Tavern Time Livestream! | Q&A During the Maintenance Patch 1.0.6

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] o [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] la [Music] a [Music] a [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yes there are drops on this channel there's no old drops though I believe it's just the new ones sorry it's uh it's still really early here where I live so it's very dark out so all the lighting is up um it'll get fixed once the sunrise in like half an hour um then your team always changes the time of update after posting um we did not change the time of update actually it's the same time um if you just mean in general like our updates are at different times uh that usually depends on how big the update is and who needs to be involved in it but usually we do around like 4: to 6:00 am. Pacific Time what up everybody hopefully I assume everything's working uh do you guys okay one if you prefer like this volume of Music in the background while I talk or two if you prefer no music so one if you prefer with music two without uh okay it looks about dead even I think there's more twos though oh my God yeah Okay I uh I prefer you saying there's definitely more twos okay so we'll do no no music um but there's a lot of ones as well a few threes um I think they got a little lost but uh um so yeah I'm going to be going through the patch notes doing tons of answers stuff like that um with this though guys um the reason why we are not posting it right away is because I already I've done we did this once before for a main stream we posted the patch right away and it just basically became people just asking a billion different questions as I was um as I was literally like trying to go through it and so it just kind of like sidetracked way too much so what we're going to do is we're going to go through the patch notes and then we're going to posting them um I will go like quicker through them in terms of like um we'll expand on them a lot more afterwards uh throughout the maintenance however uh I will go through kind of each thing a little bit um yeah but just so you guys know so if you guys are like only just waiting for the patch notes to get posted uh probably 20 minutes 30 minutes um and then you can go especially if like you need the translated version or whatever uh we'll be doing like 20 Patron codes at the end of the stream as well all right let's go through it we'll do questions after because I know people want to see the patch notes um okay just kind of some introductory stuff happy patch day Adventures we're excited to share with you uh all the details of our latest patch patch 1.06 it's a big one full of features the community has greatly anticipated and we can't wait for you all to Dive Right in um a big thank you to each of you for your patience as we work tires slly to make Raven Dawn better every week your feedback has been incredibly valuable continue to point us in the to the parts of Raven Dawn that need our attention the most uh we're T we've tackled some Hefty challenges but we're committed to improving the game uh so what's new let's get into it and also apologies If I Stumble more than usual over my words um it's it's still very early here so or not very early um but uh it's still early here so brain's still kind of cooking up and usually it's already at half capacity so um okay level progression changes um we've noticed the grind has been real especially for our casual players who can only join us for a couple hours each day initially we aimed for a slower progression to keep things balanced but it's clear we need to adjust um so to be clear when renon launched we knew we wanted to be on the low side compared to most Mo rbgs but even in general like for what we wanted we wanted to be on the low side um we wanted to make sure that you know it's better to undershoot that than to overshoot that right if you go too far to other side um there's way bigger risks involved in that um and so we wanted to be on that low side to make sure that we had room to make adjustments um which we have and uh and ultimately we do feel it's important to make some adjustments because while the pace that it took some players to get to the top level um the pace that average players are going at like you know players who are playing I don't know an hour to four hours a day um is way slower than we intended or were like um you're talking too fast I don't understand anything yeah apologies I'll try and talk slower um I'm a fast speaker though in general uh so I will but I understand if you're English Second Language and stuff like that um or even just English first language I I understand I talk uh usually really fast so I'll try and talk a little slower um usually though it you know I I talk the speed I talk at so usually it comes back um but I'll try and be cognizant of that you're good man I'm not native and it's fine yeah I mean like my staff are used to how fast I talk of course but to be fair they all have like pretty much perfect English um all right uh I'll probably do questions at the end otherwise I'm going to get sidetracked for so long as you guys know so let me go through the patch notes and then we'll do questions on like all the patch notes afterwards okay I'll go back through everything and we can do like questions for each thing um but let me just let me just rapid fire through this so everyone gets the patch notes as quick as possible here um to make your to make your joury journey more enjoyable we're introducing several updates including daily free milkas uh land ownership changes and adjustments to creature strength progression check below me by the way I'm zoomed in a lot more for the sake of OBS um or for sorry for the sake of stream um so some things are going to be a little extra pixelated uh but you know I I'm still again I'm not a streamer um a lot of things I do are probably formatted the wrong way uh I accept that again this is not uh something that I do very often other than for these streams um so uh the wait is over medium and large community lands are finally here in patch 1.06 um these additional Community lands uh come with the same upfront and ongoing costs as open world counterparts um open world land is roughly 5% larger than Community Land um same things that we've talked about in past patches we just decided to include it again for anyone new uh land ownership changes uh we heard your concerns about balancing land ownership with the introduction of medium and large Community Land biggest thing here is people saying like Okay I own a small piece of land what happens when any like when I can just get a medium or large um on Community Land um we already knew how we wanted to change this we just didn't want to announce it until the patch came up because it's just easier if we just do each patch at a time um and so uh with this update players will now be able to own up to three pieces of land one of each size however the rule of owning just one piece of open world land still applies what this means is if you own a small open world land you will be able to own a medium and large Community Land if you own a large open world land you'll be able to own a small and Comm medium or a medium Community Land um you'll also now have up to three houses you able to decorate upgrade and customize while you will benefit from the bonuses or from the bonus of rooms in multiple houses you will not be able to stack the same room type bonus from multiple houses with this change land ownership with this change land own ownership it means players will be able to produce as well as well as gain a larger amount of experience from their land this is intended as we feel the value of materials on the market is consistently very high for their crafting output additionally we want to see slightly larger sense of progression for casual players as uh through their land usage so uh sneak peek also we have uh many many more room types coming in the near future room types that will benefit non- Crafters as well um and and a handful of other uh kind of more unique things with rooms um with this there there's kind of a few reasons that we wanted to do this obviously one we kind of had to otherwise there would be no value to small or medium land at some point um but the other thing as well is is we do want to see a larger sense of that casual player progression in terms of okay log in tend to my land for a bit knock out some Rangers company tasks again we'll talk about a change coming to Rangers company tasks soon um and log off and not feel like oh I I wasn't able to grind for 14 hours today so I I really don't have a spot in this game and again while we are a grind heavy mm RBG and that probably won't change or won't change um we do want to also bring up that that more casual players so they can be involved in the game and feel relevant in the game and feel like they're progressing through the game um you know won't change the fact that power gamers are obviously going to be ahead because in the end of the day if you know if you're playing 14 hours a day you deserve to have an advantage um but we do feel like right now that that casual player needs to be brought up quite a bit um so we're going to be talking about a few other changes as well um but this is a big one also I see like a million people taking me for questions I'll do questions at the end otherwise it's going to take me forever to get through this okay um and the other thing too that's important there is uh the value of materials in the market um has been like a huge thing uh in the end of the day it is very hard to just craft stuff um you know there's multiple of reasons for this but one of the big reasons is just an under supply of materials for what the actual demand is and that demand does have a little bit of a cap obviously um with with the tax system in the game um but the amount of materials being produced is just way too low um and so this is also a change that we want involved in that um here's just kind of a visual of how the land will look today and how you'll be able to make use of it um yeah progression and strength improvements uh based on significant feedback on the strength progression of Raven Dawn we have made some changes to it um to be clear guys strength progression is referring to um that feeling of like okay I gained a level while creatures will scale with you it was debatably getting harder like once you got level 40 creatures are now like harder than what you were facing at 30 um even though kind of incomparable with exp um and so that is something we wanted to change while we all will always will be that kind of scaling MMO like like World of Warcraft Final Fantasy where creatures do Scale based on their level and whatnot um it was kind of doing like too much of the reverse effect you should still feel that sense of progression and power game um and that was uh Power gain and that was something that we were uh missing and so uh starting from level 30 creatures will scale slightly differently than before making your journey through Raven daon feel more rewarding as you grow stronger these adjustments also mean players will see faster experience and loot from grinding creatures in Raven Dawn um while these changes will be noticeable we will continue to fine-tune our changes Based on data collected over the next few days post patch um so yeah like most of you guys will notice that that the creature difficulty on some things is lower you're able to maybe pull a couple extra mobs than you were able to before um however uh whether it is like too low too high we will continue to fine-tune these if anything we feel like it might be a little bit on the little side we might see a little bit more of a change um but we will uh we'll be going through the data over the next couple days um and probably through the weekend and making some fine-tune adjustments um it's it's an incredibly easy thing for us to continue to fine-tune with the way that we've set it up um and so if we need to make adjustments on the Fly for like quick reboots and stuff like that uh we definitely will milk tea uh meet the newest beverage addition to Raven Dawn milk tea available from the bartender at the tavern and Raven Quest this tastey beverage is obtained for 4,000 silver and boosts your next 50,000 experience by 20% for a total of 10,000 so pretty simple um it's only