Tayo Episode & Song l The Brave Heavy Vehicle Rangers! l Clang Clang Bang Bang~ l Tayo Episode Club

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Kyle [Music] new rescuer Jay it's a sunny afternoon and the little buses are on their way to the emergency center I wonder why rookie wants to see us I don't know maybe he wants to give me an award because I'm such a great bus uh I don't think so hmm [Music] oh mom Let's cross okay oh I'm late I'm late oh are you okay yes wow that was close thank you so much it was nothing as long as you're okay okay then [Music] hello welcome wow it is so clean is there something special happening a new member of our rescue crew is coming today a new member oh there she is now oh that's the person we saw earlier hello my name is Jay wow nice to meet you Jay welcome to the emergency center happy to be of service and over here are the little buses they are our biggest troublemakers Hello nice to meet you all so we are having a welcome party for Jay tomorrow do you guys want to come whoa a local party [Laughter] the next day after work Lonnie is heading to the playground welcome party is this afternoon right hello my name is Jay [Music] hello can you pull over there [Music] oh why are you doing that just as I thought your back tire is getting flat oh it it's fine as it is it is no it's too dangerous go directly to the garage and fix it now [Music] if you get in an accident you'll put other cars in danger go right now all right [Applause] [Music] it's not like it's completely flat Lonnie arrives at the playground after fixing her Tire guys I'm here wow one more time okay oh come on [Music] you seen Tayo or the others lately um they left earlier because it was time to go to work play with play with then huh okay now it's my turn to get on wait [Music] Jay look at this my tire is all fixed what are you doing until we finish inspecting the elevator the playground is off limits [Music] oh no go back I want to ride too she is really scary she must not like Lonnie [Music] Tayo the Little Bus y where did you go we waited forever let's hurry up and go to Jay's welcome party I'm not going you guys go one while all of a sudden you really wanted to go to Jay's welcome party I don't want to go anymore I'm just going to play in the playground oh Lonnie hmm what's wrong with her I don't know an upset Lonnie does not go to the welcome party but goes to the playground alone I'm the only one not allowed huh [Music] it doesn't even look broken oh no go back I'm sure she doesn't like me ah there's no problem what's happening [Music] congratulations on joining our Emergency Center congratulations thanks everyone huh wait Lonnie didn't come with you guys she went to the playground did you say the playground yes Roki why did you tell her that what she didn't want to come here so she went to the playground I better go oh Jay where are you going rookie just in case I want you to grab the emergency slide and go to the playground oh [Music] Lonnie [Music] over here Mommy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't be scared I'll be down soon [Music] huh Mommy gee there must be something wrong with the elevator let's hurry okay baloney's in danger are you hurt that was pretty scary huh you're all right now huh the emergency slide has been installed stand back okay okay yeah [Music] okay let's go okay okay there's a fire it's okay go down okay okay [Music] [Music] Lonnie are you okay yes if it wasn't for Jay you could have been in a lot of danger you're right no I was just doing my job Jay thank you for saving me oh Jay your hair is burned oh oh this it's okay mommy I'm sure I told you the elevator was off limits so why did you come to ride it actually I didn't think the elevator was really broken I thought you wouldn't let me ride because you didn't like me what me yes every time we met you always seem to get mad at me that's not because I don't like you it's because I was worried of course it's my job to make sure you're not in any danger I didn't know that sorry jay no problem the next time I tell you to be careful you have to listen to me okay okay the next morning Lonnie goes to the emergency center to meet Jay Jay huh where did she go bloody huh is there something wrong chance have you seen Jay oh you're looking for Jay Jay come out here hi it really suits you thank you oh now you can go and play in the playground I just finished fixing the Elevator Hurry hurry wow exciting today I'm going to play in the playground wait Lonnie have you received your safety check today okay then goodbye bye drive safely okay we hope our new Rescue worker Jay continues her good work the brave cars Tayo is driving happily along as always [Music] why are you so happy yeah we are on the way to the theater to watch Fireball it's going to be so fun I'm very excited wow really you must be so happy [Music] enjoy the movie okay bye tayo's done working and going back to his garage ah the movie must be done by now how much fun it would be oh there is a fire that's the theater building I should go now guys who knows the theater is on fire what if Dory is still in the theater guys look over there is still in there oh what should we do please [Music] the brave fire truck is on the way with the powerful blast of water help put out a fire the red fire truck is on the way save people with the long long ladder don't worry now everyone we are here to help you call us anytime when you're in trouble We Are The Brave Stars oh Yuri are you all right I think you should go to a hospital the brave ambulance is on the way please please take away the patience [Music] the kind ambulance [Music] please please [Music] don't worry please take good care of Billy Alice all right guys no worries you'll call us anytime when you're in trouble [Music] oh no we're stuck in traffic upgrave police car is on the way whenever you need help okay are you ready call us rookie the great Holy Star is on the way whenever you're in trouble let us handle it don't worry now everyone we are here to help you call us anytime when you're in trouble [Music] we are here [Music] please Dory is coming out from the hospital with his mom huh are you okay now Dory us look at me I'm all right I'm so glad that you look good thank you so much everyone it was all because of you I knew it Frank and Alice are the best and Pat