Target Clearance Insider Secrets

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I’m a former target tm that dabbled in price change. AMA

Some things off the top of my head tho:

  • Clearance can start at 15% off depending on the department, not necessarily 30% (The only things you should buy at 15% off are food and health/beauty, everything else will drop lower)

  • Clearance price change days also vary by department (mainly Monday-Friday)

  • Clearance prices can vary from store to store

  • Price change days also fix mistakes with prices that were wrong. Like sometimes phone cases that were suppose to be $39.99 were $3.99 and it took corporate a while to notice (albeit rare)

  • Floor models can be bought for things like TVs if it’s the absolute last one for an additional discount (considered as damaged) But not furniture for safety reasons

  • I know this is frugal men’s fashion but for the ladies in your life, never ever buy shoes at full price. When I worked price change we literally took cart fulls of shoes to salvage. Target’s women’s shoes to men’s shoes is like a 10/1 ratio

  • Store out of your size of clothing? Check the DPCI number on the tag, if it has one. The next size up/down is usually one number away. Ask a team member to run that DPCI to see if another store has it if you’re really interested in that clothing item (I did this a lot for Father’s Day shirts that my pops would like). If team members don’t have scanners, then go to a register and they have an item search function on there that can search literally any store in the country. I’d recommend electronics since their desk isn’t typically busy.

DPCI number Example:

000-00-0001 = small

000-00-0002 = medium

And so on. This works like 90% of the time.

  • Know what cartwheel is? You should. Target has a mobile app with a coupon app built in. Lots of times they have deals on clothing including additional discounts on clearance by department. However cartwheel doesn’t require a minimum purchase. It’s a win win. You get extra savings, Target gets rid of their clearance quicker.

  • Again, please download cartwheel/Target app, it’ll save you money. A lot of money.

  • The drops from 15 -> 30 -> 50 -> 70 usually take place a couple weeks at a time for each stage. Unless there’s a ton of clearance (like 4 entire aisles of shoes) in which case target will perhaps drop the price every week.

  • If clothing is 70% off, it’ll be gone in two weeks. Guaranteed.

  • Target redcard also gets you an additional 5% off I would be a terrible former tm if I didn’t mention that

  • Weird one but if you really want a Halloween costume after Halloween ends definitely go the morning it drops to 50% off cause all the resellers will buy all the licensed stuff. I remember guys pushing literal chains of carts chock full of licensed costumes.

👍︎︎ 183 👤︎︎ u/kasabe 📅︎︎ May 04 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 205 👤︎︎ u/patrickthewhite1 📅︎︎ May 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

I work at Target. Our whole system is getting rebooted from top to bottom, so our clearance discount system might be changing soon too.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

Yeah i'm in favor of this kind of content.

👍︎︎ 91 👤︎︎ u/sadinsalem 📅︎︎ May 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

"Look at what the mannequins are wearing and buy the complete opposite of that."


👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/DinoChkNuggets 📅︎︎ May 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

I watch / subscribe to this guy’s tailoring videos. Makes me want to learn to tailor my own shirts. He creates really useful content for those that want thrifted or inexpensive clothes to fit right. If you didn’t like this video , fine, but don’t let that stop you from checking out his sewing / tailoring videos. For the record, I like his shtick.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Scott_Doty 📅︎︎ May 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

Saw this interesting video about when things go on clearance at Target, what discounts go when, and what sizes usually sell out first. I thought you guys might find this video helpful too!

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/IsntThisCreatve 📅︎︎ May 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Good info but it takes 7 mins to get to the real info. Come on man!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/dtn0020 📅︎︎ May 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