purchasable in game uh 4,000 silver from the bartender and essentially you're next to ,000 experience will be slightly boosted um with this uh players Legacy level 20 or above will receive up to three soulbound milk teas Baily daily based on their legacy level when they log in um this is essentially because again we do want to have that like minor boost for more casual players um but all players will obviously benefit from this um but it gives that opportunity for for yeah a little bit of an exp boost um for that for that short period it also like to be clear we also intentionally have it in as a silver sink as well well um calling spawns does that buff stay upon death it does it will not uh death and log out will not remove it oh that gift broke my screen with that 1.06 we are thrilled to unveil a new system in Raven on called coling spawns these are are random temporary enhancements to existing sorry let me just move this um these are random temporary enhancements to existing level 40 plus spawns that will cause them to drop a new inventory item known as C eyes C eyes can be attained through traditional looting methods however similar to trade packs if you die while in possession of a c eye um they will drop and leave behind a bag that other players can pick up you you will not receive any infamy for killing a player carrying called eyes players can collect called eyes and turn them into any Rangers company quartermaster for a significant reward of experience in Dawn Essence while holding called eyes players will be prohibited from using teleportation and shrines uh the quantity of called eyes a player is carrying will be displayed under their name plate similar to the visibility of trade packs this is to ensure uh this ensures that the potential loot others can gain from you is clear to all there is a daily turn in limit of 200 called eyes after which the rewards of experience and Dawn Essence will diminish to prevent Mass boosting this limit is set conservatively to begin with and we may adjust it based on impact um the rewards from called eyes experience and Dawn Essence are subject to adjustments based on ongoing data analysis to ensured balance um so yeah same thing with most of things in this patch and to be fair everything that we patch in um everything we will review after it's implemented and see hey does this feel right does the amount of experience in Dawn Essence feel right is it too high is it too low and we will make quick adjustments again these are just simple config edits so they're incredibly fast for us to make adjustments on um and we will if we you know go goes 24 hours and we're like okay the experience is clearly too high from this uh we will reduce the experience if it feels too low we will increase the experience um you know there there's so many factors at play with this like how active like how conflicted will these spawns be right if they're incredibly conflicted um you know then it's important that we make sure that the reward is even a little bit higher right because it's going to be harder to get those cold eyes out um but if they're like not very conflicted well okay then maybe we have to make adjustments to the Rewards or adjustments to how active these spawns are and stuff like that um right now we'll essentially have two cold spawns active at a time um however that might be changed it might be increased to more it might be reduced to less um notably called eyes cannot be stored in your bank ensuring no Advantage is gained by those with May mobile bunk Bank monks Jesus Christ CH I'm stumbling over words right now um but yeah essentially this was like obviously something that we wanted to avoid we wanted to avoid a situation where just because someone has a shop item they can just like deposit it and have no risk um but uh yeah they will not be able to be deposited in any way if you're carrying them you have that risk and uh yeah um here's just a quick screenshot of uh yeah and so just to be clear you can turn into any uh Rangers company quartermaster um not just the one in uh Glade Meyer anymore legendary fish to introduce further risk but also higher reward for Fishers um in renon patch 1.06 will introduce a new legendary fish mechanic during ocean fishing players will have a 1% chance of catching a legendary version of a fish while these legendary fish will pose the same challenge to catch as their normal counterparts they will be valued at 25% of their 25 200% of their normal silver however in a manner similar to called eyes if a player dies while in possession of any legendary fish these fish will automatically be dropped for others to claim this adds an additional layer of risk to fishing as players must ensure they safely transport these valuable caches to prevent loss but will be more significantly rewarded for doing so the quantity of legendary fish a player is carrying will also be visible on their name plate a c do called eyes making the value of the current Hall apparent to others furthermore for those who prefer not to engage with this added level of risk and reward there will be an option to drop SL destroy a legendary fish from your inventory so anyone who's like maybe they catch one they don't think it's worth as much or they just don't want to take that risk for that extra silver um they can just destroy the legendary fish um so you don't have that feeling of like going out fishing catch one right away and you're like okay now I have like a Target on my head 247 um and we understand that some players want that risk they want that extra reward and some don't um and so it is optional where you can just destroy the fish if you don't want it um to be clear you will not be able to destroy a fish once you're engaged in PvP obviously um you know when we write these patch notes we avoid putting the 87 restrictions that we have in the game to avoid certain things to happen um because we would just make the patch notes very long tedious and boring to most um but just to be clear if you are engaged in PvP with either of these you will not be able to destroy them um fishing Buffs uh we have increased the base silver yield from all fish by 15% additionally um additionally players will drop a minimum of 10 regular fish pond death instead of five while we believe that a more substantial than the introduction of leg gener fish and a 15% General increase in silver is warranted for fishing we are planning to introduce an enhancement soon that will that will allow the use of various types of bait during fishing given this upcoming feature we have not or we have chosen not to increase to increase the buff to fishing by more than 15% as bait will offer a significant additional benefit to the activity um with this basically the reason why is because if we let's say buff it I don't know let's just say 50% right instead of 15 um and then we introduced The Bait Well we'd have to like Nerf it back down to account for the bait and we know exactly what's going to happen if we do that because people um yeah even if we mention very clearly that hey this will be temporary until bait comes in um we know what will happen um and so yeah trade pack infamy changes recently we announced that infamy gained from killing a player uh carrying a trade pack would be reduced to 50% of the standard amount we have have now decided to eliminate this penalty entirely in other words you will not gain any infamy for killing a someone with a trade pack in a conflict or war zone okay um the treack system was designed to offer an intentional risk reward Dynamic and Foster organic PVP interactions we believe that acquiring infamy for killing someone with a trade pack contradicts his objective leading players overlooking 95% of those carrying tradebacks so really in the end of the day the tradeback system is meant to be a risk reward system in the game it is meant to trigger organic PVP um and really just wasn't worth it um and you know the infam systems in the game for a very clear reason and I think everybody knows and understands that reason um however it didn't make sense to how this applied to trade packs right um it just completely kind of killed the mechanic if players want to do 100% safe trade packs they can do it in peace zones but the fact that players are getting kind of punished for killing somebody that is taking that risk of going through a conflict or war zone um makes or conflict Zone more specifically makes no sense um so yeah optimizing channels in capacity as previously mentioned uh renon was intended to feature four regular channels and one war mode Channel per World shortly after its launch totaling 10 channels at launch to accommodate the density of players in early zones however with our launch being significantly larger than anticipated we quickly expanded to nearly 40 channels across Two Worlds to manage the influx of players and the resulting density in early level zones um Mo anyone who was here at launch you guys remember when we had 10 channels up on launch um obviously quickly we added another 10 and opened another world the next day um because not only did we have literally like sixh hour cues for most players um but the early zones were just packed with players um because of this we ALS reduce the channel capacity on those channels to make sure that people would be a little bit more spread out and spawns would not have like 15 20 people in you know 50 tiles um over time players have spread out in levels and with that throughout the game world's regions having 1,000 players on a channel in a in a small low-level region poses a problem however 1,000 players spread across the full map is both healthy and leads to community interactions um again so kind of what I was just saying when you have a thousand people in like Glade Meer and Rona woods and Raven Crest it is a huge problem it's just too many people however when you have a thousand spread out across the map that's a good thing you you don't want to see 800 players in like across the entire you want to see as many as possible um with the distribution of the player population across Raven daon and significant improvements in serice stability and optimizations since Raven Dawn's launch we are increasing the total capacity on all channels while at the same time reducing the number of channels on anger horn by six and seraphine by four to promote better density across the world um so with all this obviously like we also will be 100% transparent like our player numbers from the week we launch are obviously lower just like any game any M MMORPG of all time they all go down um and and so with that it's also partially that right in the end of the day we were intended to have five channels at this point um and so you know we we we do not feel we need to have close to 40 40 channels still um we know we don't we can we can definitely have a tighter density with players and so with this what we're looking to do is is really increase the density on all those channels um and while we could have just removed probably four and three on each we decided instead we'll just increase the capacity a little bit as well and then we'll do a couple more channels um so with that I believe that means there will be 23 channels still or or more 25 channels 26 channels um but uh but yes uh cend skull bundle um this is just a new bundle that we're adding um we also every time something goes away like the founders packs for two weeks after every day people were asking if there's a way that they can still buy it or whatever um to be clear we don't offer this at all if a bundle's gone don't DM me I we don't do any exceptions um we never have and we never plan to um if a bundle's gone it's gone okay uh the Trailblazer one will be available to March 10 12th um if if you want it get it before that and please don't DM me asking for it afterwards um we don't make exceptions okay just so you guys know um but we will have a new Cinder skull bundle dropping today um you guys can look at it more on the website um when it's posted uh I'll just kind of keep going through the the patch notes um increase the party experience buff uh bonus from 10 to 15% and added a 2% bonus for each additional member over the initial two um basically what we were noticing is one we do want a slight slight increase to party exp I'll talk more about this in in a minute actually because I think it's down here somewhere um we want to see a small