm sure they'll have coached him through it and i really do hope that he could he can get a good result because he deserves it after his really impressive qualifying pace yeah definitely no there's no doubt about it there's quite a few interesting names at the front isn't there um i mean we're one of them jack constable needs he he'll be looking for a win it he's had a bit of a rubbish season yeah he has but he's always been a bit of a reverse grid specialist he always seems to if he gets that good reverse grid he is then able to capitalize on it won a race at brands hatch from a reverse grid as well earlier this year so jack's a proven race winner in this category he's maybe lacking a bit of consistency at the moment but when he's at the front he's as quick as anyone else so yeah watch out for him yeah but the thing is for me looking at it alex lee will be in with a good shout he's third place um and then you've got calum newsham he's always good for a podium if you can get up there jess hawkins will be fancying this yeah she was she gained a lot of places early through all the shenanigans at the start of race one and then kind of held her own really so she's another one and when she's got track position i think she's good at holding it maybe struggles to fight her way through the field but that's not really the it's not really the area motorsport style actually they set their cars up to be better in the second half of the race so if she can stand the ground early on then uh top five is definitely up smith and smiley that might be one to watch they're quite close on the grid and quite close to the points two points in it now isaac smith just behind chris smiley and chris dodged a bullet big time in that first race i mean not just being avoided at the start line but then coming back to finish in fifth place we believe though he might be starting from the pit lane they've changed a clutch on that honda uh he hurt the clutch through the stall at the start of the race uh kind of caused by the fact they were held so long on the line i think and he had a few of the struggle with that so i think they've changed the clutch and they're not that confident that he'll be able to get it off the line so he's potentially gonna be starting from pit lane yeah it sounded like you had a bit of clutch drag on there on the start so you've got a bit of clutch drag the clutch is fully fully to the floor and the car still is engaging the clutch a bit and that will make you creep apparently so there's nothing worse when that starts to happen you put your foot on the brake and it stalls the car so he was in a bit of a lose-lose situation with he yeah and really unfortunate but he's a pro and he managed to salvage it that's the thing you know some others might have lost their head started overdriving trying to gain back the lost ground he didn't do that he's not the kind of person to do that so yeah chris smiley whether he's at the back of the front or the middle he'll be in the sharp end by the end and uh it's kind of becoming a chris smiley isaac smith showdown this isn't it it is mate it is um talking to shows and showdowns i'll let you crack on i'll catch you in the comments box in a minute thank you andy mckeown uh let's go and speak to a few people um yeah as a bit of a nightmare that was for chris smiley because it was really he could have had a win they would have made inroads into the point situation with isaac smith but at the same time it's a good thing that he hasn't got a smashed up motor um i'll just quickly ask him just like two seconds of his time um chris i i feel for your mate from that first one we talk about clutch drag and stuff like that you're in a bit of a lose-lose situation it was either you're gonna you know stall the thing stop it or you know just get a penalty probably for for moving in front of everyone but you did you got away with it and you didn't get it yeah the guys in behind must have been looking looking where they were going but uh yeah we're lucky no damage which was uh which was handy but yeah once we got going you know i think it was um it was all right once we got going but uh yeah we've uh see what happens here and it should be interesting gotta win this one yeah we're gonna have a go at it that's for sure um yeah the car felt really good you know i think we set the fastest up in the last lap so yeah yeah just need to get away and do what we've done in the last three years apart from get off the line you'll be fine mate good luck give it the big one fella give it a big one um right jess hawkins has just turned up in pitt lane so let's shock her it's proper shocker now watch this watch this watch this you can't park down here mate why have you got your visor down um jessica quickly before you don't burn your clutch out like everyone else seems to do um don't listen to anyone i'm the official now are you all right they've got enough switches in here sorry sorry i'm flustered sorry you all right yeah i'm good how are you i'm all right you're quite high up for this one and i've got you down as somebody to watch i think you could do all right here yes i hope so i think in race one we were missing just a few tents um but there was quite a margin back to the next few um we were certainly faster than those that are going to be starting in front so if i can get a good start and try and hold that then i think we're on for a good race yeah cool listen i'll let you jump out the car there's nothing worse than some horrible north westerner right in your face um as she's tried to part the car up i've absolutely destroyed the grid grid spots if anyone says anything you tell them it's my fault because i stopped you in the wrong place thank you because it's me you're fine jessica hawkins everybody um let's go and have a word with the current champion because he's had an absolute nightmare um gutted for you mate because you lot your family and that are just such nice people i hate it when you have a bad time and it's just doesn't seem to be getting any better does it really well thank you very much for calling us nice people i think a lot of other people would have a different opinion on that but yeah i'll fight him yeah i will as well i'll back you up um yeah we just seem to be not having the luck this year um the last couple of years we've we've had both luck and pace which has been nice for us um but yeah it just seems to not be our year this year um we're still fighting we're still going for it you know otherwise i wouldn't be here i'd have packed up long ago and said no i can't be bothered but yeah we're uh we're still trying to push on i know that there's a couple of people ahead of us that aren't on our sort of pace so they should hopefully we should have had pick them off quite easily and just try and get as many places we can you know and then today it's damage limitation this one um last round didn't go too well but we can now drop that so we can carry over an actual score with a bit more points but yeah we will see how the race goes you've got enough experience mate to know that sometimes if it feels over it still isn't is it yeah exactly exactly that i've been doing this game long enough now so yeah it's not over until the fat lady sings as they say so i will say hi guys good man well i'm not a lady but anyway um what's down the back of your helmet can you see that in there adam it says not bad on his on the top of his lid what is that all about so everyone makes a laugh it is a bit of a sad story it's actually a tribute for one of my mates to pass away it's all right no he had it he went to magaluf and there's a lucky lucky man that had not just said not bad all the time so he had it tattooed on him and he passed away two years ago in a car crash i thought little tribute carrie not bad for me and i've had it in my last lid had it now you know so yeah it's just uh one of those things i like to carry with me i like it he's always with me hopefully he's with you today boy all right fella right okay some stories in there in this tcr paddock um this lovely man here warren his dad he's like proper guy look at him absolutely loving life um let's have a word with uh i did want to see a couple of guys um look at matt wilson it always looks like he's standing to attention you're like a lego man i was looking forward to seeing you you were looking forward i don't even know what the accent is how are you anyway i don't see enough of your mate i'm well thanks and i'm local it says a local accent yeah i forgot it's i love how you've it's a stronger accent today because you're with your mates with the mates with the crowd with the sponsors so i can't thank god god perform well do you like this place by the way i've actually driven this track at least out of any other track but i i do really like the track but i haven't got the most experience here than i like but i think everyone's in the same position as well super scary and it's like that's one of the places i come to i think i'm gonna i could really get hurt here and no jokes it's a dangerous place yeah it's surprising i've obviously his first time here in a tcr car and when you're hitting like 140 plus it's i've never like that's as fast as i've been in a race car which is here at this track with the barrier just to the left here it's crazy as much as i said it's dangerous i didn't mean it disrespectful to the second it's a great place because there's that you know there's no limit you've got to just hopefully stay on track and not make too much of an error exactly and i get to start this race on pole as well oh have they changed why is that two cars got disqualified so i'm i just finished 12 but now i'm 10th which means i'm on pole okay right well that's news to me is he joking so who's been disqualified i think it's scott and wilmot wow okay then