and rookie too it's all true every one of you is way cooler than Fireball oh really we are cooler than a fireball I'm so relieved that Dory didn't get hurt too badly Frank Alice and Pat are Really Brave cars for sure let's go the heavy machinery Rangers the heavy machinery are visiting a film set over here wow I'm nervous now that we're on a film set why would you be nervous that's old-fashioned excuse me are you here to help with the construction uh yes you will work over there follow me okay you're trembling more than me director here are the audition clips for the lead role let me see a Superhero took oh [Music] no my name is Lee again no ah this isn't it I still don't have a lead come this way slowly very nice [Music] Perfect Harmony created by working as one yes this is the perfect picture it's perfect what I want you all to be in my film um uh but we're here to work not to be in now listen think about it imagine yourselves as a lead in a film villain has turned the city upside down save those in danger the heavy machinery Rangers Assemble how's that but we've never acted before I'll do it what well you're pretty cool we are and it sounds like fun you guys too oh great perfect the next day the heavy machinery went out bright and early heavy machinery Ranger one Chris on the go [Music] Al what kind of action acting is that that's comedy oh it's harder than I thought we should practice a lot so we're not humiliated to guard the city everyone leave it to me [Music] hello everyone wow where was that cool line from yeah I just imitated Guardian X Guardian X yes he's a film character and a hero who protects the city actually this is a secret Bud yesterday we were cast as leads for a film as Rangers you know a ranger [Music] oh a guardian X [Music] or if we can pull it off you just have to practice copy the cool things that Heroes do uh Tayo can you help us practice huh me yes we don't know what to do he's right we need you to teach us please Style okay then I'm not that confident but I'll see what I would like okay then ready action it looks bad the cars are in danger to ward off the city and save evil you'll wart off the city you said you'd save evil let's try again ready action we must save the evil no no ward off [Music] [Laughter] Max Chris you have to be serious you can't keep laughing superheroes can't laugh when they're saving people that is true but I can't help that it's funny I really then how about yeah we'll practice holding in your laughter [Music] even though you want to um [Music] is this supposed to help [Music] do you have any other poses oh there poses superheroes make Grand poses are you talking about this oh come on come on [Music] [Applause] try dancing what does that have to do with great poses if you move to the music you'll think of some nice poses oh gosh do I have to show off my moves don't be too surprised do Heroes usually dance [Music] we're all set here is everything ready it's ready [Music] oh let's shoot let's do exactly as we practiced okay okay ready action heroes are serious [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're too scary guys how about you smile a bit it's good to be serious but your faces are way too scary oh okay let's go again don't mess up this time okay the scene ready action Rangers spin spin spin let's go [Music] oh God [Music] Poco you don't have to do that [Music] no this isn't right after that the heavy machinery kept on making mistakes [Music] let's take a break huh [Music] didn't help you at all it just caused problems not really we just don't fit the rules no it's more like can you gather round oh see you later okay they all practice so hard shouldn't this be over there [Music] are you okay Kyle uh what on Earth is [Music] director [Music] this is it it's perfect you put yourselves in danger to prevent a huge accident you sacrificed yourselves to save another this is the true hero I wanted to film you were all awesome were we I just thought of an amazing scene everyone prepare to shoot [Applause] there's a heavy machinery really the leads of a movie you bet guys thanks everyone for coming to the preview how did you end up in the film it's all thanks to two what is it what is it what did you do I Wanna Know what I did was [Music] shall we head inside as well yes [Music] the heavy machinery always do their best and that's so cool [Music] let's build Ty and his friends are on the road but what's all that noise oh what's that noise [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] like yeah can I stay and watch you some more of course you can I could show you something even cooler who oh they must be low on fuel actually I think it's time for me to refuel too then why don't we go to the charging station together okay yeah we'll be back in a minute kids just be careful not to touch anything okay we won't yeah okay it's my turn now didn't we promise Max that we wouldn't touch anything yeah but this is okay really um [Applause] you have to catch me oh no [Music] no this puts us in a real brine I don't think we'll be able to meet the deadline now I think you can really handle it of course we can well let's work together and get this done okay [Music] [Music] [Music] there is nothing we can't achieve joining forces makes us strong [Music] [Applause] [Music] just leave it to me we can build a crack bang bang children make it strong and starting oh yeah drill don't make it save far wow did you guys really help make this building well of course in fact if it weren't for us it would never have been finished yeah we heard you guys almost ruin the sign yeah but still thanks to Tayo and his friends the building was finished on time [Music] rewind it's a bright afternoon and the little buses are leaving school [Music] am I are you planning something fun we're hosting a festival at the garage today a festival a festival what festival it's the birthday festival and we play fun games too wow that sounds great but it's just for buses we don't have that kind of Festival uh I'd say you don't have a festival like this oh I'm jealous we'll get going now [Music] it's raining [Music] it's raining harder let's hurry back to the garage okay be careful Hannah oh there we go oh you're back oh why are you taking those down there for the festival no way oh the thing is actually the birthday Festival was canceled there