Tayo S6 EP9 My friend Cargo l Tayo's New plane buddy l Tayo English Episodes l Tayo the Little Bus

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hello [Music] click here to subscribe my friend cargo it's a bright morning hey guys huh can you gather around why what's up hannah can you work at the airport for a few days happy airport do you know what a ramp bus is many planes leave and land at the airport taking the passengers to the plane or from the plane to the terminal that is what the wrap bus does [Music] but recently more passengers have been flying in the airports short on ramp buses so we need you to go and help out wow that sounds like fun [Music] this is great daddy huh yeah stop right there hey gunny what are you doing here on your own oh well i was watching the planes wow [Music] i envy the planes oh why because planes can fly anywhere in the world they're so cool they are do you think we can see planes at the airport yes [Music] the next day the little buses went to the airport wow it's so spacious so big here i don't know what's what huh look over there that's huge wow that's so cool let's go and say hi say hi like right now yes let's go guys wait for me [Music] there we go we're here thanks a lot again towing not at all see you later hello oh you are we're the little buses who will help us ramp buses today i see nice to meet you i'm cargo [Music] open your home oh okay there now load me up [Music] wow [Music] hello my name is roogie cardo i'm tyler oh okay my name is lenny oh and this is uh i'm ganning i have to go are you not done yet almost done tell me when everything's loaded okay i have to close the hole oh aldo thank you cargo you may prepare for takeoff let's go oh wait cargo see you next time little buses [Music] cargo permission to take off granted [Music] he didn't even say goodbye that's so mean i'm sure it was because he was busy how busy could he be does he look down on us because we're little buses what am i wrong that's right he didn't seem interested in us at all no huh i'm sure he had a reason for being that way i know i'm going to talk to him again altitude normal and stable airspace switching to autopilot oh those buses we are the little buses today i didn't get to say goodbye i feel bad their names were taiyo rogi lanny and also oh i'm ganny daddy i should say hi to them next time we meet cargo rain clouds are on your route race your outfit yes roger then the next morning gunny visits the runway early is cargo not here yet huh hey that's cargo he's so cool good job cargo um cargo oh gunny are you doing okay with the ramp bus work yes but do you remember me of course i do are your friends not with you i came by on my own today i was right he was just busy that time you went to new york yesterday right and today you went to paris wait how do you know that i memorized everything oh then how many times have you seen the eiffel tower i've been to paris dozens of times but landing in paris airport i'm always focused on transporting the cargo safely i never thought about seeing the eiffel tower then um how does it feel to look down from high up it's cool isn't it when i'm flying there's so much i need to watch out for to stay safe i don't really feel it since i never looked down [Music] then i should get back to work now oh okay [Music] oh i think danny's disappointed cargo what about your next flight no it was postponed due to poor weather that's great get some rest oh it's you guys tayo logie lenny nice to see you all again so you do remember us of course i do i'm sorry about last time i was in a hurry to leave and didn't say goodbye it's just the scan he said we had no idea we misunderstood you we're sorry no it's fine it's partially my fault too oh by the way have you seen donny gunny yes we all came back because the runway is fogged up but danny's missing what danny headed toward the runway earlier the fog is really thick it could be dangerous out there alone [Music] oh dear this won't do cargo where are you going oh dear cargo i'm always focused on transporting the cargo safely i never thought about seeing the eiffel tower it's very different from what i imagined oh oh it's a big fog where am i i can't see your head oh that's cold it's raining too i really should hurry back it's not this way this way oh no i must be lost hello is anyone out here please help me what should i do gunny [Music] are you okay cargo it's scary isn't it i was afraid because i got lost in the fog you just follow me can you do that yes then let's go wow hey look over there daddy's cargo danny where were you we were so worried are you okay yes cargo came in he saved me thank you so much not at all i actually felt apologetic towards you what actually i don't know anything except for flying i'm not as great as you expected no that's not true what now you're my friend a real friend who helps when i'm in danger [Music] if you're danny's friend then are you our friend too of course yahoo how excited everyone i'm above paris right now wow [Applause] i see the eiffel tower isn't [Music] the real it tower i am the cargo my friend ganny has told me about it oh danny he's talking about you cargo wow what happened