slight increase but really we want to see also an increase for those that like do full groups as well um and it just didn't really make sense to go many times over two members um and so that's why we made this adjustment um and we'll talk about kind of the organic encouragement of party gameplay soon and why this kind of goes with that unlock out tainment of two-handed Sword player Alpha Cosmetics I know this been asked a million times um added 10 additional unlockable inventory bankrose this has been as obviously players have more stuff uh this has been requested a lot um so I know there's a few people that are going to be D me very happy um added 26 new Rangers company tasks for Elder coast and frost steps um added creatures to a cave at Cru Hollow bog um the area was previously empty and players can now find right okay I'm actually I'm not going to go through all the CH there's so many of them um but essentially we also added uh two new waypoints for hadak Desert I know most people are going to be super excited about that um we will post this in like 2 minutes guys I'll go slowly through it in case you want to like take a quick screenshot we're going to be posting these in like a few minutes um change to the flame L digon card um uh but I'll just go through kind of the main things uh effort system due to changes to the community and open world land we've also made a couple changes to effort to keep up with up to date with the new land system and land quantity players can have um the current effort pool will now be the sum of all your current lands effort pool for community land um again this is basically just effort is being adjusted based on being a to own three pieces of land effort gain um changes to some story Quest rewards that were just like the level did not make sense for the actual reward um enchantment ruins has been asked a ton uh it was basically just one of the ruin types um had the wrong color to it uh and so we essentially just changed the stat because pretty much everyone buying it expected to get Precision they were getting impact and and um yeah please slow down I'm sorry it'll you're talking about my speaking I will keep trying to be cognizant of that um if you're talking about the patch notes uh these will get posted in a couple minutes I just wanted to go through like the big ones um and then these are kind of just small uh sneak peek of the hatak way points um I guess this is the current one uh you can see the the two new ones here uh fixes again just a ton of fixes you guys can go through these uh on your own um patch 1.07 and Beyond uh key Focus for us in version 1.7 uh 1.0.7 and Beyond will be developing significant mid to late game objectives level 50 plus with an added emphasis on group and guild-based gameplay some of these objectives are already outlined on our road map such as Guild Wars forts and strongholds all of which contribute to the compelling aspiration to become the strongest players and guilds in Raven daon in addition to these we are concentrating on more frequent day-to-day objectives including consistent group-based boss challenges which I'll probably talk a little bit about today um world boss events which I'll probably also talk a little bit about today um dungeons I may or may not talk about today and Aether Gates which I will likely talk about today um ather Gates being a PVE and PVP 1V one and possibly 2v2 event um we are also introducing a highly requested feature to the Rangers company task the ability to share your tasks with your group um we acknowledge that there is still much to enhance and renon to ensure it stands as a formidable mmrpg for years to come with a strong base in Foundation having attracted far more players than we ever could have anticipated um your continued patience and Trust in the game we are developing is deeply appreciated we assure you that your feedback is valued and we are continually shaping the game based on community input um see yeah just kind of I'll talk more about this after I go back and uh Neil you can post the patch notes by the way now uh here I'll just DM you you can post um so he's going to post those in a minute guys you guys can go through them in your own uh your own time um ultimately like looking forward a huge Focus for us now that we have kind of these core features that have been heavily requested like Community Land um and and many of other things we we have in this patch um a big Focus for us is going to be organically organically encouraging group gameplay um it's something that right now obviously when it comes to a party bonus you can make this a 150% bonus exp to partying up and artificially kind of force people into party plays gameplay um but we want to make uh make it feel organic we want to make the reason that you want to party up not just the small exp boost but it's more about like okay what can I do if I have a tank and I'm an AOE player or what can I do if I have a tank A Healer and two DPS like what can I do in situations like that that that make it beneficial right is there a spawn that is worth going to with two players because he has one build and I have one build or or is is it um you know what ways can we do that organically and one of the biggest things is definitely going to be boss related um again we'll talk a bit more about this in the Stream um but kind of the plans that we have with group based boss challenges and and more consistent challenges again I say day-to-day very clearly here um the idea is that it's not just a you know weekly thing or something like that but it is something that that will be a huge part of the game and and we'll have more more of that Community element where it's like okay I want my core group that I'm playing with I want to build out our Guild because it has these advantages right now really the most of the benefits to Guild are pretty minor um and you know we talk about Fort Wars and and and Guild Wars and and strongholds and stuff like that that that is coming um but in the end of the day those are still like big kind of weekly goals they're not like daily constant things um and so we're looking to add both right we want to add that that that big objective with those Guild Wars over forts but we also want to add those consistent daily you know reasons to want to play with a group and have other people um need actual Agro system first because the current one really doesn't work WEP play absolutely yeah 100% um it absolutely does need a change first um yeah we we've been pretty clear though that um that the agos system will be changed before we put in like significant group PVE in the game yeah people saying it does work it it does work obviously but it's very unintuitive compared to most mm rbgs um okay uh chat is going really fast it it is in slow-mo but there's 4,000 people in here which is crazy um uh yeah did not uh that's wild but well 4,000 people between twitch and YouTube but usually twitch is most twitch isn't the 3900 of it sorry YouTube chat I do see YouTube chat by the way um NEOS uh confirmed he posted it 3 minutes ago by the way guys so anyone asking uh you just got to go to our website and you can get it from there all right we'll do questions now and again thank you guys for waiting um again it just I knew I'd get way too sidetracked if I did questions and I know people wanted me to get through most of the patch notes so please don't do like new world that forces people to play on groups to make any profit well yeah I mean clearly that's not our goal um and clearly the way that the game is Right Now does not require that um if anything right now we feel like we need reason for people to want to have that group element so I just want to read the past note post them uh they've been posted man for four minutes since you said that again a lot of you are asking where to read the patch notes uh just go to our website click the new section and it's right there uh why is EOP and ABAC Bann in chat I actually I don't set those mod perms um or restrictions or whatever I assume probably because people are always like both sides are clearly at war in the game constantly and it's usually both sides communities and guilds that are always at war in chats so they probably just removed it so that it's not this constant meta discussion of those two guilds angry at each other so listen streamer drama is a real thing okay they uh they love they love the drama to be fair it get some views right that's why that's why they do it I get it I respect it I respect the hustle there no surprise that every every streamer that has drama their viewership goes from you know goes 4X suddenly they go from a a noname to actually having some viewers so uh code doesn't do anything guys we'll do a giveaway later um uh if you're spamming code we'll just end up blocking that for now um now are there any plans as descent alt characters uh yes and no obviously like we like the game is not designed around wanting people to have alts it's also not not allowed because in the end of the day like it's very like if if they're not playing on two accounts at a single time um why like you can't really just like we wouldn't ban that obviously um no game ever would um obviously playing two at a time we do ban um in terms of like uh in terms of decentivize it um but uh but those aren't coming in this patch problem is is a lot of the things that we are we want to use to decentivize it also heavily either decentivize free-to-play players or casual players and so that's really tough right because like in the end of the day someone playing 16 hours a day is going to be able to do alts you know what I mean and if we make it so hard to do an ALT well that's going to also at the same time punish someone who's just playing couple hours a day right so um I have 30 KK that's 375 KK experience uh to be clear one uh math isn't exactly correct there but to be clear you're not buying exp um you still have to unlock all this exp so it's not like you can literally log in buy all that exp just to be clear um uh yeah just by the way people are ask like some people are saying um well some people are asking if we're going to put them in the or if we can put them in the shop and other people are getting mad at them saying no don't tell them to do that um we won't be just to be clear U milk teth we not be in the shop enable exp sharing with lower friends um they will be working on the mentor system the balancing of it uh this weekend can you add Mass use for Supply bags we will be yes again guys with a lot of things it's just priority um we just work on things in the in the pace that we feel is required um so if if you know Community Land we felt was significantly more important um and yeah would you consider adding Farm nodes for iron and copper yeah possibly um there's a few things that we're looking at with that um it wouldn't be anything in the near future but we have considered like adding more to what you can do on community or on land in general sorry I read Community um more what you can do land on General um for example uh having possibly like a mining rig on your land stuff like that um do you get infamy for attacking somebody who holds legendary fish you do not just like C eyes uh are the moas that got lost in the bug return to players I assume you mean like the pagn bug where like you can only see 120 plus uh they're all still there you just weren't able to see them um but that uh I yeah said it was fixed in this patch so yeah guys 90% of the questions being asked um 90% of the questions being asked are are in the patch notes so I apologize I'm skipping through a lot I appreciate those of you who are like responding directly to people saying like it says in the patch notes or whatever um because then at least they still get answered but obviously like 90% of the questions right now are just literally set in the patch notes so um additional payment methods nothing happening on that front uh we're working on additional ones like we right now provide a lot of payment methods compared to most games um in the end of the day though there will always be like Niche cases of like specific payment methods um we're working on a big one with Poland right now or for Polish players right now um keep in mind guys like anything with payment methods Banks providers takes a long time when you're a business right if you're personal yeah setting up something is