Tasmota Zigbee into HA Natively and Camera/Floodlights

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[Music] all you need to [Music] my know [Music] [Music] we all have our reasons why we are on this track we all have our burdens here but we just keep on fighting that we never look back here we go go go don't be afraid to show what we're going for this is what we know [Music] all you need to know is [Music] [Music] from [Music] [Music] um so what up everybody of course we'll probably see the chat catch up like always i have no idea why it decides to do that last time i had it working fine for some re just out of the blue and then the other day just decided not to and i think i really give up on the chat either working or not so i guess obs has its issues with the chat apparently from what i've found see there it goes watch then it'll start doubling up all right so yeah everything's a rib as i said earlier um yeah a few of y'all caught on that's the uh i thought was a cool picture and when i passed by the other day and they had it a little partially built like that i knew they were trying they were gonna be building it and i said oh i gotta go get pictures of it and it just turned out once you got kind of close to it it just it looked like some big satellite dish of some sort of ray gun thing going on so i just knew what had to be done so what's up will nice of you to tune in i got another wheel and wheel ah there you are the motion not working great okay with that sunset yeah those rules are kind of tricky for that sunrise and sunset thing and like i said i i started to go that way but then i started to i had to mix in if my alarm state was on or off and then whether we were home and that just got to be too much so i'd end up just doing it in node-red so but yeah let me see let me pull up a while i'll drag a thing across give me a second and um i just don't want to see all my kid pictures and stuff and but um so this is actually what it really looks like you know from further away so um so yeah it is actual i haven't seen like design photos or anything i'm assuming it's just one of those ball type looking things um with a single pedestal and so they'll those are just you know just not really anytime but it looks cool with the with the little crane and the jig pole in the middle of it so but yeah so i know has anybody's any zigbee fans here i know i was never much of a zigbee fan um i did i started for the ones that don't know i started with smart things and so i did have zigbee and z-wave and i even had z-wave before that with a adt system and i had a lot of issues with with uh z-wave and i come to find out it i tried it with smart things i still had the issues and then i tried it with a usb thing i still had issues with home assistant and i just have a lot of interference on the 900 megahertz stuff and so zigbee doesn't work too bad what i found and the only thing i had i had some zigbee bulbs i just found the delay was kind of slow on them even with uh home assistant these were some singlet bulbs and they were just one room over so i never really got into the zigbee stuff and of course i got into the esp side because i had unify for probably was it 20 probably three plus years now and so wi-fi just worked great so then when i found the esp chips and tasmoto and esp home it just it worked great but of course the battery-powered ones yeah zigbee is 2.4 um i forgot what channel there's a i remember seeing like a zigbee yeah there's like different frequencies and they fit in with the um let's pull this picture up yeah so they fit in with the with the wi-fi channels now and i remember reading that and i don't know how you exactly set the zigbee channel like in home assistant you probably know more than me some of you zigbee pros and it's i know they tried to put them like if you're doing typically you want to do that 1 6 or 11 on the 2.4 gigahertz side now of course you can't get your neighbors to follow that and a lot of the routers and stuff are all on auto now so i guess you could set your zigbee channel in there to hope it works i i just went and you threw mine in now the one problem i had was with with zigbee was my home assistant boxes on one side of the house and i don't have this massive house or anything just a standard size home in a i know suburbian american city but um if i tried to put something on the other side of the house and it was you know several rooms over it it wouldn't work it just i couldn't control it or anything or it was very flaky and and of course i wasn't going to move my unraid server just for zigbee and so this kind of fit that and actually i did move the zigbee box or the zigbee adapter into my center of the house and i move stuff all around the house today and everything worked great so i'm just catching up best of 24 25 see seen zigbee support growing yeah and and correct me if i'm wrong but in the zigbee channels or frequencies the same in like a mass majority of the countries and i know z-wave is not because there's like different z-wave frequencies in various countries so if you haven't caught up and i'm not going to go through this entire thing is i did go a little step-by-step guide of how to configure the sonal zigbee bridge and i do have this the uh the let's see hang on if you want the link to it and it is through share sale but you're welcome to do it however you want to purchase your stuff or wherever you find it at or whatever um but real quick the sonal zigbee bridge it looks a lot like and i don't have my other one here it looks a lot like the r the the rf bridge which is 433 megahertz and everybody i know has probably put tasmoto on and everything but this is the end result you get so if you're going to do it kind of a lot like a video per se um this is like my stuff i have in zigbee and there's the i have a little zigbee s31 i have a there's a little reed sensor i have it on the desk will mess with it and i have this little temperature sensor and it yeah it's i have it just sitting outside and yeah it is that humid and it's actually was a lot cooler today actually so um due to that tropical front thing going on it's actually kind of nice it was it was weird to actually sit outside and we were eating dinner and it was at a restaurant sitting outside it was like 82 or 83 degrees and my wife were like wow this actually feels nice to sit outside right now so um it was even though it was 70 percent humidity but you know it's been overcast but basically this is what you're trying to get is and you're not having to do this with any type of mqtt um any yaml coding anything like that you basically going to put it straight into as an integration and it's going to be as the zigbee z8 zigbee home automation but it you'll notice it goes through a socket it's not doing a usb port or anything like that so you can already see and i'm waiting for somebody to do this i want to see somebody vpn a zigbee bridge across the internet waiting for somebody to do that that'd be interesting see how that works but basically it you bring it in and this works just like inside it looks very familiar like i have still have my zigbee usb stick that won't reach across the house and it works great yeah they like we've been eating in restaurants for a bit they just have the 50 thing or whatever so like every other table is closed um i do try to eat outside if we can but uh just depends on the on the place so um but so the the configuration for it is and it is getting much shorter it is getting much shorter there it because basically there's this is the let me pull up the thing on the desk udm now has third party okay so on the desk if i should set my button up right so this is the thing out of the case and i know you this this it's a real simple board there's nothing