breaking so maybe so maybe scott something and you think andy willmott yeah right well you better be right mate you're going to get smashed in the face you're gonna get smashed in the face right talk about smashing a bit uh does he know actually i don't think so come on you can tell him oh god right okay we better find out these lads are gonna do all right lads i've just heard that maybe the car has been removed from the grid is that right it's been put back to 19th as far as we're aware but we aren't entirely sure why so that's the rate that and i would do the same as what you guys have done is get to your original position and see what they're doing paul and yeah we'll teleport here we are so i don't know where to the night with it but i think there might be protesting now i'm not too sure but then i thought i was kind of in a minute to be pretty awesome okay that's absolutely cool yeah yeah no understand that don't want to press you too much in it thanks guys that's a shame um let's go what uh what's going what's going on do you think do you think you're going to be on polar so what are they laughing at they keep taking the meat don't they typical in it yeah classic classic mate um just saying you've had a bit of a bit of a not sad season but there's so much potential with you i always it always upsets me when i see something wrong with the car or something you've gone off or something's happened it just seems to always be the case tonight but when you get near the front you win yeah and i think that's a bit i think we've just had a few problems with the car this season that we're trying to bottom out and we don't know if they're quite yet gone but yeah i mean when we're there we're thereabouts and we hope to do the best with what we've got this might be one of those races gonna go for it then oh yeah watch and learn oh yeah i'm changing color by the second down i'm so sunburned anyway good luck mate and um you just got a touchy feely thing going on today there you go get your mouth shut i'm in charge i'm not in charge um one of my new bezzies is he around alex hello boy how are you mate um you ain't being interviewed don't you oh yes good lad i love it mate i love you to bits because you're so pure so fast you don't care and you but you still can just get the results if it's not quite the car underneath you yeah i know it's been very hard this weekend but i'm hoping that i can like get first position or podium that would be really good and i'll be very happy with that so is it just podium are you gonna can have you got the speed mate to get up there and challenge for that lead well that's what i'm going to try to do so fingers crossed oh and on another note you add your hazard lights on all the way through qualifying oh did you know that no does anyone else know that the team knew that yeah literally it was the best thing i was like i thought does he think he's a hazard he thought he'd left like the pit limits wrong it wouldn't surprise me if he did and still be that fast if i'm being honest alex lee you're a good lad have a good one mate good good lad um right callum i never see callum too much i always speak to his dad um he might be getting in the zone i'll just quickly ask him a couple of questions mate and bit of movement in the grid i don't know if you know some people just been stung by a wasp and i think so um a few people have been moved off the front so yeah and that is that's news coming in apparently uh something you'll probably be one up so now it's matt wilson on pole apparently um anyway forget about that you've got your own race looking good yeah let's try and get on the podium what's your dad said he says drive faster disease what do you say yeah pretty much has he raced round here no tell him to grow up then come on grow up dad hello david so good job you didn't hear that so callum was just saying how much of an inspiration you are he basically said grow up dad and have you looked at data what do you reckon because the boy's quicker than that yeah i mean we've got the 40 kilograms of ballast in there so that's that's what happened is but we just we just got too much understanding we just can't get rid of it we've done we've got a bit radical in this session so oh okay he could either go forward or he might go backwards we'll just we don't know but we're trying something different because he's still going no other track like this mate thruxton maybe but you've not probably done much around here he's never done anything i've never been here before so he's never been here before so yeah see how we get something in this a lot of high speed wheel spin and uh off the bumps and if the diffs i find are too there's you know there's too much giving them they're just wheelspin like a good one but difficult isn't it when you've got nothing to do for it really you're gonna win now you watch this you'll go forward after me saying that right have a good one fella all right cheers right dave newsham multiple touring car race winner and cleo cup champion um right okay okay okay max hart can't really go to see him and i think now we're going to go to maybe a little break and then we're going to speak to andy mckeown and me in the comms box [Music] oh [Music] voice and data solutions at speeds that are simply out of this world choose maximum networks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the messages race of the day here at castle for tcr uk will be underway fairly shortly the cars gonna be released out onto the grid in the next few moments and with this now revised grid that we've got some late disqualifications from the earlier race of course that race result does have a direct effect on the grid for this the 11th round of the championship andy mcewen and paul o'neill talking to you here from the commentary position and we are down in the southwest of the country a rare visit to this uh corner of the world for me certainly castle not a circuit and then i have the pleasure of visiting all that often but uh tcr uk making this bit of an annual trip these days down here to this super fast 2.9 kilometer 10 turn circuit hardly any elevation at all most of that elevation comes between the start finish line and quarry corner the first real corner up at the top of avon rise and apart from that it is a very very flat circuit but very bumpy flat as far as elevation is concerned but certainly not a particularly smooth circuit here uh at castle county a lot of the drivers and teams struggling with that a little bit throughout the weekend so the weather i promised you would get into the 20s it is into the 20s that says that there are scattered clouds they're very scattered if there are any because it is a clear blue sky as far as i can see over here and that's great news for us great news for the spectators but paul o'neill not such good news for the drivers we've seen tire issues plaguing them since qualifying that was at 11 o'clock this morning the hotter the temperatures get the more of an issue that becomes yeah and uh the the adam shepard problem um with his tire was i think that might have been a bit of a problem with setup by accident uh replacing things on the front left corner um they didn't get chance to to sort the camera out properly apparently um and then they were running the wrong setup that they would never put on the car on that front side so he was lucky it went where it did to a point and he had a chance to actually you know not hit the wall so yeah such a shame but they'll be twitchy now because i think it will be hotter uh on the track now so yeah there'll be a few people probably backing it off from what they've seen on their own tyres i think you would think so but that's easier said than done in a reverse grid race because we already had a few quick drivers deep in the field with progress to make and of course now you put the top three finishes for example in race number one bruce winfield adam shepard and brad hutchison at the back of the top ten they know they've got race winning and podium pace so they can't really afford to hang around too much especially because overtaking hasn't been easy here today yeah yeah we haven't really seen massive uh overtakes you gotta remember how fast the average speed is of this course and yeah seeing a few textbook things up at quarry but nothing nothing that's caught my eye no big lunges at the chicane nothing like that to be fair so um but the driving standards i've got to say have been pretty good um you know people can get frustrated but they don't seem to be as we can hear from our comms box now that the the cars are just leaving the pit lane to get on that grid yep so they go around onto the grids uh this is where they will uh swap those tyres over and uh diagonally swap the tires over that is on the grid and then send them back on the way for another green flag lap so we're a few minutes away from the start of the race uh still gives us a bit of time to update a few of the bits of admin as i said at the end of race one chris smiley that recovery drive that he put in to get a fifth place finish saved him the championship lead on the drop scores now with five races to go this season he is two points clear of isaac smith much to isaac's frustration because he always seems to be almost ahead in the championship but there's always somebody that's doing just enough to hang on to it i mean that was a fantastic recovery drive from chris we spoke about it a bit between the races it's the sign of a pro to have it all go horrifically wrong at the start and not panic not overdrive just casually bring it back up the order and that's what he did yeah definitely you know you can get flustered and a bit flappy in those situations but if anyone on that grid is gonna give you a result after having a nightmare start to the race it's going to be