TAS (GBA) Wario Land 4 - Super Hard (All Discs & No Damage)
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Channel: EddieERL
Views: 1,494,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wario, Black, Cat, Treasure, Hunt, Track, Stomp, Disc, Piece, Puzzle, Boss, Final, Intro, TAS, Tool, Assisted, Speed, Timer, Gameplay, Ending, Credit, Spoiled Rotten, Cractus, Cuckoo Condor, Aerodent, Catbat, Golden Diva, Gold, Princess, Best, Shokora, Form, Key, Countdown, Time, Gem, Diamond, Mini-game, Item Shop, Throw, Many, Enemies, Super, Hard, Car, Newspaper
Id: K8yXPg4_aa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 4sec (4684 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2017
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