really on the back um they do label all the gpio pins for you and how to flash it you don't have to solder to flash it i just use some little breadboard jumpers and i kind of go over that and but the thing is there on the board itself you can see it kind of looks like another little module here and that's the zigbee radio chipset per se you can actually see the low antenna here the antenna over here is the wi-fi one and i know you're probably thinking well hey you've got two 2.4 gigahertz so yeah you could have some interference issues so you may want to think about that um no i i don't have but one well i have a sonar basic i didn't connect it though i only have one or two sonar uh sensors um other stuff i connected was just random other stuff i had so it's not like locked to sewn off so from a button again so they label all the uh gpio pins for you and what's cool about it is you just go through and you got to use your little breadboard jumpers and i should say how to do it and everything but i go through just like on videos so a lot of you veterans can be like oh skip skip skip skip so but i kind of built this for the the new very new person has never even been doing tasmoda so how you flash it how to add it to there but the one difference is there's a step you have to use extra putty and you have to send over the flash for the zigbee chipset through x modem and yeah it that's it i did say x modem and that was that's very old school but it's not hard i did screenshots through it all and everything but here's the cool thing is theo works fast with if you don't know who theo is he's the main developer for uh tasmota and he's actually working on i did test it and but the problem is he's coding for something he doesn't have and so that's you can't test your code you got to put it out there hope someone test it and then waiting to come back it's a very slow process so um they he did he's actually doing it where you can just put in the zigbee chipset through the tasmoto gui and send it over and tazmodo will send it through x modem and flash the zigbee chipset for you kind of like the doing that poor is it portish rf firmware on the uh sonoff rf bridge so hopefully in the next day or two this guide will get about half the length i'll cut all this x modem junk out i'll just say go in send your ota file and boom and there's kind of two paths you can do for doing this uh sonoff zigbee bridge zigbee bridge you can do one for zha straight into home assistant or you can do another where it's more of a standalone where you actually use the you actually tell tasmoto to do a permit join and it scans for where more of tasmota is the actual um controller and i set it up and the guide set it up kind of for the home assistant people that way you don't have to mess with doing mqtt and then making all your sensors and it becomes a mess just do it through the gui and let it roll um so yeah there was another one wheel i did that was that was cool um oh i forgot which one it was it would actually do compression and send the files you could upload and download at the same time and then you could also chat with the other person on the other side i'm trying to remember the name of that protocol it was it was pretty cool but uh so yeah i i went ahead and added um i'll go back and find this so you so yeah you can see all your once you do get it set up and there's one little rule to put on i put all the commands on here for you um and then you just add it straight into home assistant i know one of the questions i've had by several people is hey can i add multiples well i don't think the way zigbee set up is you have actually just one controller and build one zigbee network and if you want to extend it you put a router or a device that acts like a router like a mains powered i noticed like the the little sonoff s31 when i brought it in it came it comes in and says um it says it's a it's a router now of course the the battery powered ones they say end device because they sleep all the time so they're not going to route zigbee stuff so but the cool part about this is is being able to put the damn thing wherever you want to put it at and not have to tie it to something you know just put it wherever you want so um i know there's i know mark's talking about um there's the different types of i think maybe it's talking about different types of i know there's not like a true zigbee standard but the stuff that i've added i know zigbee pro at all it's it's pretty cool i'm being able to add all this stuff in and i've added in several different things so um yeah i i did the same thing well with uh with the different bb i wish i could remember the name of that protocol because i actually bought that software and everything it is going to drive me nuts so um yeah you feel so yeah it's it's fun times then what's up fred rico they they letting you out again on sunday again i hadn't heard from frederico if you don't know frederico is he's also fl and i'm probably screwing his name up like i always do everybody's he's done a lot of the pull requests and additions in tasmota for doing auto discovery uh the button multi-press and several others i'm sure he even did the tuya mcu change for me really quick to change the baud rate for that fan controller um and i know he's working on some stuff with um the tuya mcu and the thing is again he didn't even have he doesn't have a tuya mcu device but he did find and i can't i can't pull it up because they're damn cookies he did find a uh tuya mcu emulator and uh so he's able to help write to your mcu code for tasmota so um so that's in a nutshell the zigbee stuff um i'll we'll add something right quick here if you want just to show you it's a typical typical stuff um let's see so oh and one thing i do want to cover because they they they did send this to me so i guess it's the the one little commercial aspect is this guy here and i was i was good to see that it was still to you convert and so they contact say hey we want to see if you want anything as ghost sun and i was like man the only thing i really see and i is the uh the power strip i think it might be to you convert so they sent me one and it is still two you convert they have a black one as well but what i wanted to do with it i mean if you remember i saw my video way back i had a plug with one uh button on it and i wasn't even using the relay well i saw this with the consolidate a couple of usbs and give me my plugs get rid of my little power strip that i had sitting on my desk plus it on my nightstand plus i had the button for multi-press and no i'm not going to press it press once it turns on the light on my side of the bed i think twice it does this one but if i do a long press it turns on both lights in the bedroom so i did a little multi-press thing with the gosan strip so it is uh to convert and but i did notice it does not use the tywe 3s module i'm pull up i took pictures of i took course i took it apart and uh took pictures of it i'll see if i can pull it up here i want to say it's that t let's see no they don't even have a name on it let's see they don't even have it's it is does say esp825 but there's no there's no name on it so um yeah that's the first thing you got to do man it's just just going to take it apart so i got to see how it works i i've been i'll see how quick i can be with this story my brother hated me i still remember i had this red and black phillips screwdriver and i used to take apart all the toys and he's two years older than me i took apart all the toys i want to see how they worked inside and so he always got mad at me because i would never put toys back together because i you know that that wasn't fun so but so i'm not gonna stop oh yeah wildcat bb at renegade was the one that i remember that one