chris smiley and maybe chris smiley four years ago will tell you himself that he probably would have ended up oh i was just trying to finish his entrance on but uh that's how you get tire temp in the left rear and that's [Music] yeah absolutely two points upon isaac smith with max hart knocked out about spoke to max between races and he was understandably feeling a little bit blue it must be said because uh it does feel a bit like he can't buy any good look at the moment that was his third non-finish in a row uh having knox could finish either races at alton park last time out but as i pointed out to him paul i mean he's on 222 points after the drops that is only 26 points off the top 41 points available per race five races to go it's still his for the taking he just needs to string together some finishes and he's done that at the start of the year so you know he can't get down and dump because i'll tell you now being in tin tops for such a long time there is no way on this planet that the other two guys in front of him will not have bad luck absolutely there is a guaranteed chance of them having a nightmare along the way isaac especially and i'm not wishing this upon isaac i like isaac a lot i really do but you look at his season so far donington park a third and a fourth oh uh chris smiley to the pit lane yes this is uh as i suspected would be the case they're going to start this car from the pit lane this remembers not the race start but there's no point grinding him up if he's gonna be coming back into the pit lane anyway so the team are gonna wait and do they are waiting the restart racing team just below our commentary position uh to do the tyre swap now so that's as we kind of expected to be the case uh yeah just to go back to isaac smith so he had a third and a fourth at alton park a third and a seventh at donington park brands hatch he was fourth second fourth autumn park two third places fourth place earlier on today only once out of the top five surely that can't continue for the rest of the season i hope it does for his sake but it would be statistically speaking against the odds yeah exactly it's the law of averages that says he will have some kind of bad luck along the way nobody wants it no we could get to the end of the year and have an egg on our faces he could win the championship without having a win which i'd love to see yeah but at the same time i've just been in this game such a long time and you know you've watched enough races to know it just goes wrong when you least expect it yes but uh for his sake certainly we hope that doesn't happen because isaac smith has really turned a lot of heads this year with some superb driving as indeed he did in the first race did most of his work at the start where he just avoided the stalled chris smiley and then managed to pick up a few more places after that now if we're saying that for the likes of max hart for example the championship's not over can we extend the same message to lewis kent because louis kent is now 41 points off the championship lead as i said that's the maximum score for a race win a win and a bonus point for the fastest lap too much of a deficit do you think with fight races to go what can the double champ get back up there that's the question isn't it it is but like i just said to him on the grid he's been in this long enough to know that all he needs is a little bit of contact at the front you know win this race go to the next weekend win another race can i see it with the car that's underneath him i honestly don't think so i think he needs he needs a wet race or something different because the car just seems inherently um understeery with no rear you know no rotation in the car in it it's a car that isn't he isn't driving to his style so i think there might be a bit too much going on to be honest but hey listen you never never know that it's baffling though because the car was quick at the start of the year wasn't it uh he started off his season with the top five at alton park top five at donington won a race and got two third places at his local circuit branch hatch something happened at autumn park that just seems to have affected them and of course not helped by the fact it's basically the only veloster running in europe so whereas they can find drivers we've got people like josh files felicia yelmini here from uh target competition the sort of official uh factory back hyundai team in europe they can help set up the i30 ends because they've been around for donkeys years the veloster is a bit of an unknown quantity yeah and that's the problem because that car when you look at it it has a completely different footprint on the on the track than there than the i30 does it's a very interesting shaped car when you look at it it it does look like it's going to have too much rear grip that car but there's obviously ways and means and like you say with the way they figure out bob and and how the cars run in europe and around the world it only has one place really that it's uh competing and there's nothing at the front so yeah it's not got too much information in that car suspect that perhaps is what's causing them a few issues certainly in a quirky little circuit like castle where setting the car up cannot be that easy to do now let's uh move to the front of the greed instead then of talking about our championship contenders because amongst them we have drivers just out for a good result matt wilson good that you had a chance to catch up with him on the grid there matthew wilson moving up from vw racing cup a couple of years ago he's the only driver in this new shaped cooper we believe there are more on the way for next season which i can't wait for a great looking car he's had a few good starting positions through reverse grids what do you think you can do here today well what a story it'd be if you could have a podium to be honest he started did he was he had pole at alton park so yeah he knows what the score is um but i i don't know it's such a he's dead honest and i love matt because he tells it how it is and how he feels but if he could have a podium i think that'll be exceptional i think he could probably get a top six but uh i don't think he's massively confident in in in the car you know a high-speed circuit so let's just see how he gets on but i wish him all the best because jw bird and everyone down there are absolutely crackers they're great great kids yeah i think the phrase you used at alton is he's too nice to be a touring car driver sometimes matthew wilson maybe needs to just get those elbows out take a leaf out about what neil's book or something and uh just make sure you don't let people come through you could not accuse jack constable of being too uh gentle out there he's not at all afraid to get stuck in the power max racing cooper starts alongside constable a reverse grid winner already this year at brown's hatch and uh he will be starting the cooper the older shape cooper leon from second on the grid and then it's that i was gonna say man that kid again alex lee third on the grid he's a danger from there i think yeah i think he's a big danger and you know he he just looked like he couldn't make headway in race one so he'll be i want to spoke to him on the grid he's he's not arrogant but he's confident and he said yeah we'll we'll have a go let's let's have a try and if he gets the you know a lot of the drivers saying to me you know that they know there's slower people pace-wise in front so they're expecting overtakes i think this has got all the hallmarks for a really good race actually this could be a really really good good race yeah because it's not going to be easy for the quick guys to come through so yeah you're right we are in for a cracker i think 25 minutes of racing then we'll be on the way very shortly the green flag lap getting underway now so this is the last chance for the drivers to get the heat into the tires last chance for us to take a look at how they will line up them for this 11th round off the tcr uk championship you can see there matthew wilson the cooperation competition leading them around he is now on pole position with jack constable the grand touch winner alongside alex lee also won a race at brands hatch then would have raised it all to the park be making three events in a row well he's got a good place today from third on the grid [Music] and so then we will have hawkins and smiley on that third row of the grid then hawkins uh winner at autumn park smiley the championship leader by a very narrow margin then it's isaac smith the man who is just two points behind chris in the points he's got brad hutchison alongside brown aiming for a repeat of his first ever podium in the championship in race one head of adam shepard the nearly man of race one and our eventual winner bruce winfield who led only one corner of that race neil trotter and steve gales there too to watch for there i think they're two of their better starting positions of the season so far and then a bit of a who's who of tcr racing lewis kent max hart and warren kneels bradley ken daryl wilson jamie tongs all of them podium finishers and race lap race lap leaders say uh in the past all started together towards the rear the field's got something should have been on pole will actually be starting 19 and then the very back of the grid and he will mark those two both disqualified will what was a ride height issue i'm not actually sure what the uh problem was for scott something but those two good days starting from the rear of the grid but i do tend to agree with what paul says i think we've got all of the ingredients here for a fantastic touring car race because this is what the reverse bid is supposed to do it gives some drivers a chance to start at the front who wouldn't ordinarily have that opportunity to do so