it's a long story one of the little buses new friend cargo is flying high in the sky again today new rescuer jay it's a sunny afternoon and the little buses are on their way to the emergency center i wonder why rookie wants to see us i don't know maybe he wants to give me an award because i'm such a great bus uh i don't think so [Music] mom let's cross okay oh i'm late i'm late are you okay yes wow that was close oh thank you so much it was nothing as long as you're okay okay then i wonder who that was so amazing hello welcome it is so clean is there something special happening a new member of our rescue crew is coming today a new member oh there she is now oh [Music] that's the person we saw earlier hello my name is jay nice to meet you jay welcome to the emergency center happy to be of service and over here are the little buses they are our biggest troublemakers hello nice to meet you all so we are having a welcome party for jay tomorrow do you guys want to come wow a welcome party of course we'll be there the next day after work lonnie is heading to the playground the welcome party is this afternoon right hello my name is jay hope jay and i become close soon hello can you pull over there huh okay [Music] oh why are you doing that just as i thought your back tire is getting flat oh it's fine as it is no it's too dangerous go directly to the garage and fix it now i'm supposed to play with my friends at the playground if you get in an accident you'll put other cars in danger go right now all right [Applause] [Music] it's not like it's completely flat lonnie arrives at the playground after fixing her tire guys i'm here wow one more time okay [Music] oh come on shine oh lonnie have you seen tayo or the others lately um they left earlier because it was time to go to work oh i must have come too late we were supposed to play play with us then huh okay now it's my turn to get on wait [Music] jay look at this my tire is all fixed what are you doing until we finish inspecting the elevator the playground is off limits but speed and shine rode the elevator just let me go once uh no go back [Music] i want to ride too she is really scary she must not like lonnie you're no fair jay [Music] where did you go we waited forever let's hurry up and go to jay's welcome party i'm not going you guys go what why all of a sudden you really wanted to go to jay's welcome party i don't want to go anymore i'm just going to play in the playground oh lonnie hmm what's wrong with her i don't know an upset lonnie does not go to the welcome party but goes to the playground alone i'm the only one not allowed huh [Music] it doesn't even look broken oh no go back i'm sure she doesn't like me [Music] oh there's no problem [Music] what's happening oh congratulations on joining our emergency center congratulations thanks everyone huh wait lonnie didn't come with you guys um that's she went to the playground did you say the playground yes rookie why did you tell her that what she didn't want to come here so she went to the playground i better go oh jay where are you going rookie just in case i want you to grab the emergency slide and go to the playground [Music] help me is anyone there lonnie jay over here [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] don't be scared i'll be down soon [Music] huh lonnie jay there must be something wrong with the elevator let's hurry okay oh no are you hurt that was pretty scary huh you're all right now [Music] the emergency slide has been installed stand back okay [Music] okay let's go okay [Music] oh jay there's a fire it's okay go down okay [Music] oh [Music] lonnie are you okay yes if it wasn't for jay you could have been in a lot of danger you're right no i was just doing my job jay thank you for saving me oh gee oh your hair is burned oh oh this it's okay money i'm sure i told you the elevator was off limit so why did you come to ride it actually i didn't think the elevator was really broken i thought you wouldn't let me ride because you didn't like me what me yes every time we met you always seem to get mad at me that's not because i don't like you it's because i was worried really of course it's my job to make sure you're not in any danger i didn't know that sorry jay [Music] no problem but next time i tell you to be careful you have to listen to me okay okay the next morning lonnie goes to the emergency center to meet jay jay jay huh where did she go luddy huh is there something wrong frank by any chance have you seen jay oh you're looking for jay jay come out here hi gee it really suits you thank you oh now you can go and play in the playground i just finished fixing the elevator really oh wow exciting today i'm going to play in the playground wait lani have you received your safety check today yes of course okay then goodbye bye drive safely okay we hope our new rescue worker jay continues her good work air the brave helicopter it's a sunny afternoon and tayo is driving across the bridge what a beautiful day huh it's pat i wonder what's going on i'll go check it out rocky pat tyle what's going on over there help out they look like they're about to fall in he should be here soon there he is huh oh