there was a renegade with some cool uh cool software um so back to some with the ghost sign thing oh we want to i'm going to add the sauna off s31 i'll show you how if i can find my windows and the the number one thing i re i remember i really loved was playing trade wars that was awesome all right help me out here for integrations i get so lost on all the menus now they've trained they've tr changed stuff so many times i get so lost uh let me go ahead and um wouldn't plug it in there was another like kind of dungeons and dragons game that that it was a mac based bbs had it um i don't remember the exact name of it though it was like they were like one of the only ones in town that had like this mac based bbs what's up tony let's see all right so i want to make sure it would let me uh add i want some hot button is there i'm sure that somebody has done it some hot buttons on the uh i gotta remember backwards on the left of home assistant to get to various integrations so you don't have to go configurations integrations and then scroll down because i still do not like the tile list it looks pretty but um functionality over it looks on this thing i like to i like the smaller list i hate having a scroll let's see let's remove this device i'm gonna pull up the console of uh what is so what are you going to show us look i already showed you the i only showed you uh the um the ghost sun the ghost sun power strip so that's about i'll show you something later okay if you really want to show you something um and look the zig the the the zigbee uh how much is this guy it's gotta be cheap i'm sure it's just you order from sonoff um that's not too bad so you're looking at 1690 so for considering what you get it's not too bad i don't know what their shipping is right now but um so it's it's it's all about not spending the big money what is oh the zigbee i i've seen two that two two two things already is that the um [Music] oh the hill uh paul yeah he'll yeah okay yeah yeah the dance uh the dancing thing i i i i just i couldn't i couldn't so i had to fast forward um exactly some things that probably that were good to miss um so in here and i don't need this on you i don't need to see well let's see so i'm not sure what this means when you come in here and it says in the future you can change network settings for zha here y'all know what that means what do you mean change network is that something change the the channel number or something it was kind of cool this is the um the the console of it so where do you where do you change those at now i'm guess in the future it says you can change them but how would you change them now i'm just not a big pro on that so the console of the zha module you can actually see the uh traffic going back and forth it's kind of cool so um i don't know if we see if i can try to um split screen here a little bit see if we can drag this guy over here or something without well it covers my chat up but we'll see i'm trying to show you how i thought was kind of neat once you start messing with it all right yeah what was on tazmoto oh no the um the stuff was not on taz motor that was on home assistant so a quick explanation basically tasmoto is just really being a dumb pipe per se i don't is to the es to that esp to the zigbee chipset so it's kind of like home assistance going over your network through wi-fi or whatever it might be getting to the actual zigbee bridge here wherever you put it at and it just uses the chipset so you know for instance if you've got a you know your home assistant server in your basement and then you've got a bunch of zigbee on the second floor well then you put this thing on the second floor and then it'll just pick up wi-fi and you just have home assistant will hit it i mean he'll put it like i say i'm waiting for somebody to put this over vpn and put it at their neighbor's house or something i don't know so um so yeah it just basically what happens is that it in the in the commands in one of the in the in the guide and i i did link this in the description uh so y'all can kind of dig through this if you want is you can see right here there's a rule that when this thing starts it starts a tcp server on port 888 and it does that at boot so it starts up opens a port 8888 and then just home i point home assistant to the adapter so you can see what i'm doing here i'm saying put it new integration enter it manually you pick the ezsp you put your socket as 10 you know your ip address 888 and you put your port speed as 115k and then boom it picks up the zigbee control coordinator not controller i guess i'll say it correctly it picks up the zigbee coordinator and rocks and roll it's pretty cool yeah i was it was really just kind of mind blown for me at that point i was like wow so we don't have to do any and i do i i love mqtt but i was like this thing just hooks in and just does it automatically i was like no way and so i had to try it myself and so that's what it is so yeah so basically once you come in so i want to watch the um i'm going to hit plus to add a new device i think i got to hold down the uh this the uh button on the s31 for like five seconds and you'll see the stuff start going behind me the back and forth i guess from home assistant scanning the network and boom you can see it picks it up go ahead and pick pick the area so let me pick the area and we'll give it a different name and that's it and we should be able to see it in devices now and i'm sure i screwed up my gui because the name is different now but there's the sonoff s31 it shows as device type router and of course you can see the rssi is negative 20 so because they're literally sitting next door to each other so um so yeah that's pretty cool yeah um no yeah the i don't think you're gonna be able to get yeah um you probably you probably have to build your own you could take this same chipset and put it on uh esp32 with ethernet if you wanted to so it's just using the the reset pin the rx and tx to get to the chipset so but that was pretty cool and i'm like i say i'm not even i'm not a big like zigbee fan or anything like that but uh it does it it works well it works quick if i get my yeah so i blew this up but um i should have the read sensor here here's the read sensor let's see so it should be this zigbee state here yeah so it's it's pretty quick so it doesn't have any issues now i'm probably blowing it away with being so close but i did mess with it across the house and i'm assuming it was going through something else with the mesh and it was fine and i did even let's see if i can find it i had [Music] just to give it a shot i had this little if i'm saying it right g lead opto or something like that i'm sure it's gonna blow out the camera once i turn the lights on yeah i i have a lot of 2.4 and i don't live in an apartment or anything so um no i don't rana you you don't can't add another zigbee bridge what you would do is because it builds the mesh is you would add another zigbee uh piece of software hardware that's as a router such as that the sonoff s31 plug comes up i noticed that whenever um you're going to configuration see this is where i need those hot buttons just put me a zigbee on the left yeah i did whenever i clicked on it i didn't um let's see zigbee uh here it is right here you see how it comes up device type router that means it's gonna it'll route and make a mesh of so it'll just kind of like stepping stones and so the the coordinator will send a message out what may hit that s31 and then it may get something else even further so kind of like how z-wave is when it makes its mesh and you'll notice like the the read switches like the read switch is battery powered it says in device in device it's not going to do any routing because it's battery powered so of course