TBN Praise The Lord

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and your back look now zoom in to that picture across the studio over there there's the picture Jesus right there that a Keanu painted and that is a Aki Ana's work that and and I mean I'm sitting there while you're singing that song right there I've got that in my view and it was it was like I was watching a music video I mean it was just what an amazing and I read the story a Keanu of this picture on your website okay but please tell it quickly what and how you painted that particular picture well that painting is called Prince of Peace I painted when I was eight years old with with the oils okay say that one more time on Keanu how old were you when you painted that was eight years old we're eight yes 88 years old okay ah Keanu you painted this picture when you were eight years old you're not you're not messing around right this is good and and so this now what is that you were looking for someone as a model yeah and tell the story of what that well um when I was eight years old I was looking for a model to present Jesus by for two years I could not find no one but in one don't why couldn't you find him because you had seen yeah something uh you have to go back tell that part of the story okay tell that photo storage is great I think God wanted me to wait through all those years cuz I think he was he was hiding something so and then one day I kneeled with my family and I said let's pray let's ask God if he could bring this particular person so we prayed and the following morning I mean excusing following afternoon um there was a knock on the door I opened the door I could not believe my eyes it was a perfect person it was this man he was a carpenter he was all you're not making this up seven feet tall and I say God thank you for bringing it to my friars so and then he agreed to model for me so I quickly started sketching and studying in there you got and I started painting okay when she just said that we waited all those years she was 8 and then she did so you painted this at 8 yes and I was looking since I was 6 years old ok ok tell tell me tell me what happened to where hi yeah this is bad yeah market mark is here with us we're just fascinate I mean what a what a setup for you to sing that song for me to be seeing that picture across Stu's maybe I want to know how you knew you were a painter how you see these pictures how God chosen to you I want all those little details because I love that in that because those are treasures inside there so tell us well it all started when I was 4 years old at that time I don't think Jesus was our main focus it's just God was not in our home at that time it's just it was not part of us okay well one day I had a vision of God how did that happen why do we I know how are you awake or sleep was it a dream work you know I can't remember maybe I was awake but I'm not very sure because it's still long ago oh yeah yeah you're like 111 now yeah hello okay I'm a hundred so good well I start having visions and dreams about God um heaven out of the blue out of the blue you'd wake up and you'd say dad mom I just had a dream about God what what was the response from them Oh hurry sponsors you know it was just a dream just go back to sleep that kind of response too much pizza yeah well oh but for a couple weeks I started you know keeping a secret from them and but finally I said I have to tell them God then one day I just went up to them and I started sharing little by little about the future about the heaven that I saw and you know God how you look like it looked like and then little by little they started believing in God so and and and when did you know Mark that your daughter what okay let me just let me just say that first of all this isn't the normal way that we start an interview so let me just introduce very quickly mark and AH Kiana from Post Falls Idaho and let me just I I never I rarely use these cards they're more like a pacifier okay that I use but I want to just I just want to say considered the only known child binary genius and both realist painting and poetry internationally-recognized her paintings are now going upwards of $100,000 plus uh I'm this one off tonight yeah get your checkbooks out and also doing poetry and and all of this and all of this is going on here okay I didn't even know what binary genius wins okay I had to ask mark what that means a genius in two different categories okay so for the rest of you smartypants that knew that okay um I could and so binary genius realized in realist painting so realist means you're painting real thing yeah right okay instead of it's good honey okay I'm getting it okay uh when I when I draw my guys look like sticks with shut up you know okay when yeah stick man so somebody take this and let's let's start moving it I want to ask you a question as we're getting another painting just bring it up don't be bashful bring me take this one well be careful cuz it is Jesus so be careful now you said I think we read on your website that you saw different colors in heaven yes hey try to describe to me what that means how help me understand different colors I mean I mean I can understand English you come on I'm good well I eat time when I paint I sometimes get different feelings when I doubt the pit you know paint from the palette and I put on the canvas like for example you know orange represent rust yellow represents you know listening and energy and you know black Orbison suffering in troubles no red or Vicent love it there's so much color and so many color it is okay when you went and saw a vision you saw colors that do not exist on earth yes that's true how do you just can you describe it is there any way to put that into have you ever tried I try with one painting it's called a supreme sanctuary it was so difficult for me but I was very happy that God gave me the the energy and the ideas to paint it but you know it's very hard to paint heaven and through the things that I saw was heavens galaxies and universes it's undescribable I can't describe I can't paint it but what was the inspiration for the one that I have right here you know everything that I see you know the colors I think inspired me and I love autumn it's like my favorite season of the whole year and it's a place for you know each leaf is like a feeling to me and you can hear the leaves fall to the ground and it's like the intense yellow and yeah you know orange verse so far in this interview I'm picking up you're kind of a creative person is that is that kind of yeah well I want to know is I want to the conversations between you and your wife laying in bed at night talking about your child lies in just blow your mind what I mean how you're giving birth to you know God in the child in the child form what are you freaked out about it oh yeah yeah absolutely absolutely yeah so did you just like go okay we need to go to church now or