but they're not necessarily going to have the pace to just go away or defend their lead with ease but this is not a circuit where the quick guys can just mirror signal maneuver and go past them yeah exactly and i think that you know the momentum uh nature of this circuit it does rely on a very very very uh brave individual to to make these passes and come through the field so someone who want to do that will be adam shepard coming through there and also bruce winfield will fancy his chances but i reckon um you know matt wilson's been on paul before you know what to expect and it's all about experience yeah getting off that line well getting through the first corner well it's gonna be a very nervy time here for a few of them at the front of the grid and at the back and probably one or two in the middle as well uh we are minus daryl wilson by the way we saw him pull off with a mechanical issue in race one and it's just been spotted that he's not out on the grid for this one so daryl wilson unfortunately added to the non-starter list but we do have at the back there the two disqualified in days after that earlier race uh of uh scott sumpton and andy willmott and the shame both of them really starting to turn their seasons around this is not the setback that they needed at all but andy wilmot there i'm sure we'll be trying to come through so many quick drivers the last few rows of the grid could easily be the first few rows of the grid couldn't they in any other race event but they will have a lot of overtaking to do round number 11 then of the tcr uk championship about to burst into life on the right as we look at it now is matthew wilson on the left is jack constable the red lights are going on already and we are ready to go all bit of creeping there from a few at the front now they go and that will lead to a very jumbled start not a great start from matthew wilson here comes around the outside jack constable onto his bootleg goes alex lee the top three as one as they head through folly up avon rise for the first time but wilson looks like he might just hang on here constantly side by side for second over the crest they go onto the brakes careful not to lose the rear of the car wilson goes to the inside to cover and he is getting his elbows out but he runs out wide and alex lee on the inside of the pair of them three wide off the corner lee on the left constable on the right and matthew wilson pinched in the middle something will have to give and it doesn't there's contact sideways for lee he's not going to convert that into the lead he does wow what a star that was immense wasn't it but wilson everybody just bounded into him trying to get around the outside there was cars off through the chicago but uh that was amazing yeah lewis can rejoin him but uh matt wilson fair play he's learned his lesson he got his elbows out and turned alex lee around actually that was very very close how lee a held on to it b turned it into a three wide overtake i will never know but it is the youngster who leads them uh through bobbies for the first time jack constable though going after him in the cooper those two tied together as they head towards camp corner for the first time into this really terrifyingly quick right-hander now further back look isaac smith not making much progress it's actually brad hutcherson of our front runners in the earlier race and bruce winfield who have both gained lots of places winfield paul is fourth from 10th on the grid yeah unbelievable stuff absolutely unbelievable i've got to say matt wilson um who's in p3 not too shabby looks like he's closing uh on the guys in front so there you go one two three matt wilson settling down i've got to give him his due that's a tasty start he turned alex lee around i nearly thought he was going to the barriers but the young kid held on to it he did indeed there brad hutchison look behind califusion but the man for me here to watch is bruce winfield in fourth position he's closing in on those leading three and i think a double race victory could not be beyond the realms of possibility here the number 37 car uh heading down towards tower court and making it a four-way fight for the lead calamius from there the red and white cooper is fifth the head of round hook to the six jess hawking seventh isaac is actually losing a place there down to eight head of adam shepard and max hart inside the top ten all happening brad hutchison is now having to look behind oh jess hawkins oh she's made a bit of a nightmare exit there and that's gonna really oh is that dropping back is that oh no it's a it's a move isn't it no it's either smith down the inside of jess and that was because she struggled to get into the apex and she's gonna lose out again shepard runs one and that's max heart so there's four regrets now oh that was all those disaster backs heart on the grass as they go through folly they're trying to avoid that i think that worked out with smith ahead of shepherd head of heart and they all got past jess hawkins who just didn't get a good exit from bobby's and that's kind of what triggered all of that right alex lee now starting to do what we saw from him at brands and at alton and get away from the rest of the field once he gets a few laps on those tires he's as quick as anybody and he's now becoming a three-way fight for second yeah and look at that now wilson has got the attentions as near bruce winfield behind him cocking a right rear up absolutely pinned through there winfield in there you can just see wilson there in that third car he's really starting to having to look behind him but he's getting the apexes he's getting the speed the 31 looks fast you just need to keep looking ahead and stay with this pack if he makes one mistake i could really see him dropping back here but fair play the boy is going well it's the best i've seen him drive for sure like i say he's had a few of these good grip positions handed two and three reversed grids and he's got roughed up a bit at the start he didn't let that happen this time he got stuck in and this is the reward because once we settle into a race pace he's not slow by any means through they come lewis kent meanwhile at the inside of jamie tonks that's an interesting battle as they're both sort of bottled in behind that bought eels this is 11th 12th 13th that's got something behind them uh in the orange and pink car is 40. then look at that three wide chris smiley on the inside of neil trotter and andy wilmot i think he'll get both of them oh look at that big sideways and a lock up at the rear from brad hutchison in the 17 chasing down callum newsham so uh yeah those guys going out this is a well spicy race compared to the first one shepard up the inside of smith that's significant to max heart trying to go with him as well there louis kent is on the inside of jamie tox as well and will go through but what happened in the group ahead they're really getting their elbows out isaac smith and max hard and it could be shepherd who goes up the inside of both of them as they make their way through the kick and max heart is off max heart is on to the grass now we saw him go off just before he pulled into the pits earlier on that was a drive shaft failure that time he was elbowed off by isaac smith who still loses the place to adam shepard yeah shepard ain't messing around dizzy that car hopefully set up now sorted and uh yeah making that play smith ugh i think he's just gonna try and see what happens see how the race pans out and hopefully for him the the people up front have a bit of attrition and he's still ahead of all of his championship rivals here isaac smith so he's found himself in a very very nice position indeed look how closely punched they are though and brought hills they're starting to close in slightly on jefferson hawkins who's that if they hit the barrier oh they come back on oh is that something yeah oh wow if he hasn't hit anything he is the luckiest man alive talking about the luckiest man alive 31 matt wilson is having none of it he's having none of it he's told what he's told winfield to grow up and stay behind him good lad we like this oh there's kent on the grass in the background at what heels had someone to the outside of this we all know how that was going to end it's all getting very very feisty as it tends to yeah that's how it ended jamie tonks i think that is who was trying to get around the outside of what niels that's always something to be advised against i think down towards tower corner we go max heart there dropped behind even jess hawkins so max hart back down into tenth place after that grassy moment heading through uh the uh old paddock bend after the s's a lap ago some closing in on calabusha this fourth with the leading quartet who arrived once again down at the final corner still in the same order i'm convinced that bruce winfield's the fastest in that leading group but he just can't break through yeah he's struggling isn't he but matt wilson is doing a good job he's doing a great job callum newsome's driving well here dave newsham his dad was saying about the radical uh setup that they put on the car and it looks like it's working newsham in the 16 they're coming through his shot now chased by hutchinson who we know is super fast this weekend and wilson again still hanging on for third and not being dropped by constable either which is interesting constable uh is fair to say has had a bit more pace than matthew so far this season but local track for matthew says he's not raced here a lot but uh i don't know maybe that whole support that he's got is spurring him on a little bit because as he heads out uh towards tower corner once again this the sick lap of the race he's actually a bit closer to constable now than winfield is to him so second third and fourth very close and alex