really really quick but the amount as soon as you set it up it's not just like making an account as soon as you have like a certain amount of volume they right away need certain paperwork they need like legal opinion stuff like that um these things take a lot of time because takes us a day to get them the legal opinion takes them three weeks to review it right um so most of the time when it comes to that stuff but we understand that there's certain countries that right now don't have like proper payment checkout methods um and you guys obviously want to get Patron and you guys want to get cosmetics and stuff um and I apologize but with that you know it it takes time unfortunately and again we we do offer a lot of payment options already but um yeah um you told me to ask about future Cosmetics X Raven yeah so you were basically just saying please don't uh make the uh we'll we'll talk about that in a bit um we'll talk about that uh once I go through just a few more questions may actually you know I was make a notepad note so I don't forget um because I know uh this is obviously a poll with like sh I think we had like 10,000 responses um yeah we dig we literally maxed on our responses um which by the way I really is insane that that many people will go through like polls and feedback things um is absolutely crazy and amazing and thank you so much that you guys are like that active cuz it really does help us with with certain things um and hearing your guys' voice in like a very um structured way um but yeah uh preset builds will come again guys we can only do so much every week right um any every developer in the world um I see it because we get literally messages all the time from from game devs know how much we're doing in a week and how insane this is um but there's going to be some things that just take take time we can't work any faster than we are we literally cannot work more hours than we are um things will will just take time it's as simple as that um can we get the patch notes posted before the game is back up uh they've been posted for 15 minutes on the website uh does milk tea take the spot of a drink buff or is it additive it is additive so it's not like it doesn't it won't ruin another one of your one of your Buffs again there's a lot of M A lot of people thinking that milky you drink it you get 10K experience it that's not how it works guys um you still have to earn the experience and then it's a bonus on top of that um a lot of people like scared like can I just buy a million milk teas um just to be super clear again this is all mentioned in the patch notes but I I understand sometimes it helps if I clear things up so uh I have Trailblazer what happens with my Discord badge color if I buy CER Char so all limited bundles give uh give the same color obviously there's only so many colors in the world right so not every single bundle will have a different color um but it is essentially like a limit like it's essentially a bundle color um however the badge I believe you get both um I'll check NEOS on that um yeah guys um so something that uh Neo said is being asked a ton is I mean I expanded quite a bit on this already but with the land ownership changes to be clear basically this will mean players are able to get like level 70 players and players that progress through the game will basically be able to get double the total amount of land right compared to one large they'll get a medium and a small this is intentionally supposed to be more production this is 100% intentional anyone concerned about like oh that means there's going to be more materials in the market we intentionally want that we want there to be more materials because a huge issue right now is a lack of materials um for every one person concerned about more materials in the market there are five others saying it is impossible to get started crafting it is impossible to go into these things because the materials are so under supported there's just not enough this is intentional the other side also for the extra exp the fact that you'll get more exp from on that it's also intentional just to be clear um any plans for new music yeah our composer has been working on new music uh since launch um but that stuff takes time right to do good music it it takes time yeah and anyone asking just like about uh crafted materials that come from creatures like the ones that you have to get from from Mob drops um there's a few things uh one the progression changes guys M like again I understand like we carefully go through our patch notes and consider a lot when we put go through them and make our changes obviously I understand that like it's it's hard to put everything together when you've seen the patch notes for 15 minutes um when you guys are saying like we want to be able to get faster craftting materials from creatures again like I think it's it's important to read this this part and understand what that means and how that means um right here and again if we feel that it is still on the low side and that we would like to see it a little bit higher easy we'll make changes uh inactive players should lose their open land houses they do if they do not log in um rent is not enough agreed that's why if they don't log in they will lose it um we might add something a little more aggressive in the future but you also got to understand that we need be really careful that someone doesn't go on like a twoe vacation and like it comes back and all their land is gone right that's also not really fair um and so but we're working on on a few ideas there also uh there may be a handful of land opening up over the next 24 hours um with some rmt people being banned uh that are the land to sell it for real money um we we kind of have a hit list already uh and so there will be some open world land opening up here what about repurchasing normal and soulbound items oh yes uh people that are kind of asking like what about a certain Quest reward item that I destroyed or whatever which probably shouldn't do um we will be adding NPC that essentially sells uh rewards for Quest that you've completed obviously this takes quite a bit of time guys right there's a lot to check there we need to make an NPC that dynamically updates with every single Quest storage that you have um and have every Quest item in there but we will make we will be adding this to the game uh at some point soon um so that you those of you who did like get rid of a certain item um will be able to uh get that it back I was banned for rmt which I didn't is there any way to manually check this case so I just got to be clear guys on the Bing stuff because I get like 50 DMS a day for being banned for Bing or rmt um we manually investigate every case that our enhanced detection also catches we don't just randomly ban based on the enhanced detection which is like 99.9% accurate we also manually check every case so if you're saying that you did not poot um uh like 99% of people that were banned for cheating will say they didn't do it this is just normal this is how video games work 99% will say it only 1% will just accept it 99% will at least shoot their shot and try and get unbanned um I can say that we go through like 50 appeals a day and almost every single time they were just 100% guilty um so I appreciate the people that come into chat and try to freak people out saying I was banned um unfairly and they're just randomly Banning people you probably were not we still go through your exact case when you contact us um but that uh that doesn't change the result and we understand why yeah we understand what happens we understand we ban somebody um and they either lose their in the Discord or they like we understand how this works um but if you cheated you cheated and and um it's sad because I know um at times people get like really easily pushed into it so for example someone sends them a YouTube like oh look at this fishing bot LOL so easy and then the next day they get banned and they message us like hey I'm sorry but like someone in the Discord shared this um and and it just looked like okay like everyone's doing it I want to do it um and then they get banned like within an hour and then they you know get upset about it and you know and they apologize and I if you if you cheated you cheated like you knew what you were doing you actively chose Do It um yeah like I don't uh channels are or uh trade pack value is not based on channels just to be clear so it's not Channel specific someone was just asking a question about that so can we have many houses open World um no you can only have one open world piece of land um can you comment on automated system of unlocking new trade packs many disagree it works properly like why Acorn trade pack were available for two weeks now Acorn wasn't in game but user box still isn't yeah so uh oh there I think there's a change about this in this patch if not it's the next patch but I think it's this patch um essentially uh there was a certain material I believe it was moonberries that was in four specific trade packs originally and before launch these were removed however the automated system that has the threshold set we didn't adjust that it wasn't adjusted based on that material being removed so those trade packs were originally really high level trade packs but we wanted to make more trade packs that were available early that is why certain trade packs that were like why would this be locked uh we locked um so I believe that drop schedule has changed now um otherwise it will be next patch sorry just a lot of repeat questions so I'm just continue to scroll through more variety fish yeah definitely we want to add quite a few more fish there's a few other things we want to add to fishing too but again all all in terms of priority and what the timing is so are any plans about mining um it is already very overcrowded everything involving iron is expensive yeah I I I'd say there's a very strong chance that next patch um there's there's some more mining locations are we going to have additional houses alongside lands that was unclear um I think we were pretty clear weren't we you also have up to three houses you're able to decorate upgrade and customize while you'll benefit from the bonus of rooms and multiple houses you not be able to stack the same room type for multiple houses are we going to see more lore in the game libraries are actual books are are you sure all the libraries don't have books like that that are lore filed um still on the tradeback OB are there any plans for tradeback releases more in line with the players access to ingredients um yeah no absolutely that's definitely something that we want to change like obviously it being just based on level is not the best system um it's obviously better than having no system there but but we definitely agree that uh we we will be changing it to be based on instead of like Legacy level it'll check for the amount of people that have unlocked it for example example so so if only like two people have unlocked it based on the Legacy progression um they would uh uh they would not unlock how can community help translate your game to other languages uh unfortunately we we can't do this Community Driven obviously um we will have more languages in the future uh like we definitely plan to do Spanish and Polish um but yeah now there's a lot of minerals what's wrong with you people yeah again a lot of questions that are just in the passion notes guys um I I it seems like a lot of people maybe just like got to a certain part and just stopped reading start and ask their question um I encourage you to read through the full patch notes then ask your question um and if it's still unclear I'll try to make it uh I'll try and clear it up let's go down to we'll leave it at what why the oh yeah we'll just do Li fish um if you have an issue with like the Bandit icon um uh open open a Discord ticket about it um I'll I'll let them know to to dig into that um it's literally like a handful of people um I apologize for those that have an icon on their screen because of it um but it you know you got to understand that we have to prioritize stuff if if five people or 20 people or even 100 people have an issue but there's a thousand people with another thing we have to tackle that first right um but obviously we're significantly more on top of stuff than we were weeks ago just because we've been able to solve