Taylor Swift – exile (feat. Bon Iver) (Official Lyric Video)
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Channel: TaylorSwiftVEVO
Views: 49,020,903
Rating: 4.9392772 out of 5
Keywords: Taylor, Swift, exile, (Lyric, Video), Alternative
Id: osdoLjUNFnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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Invisible string!
Edit: betty!!
Hey, this isn't black metal, what the fuck!
Haven't been a Swift fan for a LONG time, like since she left her more country sound. When I read that this album was co-written by the Dessner brothers (The National), and has a Bon Iver feature, I decided to give it a shot.
I still have goosebumps from this song. The rest of the album fantastic as well.
This is a treat for us Swifties x Bon Iver fans...
Music Critics: "Fiona Apple made the best album of the year!"
Also Music Critics: "Taylor Swift has entered the battle!"
Big Bon Iver fan here, never even tried with Taylor Swift tbh but this is just lovely.
this song is graciously beautiful. But that was a wretched decision for me to give this song ago while two drinks in last night.
This song is gorgeous. Might be my favorite of the year. Justin and Taylor better continue to collaborate in the future.
I didn't think I would be saying that any time soon but this Taylor Swift album SLAPS