lee with a big load of turning oversteer there lee is pushing hard to try and break away yeah i'll tell you what the uh there's a lot going on and uh adam shepard is looking super fast he's gonna be on the back um of the other group actually pretty soon so shepard and hutchison that's going to close up look at this though that this is a nice sight in it they're not too far apart constable with his window open which i find bizarre unless it's stuck such a a horrible noise uh and aerodynamically terrible especially a high speed circuit like this yeah absolutely uh maybe that is the thing that's allowing alex lee just keep this few car lengths advantage over him constable crests the brow in second and now wilson having to defend again from bruce winfield but he defends on the way in paul but then doesn't run wide at the apex that's how you do it yeah exactly it's a real master class from someone with heart with with no tcr experience apart from apart from this year and uh i'm very proud of this lad because he's really that's somebody different in that car he's having a proper go he wants this and this is what we want to see all four of these are in contention again aren't they because this slap hasn't been quite as good for alex lee so they're all sort of closing back in doesn't seem that certain cars work well at certain parts of the circuit though the coopers i think are good through the course the twisty stuff but then the high speed stuff is where the i30n has always been a very very strong package through bobby's and then into the right hand kink at west way and another lap will soon be in the books the fastest lap now by the way belongs to chris smiley that's significant that's worth a championship point towards his campaign he may be mined all the way down in 12th place but he's the fastest car on track yeah and it's uh well you can see now that fourth place car of bruce winfield is properly trying to get on the back using every part of the car but it just can't get close enough to matt wilson in front and winfield flying through our shot there but he's got no answer he's got no answer to wilson and no amber kneels or kneels into the pit lane then now he was running reasonably well wasn't it but that's actually a relief for those who were stuck behind you might imagine terrible news for ant though uh the subaru is still very much a development car it must be said and perhaps there's another little issue that they're gonna have to solve right bit of a break up here in the lead group because all of a sudden alex lee is getting away again as behind they all go grass tracking constable wide matt wilson had been dropping away from him but that mistake for constable brings the two coopers back together and then we've got the other cooper behind and they're all sideways oh there's gonna be a move on here this could really play into bruce winfield's hands because matt wilson had to slow up because of that big slide from jack constable and now he's right on the tail of him but it seems like matt's got the right idea through camp corner as we approach it now he gets the speed in he just needs to make sure he doesn't leave the door open at the top of the hill it is one of those battles that will be decided by a mistake and then it will all spring into life but right now oliver willing to take the risk behind look by the way adam shepard is now on the tail of brad hutchison and cala mushroom so he's the next man who could be about to try and make a move up the hill goes this second place squabble matt wilson close to jack constable but doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to go for a real late lunch on the brakes and indeed they stay single file still 15 and a half minutes ago because we haven't had that early safety car this time paul tyre wear tyre management is going to have to be a lot closer to the front of people's minds in this one yeah definitely and that will have to be start start thinking about that now but this top four and then look at this you've got the next three shepard on the back of hutchinson that's getting spicy these are these guys are starting to cut the corners now because the tires are up to temp they're up to pressure and that's the worst thing you can do because you could have some kind of problem yeah absolutely but that the racer in them takes over really soft suspension there for brown hutchinson's car a lot of body roll as he went through tower corner and you can see he just couldn't get the traction on the x at the corner so adam shepard now does close right in on his tail punches remember was on the podium so two was shepard earlier on shepard taking to the grass there through the kink at westway to try to get the inside line at camp but can't quite get there so adam shepard stays in behind but the body language of that white and purple hyundai's is attack attack attack he wants to get through yeah hutcheson coming alive this weekend we've seen bits and bobs of him as the season's gone on but this has been a fantastic weekend so far for hutchison it's the kind of race i enjoy this we're not getting overtaken in every corner although we might get one here because butcherson's not gonna stop the quarry runs out why can you get the traction on the exit shepard i think has a small overlap he's got the inside in towards the esses and he surely will commit to the brakes on the inside line and adam shepard goes through so it does take a mistake in the end but adam shepard moves into sixth position and now will set off after calibration that little side by side exchange allows isaac smith and jess hawking to max heart to close back in as well so this is a real battle pack now making his way towards tower corner and kalimusha then hanging on to fifth but for how much longer shepard having been released from behind hutcheson he's gonna be on the attack soon yeah definitely definitely definitely and this is still still the the battle of the whole field as uh matt wilson trying to fend off uh bruce winfield but i suck at it just astounding he's got a chance of p2 here if he if if constable keeps pushing as hard as he's pushing his front tires are going to go off so i haven't seen anything running wide or anything like that for matt wilson so he could be he could be quitting here yeah it's been a very smooth sensible drive actually hasn't he's not over defending either from uh winfield behind through the right they go three coopers of course two different generations of cooper and all run out of different teams the powermax cooper of constable the jw bird example of matt wilson and the area motorsport run car oh something was going on in the background there wasn't it said brad hutchison was way off line as if he was trying to avoid so i thought butcher's not there as hutchinson had a problem the audi just in the background i think i spotted a dropped out of that next pack because you've got shepard and then it should be hutchinson but he's not there so there's a problem i'm afraid for the audi which had that podium earlier that's a shame i'll tell you what is happening at the minute and that is the battle that just went through our screen that's going to come to a head in a minute because i can't believe this but constable is now struggling and there's hutcheson straight through slowing or is he carried on oh well there you go jack kostel's actually pulled a gap actually on matt wilson there isn't in the 21 so yeah battles throughout and as it smith kind of having to defend in a minute from jess hawkins uh yes yes you're right actually because smith has been ahead of hawkins for a few laps but not escaping weird on that for hutchinson because he i know he's coming into the pit lane i can see out of the windows there is a problem for the audi right back to second place and matt wilson this is the bit of the circuit where that newer cooper is strong at the top of aim on rise but he's not really willing to put the move on jack yet under breaking is he so he closes there if he's gonna make the move it will have to come at that part of the circuit but it's a brave move to try and make yeah very brave you're unloaded you're turning left to turn right so that'll be a difficult place to pass but it'll be matt wilson's best chance because that's where he seems to be super fast that car of his um is that cooper it seems to be really really steady on its uh on its wheels adam shepard here right behind callum newsham neither of these two looking particularly steady at the moment sideways per share but i mean it's one way to save your front tires i suppose just have loads of rear steer built into the car and adam shepard tokyo drift style through tower corner uh i mean does that save the front tires i guess it might do we don't think the rig is any good are you no what it tends to do because you have to apply more throttle if it's a big slide it actually overheats and energizes the front so yeah that that left rear is obviously just took some dust on the exit of that corner before camp and um yeah that's why he was struggling with that but uh shep is back on the uh on the tail is knee of newsham and i think this could be move on here because he needs to come back switch back well he's got look at the both the cut the right rear lock up he's gonna have to come back on his inside now to try and get the drive look at that new pushing him out left that good effort and this this is going to be close now yeah someone's going to have to back out of it meanwhile for the lead it's down to next i think shepard's done it by the way shepard ahead of constable of uh newsham excuse me for fifth place so he did go around the outside and crucially just before isaac smith arrived on his tail uh behind smith smiley and heart are both ahead of jess hawkins too so all of a sudden we're getting