a ton of problems um and so with that uh we're able to get to those more Niche cases so where's the fishing pond in patch notes uh giveaway will be soonish year I'm just going to keep going through a little more questions um and then maybe talk a little bit about the the future stuff to come here [Music] um but any thoughts on adding effective level by the player name to make it more visible for everybody um yeah probably uh we just don't want to like blow up the name plate UI too much right we don't want it to just you know it becomes a huge eyes sore um but there's certain information that's obviously important to have on there and having effective level and probably Legacy level too would be cool to have um but yeah I mean effective level is more important to have there for sure for the sake of like PVP and stuff but no we need levels on people I I know what you mean um who would like to see us at effective level on plates type of one type of two if no um again considering guys like I this is a genuine question because consider like it will make the screen busier right um so keep that in mind don't just instantly um seems probably like 80% ones 20% twos roughly okay um like a kill feed yeah kill feed would be fun put it on the battle list yeah not a bad idea hi ner um hope you're having a good day appreciate you holding us stream for us yeah know of course live pole go go it's not important of enough thing for a live pole but there probably be a maybe it'll be a li poll that we do um limit three houses per account uh yeah we that's something that we are kind of uh me lightly mentioning earlier um uh you keep asking the same question about mining channels oh wait sorry no this is a different guy you're in YouTube chat um I did just me respond about mining like four minutes ago though so um are there plans to add crafter names to the crafted items uh kind of like whenever you fish yeah possibly I think that'd be fun base two-handed Hammer outfit uh hammer outfit du axe outfit and mace Shield outfits are coming soon here like quite soon uh oh yeah something I want to talk about um uh here this has been uh this is something that we did a poll on again we had like 10K people uh respond to the poll on it um basically we did a poll actually I can maybe oh no I think I removed it because we hit our limit so people couldn't vote anymore on it um basically the poll was uh actually I can just I can get it let me let me pull up what the actual pull was sword and shield wear mace skin I I I just said Ma and shield is coming what do you mean what do you mean will we have SE bosses one day 100% uh the game design team would kill me if if we didn't um so basically we did a poll uh uh we did a poll asking regarding the possibility of offering a way to support us through player outfit Cosmetics while still having them obtained in game um we did an original poll before this that was like 95% wanted a way to get cosmetics without having to obtain them only in game um then we did a secondary follow-up poll regarding the possibility to offer a way to support us through play our outfit Cosmetics while still having them maintain in game how would you like us to do this um would you like us to do a hybrid model and we explain context in the announcement the announcement should still be there for the context in the question actually um a hybrid model or a separated model for context hybrid model essentially mean that all of the ones currently in game would be available for uh coins and for in-game items so you can get them either way you want um separated model meant that uh they would not um essentially be able to be done that way but obviously with the caveat that you also would never be able to get those unless you get them in game right um obviously uh most you guys know the ma vast majority the vote was still for that hybrid model um however we also do agree with the concerns that people had about a hybrid model in terms of like the people that wanted the separated model and why they wanted it um and really the intention was hey we want to way to show off what we did in game only to we want to make sure that people know hey we got this 100% in game pure uh in-game gameplay so again while this was quite a bit of the minority um we do agree with their concern and and we've always mentioned with polls guys we will do them to hear your guys' input but that doesn't change the fact that we'll still do what we think is best and at the end of the day we don't think a a pure hybrid model is the best where every in-game cosmetic exactly can be obtained and we feel it's very important that these uh are are are different so so when someone's walking around with a certain cosmetic they they are showing that they only got this by in-game gameplay they did not they were not able to to get this with coins um and uh but at the same time we also acknowledge that majority of people did want a way to get a lot of these Cosmetics that they really like in the game um and so uh and so we kind of found our our own Middle Ground approach that we really like which is essentially we will have variants of existing uh Cosmetics um so sorry I can like barely see this because it's on my OBS so I'm going to bring up a bigger one um one sec one sec one sec um so essentially the idea is that we will have a ravencoin version and a base version that is obtained only in game so the original ones will be obtained only in game and you'll be able to get variant ones um we'll probably just have like one variant for each but we wanted to kind of show um yeah I appreciate all the kind words guys our team did really cool job with the variants because in the end of the day like it is pixel art there is a level of commitment to even just doing variants um but uh but we're very happy with how they turned out again we'll probably do like one variant for each um we might do like a vote where people can vote on their favorite variant but in the end of the day um basically uh every single in-game obtained cosmetic will only be obtained in game and the uh the version that you can get with Raven coins will be a variant and so it'll be very obvious someone will be like okay this is the shop one versus this is the ingame obtained one um Zoom yeah sorry let me uh hold on can I just go like that okay I can go like that gets a little pixel cuz I don't have like the raw version of the file um but here you can I I'll go like this here you can see some of the variants um again these are all just like tests these are all mock-ups guys so like to be clear like some of these in here I really don't think look good and and we won't be using them um but I just wanted to quickly share this and so I just grabbed uh approv from the art team and um yeah work in progress so the pixel art is pixelated yeah a little different from what I mean um that's the problem is I didn't get like the actual organic resolution or pixels um and so instead it's like blurred it's not like pixeled you know if that makes sense um so it doesn't look great um but essentially this is our idea um again we we know that vast majority wanted hybrid but there was a really fair argument for people that didn't want a hybrid model and we feel like we found a really cool Middle Ground where the people that wanted hybrid model because they're like hey we like these Cosmetics like we want a way to get them um will have that variant but then those people who are like hey I want to show off that I got this purely in game they will still have that that original um show off so yeah just so you guys know um and that's why we said like even when people were you know concerned when we did the poll which we understand like that's why we don't do polls on a lot of stuff because even if we're just like asking people like you know they're like oh my God like this is happening now I'm upset like in the end of the day we do polls to get community reception we got that reception um we agreed with both sides concerns and uh we feel like we came up with a really good solution and clearly everyone's very happy with solution so well I say everyone there's always going to be one or two people or 1% they're going to be upset for sure but my Raven on or my Raven boost legendary is 11 18% don't drop there's people with way higher than that that like DM me are like is this bugged I ass you it's not um they're just very hard to get uh they're very rare So 118 is low you got to get those numbers up okay yeah nice solution yeah thank you uh bik that was already fixed in our reboot a few days ago uh hey nigher if trade packs no longer give infamy will cold eyes and leg JY fish still Grant infamy I swear did we not include that I swear we had that in here uh but no cold eyes and Leger fish or if you kill someone with col eyes and lry fish you will not get infamy either they behave for all intents of purposes the same as tradebacks do you did include it okay thank you oh talk about steam um so yeah I just wanted to kind of lightly talk about steam guys um we are approved for steam launch um however to be super clear uh we will not be like launching on Steam next week or even next month um this will be a little bit of time uh we will be going up on Steam probably in the next month uh in terms of like a a certain date probably as well as likely um you know like the ability to wish list and stuff it'll be it'll be free um but but wish we'll also probably do some cool things related to that um there may be new weapons coming uh so for you those of you who are you know really wanting new weapons um those may be coming um and uh uh but anyways yeah re really with that um I just wanted to let you guys know like it's it's not like people were like oh my God steam's coming like next week uh it is not um but uh but we are approved for for it now and or we have been for a hot minute we always had to figure out a few things with them as well cuz we're a larger Siz project and so we need to do it the right way and uh and with that um we will uh we will have it be going up soon uh as like kind of wish list or just like the date and stuff like that um and with that as well we will probably have a few fun things coming with it like possibly new weapons and and a few other things too but yeah new weapon types to be clear not like new tiers but new weapon types there'll be achievements in Steam uh there will very likely be achievements for all of Raven Dawn soon um also another kind of little leak um we'll also have leaderboards coming too do I like Border Collies as a dog um both my dogs are Aussie Shepards Bandit looks a lot like a border collie though he's black and white um but he is a tricolor Aussie Shephard um he's just scuffed a little scuffed um but he uh but they're they're amazing dogs they're incredibly smart um incredibly loving they always want to be around you and on your lap and and beside you um they're amazing dogs um but they they can get into trouble if not mentally stimulated enough or don't get enough exercise um so if you get one you know make sure you like going hiking stuff like that um or have a yard or whatever um we didn't get a dog until we had a fence jard because we knew we wanted it to be able to run around and stuff so crossbows and crossbow skins that does it does I do think that physical range needs a second weapon type whether it's crossbows or not though I can't say yet but but crossbows would make sense throwing axes guns harp gun confirmed boomerangs spear time ninja shurikens muskets okay laosi you need to calm down there steampunk guns uh yeah I mean when it comes to kind of that steampunky style of guns um that very well a technological age may hit Raven Dawn one day um but not this day and not in like the near future um but that might that might happen uh yeah actually the two-handed uh hammer outfit it's actually throwing hammers so two-handed throwing in hammers where the renon patch notes posted on the website on Raven don. online and then you just go to the news section will steam launch overload our current channels uh okay yeah so to be clear guys there will be a lot more channels added for steam launch um yeah like I I can't talk too much on guys because there's obviously a lot that will be with that um but uh but yeah we will obviously have way more support um because steam does bring a metric ton of players um where the f are the patch notes uh if you go to our website