Taz | AEW Unrestricted Podcast
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Channel: TNT
Views: 99,489
Rating: 4.9443893 out of 5
Keywords: tnt, tnt network, comedy, tnt shows, AEW, all, elite, wrestling, dynamite, All elite wrestling, aew on tnt, all elite wrestling on tnt, aew wrestling, pro wrestling, aew dynamite, wednesday night dynamite, aew features, aew interviews, aew highlights, aew double or nothing, aew fight for the fallen, the young bucks, cody rhodes, brandi rhodes, nick jackson, matt jackson, chris jericho, tony kahn, jon moxley, kenny omega, dean ambrose, jack perry, Taz, Taz Unrestricted, Podcast
Id: AFdojeiKtWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 42sec (3282 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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One of the highlights to me was Taz acknowledging the toxic locker room behavior/culture in wrestling and that his generation is the one that's perpetuating it. He doesn't shy away from it or claim that they didn't know any better. Taz points out that when HE was wrestling, he was the one being told that he's too small to wrestler, or that he takes unnecessary risks, or that he's killing the business. That very topical connection makes his support of AEW sound like the most obvious thing in the world. He doesn't want the new generation to have to deal with the shit he dealt with, and that warms my heart.
Damn. Did not expect that level of honesty from Taz.
All the stuff on his deciding to leave WWE... "I didn't wanna be around anybody named McMahon at that time. They were fucking annoying." (around 50:20)
Kudos to those working on commentary in WWE. Between Foley and Taz, it sounds like a hellish job.
Also great to hear his POV on his WWE debut and why it was pretty much over for him after that night.
The referee Aubrey has the unnerving habit of trying to finish other people's sentences/talking over them whenever they make a small pause