overtaken left right and center and we might be about to get some overtaking in that lead pat because the lead gap had come down to virtually nothing halfway around the lap so it's possible that alex lee is now starting to run out of front tires and the young hyundai driver uh suddenly is under more pressure than he has been for quite some laps wow this is it i tell you what matt wilson plays his cards right in the 31 this boy could be on for a proper result forget about third his car looks very very well settled not massive wheel spin no massive understeer that i can see where the front axle gives up but the only thing that's saving lee is his is his confidence through the last corner um on to the back straight because that's where he seems to gap them and he knows how to lean a race he's very sideways hits a quarry there that was a close moment and jack constable uh sensing blood in the water now i think he knows that his car is handling better but alex lee we've seen him lead races before that can do though it's sideways everywhere now this is strange normally you see the car generate more understeer as the race goes on is he winding the brake bias back do you think maybe it's complicated he's struggling here he's struggling sometimes you can you can overheat the rears on front-wheel drive cars he's really struggling he's defending early look at his steering he's gone wide this could be a change for the lead jack constable only needs one look and he could be late on the brakes down the inside job done change for the lead constable in the lead oh what is going on with lee's car something must be broken in the back of that car surely because it's fishtailing around not just under breaking but through the middle of the corner as well so jack constable back into the lead of the race then and now it is crucial for matt wilson and uh bruce winfield to try and go through with him because i think they could get bottled up behind oh alex lee here slightly winfield out a little bit wide but jack constable already a three-time winner at tcr uk competition needs to try and make his escape now while he can yeah there's definitely something going on isn't it but he's back up to speed i just think it's maybe dust has choked up them tires and it's again that you only have to look at straight through the car of lee through the windscreen and the steering input watch as he comes into the chicane now constable in the lead and then you can see the hands of lee i mean that's proper blurry stuff it's on edge look he's still hacking at the wheel as he goes past that's how hot it is because even he's got his window down adam shepard by the way in fifth place only 1.8 seconds faster than this one on the previous lap as they squabble he is closing in to make it a five-way fight at the front but jack constantly got through struggling to escape alex lee sideways again it's that corner tower where he's struggling the most it seems yeah matt wilson's got to strike or he could have constable into the back of him sorry not comfortable winfield who just go through our shot there so he's definitely got to look behind him for that 37 put lee is now starting to struggle look at the hack i mean it's just one mistake after another because of something wrong with the car it's got to be i did speak to a few drivers in the civic cup actually after the first race early on and they said that they were hitting the curb so hard he was actually adding or taking away camber from the rear of the car so i wonder if he's knocked a curve but he's actually knocked something out because it's all over he's got no rear grip no something's moving around i reckon steve at least he's not hitting anything post nine so uh exit of the s's i think that is there we go well that's great camera works straight straight back to the battle and their constable has gone and now this is big pressure this is big pressure and how is it going to end is the car coming back on onto the shot but matt wilson in the 31 he's just got to calm himself down and do what he's been doing all the time and that is just making sure you get to the apex and look at the speed of his car off the apex and look who's catching them now because bruce winfield needs to get on with this adam shepard is the head now you never would have imagined that a few laps ago but adam shepard has arrived like a rocket onto their tail he's by far the fastest driver on the track surely he's not going to overtake all of them in the remaining six and three quarter minutes but another podium plays could be in the office this is two things that could happen now andy and that is one that shepard put so much pressure on um bruce winfield that that takes the pressure off matt wilson or he actually gets passed so quick or tries to get past so quick that bruce winfield then just tries to shock matt wilson into a problem and they're talking about problems my word max hart in the pit lane again now here comes the fight bruce winfield under pressure as you suggested might be the case madam shepard behind by the way if we ever dared drag our eyes away from this is the fight for the championship lead because isaac smith has been caught by chris smiley so isaac smith trying to hang on to sixth position the goal for the head of the honda here they come look and chris smiley as we saw in the earlier race is flying in the second half he is his knee absolutely lit not using the exits all the way through the corner so he is properly he's gonna shock him in trying it down the inside that's a great move absolutely textbook stuff look at that and smith doesn't want to give it up and he'll have to he knows that smiley's a hard charger gives him the hip and shoulder get out my way sunshine and he's through so chris smiley there now in a position to extend his points lead although this now will probably become one of isaac smith's top scores because he's out of the top five this is uh foreign territory for isaac smith to be this far down the order through what is a disastrous seventh place disastrous by his standings and sanders anyway right jack constable getting away now 1.7 seconds to the good alex lee is he starting to drive around whatever the handling imbalance is now because he seems more comfortable in second yeah the lap times oh the lap times dropping off quite a bit now they were 107 was the fastest they're all about one and a half seconds off it so lee's had a nightmare wilson's got a chance here he's got a sniff but he's got to be careful because bruce winfield and adam shepard look at the rear elise car he can't get it slowed down to turn in and this is where you can see wilson's car is so strong and has got great traction and i think wilson's got to fight the bullet you never know when you're going to get a chance like this to get as many points and as a better position as this i feel a bit sorry for matthew really because he's probably quite happy with that he doesn't really want to fight alex lee because this would be his first ever podium but what choice does he have because he's getting bottled up behind alex and he's got two of the hardest charges on the grid right behind him absolute zero chance so if he doesn't get past lee and shepard gets past winfield it could be off the podium for me because shepard ain't gonna mess around if he gets past one but the tires now are are so you know old and used that all these cars are plateauing look at that look at that on the exit wingfield just using all of the rubber dust and grass on the outside but this is where he can do it but he's got to be careful he doesn't leave himself open to the cast behind wilson he's a bit closer this lap but again alex sleeves if he's going wide shortly sideways and this is a matthew wilson he's at the inside for second the place now matthew wilson for second place with four minutes left to go in the race he's on the inside line and he has done it alex lee straight on wide almost into the tires wind field to the outside shepard might go the other way three wide they go through the right hand king can hammer down and somehow alex lee keeps behind shepard is sideways matthew wilson's disappeared up the road and here comes smiley wow smiley on the approach then and shepard's going to lose out oh that was great driving for matthew wilson he could have just given that up unlocked the moves done winfield on the inside of shepard moves him out the way lee is next on the table for bruce and i tell you what this is one of the better tcr races i've seen this is excellent stuff talk about pressure racing and matthew wilson i mean his patience was worth it in the end he must have had a feeling that that mistake was coming we could all kind of see it coming couldn't be alex lee's car getting more and more wayward and matthew wilson now is gone he's released in second place and was actually three times quicker than the leader on the previous lap alex lee then can he hang on to third i mean i don't fancy his chances if i'm completely honest oh i'll tell you look at that he's there's that right rear there's something going on the brake bias he's done oh no he gets drilled winfield comes out of it great driving for the boat but he's got the overlap i think it could be all over for lee oh alex is trying to come over and cover watch for shepard as well he's going to get a monster run out of the chicane here because they're really delaying each other know he gets borked by winfield and somehow it's still alex lee in front shepard again to the outside of winfield and that opens the door for chris smiley who sees more points there for the taking but he's got to be careful this is a good race for smiley he's ahead of his championship rivals and this is not really a battle but he can afford to get involved in too much beautiful stuff but lee is going to be sitting duck