I work in mens clothing at a department store and what he said is true for other stores as well. I also thought it was common knowledge to wash your clothes right after buying them. If you don't, YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY START. People are fucking gross.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/bonyhawk 📅︎︎ May 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
If you shop for clearance stuff at Target but you don't actually understand how it works? I'm about to blow your mind! I'm SD and by the end of this video you are gonna be unlike everybody else who walks into Target. Hoping they got a good deal on their clearance stuff and hoping they have your size. And then realizing that everything that's good is already gone. No! You were going to have first dibs! You are gonna have first dibs on all of the good stuff. Why? Because Target uses a super easy formula when it comes to their clearance stuff. And I'm gonna teach you what that is. This is all honestly kind of boggles my mind because I don't ever hear anybody talk about this. And I'll walk in a Target and think to myself "am I like the only one who actually understands how this whole clearance process works?" Cuz it's not hard to understand at all. And you can save SO MUCH money when you do! But first we gotta we gotta get you kind of caught up to speed and drop some knowledge on you on what Target's been up to the last like, I don't know like 10 years? There was a point in time not really all that long ago that wearing Target clothes? Yeah it was kind of social suicide. Well Target realized that and they just went "No! let's change everything let's do something different!" "Let's just, no!" They started introducing brands like Goodfellow & Co or Original Use for guys. And then there's Universal Thread and there's Ava and Viv and there's Prologue for women. And have you ever walked into Target and looked at their clothes and realized and thought "huh? These these clothes they they kind of look similar!" Well yeah it's for a reason. You thought it was a coincidence and not the result of millions of dollars of market research. All of their new in-house lines that they have? They all directly compete with all the popular brands that you see. So Goodfellow & co? Yeah! American Eagle and Abercrombie and Hollister. They have a Wild Fable line for younger girls and that directly targets the ones that want to shop at H&M. They've been crushing it with these lines because they kind of realized that people really like the convenience of going and being able to find stylish fashionable clothes, while also buying some milk and eggs and bread all like, in the same building. Go ahead and pay full price for those Goodfellow jeans but uhh, I don't and I don't want too. Now I live in the great state of Minnesota said no one ever we're Target's corporate office is located. And why does that matter? Because that office that's like, it's honestly it's like twelve minutes away from my house, control all of the prices throughout the entire country of what does and what doesn't go on clearance and when. And I may or may not have learned the formula that they use because I COUGH I've worked there a couple of times like three times over the past twenty years and guess what? Dude it's not a random like let's just put these pants on clearance just cuz we can kind of a thing. They actually use a schedule to determine that because every single item you see in that store has to be out of that store by a certain date. This is a whole lot of info for you to absorb, so breathe in with me. Okay let's go. Yeah! Everything! I'll use this jacket as an example. Now I got this jacket on clearance for four dollars and it's their Original Use line that they have. And this line it's geared towards guys who like to wear really oversized clothes. So as a heads up I can wear an extra small or a small in this line and it's still baggy on me. I see some of their stuff on clearance and I'm like "large huh? Your large is like a quadruple X in every other brand. And I'm gonna tell you exactly why this jacket was on clearance in a second. Because it's actually not for the reason that you think it is. It's not because it's out of season. Oh! You probably didn't know that! Yeah, every single thing that you see in that Target needs to be out of that Target by a certain date. And I mean everything! I'm talking TVs, and bagels, and eggs and basketballs. Everything! That's why you find like yogurt on clearance and you take a look at it you're like "well it's not about to expire." Well it's probably because they're about to stop carrying that particular brand. And they got to get rid of it to now bring in the new brand. That Chobani yogurt that's going on clearance? Yeah it's going away! No I'm just kidding it's not going away. I eat that stuff every day and I'd be SO MAD. By the way if you see an empty shelf when you're wondering if that item is in stock in back? Check for a gray sticker. Do you see one? Yeah? Well then don't ask that guy over there to go look for it in back because it's gone forever. And to be honest with you even if it was in stock? That guy's probably not gonna go back there and check. That 22 year old guy who really doesn't care that much? He's gonna go back there and check Instagram. And then come back out and tell you he couldn't find it. Check this out if you think all of this price change and out date stuff is really kind of self-explanatory and makes sense? Wait wait until I explain the clearance pricing strategy to you. Because there's only three numbers that you need to know. And I honestly like I kind of feel bad for people who shop on clearance and they don't, they don't know this. And you might have seen the exact same items in your Target for years and years but corporate still knows. They still have a general idea of when that item is gonna be gone by. It might not be tomorrow it might not be next month it might not be till like 2022. But they still know. Their ultimate goal is for that item to