and go to news where the other patch notes are usually posted that's where they are also I think they also [Music] um oh sorry when you said more rooms for houses would that something like fishing rooms mining rooms potentially also probably like combat power rooms any plans for a southeast Asia server possibly they didn't link them in Discord yet yeah I'll tell them to post in Discord as well any plans for stair markers on the mini map yeah 100% um we we definitely plan to do that also people asking about emblems uh for having more houses uh we'll definitely have more ways to obtain more emblems coming um it won't be coming in this patch obviously otherwise it would have been mentioned uh but some of the things we talk about here at the end will likely be related to those you know what I I think I might as well just talk about them now oh uh oh no sorry I did answer that question okay I was like oh shoot I wanted to answer this question but I already did um have you have you thought about having a a peaceful only server for those who don't want to get pvpd probably not um the truth is we have peace peace regions for a reason and renon is not designed around a game that could be 100% no PVP [Music] um uh ner could you talk about Dungeons and bosses and how gameplay rules are going to be effective yeah I mean that's like a like that's a massive obviously topic um but uh one the EG system will be completely revamped for when we have more PVE content and number two um sorry uh number two in terms of dungeons um we have a few ideas we really like on dungeons uh there's a chance it won't be as common like as as as copy pasta as what most games dungeon systems are like um but that doesn't change the fact that like the titans of PVE um like the the most successful PVE MMO RPGs um they have their dungeon set up in a way for a reason because it is a proven good model um but I think there's some unique twists that we can do on it um but uh yeah are there any mechanics in the game to prevent high levels from ganking low players yeah you get increased infamy when you kill somebody outside your level range are dungeons Envision to be envisioned to be instance or open World um that's kind of in between we actually are not 100% set on either side because there's lots of Merit to both um to be clear uh we have a lot of things that we want to be open World um that are kind of mentioned here and so having dungeons as well open world might kind of conflict with their already purpose because to be clear when I talk about Dungeons it's kind of split in Dungeons and raids and one of them may be open world and one of them may not be is it's my easiest way to say it without yeah keep in mind guys people asking for open World um there are many cool Parts about open world dungeons there's also a lot of shitty Parts about open world dungeons um and so yeah that's something to consider but uh the idea of that or raids being open world and one of them being not is interesting there's there's a lot of ideas working with here so D will drop items yeah strongholds will be like Guild houses that you can lose in Wars uh so yeah to share lightly on that uh forts are the larger Guild houses strongholds are the smaller ones uh forts are quite a bit larger um and uh and also have some special benefits again strongholds and forts are not just like a piece of land they have some very unique benefits uh like War forging your weapons which unlock a new ability for them um Forts and strong hoold or forts will be fought over in Guild Wars in the game um and so guilds will fight over these forts um strongholds will be bided over in the game currently um that might change again uh the amount of forts we have po per world is uh is not a lot for how many guilds we have this was planned around the idea of us having a lot less players so a lot less guilds so we didn't need as many forts right um and so there's a chance that we might make it a strongholds are actually obtained the exact same way as forts but they're like the the the the lower reward that makes sense um but we're not 100% sure on this just yet uh right now Bas strongholds would be bided over and controlled for a month forts would be fought over with Guild Wars and controlled for a shorter period of time can't believe I'm sitting here uh this long watching dot dot dot twitch dot dot dot yeah well I appreciate you being here I know uh yeah never mind yes so the weekly tax is based on how much Community Land you have so if you unlock all three Community lands you will be paying tax on all three them just so you guys know you're glowing it's yeah if I am it's because the sun just went up over like it's literally like you can see when I lift my head or probably my hair is glowing uh cuz the sun's just G up over the mountains now my I'm blinded um but yeah so the lighting is going to be completely now for a bit uh the sun will go over that part of the mountain in like 20 minutes probably now you're going oh man I looked in the sun too long now I can't rehat oh I should also be checking neos's messages here just in case oh okay NEOS is preparing uh he'll post the patch notes Link in the Discord uh when the maintenance is done because he's also going to be doing an announcement when the maintenance is done um but uh but oh or sorry he he updated the announcement as well so it's there as well I talked about presets a few times here again we're just working in priorities we've made like super super clear that this patch was a very important patch for us to get in mainly because of the community land so that has been our priority these things have been our priority um hockey remapping presets like we understand people want these um the UI are already done for them they just need to be implemented again we can only do so many things at a time though um yeah so I apologize again I I know it sucks like you want those features I get that there's so many features that are desired by the community we can only do so many at a time though um it's not worth having house in the open world anymore well then get rid of your open world house um we we've been very clear like if we feel like the Gap there it there's no longer a value in open world houses and we see like just open world houses open everywhere like available everywhere um we'll probably make some adjustments um however uh we very much doubt that's the case and we know a handful of land owners that have very clear that like this is just people that own land trying to make sure that theirs stays even stronger um and if it again if it doesn't feel worth having and we see like oh 10% is just open and available and people aren't using it then we'll make changes super easy as that um but uh we're very okay with the 5% advantage that open world land has and we think that's enough an advantage for most people um and the fact that for some people they love the fact that they have a free teleport somewhere and stuff like that so can you own all three houses on Community Land you can yes that is mentioned in the patch notes database for Quest rewards yeah I'm sure the wiki team we we'll get to that with time um we've been pretty clear that we didn't want them to upload Quest rewards yet because we just didn't want it to be spoiling a ton of stuff um but now that we're post launch to a certain degree and stuff uh we'll we'll probably be okay with the matting stuff there's a lot of like they've been adding a million things um but uh they will continue to work on it and they they work incredi hard on it they're they're very passionate about the wiki um and yeah and guys to be clear like for I mean they get they get a little bit but they're for the most part volunteering um so you know they're doing this out of out of their passion for Raven Dawn wanting to build a a a database or Wiki for the players they're doing an awesome job they still have lots to add and lots to clean up and stuff like that and they'll they'll get they'll do that with time um but it there it's a huge game there's a lot to add into a Wiki um keep in mind they started from zero right um once they kind of get on top of everything I'm sure they'll you know clean some stuff up and then and then it's a lot simpler right but this phase is definitely very busy nice patch gives open world owners more snowball more and more man I don't know if you read the patch correctly but that's that's all good player versus player Battlegrounds uh yeah yep titles coming soon nigher uh titles for what any news regarding gilver guil I just spoke about it like five minutes ago and I spoke about it twice already the stream so uh by the way guys you can always go to YouTube and watch the vods okay if you missed it do we get two home teleports now it is in the patch I'm actually not 100% sure on that um I let me I'll double check I'm asking our QA lead he might be busy right now but being absolutely addicted to the game uh thank you for that that is that is our goal um what about unfair rmt bands you cannot trade with a friend to give them silver uh that obviously uh I I I recognize your your avatar you've messaged me on the situation we investigated your situation and again this is why more and more we're kind of just Banning people who do this because even if they message us we investigate it we dig into it it's very clear it's clear as day it's not that you just traded a friend um it never stops there's no there's no suitable answer until they're removed from the community um so just so you guys know um yeah um put option to change email address on site uh we might in the future right now it's just security so you're required to contact support and then prove that it's your account um also I really recommend everyone always plays with TFA if if you if you're not used to using tofa in 2024 you should have tofa on um we've never had someone say they were hacked that didn't or that had tofa on it's always people without it um and there was obviously there was a large amount of people that got hacked but like 40 um about 2 weeks ago when we added the enhanced bot detection because the owner of that bot hacked like 40 accounts um and so you know in the end of the day have tofa on guys it takes a second don't be dumb um your in your passwords are out there I promise there's so many data leaks all the time um you know and and we're a big enough game now that gold sites will find your information and hack you um so put TFA on just don't be dumb I see many people being unfairly banned for rmt I'm regretting having okay again we talked about it earlier in this stream everybody is unfairly banned all the time we've never banned somebody that did not message us saying they're unfairly banned we dig into every single case to make sure they 100% we handle banss manually and based on detection so detection notifies us first and then we manually dig into every case um again this is why a lot of games just don't ban a lot of people because they will always come in and say I'm being unfairly banned Innocents or being Target I'm sorry that you were banned I'm sorry I don't I don't know what else to say um don't be dumb don't be dumb I know a lot games let people get away with all the time um we just we ban people I'm sorry um but that that's not going to change we're going to ban cheaters it's as simple as that um I know that it causes angry people um I know there's like you know we ban a streamer and they're crying about it for five hours we we've seen this time and time again that's not going to change anything um we understand their their prerogative and how they are as humans um and but that doesn't change the fact that we're still going to ban them it's as simple as that I really appreciate the bands he won't answer dumb question I've tried what was your question keep in mind I miss 95% of questions in the chat guys it's just it's going too fast and I I can't um so just don't think don't take it personally that I'm like ignoring you um love the heart stance on cheating nighter yeah I mean that's that's not going to change um even though it sucks right I like we hate B people and we hate the fact that now they're going to send a Biga story or go in the Discord saying that they're being unfairly banned you know I know someone who armed to their house and I'm waiting for them to be banned because I know that he will say he was unfairly banned yeah I mean trading silver to an alt and