you don't because it wants to sleep as much as it can it doesn't need to be staying awake so like for instance this uh this led strip well it's also as a type of router and you can also take one of you like the little cc two one if i'm saying it right one of the little chip sets you can actually flash those with a with router software and get like and put like a little and like 5 dbi antenna on it to get even better range if you're trying to make it even um yeah exactly i do agree that repeater is definitely i mean because that's what it's doing it's actually picking that thing up and handing it over so but yeah i didn't have any issues doing like the um if i can get i don't know why this browser is hanging up on me i didn't have any issues doing um like power strip like the little led strips or anything like that um and you can see it's pretty quick so it's just a little led strip i've had actually i think i had this with when i was doing the smart things thing and uh but it actually has five it has warm white cool white and you can see it's pretty responsive through zigbee so yeah so it's the one only the one coordinator that i don't know if they could build in the ability to do more than one i just don't know so but so that's it about that guy um have you played with wled i played with wled last november late late last november that was about it haven't played with it recently um i may possibly i still i gotta look at a bunch of things if i'm gonna do any type of christmas light i can't do anything per i don't wanna not that i can't i don't wanna do anything permanent other than like some small you know nails or hooks or something like that i don't want to mount anything permanent on the house but that's my preference and also the the significant other's preference as well um let's see what else we were going to talk about um i don't know um what's up mohan thank you for joining us so i guess while we're in tasma oh and this is the case for it if you hadn't seen the case it's just a simple it looks like the sonar rf case just a simple our little case there's no wires and it just has the little regular usb port on it so yeah but i'm i'm kind of picky too i don't i don't want strips or anything or lights hanging uh i don't know i'm looking at a few things to see if i can do something where i don't see it so i'm kind of picky on that aspect but um so everybody i i did i know i talked about the the g the jig where's the other one i know i had another one here there was another version of the jig that someone uh and i forget his name he shared it on the comments um he shared it on the comments what was will have me click on your solution let's oh you got the those uh the clips i mean i recognize that that little icon there yeah i know i'm just being a idiot or smart see that's not too bad um hey i appreciate it rick thank you sir and thanks for the donation and thanks for joining us appreciate it yeah that's not too bad um i don't i think i'm thinking if i had to do something where it would be my problem is if i had something that would face down what i was thinking actually was something and i know i'm over engineering it probably um something that would be right in here and that i could flip it down and it but then i could flip it up when i'm not needed because if i flipped it up i probably wouldn't notice it too much and the only problem is is that my the how the the trim and all the house is gray and so it's kind of a pain to find something that's gray yeah but i don't know if the aluminum would uh aluminum would definitely just definitely hold up i was i could i'd probably have to sand it so it wouldn't be as shiny and reflective so um yeah the black probably wouldn't be too bad but i would have to do something where i'd put it in the middle down through here and then i would i would i would want to flip it down because i know i know i have tested and you really want to have it facing the street and because because really i've just the opposite when i put leds under the bed um once indirect or direct lighting i did find it was better this way so but if i could flip flip it up that would be cool because see right here it's all for me it's all brick right here and that would definitely show because the brick is all like multi-colored and stuff like that so um i don't know if i have a picture of mine but i found i want to see if i could find clear i guess my plumber buddy of mine is clear it's it's almost like a clear opaque almost pvc so i wanted to see if i could find some of that and then it would i could it would definitely withstand the weather and it would stay in there and i could and i probably wouldn't notice it a whole lot and i could just mount it in the middle what i'm kind of thinking of so yeah it's it's it's like pecks i i got a brother-in-law he's a uh plumber and he's it's like pecs but it's like a clear it's it's almost clear the clear opaque color and it's it's it's a really cool diffuser so what's up mac so um so maybe even eventually i'll get to there i just gotta find something but i know time's gonna run out of me quick but uh it's definitely way too hot right now for me to go installing stuff outside i am not climbing in the attic right now that's just like as someone said before it's like satan's crack of hell going up there right now um so i did i found there was another uh yeah it took me a little bit is she she doesn't like it too crazy on the leds if it's some uh yeah i'll zoom in i'll bring it down seth if i if i keep the animations low-key like a lot of solid colors those that flies so which which in which image uh seth the uh the i know there's a delay this image or the camera image seth um will it let me here let's just do let's try and zoom it this way nope let's do this nope's gonna say the damn thing can we copy the image i guess it doesn't let me copy the image look here look we're gonna we'll fix this there's always a way i'm sure it's not it's not gonna keep the quality um let's see over here to uh let's just call it will ah i'm dragging everything around what did i drag around the alert box all right let's try this by that time will could have sent me the picture on discord and he probably already did so the that's the clip right there you can see i know i'm getting it just we need the csi guys to come in here and clean up the pixels and make it ultra zoom so yeah that's the clips you can see it slides in on that piece of frame um and yeah i figured i'd pick on you a little bit will and you can see that looks like this piece slides in here and then this holds the led strip i believe yeah so yeah enhance enhance yeah so i'm sure will will will share something in uh in discord i'm sure there's another way i can get these pictures off of here that looks cool will yeah see it's not too bad but see your you got that light trim it would it blends it kind of blends in so you probably definitely don't notice it and the problem is i'm i'm gonna be looking for it because i know it's there so um yeah because last year i just did um let me see if i can find i'll find the the the picture of it if you want last year all i did was i threw i had a bunch of strands and let me find my photo this thing was november yeah that's not going to be the title of this live stream forever bobby um i was that's just me goofing off with uh everything is a rib um i just wanted to i don't know if you can say it kind of click but it's i'm not gonna leave it as that title um if i can find my picture no i all i did is i took a node mcu and some 12 volts strands of lights you know like not the stuff not the strips but the actual this like christmas light strands and i just hook it straight up to the node mcu and let the node mcu run off 12 volts and just i plugged it in it all