get sold but that time that that doesn't always happen. So as that end date gets closer they put it on clearance as a last-ditch effort to just get it out. And if it still doesn't sell well then at that point it ends up going to Salvage and it goes to Goodwill or it goes to like a food shelf. Okay SD so corporate decides when things are gonna go on clearance but what does that have to do with me actually getting good deals on clearance clothes? Well there's this event that happens every single week and it is my favorite day of the week! It's called price change. Price change is that day when corporate sends over this real long list of all those items that are all over the store that are getting close to that out date. And they got to put them on clearance. And then an employee goes through and scans every single item in that store to check and see if it's on that list. Wondering why I'm telling you about price change? Because you can ask any employee when it's gonna take place. It's not some trade secret or like employee only knowledge. I've got a guest asking about when price change is. What do I do? No it's totally not like that. He really doesn't care why you're asking. He might be kind of confused and it'll catch him off guard. But he doesn't care. I would have told you! In fact I told people all the time. "Don't buy those shoes or that coat because next time you come in it's gonna be on clearance and you're gonna be super annoyed!" Price change at my local target happens on Tuesday. Which means I can go there Tuesday night or Wednesday morning and then I got the latest greatest most up-to-date things that are on clearance. Or things that already were on clearance and have now been discounted even more. Found something in the clearance aisle that doesn't have a sticker on it? Well that just means some idiot put those full price bathroom rugs back in the wrong spot. But if you put up enough of a stink about it at the register? They'll discount them for you. The most annoying thing about clearance clothes are when the only sizes are either small or like XXL or XXXL. But go in there right after price change? Medium and large for days! Oh and wash your clothes when you buy them regardless of whether or not they were on clearance or if they were new. Because they were most likely on the floor multiple times or they are at some other person's house. In fact it's most likely both. Real talk if you get nothing else from this video please! For the love of God take that! Wash your clothes! Sweet so now you know what determines what goes on clearance and when and why. And you also know when price change is at your local store so do you just like walk in and start buying stuff? No! Don't do that! You gotta buy the right things! Look at what the mannequin's are wearing. And buy the complete opposite of that. But that isn't always like this hard and fast rule because this coat that I got right here? This coat is gonna be perfect for chillier days in the spring in the summer time. it's baggy AF so we're gonna have to we're gonna take care of that in another video. So stay stay tuned for that. I'm getting really bad anxiety wearing it because I haven't washed it yet and it's been on the floor a lot. Now the reason why this coat was on clearance is most likely because of one of two reasons. One, it really wasn't selling the way that they thought it was going to. So they ended up putting it on clearance to get rid of it to move in something that would sell better. Two, olive green really isn't a big hit in the spring and the summertime. Me personally? I don't really mind it. Of course I'm gonna buy this coat if it's 4 bucks but the vast majority of people do not like buying drab colors like that in the spring. They'd rather buy pastels. Target knows that. They spend a lot of money and market research and it tells them that that coat? It's not gonna sell very much like at all. And just when you thought that the clearance process was easy the clearance pricing strategy is just as easy! Because there's only three numbers that you need to know about. 30% 50% and 70%, that's it. There's no 10%, there's no 25%, no 90 % no none of that. If something gets put on clearance it's going to start at 30%. And then the next price change rolls around and it goes down to 50%. And in the great words of Billy Mays there's more cuz after that it goes down to 70%. And as a heads up it might kind of sort of linger at one price for two weeks maybe three weeks. So if you see something go on clearance and it goes on clearance at 30%? it's not going to automatically go down to 50% the next week. It might take like 2 or 3 more weeks. So how can you make sure that you get something good in your size? Well what size are you? If you wear a small and that shirt you're looking at is 30% off? You can probably wait. Small's don't go flying out the door. And it's going to be discounted again. A medium or a large and it's 30% off? Hmm, I usually try and strike quicker because those sizes go faster. And if you want to try and play the game of waiting it out till it goes down to 50% or 70%? Someone else is gonna snag it up. Anything at all that is 70%? It almost doesn't matter what it is then. Get it because it is about to go away! That's it now you know how Target clearance works and you can buy a whole outfit for like 20 bucks! You're welcome! SD out, deuces!
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Views: 140,590
Rating: 4.7674184 out of 5
Keywords: target clearance, target clearance haul, target clearance 2019, target clearance haul 2019, target clearance clothes, target clearance shopping, how to save money on your clothes, how to buy cheap clothes, how to buy cheap clothes that look expensive, stylish dad, clearance clothing, clearance clothing haul, original use target, universal thread target, ava and viv target, target clothing shopping, cheap clothing haul, cheap clothes for men, goodfellow & co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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