a friend and so it's fine guys that's that's not yeah Tavern Lake King Booth when uh soon uh okay so the teleport with multiple houses it is a shared cool down just so you guys know um but you can choose which house you go to yeah we do Patron giveaways pretty quick here guys um I'm going to go over this a little bit more and then we go through it thanks for asking the house thanks for answering the house teleport stuff yeah no worries um when are you guys adding artifacts for the new lands uh I believe pretty soon I believe they've been uh grinding away at those again a lot of people asking questions that says exactly on the patch notes um if you're asking a question just please read through the patch notes first and then uh and then go ahead and ask because then those same people are saying that they're getting ignored so um also guys one thing I do want to mention uh I've talked about this before but people who are like okay there there's a huge difference between giving feedback or even complaining um and just being a shitty part of the community um if you're like giving feedback or even there's an issue that you don't really like um that is totally fine and obviously like 99% of the changes we've made over the last seven weeks since launch have been based on community complaints or concerns um progression stuff strength things Community Land um literally like almost everything that we can go through not enough organic PVP situations fish machine needs whatever more you know this buff uh infamy is you know we don't want infamy like these are all based on community input um but there is a huge difference between that and someone who's just you look at their Post history and their last 50 messages almost every single one was complaining there's a huge difference um that person who is only only sending messages to complain about something um we are just going to remove it as simple as that and people are going to be like oh my God you banned them for giving feedback that's not the case um there are people that get feedback all goddamn day I'm in there for hours with them chatting about feedback saying oh I think that's an that idea is good oh I don't really like that idea because of this um but then there are certain people that literally you check their search history and 99% of their messages are just like this sucks this sucks uh this is terrible um you know those people are just going to get removed it's simple as that um we don't we don't need that person in the community who's only there to be angry about everything um it's just not it's just not worth it and then you know we ban them and then someone comes in usually it's like a friend or or their alt charact or their alt account and they say um and they say LOL Banning feedback obviously that's not the case um but just so you guys know um if you guys are just always like sometimes maybe just check your own search history and be like or Post history and see like have I just been negative for the last two weeks 50 messages in a row um maybe I should just like chill for a second um and uh yeah and we're fine with that we understand that some people are be like oh like don't do that that's okay we want our Discord to be a cool community that we want to hang out in and that we want to chat in um last night I was talking about the game for like two hours of players and just engaging with them and it was a ton of fun and then one guy comes in and he's just a complete ass hat um those people are just going to get removed from now on because we we want to be able to hang out with the community still we don't want to get to a point where we're we don't want to go in the community because there's just so many shitty people in there um and the truth is couple bad apples spoil a bunch it's why a few people have been removed because they were just shitty um they were just shitty people and and they will obviously think they're Valiant in it and be proud of what they did because they probably a little deranged themselves um but in the end of the day like those people are just going to be removed and um and they don't really want to be there anyways right they kind of just want to start something um you know whether it's almost every time it's for attention right almost every time they do it for attention and and I respect that if they need attention and that's the way they they get it um sick man more power to you um I know there's you know some content creators that that's how they get their attention and again more power to you if if that builds you up sick man um everyone has their way of of kind of filling that that void um and uh and if that's their way uh cool more power to you I love you to uh TV Tima yeah if you uh if you remove your house get 100% of the emblems back and 80% of the other materials man I cannot believe how fast chat is moving considering it is in slow mode this is crazy um you're stream right now time to get used to it uh oh yeah in terms of like the listen uh our streams before the launch we're like a few hundred viewers okay um I'm used to a few hundred people being here having a chill conversation the fact that we've been having like thousands of people watching is crazy um it's even crazier to see like AAA games that do their live streams have like a, or 1500 viewers and uh it's yeah it's crazy um yeah we have a a much bigger Community than we ever expected much more passionate community that we ever expected um we're very grateful for everybody here um so yeah make a subscriber only chat no we don't want to do a sub or anything with the yeah yo what up gratus what's up buddy uh if anyone hasn't uh followed gratus 150 ml um please you on Twitch he uh he does a ton of Raven on content I think he's usually on like late at night like Pacific time though like usually kind of in the middle of the night um so I haven't really been able to catch much of his content ever um but I think I've watched like maybe like an hour here and there um but uh yeah I always see him doing the late night shift of Raven Dawn r on how are you by the way uh I'm doing good man I'm I'm tired I'm very overworked um but uh but um you know it's it's one of those things that uh I I can't rest right like if I like if I sit for half an hour and like even just eating I'm on my phone responding to staff responding to you guys um I just don't like I I can't take a day off right now because I just I'll just the whole time I'll be stressed about not getting stuff done there's a lot to do there's a lot we want to do for you guys and uh uh what up DDD Pinda um there there's a lot we want to do for you guys still and um until that's done uh I'm not going to take that rest um and uh once once we are then I will and then I can comfortably actually enjoy the rest so also thank you guys for all the kind words there's been so many nice things said I do usually quickly read them and see them I'm just not responding to all of them because it feels weird I don't want people to see me just like reading all the nice comments the whole stream but uh I I see all them and I and I really appreciate it um and I like to call some of them out um how's the hiring I do need apologize to anyone who has applied with us guys we have so many applications to grow go through um we never ever had amount this amount of applications before in the past and so our process is not as like efficient as some like we don't have any any automation that instantly like discards any resume with 10 spelly mistakes and stuff like that like we go through every single one of them and read through every single one of them and I go through pretty much every single one of them so uh in the end of the day it it's going to take us some time uh we've just been really really slammed so you applied please don't think that like you are are that we're not going to get back to you um or that you didn't make any uh that that you're not going to get a follow-up respons or or you're not on a short list um there's a very good chance you maybe are um but we we haven't gotten back to like 99% of them just yet so please uh app appreciate your patience don't be sad thinking that you're getting ghosted or that you didn't get the position um but yeah thank you for saying that yeah no problem um I just want you guys to know that we are just really far far behind on them um so like for for the programmer position for example we have a lot of applications and um and and the trial task like that requires time for us to set up on our side with each applicant it's a lot of time commitment on our side as well and then the leads obviously have to review and do live uh interviews with them and stuff and there's a lot involved in this and like can we afford our lead programmers right now multiple of them to be doing this um when they have a billion things to do not really so that's why we haven't even gotten back yet on the short list um does your company need a fresh air inspector I have experience and a great resume um we don't but if we ever do I know who to I know who to message um big patch yeah it's a it's a big one I'm a software engineer with over four years industry experiencing a development give me a job please if you applied uh we'll we'll see your resume um uh egm will be fully revamped yep are we going to get a a friendly dual system you absolutely will um okay um we're going to do marbles here it's marbles time it's marbles time sick marbles locked and loaded take off slow mode for marbles uh oh yes good point Thank you thank you very smart uh can a MOD turn on slow mode uh disabled slow uh oh nice someone disabled it thank you Louise holy chat chill um I will explain I don't what is this marble money what is what is all this oh it got redone and not Grand Prix are any of these good I mean I'll probably just do classic marbles but like is Royale what is Royale is this good okay there's too many people saying play you don't need to say play yet there's nothing happening yet um also if you're in YouTube chat you need to come over to Twitch chat to join marbles okay I love the the like one single question in the flood of people saying Royal is good Battle Royale so is it like marbles where it's like 100 well you know what we'll do a practice run we'll do a practice run here to make sure that it's uh uh that it is fair okay uh viewers or this is a practice R this is not count for giveaway but you guys can still enter let's do a quick run make sure this all works curious how this works okay we're just going to do it with like less people okay uh I'm I'm just I'm just going to start it okay oh you'll still have a countdown again no one's winning anything on this I whoa I just want to see how this works so do people like run in what what is what is this I don't understand people are dying here I'm going to go watch like one person again this is practice so we don't need all the action I'm curious what actually how this works is it like oh if you hit somebody if you're the person moving faster they die okay and then it probably it must get smaller I assume okay that's kind of cool we're going to do a vote to see if people like this more or not than just an actual race I guess instead of making it smaller they could just like tilt the map to One Direction to make higher density in one spot but okay we got 31 people left this would be pretty crazy with a thousand the only part that kind of sucks about that is you can't um it's really hard to like see who's like oh okay um it's really hard to see who's winning oh you have life okay that makes more sense okay I was wondering because I was like some people weren't oh this is kind of cool and it goes until there's like one left that's kind of cool um yeah the only part I kind of s you can't really like see who's winning or anything um but this is this is kind of cool all right we got 15 this is kind of hard to follow yeah no I agree I agree like it's a little bit less hype than having like oh these guys are in in in the front and stuff like that um but uh but it is is new which is going to be fun to top 10 situation so we'll we'll do a vote though after kind of boring yeah I I yeah I agree I mean yes and no like it's it's new which can be nice but it's also uh I wish the map would get smaller faster or something I don't know it feels like it lasts quite a long time I yeah again it like not so much for like the length but just so there was a