that's air the new helicopter from the fire stations coming to the rescue [Applause] nice job here thanks excuse me you are really really awesome thanks just doing my job i'm taiyo it's nice to meet you same here now i've got to get back to work see you later okay see you later he's so cool i saw something amazing today amazing what was it i saw a helicopter rescuing people in trouble a helicopter yeah his name is air and he's a new part of the rescue team it was awesome he flew down from the sky and and rescued people out of the water that sounds awesome um since he knows me already i'll introduce you guys the next time we see him wow i'm excited to meet you me too what should i say to him hello kyle's [Laughter] [Music] the little buses seem excited to meet air the next morning lanny was running her route huh whoa that must be air hey you're air right air air [Music] so he doesn't even want to speak to me is that it gani is helping rubby clean the playground there all done nice work rubby huh whoa that must be air here yeah he's the new helicopter at the fire station wow so cool let's call him hey huh oh hello how do you know my name well we heard about you from tayo ah you must be taiyo's friends yes my name is gani yeah and i'm robbie nice to meet you um hey air if you're not too busy how would you like to play with us play with you here [Music] oh we're a bit dirty huh sorry we were cleaning i'm sorry guys maybe next time goodbye uh air he flew away hmm maybe it's because i'm so dirty he's here ugh i'm so tired hello who are you i'm tayo's friend rogie i've been waiting here to talk to you oh oh i see wow you could really fly that's so cool wait don't get so close wow you're really amazing get away from me [Music] hey guys huh what's wrong you guys what happened oh it's nothing it's not nothing air ignored all of us what he didn't even look at me when i kept calling out his name and he just flew away when ghani asked him to play uh really yeah i think it was because i was so dirty from cleaning and he told me to get away from him what no way he did he thinks he's too good for us no no way i'm gonna have to go see him [Music] there he is air it's me tayo what is he really ignoring me air hey huh kyle what are you doing here oh didn't you hear me calling your name no i'm sorry i can't hear very well taiyo because of my propeller what then maybe did you hear my friend lanny call your name earlier today ah no i must have missed her because of the noise i knew it but why did you turn down ghani when he asked to play with you ah the one that was cleaning if i got too close to him i would have blown away the trash they collected it's a shame because i really wanted to play oh that's why but why did you tell rogie to get away from you rogie oh he was getting too close i was afraid he would get hurt by my propeller and so i yelled at him by mistake and felt really bad so it was just a misunderstanding my friends are all really disappointed because they think you did all that stuff on purpose i see i'll talk to them let's go and sort it out but come on even if we sorted it out i know they wouldn't want to be friends with me what that's how it's always been not only do we look different i can't drive on the ground like you so i've always been alone so you don't have to go through so much trouble for me oh air oh then i'll go and talk to them alone huh it's true so you don't have to be mad at him you're right why isn't he here to tell us himself see he does think he's too good for us come on guys it's not like that i'm going to quit [Applause] are you guys oh the next morning tayo was running his route ah i wonder what i should do now huh a fire clear the roads it's not safe there's a huge fire up there i know hey guys we have a problem hannah is inside that building what i dropped her off in front of it really guys look [Applause] oh no it's too high up [Music] helicopter air to the rescue oh no we can't get close because of the smoke it's not safe for him i can do this he went into the spoke air please be safe [Music] i'm okay guys air came to my rescue see you later wait wait thanks for rescuing hannah ayer thank you so much thank you it was no problem and we're sorry yeah for misunderstanding you this whole time yeah it was wrong of us to judge you like that we're sorry huh that's okay i'm sorry for not making things clear but would you like to be my new friend we want to this is great hey air can i be one of your new friends too [Music] it's not hard to make new friends you guys i'd love that thanks guys the brave helicopter has made many new friends now he won't be lonely anymore peanuts misunderstanding one fine afternoon peanut enters the garage now that i'm off work what should i do peanuts hello you went to the mountain for work today it's really nice up there lately with all the flowers wow really i want to go too peanut can you show us around the mountain yeah let's go the weather's really nice as well right great let's go for a picnic where is lanny i don't know i guess she's still working oh this is exciting let's go okay it'll be such fun [Applause] wow let's hurry and go up come on okay manny will be upset if