worked i just let it eat i didn't do any type of resistors or boards or nothing i just ran it all 12 volts it was really simple setup if i can find the picture of it i love the 5 000 pictures yeah here it is um shoot yeah so i just took that's just a node mcu sitting in there and then a 12-volt power supply and then 12-volt strands and i just hooked the 12-volt strands i used this little um i don't even call it terminal bar or whatever and i use some dupont jumper wires off the node mcu and you can see right look they just come straight out and go straight into the bolt into the the the lights and that's it so and uh it worked great um let's see i had we did like a couple little trees of them or whatever um yeah i did i did order a couple of those dig uno's uh from doc and just to see kind of what all the the the fuss was about and i'm trying to find the end of what i did i know i have it here i had it in one of the end of one of the videos somewhere um yeah so this is what i did this is kind of like it's just kind of real simple what i did last year um and just i just a little nine second loop and just ran it off that 12-volt power supply and called it a day so but that was just i think i want to say i was using two i want to try i think i did i think i did two note mcus i believe if i remember correctly because i think this is one no it's four it was i think i did four because it was one one ran this this piece here run ran this piece here i tried doing two but the segment thing and w leg was so buggy for me it would stop working and stuff and it would or it would mess up and and i i just finally gave up and said the hell would i have two more uh note mcu's and threw it in there so but i did another one um i had a fifth one on the christmas tree in the uh the living room and i just had that going regular so but i i kept it simple and low key and um i know a lot of people here's here's the thing i know we have this several i've seen that not a debate but i've seen the debate when people always ask oh wait you can run a nodemcu at 12 volts let's see if we can find one that has a higher resolution pick um i'm not going to be able to find one you can kind of see it but check your you know mcu if like this one you can kind of make it out it's hard to make out but this the power regulator is an ams-1117 well if you check the data sheet for the ams-1117 you'll notice right here input voltage 15 volts and then they even talk about it being uh if if you feed it now let me zoom in they even talk about feeding at 12 volts right here so it for that power regulator yeah i've i fed them and let them eat at 12 volts so now do not do not feed the wemos little d1 minis don't feed those 12 volts unless you want the magic to come out the magic smoke i wouldn't feed those 12 volts so um but do check the cl like there may be i'll always check the make sure the regulator has you know because they may have the clones all the different boards and dev boards make sure that you do have the correct uh that little correct power regulator and i wasn't feeding any sensors or craziness off of it letting it hang off of it i was just putting um just the the lights off of it so what's will got me clicking on oh that's cool okay so just kind of looks like just plugs in your vcc ground and signal hmm okay that's cool i like simple just give me something simple and i can i already have and call it a day yeah i've got a several espo ones as well so so where is um i tried that other uh jig that i know there's another guy in atomo or ademo how you say his name was trying to do another jig with dupont jumpers and i did there was another one that someone else mixed up and they changed they modified it to be shorter than the other jig because those pins they just they're out of stock um and so i did print one but of course i didn't i couldn't find the exact pins to use but i found it was a little bit better for me and this is that um the little jig the ty we3s and this was the original one that i did that video on and you'll notice the size of the pins here and the difference on the height and one thing that i did find that that those pins they i had to find out which ones i ordered but uh there and but they're they're a little bit too big because i really have to jam them through the holes uh to get them to go but you can see it's that since these have that that conical head i think they call it and i probably butchered the name on that too but they do go down on the chip and i am putting this backwards so don't do like me rx and tx is up to the top right but it does it makes it a little easier with those with those heads to go down on that uh that little two year module so but i thought it was kind of neat the um i went through someone else made another jig for it so oh you couldn't you got a bag of 100 the longer we couldn't get them to go through the holes in the in the other jig in this one i actually had the other issue is because i've i've still been getting a couple requests here and there if people wanting these to be printed and i did i ran out of pla that i had i think that came with my prusa and it printed them really well i switched over to hatchbox and kept the same settings of pla and i did notice that these pins go in a little bit easier and they still stay in i did i had one this actually might be the one where without staying in now i had one you can see it's on the on this one it's really really loose on the uh on the pat on the this is the power but it's it would be fine i think it but i think if i if you really bump it see it'll fall out i don't like that so i didn't it was just one this one for some reason the way it printed i don't know why but the other ones have been seeming to catch um on the other most on the other holes so yeah mac that would be awesome if um if they would definitely sell them you know pre like we could just pick as an option i know there was a guy on one of the previous uh maybe in the last one or the one before i only seem to do these like once every three or four weeks yeah i'll link that smaller one um is the the guy um i think he or he ordered a bunch of bulbs or something he boarded a bunch of bulbs from zimmi smart a bunch of down lights that's what it was and he made a some firmware that would do aging where it would automatically they plugged it in and it would hit all the color channels for like a couple minutes a piece and that way they could do their quality control test and test all the different color lights on the products uh so so they wrote they loaded his version of taz moto on all the dim all the zimmy smart down lights for him i don't know how many he ordered though so um yeah that was kind of my um my thought at first i just kind of kept this one to be mine is just to put a little bit of super glue you don't do anything crazy just a little dab there and it would it would make them stay in um but like this this one i bought some pins that were way too big and like i've got to take pair of pliers and push them through the hole to make them fit to in this little guy here so i've only printed a couple of these just to see how they are but um i guess just the holes need to be opened up but i did find that they made the guy who did this when uh what's his name um hit the shirt at the top net eight one three he did make looks like he made the walls a little thicker on the jig itself so but kind of cool thing um is i it definitely made me lazy for um wanting to uh do some of the i i flashed a bunch of treat life uh three-way switches with it and uh i just because they were they had firmware was blocked on them so but so who was asked was it raspy he wanted to ask about something that was um make you break out your wallet and i will say this this this is uh it's it's way