Taskade AI Agents: Build, Train, and Run Custom Agents for Any Role and Task Using Your Knowledge!

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hey Tes Gators we're thrilled to announce our most significant AI update yet custom autonomous AI agents gpts on TASC a these are supercharged with the latest GPT 4 Turbo language model you can now create AI agents with custom agent commands tools and knowledge chat with your custom agents or interact with them using commands in the project editor you can also share the agents and prompts in your workspaces and folders to bring your team closer to smarter automation start crafting your AI agent today and get work done faster and smarter let's dive into exactly how you can create your AI agents right now so to get started we're going to go to the agents tab in any folder or workspace so as you can see right here there is this AI agents section whether it be in a workspace or in a folder so now I can press create agent and I can name this something specifically so as you can see from this workspace and specific area we are are in the sales side so I'm going to make a sales related agent so let's do sales analyst which is something that is a by default one that you can create or you can name it customly like Jake the sales agent then I can press create and then from there the presets did come with some preset knowledge however you can add any knowledge that would make sense for your business and give it some deeper level of instructions and also you can adjust the tone so I'm going to make this one confident and say you are a sales representative your mission is to analyze sales Trends generate forecasts and I'm going to be more specific about this I'm going to say you know the best practices for how to increase qualified lead count to the business and convert those leads effectively to sales all right so I'm going to press update right here and I can preview this by essentially starting a conversation and I also have the ability to allow multiple different tools so you can see right here there's web search knowledge so if you do have any level of knowledge like if you want to enhance your agent's knowledge to improve its awareness and Achieve better results you can turn this on and essentially add sources this can be media uh and we're coming soon with some updates like pasting text adding URLs but for me what I'm going to add could be a file that's from mine or some great advice that I've heard before and this is where maybe some sources with links can come in handy in the future say you found a sales video that's really resonating to you for example I can upload this sales script that works really well from Alex rosi and I also can enable really cool tools like web search so here are some example ones right here like analyze propose based on the context present a tailor product or service I really like this one this is a prompt that's already made and what we can do is we can allow web search whether we want to have that specifically use the knowledge or not from our system that we just added and you also have the ability to add background task so this is going to make it so that these AI agents can essentially do work for you in the background of your TASC a workspace this is absolutely amazing so let's press update here and turn on any other ones we want and also I like negotiation let's do negotiation especially with that sales script you can see we're already putting this into place here we also have other things coming soon like Wolfram Alpha and other add-ons as well with a myriad of different opportunities so this sales analyst Jake now let's press update to make sure that everything goes into place and as you can see you can make multiple agents as well and inside of here we can go into clicking on him and then chatting whether it be by clicking on that him in general and I can also press edit agent and go and edit things as well in the back end once again you also are able to add custom commands say for example none of these work for you you could add a custom command that fits your needs adding any of these ones could be interesting as well like copywriting for sales is actually important at times obviously this is the sales section like develop a sales pitch let's pick one like coold DM highlighting unique selling points this is awesome and showcases our amazing AI Library so generate a cold DM and for this one I'm going to definitely make a background tach for this press update so if we go into our sales pitch section right here let's take a look at this list view highlight how our services align with their needs all right so let's grab this entire section and have Jake take a stab at this so so you can see if I backslash right here that Jake has all of these different opportunities to for example generate that cold DM that we're talking about and you'll see that there's this little indicator on the side here that starts to Showcase what's going on with Jake so in the background as I mentioned earlier in the AI agent settings this is a background task that's going on so he's developing the customized sales pitch now let's practice the pitch delivery so so let's create a another item here so just to make sure on the agent side if you ever have any questions about how any of the prompts necessarily work you can always go and click on your agent and check out the different commands so I would say I want to definitely create a sales pitch option let's do a sales pitch Creator and I actually want to find this from here so maybe if I look up Pitch there we go develop sales pitch I'm going to copy this and put sales pitch and definitely make it a background task and then from there we can go into the sales pitch section again and for practice pitch delivery I do feel like I want to get a little bit deeper into this so I'm going to type pitch and you'll notice Jay's getting started on this and the second that this finishes right here what you'll see is essentially it works through the entirety of this gives it a set of tasks searches through the web if you have that execute it and then finally it finishes this out so we can replace this or insert this into or space press insert now this gave us a lot of great context so we can identify the target's audience demographics interest and pain points through market research or analysis of existing customer data and this is going to give us a more robust sales pitch process like trying to figure out what our unique selling points are identifying oural customer asking key questions articulating who our USPS are Etc and then how to compose a personalized coold DM message so hi I'm my name Dimitri the company that I work at my job title and that I've noticed they're on the lookout for X Y and Z this is something that was so easy to do with this AI agent and it was being worked on in the background I can't tell you how many different times I've attempted to use these different products and you know multiple of these were running oh wait no that's not a thing it only really has multiple of these running from what I've seen in TASC a being able to interact with this entire system so easily adding custom AI agents not just like Jake but even more if I wanted to make another one inside of marketing I could totally do so you'll notice this is essentially Subs segmented for this section here for the marketing area but if I went to the home section and pressed agents right and made a marketer or in operations if I made an operator all of these different sections are going to have agents at a different level now something cool that we're really excited to work on is obviously these can work on in the background and that's amazing but we're currently working on multi-agent systems so you're in the future you're going to be able to create and deploy multiple AI agents concurrently to work on multiple tasks in the same project make sure to stay tuned for upcoming skills and tools tailored for these extended duration agents and taskade automation we also have some other amazing updates on the way and we're really excited to bring all of these to you for everything Ai and everything TASC a make sure to hit that like button subscribe and check out more of our content on Tas Cade today
Channel: Taskade
Views: 24,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7-EOl0lW_4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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