will just be lots of rain but a typhoon is coming too it's a Pity but it had to be canceled let's have more fun next year yes let's go and get some rest oh yeah I really look forward to the festival why did the typhoon have to come today ah how about we host a festival ourselves you mean us oh how we can all work together we'll split the role and organize a festival that sounds like fun that's a great idea oh let's invite everyone to the festival the other cars too that's right the festivals we had so far were just for buses this time let's have a festival for everyone okay we'll host a festival for everyone the next morning the little buses gathered to prepare for the festival where should we start first we should decorate the garage we'll need durations for that oh I have an idea follow up look around oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey well isn't this cool this is this is all trash not decorations what you don't know what you're talking about where was it it was definitely here I found it look isn't it pretty hey guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you all okay what's this for anyway we were looking for festival decorations the bus Day Festival was canceled instead we'll host a festival for everyone whoa that's cool but all we have what what just just sir what wow this is amazing what did you do peanut I picked some pretty flowers from Namsan it's like magic Wow do you still think it's junk What then shall we prepare something else okay [Music] Tayo the Little Bus Lani and gunny decided to look for things to do at the festival [Music] let's find things our friends will like [Music] this looks like fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] there all done okay this is it will this be enough of course it will be so how do we take this all back you're right guys Tony eracha what are you doing here well a festival for everyone then can we come too of course you can wow we'll help you move the stuff you will if it's a festival for everyone of course we must help thanks guys tayo's in charge of promoting the festival there will be a festival [Music] uh um there will be a festival in a few days the signal changed oh dear sorry [Music] why isn't anyone interested [Music] hello hello what's this we're hosting a festival at our garage a festival well that sounds like fun but it's hard to spread word about it what if no one ends up coming oh Nuri can we hurry up a bit I might be late [Music] come to the festival it's the day of the little buses Festival but why isn't anyone coming Tayo did you tell people about it of course I did no one was interested but still oh we worked so hard on it what if no one comes was I not able to reach enough people on my own now [Music] [Applause] is this where the festival is yes how did you hear about it that taxi over there told me I thought you were struggling on your own so I helped out wow well first of all that should be fun there's a festival at the bus garage oh really let's go to the Festival together okay take people everywhere all the time so we're good at spreading word [Music] everyone welcome to the festival [Music] oh it's so pretty we are giving out pretty artwork oh yeah what are you doing this isn't trash [Music] are you ready are you having fun yes yes because you all came together to help we managed to host this Festival thank you to thank you we prepared a little gift [Music] mysterious Magic the most special time in the world you will die I'll be with you forever shake your body and sing together stomp your feet and dance together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it really became a festival for everyone it's always better and happier to be with others the strong heavy vehicles the heavy vehicles are driving while on vacation hooray it's been a long time to go on a picnic I know I want to go faster why are they moving so slowly it's so good to have a break once in a while what fun things should we do when we get there what should we do how about a digging competition that's only your specialty oh why aren't they moving the lights green well they're not fast enough it's a green light [Music] what's this [Music] I was astonished look what is this I'm all covered with dirt [Music] I don't think this works let's go back oh their vacation been waiting for is ruined I know oh my what's going on look over there oh oh no what should we do hey kids what happened Billy Poco that old tunnel has collapsed because of the heavy rain we can't go through there what hey guys come on let's do it yes I am I am a bulldozer I can push anything let's go I can flatten bumpy roads very smoothly I can push even a big rock a evil sand it's not a big deal for me [Music] I am I am a bulldozer I can push anything now oh boy and I am an excavator I can lift up anything let me show what I can do I can lift up a pile of sand I can handle that very easily and take a big hole it's not a big deal for me all right it's all good I am I am an excavator [Music] I can load up anything no problem easily even big trees and heavy iron it's not a big deal for me okay this is the last one I am I am a dump truck I can load up anything [Applause] what I can't make things very strong all right twirl twirl mix many things I can make things very strong even big pillars even a very hard wall it's not a big deal for me okay now let me finish it I am I am a cement truck so I can make things very strong [Music] heavy vehicles [Music] okay everyone pass through the tunnel one by one thank you for fixing the tunnel huh thank you for fixing the tunnel no problem that was nothing [Music] hey look hello I'm sorry about this morning I know we made you feel embarrassed oh really I knew you were also awesome that's right even though the heavy Vehicles couldn't go on vacation all other cars start to love them after their great work
Channel: Tayo Episode Club
Views: 43,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tayo, tayobus, Tayo episode, tayo episode english, tayo episode club, tayo english episode, tayo season episode, tayo season 1, tayo season 2, tayo season 3, tayo season 4, tayo season 5, tayo little theater
Id: YuKCkBYMt48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 7sec (2887 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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