pretty soon and winfield knows if he gets a sniff he's just got to get the job done contact into the back of the lead comes out of it great driving bruce it's all steady where's shepard where's sheppard he's dropped back because smiley's ahead of him but then i think it was jess hawkins their ship but he's been something was going wrong because i could see the one of the exits of the chicanes there was something like smoke or fluid or something coming out the back of shepard's car but seems to got it all back together as those cars with dust all over the track this has been one of the most fantastic tin top racers i've seen for a long time chris marley could get a podium here there are two laps to go and alex lee again he's going to be wide at tower winfield tries to get to the inside but somehow alex is getting the power down off the corner well enough to keep the cooper behind here we go rinse and repeat from alapago to the inside into the asses goes bruce winfield alex lee chops across him and smiley is there smiley knows he's quicker than these do he's certainly quicker than alex lee if he gets past winfield this lab i think he could get alex the next one nobody's got enough front tire to get the move done they don't want to drive into each other so they're just being a bit steady if they had new tyres on the front or newer tires they'd be a lot lot better but smiley has now got horses on the back of him i mean they're all there hawkins is there then he's isaac smith then he's adam shepard then it's louis kent of all people who's actually back inside the top ten now uh despite his dramas earlier on and this is paul because alex lee is piloting this enormous train of tcr got seven of them as one fighting for the final step on the podium through the final turn they go on to the final lap of what's been a sensational 11th round of the championship and if alex lee hangs on to this then and well i doff my cap to him this has been a brilliant drive under the circumstances totally totally so fantastic racing i don't want to i don't want to uh i'll tell you what that was nearly content about that could be game over lee cannot come back from now you cannot come back from that sideways i'm not having it mate i'm not having that he's done it he has i've never seen paul this animated fantastic stuff alex lee still is in third place we have just over half a lap to go the lead gap is still two and a half seconds so jack cultures were looking good for the victory second place looks good for matt wilson but who will be joining them on the podium it's any one of seven drivers you can't see them through the cloud of dust out of the right hander there but as they get to tower alex lee is sideways of course he is but actually a bit further ahead than he has been for the last few laps unbelievable oh big accident who was that that was someone at the back of the oh it's jamie tunnell the second time today off into the wreck to sell barriers this time head-on but it is going to be a victory for jack constable a fourth tcr uk victory a first ever podium since second place for matthew wilson and it might be a drag race to the line it's gonna be get the photo finish camera ready it is alex lee by a nose however uh the timing screen is showing penalties for constable and wilson alex lee just won that race unbelievable stuff the drama didn't end there that is unreal track limits number 27 and also well yeah that's 27 scott something but bruce winfield's been given one matthew wilson has been given one and jack constable so alex lee wins the race from constable second and chris smiley in third place but there is there are loads of track limits penalties that were applied literally on the last lap of the race our timing system wasn't telling us about that beforehand and it means that lee manages to hang on to the victory but uh yeah trap limits penalties for jack constable matthew wilson bruce winterfield and scott sumpton and that completely changes the finishing order wow wow wow and i've got to go and interview three people now but um they're on the podium but i don't know exactly and lee would have i mean that i ca i cannot but how did he not get track limits with all that sliding he didn't go on the green once to be played exactly he was sideways but he kept it within the white lines and that's kind of why he was able to defend so successfully i mean i don't actually know where to start i mean jamie tonks i really feel for i can just see him there stood to the right hand on his hip again i think hopefully the rect to sell barriers will come to his aid as far as his physical safety and also the state of the car but that's not the way that he wanted his day to end paul is going to go down and speak to three very baffled drivers on the podium after what was quite frankly a baffling 11th round of the championship but it is alex lee third on the road not quite sure how he was on the road at all quite honestly the way that car was handling and it nets him his third victory in the championship and uh yeah the timing screen only updating with those penalties as the cars came across the line so we were getting no notification that those penalties were incoming uh alex lee uh probably had no idea either because there was no ship to shore radio in tcr uk competition so the team had no way of telling him even if they did know so alex lee gets the victory jack constable on corrected times after his five-second penalty misses out on the victory by just half a second so he was four and a half seconds up the road at the five seconds on and he finishes in second place but chris smiley in third that's big for the championship uh then it was jess hawkins in fourth place i think that's probably her best result since the victory at alton park at the start of the year isaac smith somehow ends up back inside the top ten with lewis kent in sixth place and adam shepard in seventh matthew wilson eighth after his penalty has applied he must have had a ten-second penalty then because he has dropped even further back from the uh actually no they're all that close together he's only classified two and a half seconds off the win on corrected times with callum newsham and andy wilmot rounding out the top ten then bruce winfield scott sympton neil trotter jamie tox in the barriers on the final lap steve gales we saw going off and dropping a lap after his spin at the chicane whilst max hart brad hutchison and outward kneels all retired to the pit lane right did you get all of that that was bizarre to say the least yeah on the official results page the top nine finish within four seconds of each other the top four were within nine tenths of each other once you i mean they were close together on the track anyway but then you throw in the time penalties as well and it punched everybody together and gives us a very very strange finishing order and i will use the word provisional to describe the finishing order of that one because i suspect there may be a few conversations after that one but a track limit penalty is a track limits penalty there's not really any way that you can appeal against that so uh unfortunately i think that might be unfortunately the the end result as far as those drivers are concerned just to tot up the points alex lee of course uh gets the race victory his third of the year which means he's now won more races than any other driver yes because we've had two race wins for max hart and i think he was the only other driver to run more than one race so alex lee uh becoming the dominant man really in the championship we see what this does to the points second place then points go to give me to jack constable and the third place for chris smiley so chris marley already had the points advantage a narrow one at that over isaac smith and he will further extend that now now other front runners in the championship then isaac smith gets himself another top five fifth place nets him 24 championship points so i now have the gap between chris smiley and isaac smith at five points in chris smiley's advantage with now just four races to go to at donington park and to snetterton at the end of the year there is the the sad sight of jamie tonk's uh area motorsport with fast r cooper being recovered the way that car shot off the road it almost suggests that something broke or a tire went down i'm not too sure have to speak to him after the race but uh that is big big news indeed just to carry on with the points then 21 points will go the way of lewis kent that will actually move him now back ahead of max hart uh for third in the championship after max's fourth non-score of the season in a row adam shepard finishes in seventh position 18 points for him he'll really be ruining that off at the end because if you think about it he was running in a position that probably would have netted him a podium actually once the other penalties had been applied had he not gone off the road so all of this means that championship wise chris smiley leads by five points over isaac smith i reckon and they are now really distancing themselves from the rest louis kent max heart sought him out of it now really 278 points for the championship leader 273 for isaac smith two to eight for lewis kent in third two two two for max hart he's been on 222 points basically since bran's hatch about two months ago uh adam shepard now is fifth in the championship only 12 points further back and five ahead of alex lee so i don't think we're gonna see either shepard or lee fighting for the championship this year but they could certainly break well into the top five and that would be quite the result given uh the fact that alex didn't even race with us at the first round of the championship and adam shepard had some pretty terrible reliability misfortune in the early stages as well so very very