little more action okay this ain't it this ending takes too long I don't I don't know how to congratulations to those that won the practice game we're not doing that um all right I don't I don't uh Death Valley was kind of cool Cosmic chaos looks cool it also looks a little harder to follow though [Music] um leap to remember is cool oh let's do Frozen that's oh it's a pretty long one though uh which one should we alienated let's do that let's do that let's do alienated all right guys um I'm going to start this or open this up all you have to do is exclamation mark play in twitch chat there is no cool down um and uh yeah if you're in YouTube chat make sure you hop over to Twitch chat this will be the real one uh top 20 people guys are going to win a patron code top 20 okay and then we'll do a little bit of Q&A still at the end um until the maintenance is done but the maintenance will be done pretty soon here so we'll do this and then we'll do uh Q&A I'll be right back in a minute uh oh okay damn we all filled up okay guys uh we're gonna just start this race I I don't think there's anything uh I don't know if there's any speed boosts in this race uh okay what we're going to do here is if someone uh if a mod if you could put it back into slow mode and if you could put it back into slow mode and if you could post our Discord and our YouTube and like our Instagram or some in the chat a few times um because uh we will be doing speed boosts for anyone who is following our Instagram uh subscribe to our YouTube or in our Discord Channel each of these will give a small speed boost um saying exclamation mark boost will not apply it it is a backend application that we have organized with marbles and I'm not making this up on the spot um so if you are uh subscribed to our YouTube following our Instagram in our Discord you will get a in incredible incredible speed boost um and so make sure you go do that um otherwise a godspeed contestants and uh May the odds be ever in your favor or some other relevant quote here um top 20 win a month of Patron oh God there's going to be some some alien here I know it oh yeah there we go let's go okay we we picked a good one we picked a good one by the way I don't think I'm playing the music yeah you guys don't need the music anyways rip zerar looks like he's in first place looks like he has been surpassed I'm going to do a big zoom out on the convergence here I got I got to go back a bit hold on volix looks like he's leading the charge sometimes it puts other people in first even though they're not actually first cuz they're like falling off the map uh all right what do we got working here oh uh oh oh sorry zerar um all right I'm not going to try and say that name um but he is in first place God speed damn that's a lot of people going through that uh that cornfield oh no oh that's a bummer I'm sorry that's a heartbreaker I'm going over here to evaluate the fir the the first people to win it here oh this is moving too oh no okay we got people coming from bides Bojack looks like he's in first right now however is he going to land is he going to stick the landing I think he will oh okay congratulations Bojack um rapael nickel Princessa Tumi solor trusi uh bezer redeemed II Z I'm not going to try and say the last one congratulations everyone who is sticking the landing I'm still proud of you even though you are not a winner um you are still just the flood of people oh now going to be on this side too oh god oh whoa it moved like really fast back to this side oh is it weight driven no weird I don't know oh it's just completely random congratulations congratulations okay guys so for the winners um just so you guys know guys we have the same process every single marbles giveaway you will be dm'd on Twitch with your Twitch username okay here are the results um you will be dm'd on Twitch to this username within the next like 24 within the next 24 hours okay um if you do not get dm' within 24 hours you can message us still this day I don't think we've ever had someone have to message us we message everybody um if you do message us you have to message us on Twitch but again it like we know who won if if you're not a winner we'll just be having to ban you or whatever again we've never really had that but um stop joining you guys will get a message in the next 24 hours with a code to your Twitch uh chat okay so make sure you're checking your Twitch chat uh over the next 24 hours or at some point and you will have your 30-day Patron code uh for marbles congratulations wow amazing um oh man the white correction is terrible on uh or the color balance or whatever um but that's okay that is okay we are we will be done maintenance pretty quick here so leing marbles uh onek slots for 4K people yeah we've even when we had 8K people uh for one stream uh we were very clear um we just do the first thousand you can consider that the first level of of Entry um if you are one of the first 1,000 it's not like it fills up in 2 seconds um you do have time um but we understand that not everybody can make it in a thousand unfortunately marbles does not have a higher limit so uh and you know yeah we could do four races but there's still a good chance that you will not oh I should be closing my door because I'm give me one sec otherwise all the dogs are going to run in thanks babe um but uh yeah ultimately with that like you know we could do four races but it could be the same 4,000 or four 1,000 people um in the end of the day that's your first attempt is uh getting in I got second place then finished like oh I got second place once then finished like almost last take your top off uh that will come if we're ever really down bad uh that's when I'll start doing uh topless streams for uh 1% of the audience how do I redeem the cinder skull Discord badge uh the same way as you redeem the other Discord badges you have to Ping uh the Raven Don robot um when going to be the online servers two hours has passed uh so it's almost been two hours and they should be up like any minute now um with all of our patches I always tell the team take their time make sure they do it 100% the right way um make sure there's no like you know little things that just easily get forgotten um so yeah I'll never I'll never rush the team when it com comes to these maintenances but that's why I'm here with you guys okay they're hanging out n you're looking good I appreciate that thank you uh any plans to add unique skills to each class I'll explain very clearly why not um right now if we added unique skills that' be 56 new unique skills right it's 56 class combinations if we add another archetype I believe this becomes what 150 unique skills then we add another archetype then we had another archetype and suddenly we have 3,000 unique skills in the game within within a year um that is why each AR or each combination does not have a unique scill uh any idea if the steam version will be steam deck verified I'm considering getting a deck well you can already play on a steam deck uh it takes like a minute or two to set up I understand that you may be asking like well could would there be like an official version um I'd have to dig into that I I assume so I believe it's a pretty simple process um but I I would have to uh confirm that like I wouldn't know right now um but you could but if you're like if you're unaware that you can play it already on a steam deck uh just with a little bit of changes um and that's like the Difference Maker for you getting a deck I I would recommend you get in a deck because you are able to but two truth and a lie about myself oh if the servers R run up I I probably would take the time into doing that but the servers just went up a minute ago um godp speed everybody uh I didn't get to talk too much about what these things look like I'll really quickly just say something that on them before you guys go um group group based boss challenges uh kind of what it is what the name implies but the idea that you can get up get together with a small group and do certain boss challenges for rewards um these would likely be kind of day-to-day things and um and we would also obviously have scaling difficulty as well so you're able to really challenge yourselves or if you want to do like a quick pickup group with some randoms you're able to do an easier version of it obviously the rewards would scale as well um world boss events this is much or this is much more uh interesting than just a world boss that spawns um we have some kind of cool mechanics around the world boss as well like not not boss mechanics but what will happen with that especially when the boss dies so there's some really cool stuff coming with that as well uh Dungeons and raids obviously this one is a is a big one um uh again AG system revamp will come before these things do or with these things Aether Gates uh for anyone who's played albian uh it is our take essentially on Hell Gates um quite a bit different there quite a bit uh quite a bit different so if there's some things you don't like about hell Gates understand that we've taken that in consideration um but essentially a PVE and PVP 1V one and possibly 2v2 event and then Guild Wars guys Guild Wars will be coming soon guilds and and if you're not in a guild don't worry you will also have some relevance in these as well okay you will not be hung out to dry um but uh that is something to look forward to um so make sure you juice your characters up you get ready because um if any of the big guilds uh lose in their in their Guild Wars and don't get a fort uh I'm going to make fun of them publicly on stream so you've been warned um awesome guys that is everything for today thank you so much uh again appreciate all the kind of words today just it's insane that there's 4 thou over 4,000 people in here absolutely insane um really special uh to us and we're we're we're just we're very grateful we're very grateful for you all that are playing Raven Dawn that are trusting our process that are you know constantly looking forward to the things that we keep bringing in and um you know we have a lot of steps to go but the fact that um we are an NA server not launched on Steam and we are the size we are is incredibly flattering and Incredibly positive for our team we will keep working very hard um best way you can help us is other than obviously like supporting us directly by getting a bundle or getting Patron or whatever um the the best ways you can support us is is sharing about the project with your friends with your gaming groups on Reddit um on socials whatever following us engaging with our stuff it just it all helps a ton so thank you so much guys for everything you guys do um I hope you guys have a good weekend of playing Raven dawn again this is a huge patch if there's some issues be patient guys if there's some bugs and stuff we'll fix them we'll get them done that's why we we're patching on Thursday we'll get them done um but uh you're allowed to buy a lot of the milks guys you can only consume so many don't worry relax um cool also yeah the servers will be a little laggy as everybody's logging in okay because this is the login servers okay um anyways that'll be everything guys I'm going to ship you off to somebody if I don't screw this up um I got to do somebody different though because I did to Torres last time black bill before that um I want to do gratus but you've been streaming for 13 hours already oh I know who I'm G to stream I know who I'm gonna host or Raid um oh God God oh God it's torn between two people listen uh it's Tor between two people there's one guy who's a smaller Creator but he makes a lot of like videos and stuff and I want to support him um okay guys I'm shipping you off to zav um there's another Creator I also really want to host there's so many I want to host um he's a much smaller Creator and so I love to to shoot some stuff some hype his way um go give him a follow go say what up um and uh yeah let me let me just go I got remember how to do this every time um thank you so much guys have fun oh I think the mature audience thing up the raid but anyways whatever I send you guys over
Channel: Ravendawn Online
Views: 846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DqXQmUzkwbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 0sec (8940 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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