too um well they've lowered the price a little a little bit on this guy and i'll show you it here this is the i'll drag it over here well we'll just throw it in here yeah don't buy this just yet so they did lower the price let me i gotta get my screen back so i can see if what i'm seeing here and turn this off they did lower the price on it um i think it was like 179 or something like that to me it's a little bit too expensive um right now and i haven't gotten it outside to see exactly um but and it does i know you're probably asking the reason we kind of we were talking in discord about someone had was it was uh bk 101 i think it was he was asking about hey is there any flood light cameras out there i'm sure there's a bunch of them but is does it have rtsp well of course you know ring and all the other ones don't have rtsp so um i about that i think the next day i saw amcrest had this one it came out and that i was like oh this is junk this is junk and well of course i scrolled down here and what caught my eye was you can see it's on this column it actually said blue iris and third party using rtsp and i was like whoa really okay so here we are i had the 50 i have to sleep on if i spin over 50. yeah this one's definitely 50. i the price is too high i think for me um and i haven't i guess i haven't gotten it outside yet but and this thing is freaking massive they review the at amcrest again versus the ring version we're not going to be typing uh was like what they were talking about the have anybody use no bread yeah well i'm going to show you how massive this thing is it won't even fit on my desk really this thing is massive and i mean i do have it i'm putting it right by the side of my face i know i have a big head but still this thing is freaking massive um i don't know what other here there's something i know everybody not most people know relations of this is a simple let's just put it right here on the side of it if i can get it on the camera right this is a simple smart switch on the side you standard decor uh smart split i know i don't have any bananas i got some apples uh bananas just go bad too too quickly um so this is a standard smart switch on the side so that's you can kind of see the light the lights is the height of and this thing's just just massive um it is pretty bright i did the the lighting is uh more of a warm white light i would have preferred more of a cool uh white for outdoors at night that's what i have um in the backyard and so i figured was i see how it works out and um but it does have if i can get the it does this is a big old camera but it does have let's i'll just do it here is this two the leds on the side it does have a camera i want to say there's an sd card i haven't taken it apart yet i haven't powered it up really except just see if it worked but i think there's an sd card inside here sd card slot you can do and uh it does have this big massive pir on the bottom and it does do um i did play around with a little bit on i didn't bring it into blue irish yet but it does have i did do it with vlc or with rtsp and it it does have h.265 i didn't see any option to do h.264 and one thing it did now it does go in come into the same um little amcrest smart home app if you will the one that they use for the smart doorbells and you can set all the settings and stuff in there and you can do the schedule the light and all that it it was it did work fine i haven't put it outside yet so i'm kind of sure curious to see how it works on motion outside and it does have like a two-way speaker no matt that's the designed for mains power so you're not going to see something like maine's and then ethernet that was is designed for the market where now it's designed for the market where someone will go and just wants to replace a floodlight and get a camera and and they're not all into um being able to run i'll drag drag this them back they're not able to to run all you know like ethernet cables and doing power over ethernet i know a lot of us are able to do stuff like that and uh so there's just 1080p but so yeah if if you have the ability to run no i didn't see any ethernet on it at all the only thing that's on it is on the back of it the only thing that's on it is neutral um you know hot and then ground and that's it so um i did check it don't quote me on this i want to say it was pulled when it was on it was pulling around 25 watts uh it was pretty bright um but yeah it's it's more designed for it and i did notice it was connecting on the wi-fi at um i want to say it was it was not the regular 72 megabit i want to save like 150 megabits connecting yeah so it's designed for the market where joe schmo just wants to replace a flood light plug it into their that plug it in turn it on and it comes into their wi-fi and boom they got a camera on the outside of their house now for people that can go with a uh you know i can't they can do their own power over ethernet cameras and they can do uh you know put in their own little floodlights i would definitely go with just do separate because like one of the things on there of course those lights are not detachable uh well they are i guess if you really want to get down to it but what if the ele what if the led goes out on one side what do you do now you're stuck with a 170 dollar camera that doesn't have any lights and there's no and there's no ir on it because it turns on i don't think there's ir on it don't quote me on that haven't played with that i think that uses the lights of the floodlight to light to to light up the camera stuff so um yeah so if you can run your own thing i would do something like um you know get one of the get one like one of these cameras they're pretty cheap they're 60 bucks uh oh there is ir okay um this is probably i i did that one that one review on it um on this this camera here this is probably one of my go-to cameras for budget now and because not everybody needs 4k and this one has that killer freaking night vision and like i said it's only like 60 bucks right now and you can i haven't done it yet i will soon they will they do have a way to you can go you can flash the da hua or uh if i said it right i'll probably screw it up again um you can flash the dahua of firmware on it and you can get the trip sensor the trip wire sensor and a couple other things on this exact camera so it definitely opens things up um if you haven't seen what the difference is i'm sure i got the picture somewhere i know i was blown away with that camera night vision crest they do make another one that's 4k it's a i think it's out of stock though and it has the kind of the same type look looking lens but it's out it's out of stock i didn't notice the it looks kind of like this one but it's analog all right nick i appreciate it yeah it's out of stock right now i have two of them and they're pretty good they're 4k but they also had that same uh crazy night vision um let's see amcrest where is my real link knight no ir oh that's no that's got that's that's night i want day color no ir so this is a the real this if you haven't seen the video i show this this is that this is the real link camera in in color mode at night and you can see there's there's no ir out here and other than i guess what would be by the street lights or whatever but then when you put on the amcrest that one is the amcrest 5 megapixel at night in color vision huge difference that's just absolutely nuts that start the star light yeah exactly i was really blown away um when i fired it up so you got me thinking i just went and set this up i wanted i think i screwed up in that video i did i want to pull up the address for it i think i had it in night mode in the backyard and then when i took it in the front i changed it to color mode and i'm gonna find i'm