she finds out we came here without her what are you doing peanut let's go okay [Laughter] lanny returns to the garage later in the day guys [Music] where did everyone go it was really fun yeah yeah hey everyone where were you guys all day we went to the mountain with peanut today the mountain just you guys oh what if lanny gets angry wow those are nice balloons they are where did you get them oh we got these at the mountain actually aren't you jealous we had so much fun yeah it looked really nice up there with lots of pretty flowers you just left me out let's go back next time sure lenny's angry we should have brought her it's the next day oh isn't that what's she doing why is she at my garage the balloon um [Music] peanut how can you abandon me and go for a picnic uh no no way let's just go and wash myself [Music] what do you mean [Music] i'll get going now uh what what are you talking about with lanny just now what uh that's uh how was it huh lanny told me not to tell you wait tyler she didn't want him to tell me could it be he went on a picnic without me he's not my friend anymore not your friend so you shouldn't hang out with peanut either i'll get going now oh no no we left lanny out for the picnic i shouldn't have done that you still have bubbles on you what should i do charging complete lanny seems to be really angry hey oh huh can you move if you're done oh i'm sorry [Music] i may not be friends with lanny anymore like this fortunately there's nothing wrong peanut i think i have to apologize to lanny what oh peanuts been acting a little weird since earlier is he what's going on oh there she is hey hey lenny that's so mean oh no what do i do peanut becomes worried because lanny seemed very upset i don't think i'll ever be friends with lanny again look at that huh wow those are such pretty forsythias wow yellow flowers when he's also yellow oh right lenny will be happy if i show her these flowers wow they are so pretty you are the best ah don't mention it thanks peanuts then i can properly apologize to her [Music] i'm glad i found a way [Music] we arrived at the destination thank you lonnie goodbye oh it's finally done ready oh it's peanuts oh no lenny oh hi peanut um do you want to go on a picnic to the mountain with me a picnic uh i don't think i want to go oh come on there's something i really want to show you uh it's nice up here isn't it oh yeah wow the weather is nice as well do you really think it's nice it was just a little earlier no i have to bring her quickly to where the flowers are [Music] i wanted to show you this place [Music] what all the flowers have fallen oh no i can't reconcile with lanny like this wow it's a yellow flower road do you like it yes it's really pretty [Music] wow it really is um i'm really sorry about the other day you must be really angry because we let you out oh i was never angry no i am actually the one that needs to apologize huh what do you mean you know that balloon you brought the other day [Music] i was going to play with it for just a short moment [Music] oh no what do i do uh what you pop peanuts balloon speaking of that tayo do not tell me that i will get going now i was going to apologize right away but then i got scared when you suddenly appeared so that's what happened but why were you so angry at the garage at the garage oh that's because rogie was [Music] guys you know those balloons you got from the mountain can i have one of them i already lost it mine floated away while i was playing with it what i still have mine huh wow are you really rocky can i have it please i'll do anything anything don't change your mind of course not then first bring me some wheels to play with then clean my garage oh and can you do the errand that mana asked me to do earlier all of that you said you'll do anything i asked do you not need the balloon anymore okay fine [Music] i finished everything you asked oh yeah yeah so can i have the balloon okay okay here [Music] what's this it's all deflated [Music] it still is a balloon oh i did everything you asked you are so mean oh hey daddy that's so mean i see yeah i'm so sorry that i popped your blood oh don't worry i was very worried thinking that you were angry so will you forgive me there is nothing to forgive let's just have fun okay [Laughter] this is so pretty [Music] oh it's a butterfly you may think that you're a flower [Music] [Laughter] oh wow those look nice [Music] they have resolved their misunderstanding and have now become even closer friends
Channel: Tayo the Little Bus
Views: 3,486,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tayo, tayo tayo, bus animation, tayo the little bus english, tayo english episode, show for kids, kids animation, Tayo, Lani, gani, nursery rhymes, titipo, tayo train, Titipo train, tayo bus, english episode, tayo episode english, Tayo S6 English Episodes, Cartoon for Kids, Tayo the Little Bus, Tayo S6 EP9, tayo season 6, tayo the little bus season 6, My Friend Cargo, tayo cargo, tayo airplane, tayo plane
Id: Dp_UI3y677s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 10sec (2650 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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