what did you one with money when she started having these visions my wife would record them in a journal and uh I would say you know that sounds something I didn't read the Bible there wasn't part of our curriculum right it was not a part of our whole life we were too busy chasing the dollar to worry about God but when she started coming into our life with these visions and dreams I said God it sounds just like something from the Bible so we I would open up some of the things that she would say that my right wife recorded and I'm like oh here's the tenancy kiyul and here's one in Isaiah I'm like why I think she's been to heaven here well I me and my wife started going you know is there's something here we don't know but we have to keep going with it and as we she started progressing as an artist and started having more visions from for to what do you think 7/8 some in that area um it just kind of mushroomed and blossomed our faith and okay let me ask you are you mark are you talented can you paint I know yeah like do you draw yes I can stick figures to I mean houses and walls okay so so yes so this is this is directly a gift to her from God Fuli okay because it didn't come through the the the genes as it were okay when was the last vision you had you know I have to tell you this years ago you know couple years ago and I years ago remember okay go ahead well copy years ago for some reason God has stopped the visions and genes he has given me I think I'm going through a faith stage and all right now all I have right now is you know spiritual impressions and imagination and each time when I write or I paint I still feel God working through me what was the last thing that you painted all right what are you working on now um so why don't we can I read it's really difficult to explain but it's a lady that is in a very beautiful silky red blouse and read it um outfit let me just say that and it's in a green background and you know at this point I just started so I don't know how is going to turn out at the end so and you change a lot right yeah you you change and you you erase and start again and yeah towns I had like five backgrounds and I just keep doing until it's perfect what if someone came up to you and said I don't believe that there's a god I think I should tell them that even if they don't believe there is a God I think through talents through gifts I think people could actually understand that there's someone else someone bigger than that that gave them that gift not themselves we started the interview and again look across the studio in that the picture of Jesus's is right there but when you saw the man that came to your door he immediately struck you as the picture or the face of Christ that you had seen yes okay that is true and you were in heaven in a vision yeah and you saw someone that looked like what you painted this is how I interpret Jesus okay and did he say anything to you he said so many things that I fill my mind so much I forgot it all you know what you know it'll happen keyonna that'll that'll come back to you yes as as God or have another vision you might not need to okay first of all I don't think you need to it's like wow okay and and if God could let me like paint something like this I'd be great too what was the inspiration for this what do you call this this is amazing this painting is called supreme sing sure that this is a paint that I told you about okay and I think that everyone will have a chance to choose and create their own place in heaven and this is the place and this is the mansion in the garden I would love to build and plant and you know there it was so different it was so hard and for me to paint it because colors are so different but some are you know similar but you know this is just a part of what I saw and that is amazing it is not perfect you need to paint some more of what you saw we've got another one coming up this the inspiration for this picture are you home school I am home school okay I homeschool myself well kids did you yeah where are my children could you could you hang out could you go hang out with my kids and teach him how to do that cuz yeah okay especially my 14 years we're running out of time so what is the inspiration for this business painting is called separation and inspiration - this is you know each day I have emails and phone calls about mothers or parents that lost their child and I want to you know bring back hope that one day they will be reunited again god that they were one you know one day you'll meet them again you know another thing great good a binary genius so is that because you're an artist and you write that's the dual teen poetry okay she's got the most beautiful poems that are written there's there's her book right there I'm sure you can go to any bookstore this one is self-published from which I can tell you soft published oh I thought this one's my Thomas Nelson so you can get this through our website and the other one in any Barnes and Noble or Hastings bookstore and the poet okay the poetry I mean how how did this happen well this is a complete fair favor isn't fair is it yeah well um you know I started poetry when I was 7 years old and since then you know my write poetry it just comes effortlessly without me even knowing it and each time when I review or we you know you know read my own even the poetry I am just blown I don't you know that it came from me and I said the back of the voice of my mind says it's God he gave this gift and I'm so blessed of that here here you are your your gift will touch the world without without question and and it's it's amazing this picture I mean just look at it I mean and and the one on the cover of the Thomas Nelson tell us uh is this the same this is the same model same mommy's Jesus raising the world his father Wow what's your plan for your future what do you see what do you see happening well of course continue with my art and poetry um travel around the world helping families children as much as I can because each time I want to help a family or a child I just feel so happy inside and because of that feeling I wanted to you know go around the world and how this how you still this awesome spread it out so do you do you sing - no baby yeah well well get good at all three did you cryin area okay and you know what this is this is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen and you know what God is amazing and he gives his gifts to you and sweetheart he you got one of the best ones I've ever seen in my life and that is awesome Wow yeah we thank you why I want to do these paintings to you because you said so wonderful are you kidding yes you're gonna give this painting to me we'll get Molly we love you very much thank you for that
Channel: Akiane Kramarik
Views: 186,730
Rating: 4.8692155 out of 5
Id: dhlQ9hVDMqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2014
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