trying for the ip address on my router of that camera 139 and i'll bring it up on the other side once i get it over there yeah i got like a bunch of cameras in there though i don't know if i'll be able to do it here live let me turn off the knight i want to see what it's going to do if we change it um day and night let's do mode color ah yeah i didn't have it set right but still it's it's not as dark it is it is very dark back there so um yeah it's i did have it in black and white i believe then but um it's well now it's gonna flip it back over to night mode so but yeah so it if you do have some light this this is that five megapixel camera i set my little board back up because i was playing with another camera um i don't know why it said it i mean maybe i should hit the save button travis let's see exposure we're going to turn the off [Music] and what if you could turn up the wide dynamic range it may help no it's not going to i wonder if backlight would help nope not going to yeah it's it is very dark back there it this is very deceiving this this uh light is way uh way back there um what i'm messing with if you want to curious 141 if i remember that i think i just left it default i think yep and stupid flash is still required this is the uh the rlc 522 i don't even know the price on that this is this one what's the d oh this is see you gotta watch this this add-on thing don't buy i don't ever buy the add-ons the add-ons you have to use their nvr there was actually a cool article about a guy hacked the reverse engineer the protocol on that yeah this it's got optical zoom on it but it's a little expensive for me but um i've already got a nice spider web on it it's got optical zoom on it but and it's got this loud if you can hear it it's kind of funny i think you hear it on the mic i got i'll turn the speakers up it's trying to focus right now oh it can't focus that's funny yeah look let's see you can hear the crickets i should record that for sound effect right no copyright let's see i did turn the speaker's way up and it's it's not that loud like when you're standing next to it it's funny but um let me turn that down if i get blasted or something yeah but like watch what's if i turn this guy um ima where's advanced if i turn this one led light off and hit save and then we'll do now see that's picking up ir from other camera that's not fair day night will do color let's see how the difference yeah you can still see there's a big difference i mean look that like this one pulls out this and then i mean that one pulls out that so louisiana asmr that's like my switch asmr video we did the other day yeah so that's still crazy it's still crazy this is a decent camera but this is it you know during color mode and this is a during color mode so it's pretty cool that you can get that camera um and i did see they had like some coupons at once like for like early july they were they were selling for like want to say it was like uh ten dollars less for like 50 bucks so um and i know mac was talking about being able to get those on aliexpress um and i guess it would i'm gonna copy him see let's see if we can find his now i got crickets in my ears let me close all these um see if we can find that camera there it is that's on their website though you said um aliexpress has them let's see how much they are on ebay and if it's the same looks like they got tm yeah so you can see it's like the same camera so you can see why um you can see why the let me see if i still have it up nope let me let me go back to it amcrest 5mp cause amcrest does is a uh it's they do the same uh you can see it's like the same camera it's just they they're they're just a rebrand uh of them so and though so that's why you can put that firmware on them so i will do that eventually on mine but um other than that that's about it didn't mean to go into cameras i thought it'd be funny to show that um that big massive camera so so anybody got any questions um tesla questions i know a guy knows a little bit about tasmota and rules and switches and buttons and stuff and group topics i know we seem to go over a lot of different stuff and i did put down here i know we were talking about doing um the i always talked about doing the the clicks of the switches and i did a little short unlisted uh video and we were talking about in on on um discord the different clickiness of switches and like what the difference were and uh like this one ver this one like it was like yeah this is the go sun and so i had i did bring i did i put several here in case anybody wanted to know about switches or anything but you don't have to it's just up to you um you know why the tasmoto new release is late i can if if if i had my guesses they've been tied up in the uh zigbee stuff the zigbee bridge and the zimmy two game actually i do i do have one of those why did you get that thing flashed or did you come over here and listen to me ramble on and on about zigbee and cameras and night vision and stuff um and i forgot what i was what i was pulling up yeah cause i was looking in the um that's a common issue mac so i'm looking at several of the different let me get this out of the way because otherwise it's going to mix all up and everything you'll notice a lot of the stuff has been about zigbee bridge zigbee bridge zigbee bridge zb bridge zigbee bridge this is zigbee two everything all a lot of the commits have been about so i think they're what just my guess is and i know there's this proof of concept that's the the x modem upload and i'm thinking that once they get the zigbee bridge stuff down i could see that going to a full uh release so but um so you got the 2.5 and oh yeah the wiggos is yeah you can you can see i have just way goes i i go look on switches and find my three pin way goes and i usually have several on the desk as well that i always have handy um but uh to check sls zigbee gateway on git have you got got a link for if let's just see if we can um google that is that a bad thing to google here we go oh so what is this one the gateway is based on the controller esp32 tandem of chips the c amplifier and see yeah i'm just picking with you mac um don't always take me serious so i wonder so here's the hardware that looks cool looks very similar to yeah i'll put the link out for uh people to go check out it's got a lot to digest i'll definitely leave that tab open um to go dig through and see what is all oh integration into home assistant does it go straight into uh the software can be used together you can use discovery hmm okay yeah see this is some of the stuff that i liked and not bashing this one at all is i like to see that i didn't have to do a lot of this and could just bring it natively into home assistant using that socket so i thought that was kind of neat because i know some of the new people especially if you start talking about you know i mean look at somebody and look i know that's cool but you start to show people some of this stuff and their eyes just want to glaze over there because they are looking for something that they just because they're used to how so much has changed to the gui based in home assistant i just want to hit the add button and boom and go i mean even showing them how to do some of the stuff with tasmoto some of the you know the eyes glaze over even though it's really worth it but um so i definitely want to still do one i want to look into this and and see what's always all there and possibly maybe they could do something like with that socket as well like they did so that would be pretty cool what is a cr6se well and how many printers do you have or should i ask self leveling so how is it the minutes thirty three thousand dollars and you could you can afford that will um no i'm picking three enders one extra yeah