interesting stuff in the points very exciting racing and as i started to try and make the point during that race that's the kind of race i enjoyed it it wasn't necessarily overtaking in every corner it wasn't side by side all the time but around a spectacular demanding circuit such as castle when you've got all of those cars absolutely together the slightest mistake is going to uh create overtaking and drama and action and you'll probably lose multiple places if you do get it wrong and that's what makes alex lee's performance all the more impressive we often say that when you inherit a win um or the drivers often say you know when they inherit a win that they feel maybe they didn't really earn it but alex lee earned it there it may have only been third place he was fighting for on the road but uh he earned that victory with his car controlling his defensive skills so repair work on going up at tower corner then after jamie tonks is off and uh jamie's car in fairness didn't look too bad again director salvary are doing its job there but got a feel for jamie he was saying he was fancying a race win in the race earlier on and then uh ending up off the road a couple of times in that race the second time in particular was the one that ended his race but good to see him getting out of the car under his own steam um although he won't be happy the car can be repaired and jamie thompson is the main concern making sure he's in one piece which he certainly seemed to be so we are waiting for the podium driver i mean it took him a while to get to the podium after race one that's when hello welcome back it's paul's part firm a tour um well that was one of the most exciting tcr uk races i've ever seen october sorry about that guys welcome back park firm a with paul um alex lee i've never seen a car so sideways and lose so many places but cross the line and win the race we only seen it late on tsl how did you find out i came in the pits everyone shouted i've won and i oh my god three weekends in a row i've been speaking speechless in these interviews i'm just like completely dizzled mate i think you must be the only person to win now three touring three tcr touring car races tcr uk so congratulations to you but what was going on with the rear of your car oh my god i was seeing me drifting everywhere i was like no drifters like brands was it was it was it the brake bias or you seem to be locking the left rear i think i think the tyres got older and because it's so hot but at the start i was very fast i think but i think the tires just went off a little bit but for next time we know so hopefully we can fix it you are definitely hacking at it mate i'll let you put your hat on and we'll have one more question so make sure you put that out on because that's a proper goodyear hat that one um so the winner's hat applied last question um was it hot in there oh my god it's like being in dubai because say a lot hotter yeah listen go and celebrate with your dad your family that was absolute top work boy well done mate absolutely spot on what a boy three tcr uk wins this season unbelievable right follow me righty ho we'll talk to you in a minute andy um where is he there he is jack constable jackie oh my word mate what was going on there i mean did you did you know that you were second or what yeah how uh the i saw the penalty come out on the wall um so i just thought i'm trying to motor on as best we can and trying to get as much of the gap as i could in the clean air carl came alive a bit in the clean air as well when uh brakes started coming back to me and everything so yeah it made a bit of a difference but not enough penalty for jump start or penalty for track limits no idea okay just your number and a penalty on the side yeah i've seen well people have said different things to me um but that's all it says on the pit wall so did you see did you you the front row jumped the start from yeah and was that just because it's a funny light system here isn't it yeah yeah you'd think that they go one two three four and off but they go one two three four stay on then off which doesn't make sense it's 1988 mate well there you go good race are you happy yeah really happy cars perform really well i'm happy with our performance happy with my performance minimal mistakes so yeah really really happy what's up man we did say if you got a sniff that you'd have a really good result so well done uh right chris smiley look at him over there talking to his bezzies let's just let's just follow us meander over christopher how are you mate i'll tell you what hot work in these cars isn't it yeah just a wee bit yeah yeah it's warm out there today um that was a little bit weird at the end uh yeah well someone just come over and said you finished third because actually finished fifth but yeah apparently two of the cars in front got a time penalty so yeah you know what what's one of those days it could have been you know what a problem with the clutch in the first race this morning um we couldn't we hadn't had time to put a clutch into it for the second race and um to start from the pit lane finish there that's uh yeah wouldn't like to try and do that again you'll take this weekend though good points yeah good points yeah you know i think everybody's up there in the championship finished behind me there you know so i was a little bit more careful with the cars in front because you know they just i didn't need to take that risk to get past you know the car got a little bit warm at the end there and i started to back itself off up the street so i thought enough was enough i'm going to take what i have i i don't know the job that i wanted to do so yeah good day top man leave you to be let's quickly find yes let's go and find willy mott so andy wilmot i thought he did a good job um actually one second that's what's going on here um you playing tetris what are you doing oh very good nice one now we're doing all the data to make sure that they're actually doing what they should be doing perfect so on top of scrutineering everything's looking good straight championship everything's looking good i mean the temperature today has caused a lot of high pressure and a lot of turbo boost but we're they're in we're okay thank you like the input spot on right let's just go and speak to uh the winner of the andy wilmot trophy as andy wilmot or the goodyear diamond trophy as it's known um you're right mate you get your hands out your pockets what's going on here a bit lacks that was that's hot work out there everyone saying it was i felt really rough at the beginning of the race on a warm-up lap i think i made myself feel travel sick or something i really felt so unwell there was a lot of movement laterally you were really i said your car was on our pictures and you could see you were really getting heat in them rear tires and people wonder why you do that in these temps but you can't not have you can't have cold tires can you when you're riding around here no i initially i put so much work into warming the tyres up and then i gave up because i almost felt my made myself feel so rough and i thought i'm just going to pit i can't do the race because i felt that i thought it's going to be sick in my helmet like it sounds lovely um yeah no i just i just went for it and and yeah it came out p10 which was kind of it was good but obviously a load of penalties but in the day we stuck to the rules and we picked some off so it was good it was good i'm pleased with it but unfortunately lost the the cup in the last race for ride height issues but that's what that's what he wants right now yeah yeah we was running a silencer um and it was slightly too big and yeah the roller wouldn't go under it and so yeah it was the car was the right height and everything else was apart from the silencer that was just a little bit too fat but the car needs to be it doesn't matter what it is if there's something protruding it's a problem that isn't it that's a there's nothing trying to be cheating or anything that's just one of those things i was trying to do the right thing by keeping the noise down because that's what the circuit requires but yeah the exhaust was just the wrong wrong fatness that's what electric cars are for anyway right thank you andrew um right then it's back to you andy that was a cool race uh yes thank you very much paul it has been one of those strange days today where we've had some very strange results some strange goings on during the race and uh well one thing it has done it's given us a bit more clarity on our championship situation with chris smiley and isaac smith now really extending their margin at the front of the championship uh the tcr championship will next be heading to donington park on the national circuit 29th of august so not that long only a few weeks away before we have up an ultimate event of the season another two 25-minute races there then it all gets wrapped up after a bit of a break a late summer break uh on the 23rd of october at the snetterton 200 circuits the shorter of the two main layouts system that's gonna be a really fascinating place to round out the championship more racing coming your way here from castle comb in about 10 minutes time we will have the second race of the day for the miltek sports civic cup so make sure you stick around for that but for now for the tcr uk championship here at castle cube that is it for a dramatic day of racing [Music] [Music] the championship leader big big drama for smiley shepherd hanging on to the lead but only just i will never know [Music] you
Channel: TCR UK
Views: 10,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bhfCBEwWtP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 6sec (4866 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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