TAX ADVICE for People Making UNDER $40,000 a Year
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Channel: ClearValue Tax
Views: 735,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tax advice, tax credits, tax credit, tax return, taxes, tax, pay less tax, pay less taxes, taxes 2020, 2020 taxes, filing taxes, filing your tax return, earned income tax credit, lower your taxes, tax tips, turbo tax, turbotax, tax commercial 2020, turbotax 2020 super bowl commercial, all people are tax people, turbotax 2020, turbotax commerical 2020, tax 2020, 2020 tax, W-4, W 4, W4 2020, how to fill out a w4 2020, tax updates 2020, new tax laws for 2020, new tax laws
Id: 2qawJC461H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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