they're still printing stuff for the covet stuff i haven't seen them doing that i saw some of the groups here in my area doing it for a month or two but they they stopped doing that stuff i guess different supply channels are caught up the next master coming this week there are a lot of adjustments under the hood yeah zigbee and some minor features took a lot of time testing um oh so you put your um to your you and just go okay okay yeah it seems to be when they they they stopped i stopped hearing about it and i was watching some of it in um some of the reddit local groups and stuff like that some of them and uh they were doing really good on march through march and april but it seemed like they may i hadn't during may it just kind of went slacked off i guess when we hit phase two in this area it really slacked off so cr6 i definitely look at that um my other one's still kicking so what else we got for we had to jet i do have work in the morning and it is almost 10 o'clock for me so um about an hour and a half which didn't too too bad um i didn't have anything else crazy to talk about i'm just looking making sure and nothing else crazy going on software wise nothing has really broke on me um i haven't i guess one question i want to see is i know they had all this stuff for uh [Music] um did you yeah yeah definitely smash that i'm gonna change the name and i'm gonna change the uh thumbnail i was just goofing off with you guys um um so yeah i i have have you seen any i haven't compared the difference on a pie like a pie 4 for the automation stuff i i don't do a lot of automations in uh home assistant itself so i kind of skip through that because i always do node red but that the speed the speed optimization kind of caught my eye so but for the new one um florida will switch will will fl well switches a d yeah i'll leave it to him for the automations because i don't do yama automations um i i i messed up on that i i learned node-red first and i can't go back so so it kind of shifted the way things i have a few automations in yaml but it's like maybe three or four but i i just like the whole visual stuff of uh being able to drag bubbles around and not have to worry about syntax and tabbing and how do you spell something and i just that got drive me nuts so yeah yeah well the switches in yeah they should um [Music] they should and the reason why i do like the visual logic i did a lot of software with business process management that was from the same way you built a map of where the process was going to go so it just kind of made sense to me to go that way which switches i guess i'm confused oh with the um i know someone else was having an issue [Music] with i haven't tried this there was one issue i had that's the last thing i'll probably before i have to go and if i blow this one up i'll blow it up is in mqtt if and i've had this with people if they added mqtt integration then and they unchecked or didn't check the box for auto discovery being on the only way you could go put it in was to remove it or go edit this the storage folder is that i could find now i saw they had this configure button because the only options you had you had system options but that's that's not auto discovery but they had configure and then you had this option here of reconfigure mqtt and does it have so broker1 username see and there's no way to turn on i don't see it here oh here it is right here so good they did add this i was curious to see that you can because some people would have this off and they would go i did set option 19 and now my switches don't work they won't come in so case of course they do have um good deal so i don't have to go tell people remove it and all this stuff so um switch topic i hadn't messed with switch topic in forever is the image for the nook or will it work with like a nook like device i i have not used i don't have a nook um i have i've used it on a regular computer and but i ended up just installing like debian and i did the the supervised install so i wouldn't have a locked down system i could steal ssh into it easily and stuff like that yeah if you probably want to do something like proc some proc mocks if you have enough enough power to do prop proxmox um oh so the mqtt alexa color thing i have the same issue as with goo with the um i want to say it but the other voice assistant is you tell it to to turn a light white even though you have a five channel light home assistant sees it five channel and maybe someone can tell me hey this is how you really really fix it you would think that when if if i configured like that power strip i just had that was five channel because it had i unplugged it uh so it's gonna did i unplug it but you would think that if you told it hey turn bright white it would do slide the color temperature over to bright white and change it but no for some reason home assistant sends over the rgb white so um i'm trying to think uh if that would work on with the cc2 i don't think it does that's the other way that the i don't think i i don't know about that i don't know that question if you can that would be kind of cool if you could i'd like to see if it can so if i say go to cool white it just turns it i haven't tried in a while oh so set it to 5000k can you do that with i'm gonna try it off the video i'm not i'm i'm not gonna i'm i'm not gonna be that guy and do and and do this on the uh the live stream and uh mess some other people saying the okay g word so um i don't have alexa to test it out so but um i must check i'm gonna check that out and also with that i i do have one of those cc2530s and with doing tasmota zigbee i don't know if it would work so um look at will will is just being the voice of um let's see we'll go ahead and hit mute right dang it i said the wrong i did the wrong light hold on i see it's not wanting to play with me there we go there we go we got it to go got it to go right i got one that did bright white and i got four chant a four channel that is uh they did rgb and the lifx went bright white as well yeah and see that my four my four channel ones are doing uh i got some zimmy smart down lights there's three of them over here and it's doing rgb for those which is weird so now i've messed up all my lighting and everything but whatever uh i'm gonna turn this on the light out does it got mute back off yeah so it's definitely weird yeah so that that's what i i ended up doing in in the rooms is i just had a fake light called the the reset light in that room and i do reset light it resets all the lights to bright white so it's just like this hack that i don't know why we have to do that but whatever so what did i miss out while i was playing with all my lights somebody said they're pi fighting with their pi four yeah i've i have one my son runs a pi four and uh but yeah if you have um i would definitely hit up tollbringer um he's in discord as well he's like your go-to pro with uh doing proxmox stuff so um he's definitely really good at it anyway all right we ain't got anything else i'm gonna jet on out of here i got work in the morning get up in six hours or so and um trying to think if we have any other thing nothing else crazy going on and um yeah whiskers is really good he's uh he's that tattoo knows his stuff so all right i appreciate y'all hanging out i gotta go change a icon and go change a silly tie
Channel: digiblurDIY
Views: 7,809
Rating: 4.8878503 out of 5
Keywords: tasmota, setoptions, timezones, rules, device groups, tasmota esp32, esp32 flash, martin jerry dimmer, pwm dimmer, tasmota fan, ifan03 alternative, wifi fan controller, fan dimmer
Id: Dns-6nEtO7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 17sec (5837 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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