Tara Strong (Timmy Turner) Reviews Impressions of Her Voices | Vanity Fair

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i'm timmy turner and i sure wish cosmo and wanda were here to help me review some impressions i wish i could go inside the internet here doggy doggy what was that didn't quite catch that i'm hardcore hi vanity fair i'm tara strong i'm an actress mostly known for my animated voice overalls like timmy turner from the fairly oddparents bubbles from the powerpuff girls twilight sparkle from my little pony raven from teen titans and harley quinn from the dc universe and today we're going to hear some people do impressions of my characters obtuse rubber goose green loose guava juice giant snake birthday cake large fried chocolate shake so that's megan she's awesome i've met her i let her do her timmy impersonation in this studio we shot a little vine video together hi i'm jimmy turner what are you doing nothing i'm timmy trigger she's so adorable and she's so brilliant she's probably one day gonna take all my jobs that impression was pretty close to perfect i would just say she could go a little bit deeper in her register because i still hear like a little girly in her voice but it's not something she can't do like if she did that again right now and i said go a little deeper she could do it so she's gunning for me i i see you megan it's just that in this particular impression she's thinking a little bit too young and she's doing like a little up tilly sweater goose it's just a little bit younger she could probably do a bang on like baby dill or a young timmy but for the fairly oddparents timmy still has to sound like a 10 year old boy so instead of going to cutesy you think teenage boy obtuse rubber goose green moose guava juice get little girl gestures and thought processes out of your mind and really become a little boy when you think too cutesy it puts you in that different register where you can kind of break off into girl territory and we definitely need to know that timmy's a boy that makes a lot of mistakes like boys do i wish i was inside the internet obtuse rubber goose green mousse guava juice giant sink birthday cake large fries chocolate shake i don't believe in luck but i do subscribe to the theory of horribly inconvenient coincidences i wish i could go inside the internet maddie what a great job she sounds a lot like timmy turner i would say her only flaw was the same as megan's where it still sounds like a little girl she rushed it a little bit so i think if she slowed down and just went a little bit lower in her register and add a little bit more rasp timmy has a little bit more rasp than she did in that last impression when you watch her you can see that she's into it but she's thinking more the voice i want her to think more the moments when you think of the fairly oddparents theme song and you think obtuse rubber goose green mousse guava juice wow picture all those things each word is important each syllable in animation is important and she can get there too if she was in my studio i have her there like that she's gunning for me too i can see he's not stupid he's my friend and i should have treated him better he's not stupid he's my friend and i should have treated him better so she also sounds a lot like timmy turner all these people are so close i'm so touched that it's inspired all these people to do impressions she's actually too pinched too high so i would say to in her case relax the rasp a little bit when you do timmy turner you are pinching your vocal cords and you to make that raspy sound but she's doing it so much that it's up here a little bit too much so again she's gonna lower her pitch a little bit there's a rhythm to how boys talk so she's going a little bit too fast she needs to slow it down and have a little more highs and lows and not just all up here really fast and maybe it's a challenge of someone doing something for youtube as opposed to being in an actual studio and visualizing all those moments because if she really took the time to think about those moments i shouldn't have done that almost act it like you're acting on camera he was my friend and that will bring you into those boy moments instead of sort of looking in the camera and saying he was my friend i should have done this he was my friend i should have done that even if you're speaking higher or faster if you're imagining those moments they're going to translate more and they're going to get you more into that pocket so i think the people doing impressions and it may be they're not imagining they're in each of these animated worlds blossom and buttercup i can handle the rough stuff too i'm tough i'm just as stuff as they are i'm hardcore hi i'm bubbles from the powerpuff girls she's talking to squirrels again my gosh she's so cute that is a great bubbles it sounds just like her tonally i would say again for her to slow down the acting beats bubbles has this funny thing where she pronounces words funny like so when she's like i'm just as tough as possible she'll slow it down i'm just as tough as blossoming buttercup buttercup see how there's a little bit weird where i put the tea there's little like weird inflections that bubbles has that would get her from her pretty awesome impression to even greater so slow it down imagine all the moments take every syllable i'm just as tough as blossom and bugger cup i'm hardcore even though bubble's voice lives in a high register she drops down from it periodically so that would help to capture her musicality if she didn't always stay up high all the time and she came down a little bit i think it would sound even better but that's pretty darn close [Music] hardcore she's great too it's pretty close too the only thing i can see she's doing with her mouth is she's making her a little too babyish even though bubbles is super cute she almost has to fight the baby it's almost like you can't play her to cutesy or it doesn't work you almost have to play against the cutesy with a cute sound if that makes any sense so instead of singing i'm like if you're thinking like this i'm hardcore it's naturally gonna kind of take her down again she can find a few more places to go a little bit lower even though it's a high-pitched sound i know this is probably very confusing just because bubbles is small doesn't mean her moments are small i'm just as mean and tough as everybody else she still has to have that real determined sound it's not all baby it has to have a bunch of different layers but vocally she's like and totally pitch wise she's really close you have to have highs and lows in your acting to keep the audience engaged and keep the character authentic when you speak in your own voice there's a musicality to it it's like you're singing a song with words so you wouldn't always speak like this or people would be really bored with you talking to them so think of how you have highs and lows in your own world and then bring that forth with your character work i'm still getting his drool off my face i don't want him anywhere near my brain here doggy here doggy doggy i'm still getting his drool off my face i don't want him anywhere near my brain here doggie here doggy doggy brizzy's awesome she's often running on her own voiceover career so she's doing great to make raven even more perfect it's already pretty perfect is to not have anything forced or pinched at all she doesn't have any nasal quality to her for raven you actually have to try less than people think you do that guttural role isn't always there when she speaks it kind of fluctuates in and out so she does have some highs and lows way less highs and lows than any other character i do in fact raven's challenge is in high action sequences to maintain the voice because if you get too excited you can't keep that guttural roll so i would say less nasal more natural sit back a little bit on the roll and just like let it flow but you can see like acting wise she's in the right pocket it's it's super close she could play raven um i know this isn't my style but we just kicked slade's butt shouldn't we celebrate or something evil beware we have waffles azerath metrion synthus i know it isn't really my style but we just kicked slates but shouldn't we celebrate or something it's the same sort of category as brizzy where it's just a little bit too forced a little bit too nasal if you just sit back it's also a great impression by the way but if she just sits back on a little bit and doesn't push so hard or try so hard there's no pinched sound when you do raven when you do timmy turner there's a pinch sound but when you do raven there's no pinched sound raven almost needs to sound like it's a chore to speak it's boring so if you sound pushed or you sound like you're trying to be a teenager or you sound upbeat it's not going to sound like raven and you really have to think about what's going to get her upset what's going to inspire her what's going to make her nervous what's going to get her to lose control of her magic every single thing you do in voice over like i can't say it enough is dictated by the acting beats and the moments that you're facing i would say if they were recasting which would of course break my heart i would hope that they were going for something new if it's an actual impression and you don't have it down i wouldn't go in because sometimes you don't get a second shot in front of a casting director then i would say if you're going to do an impression because there's so many people that want to break into this business it better be bang on good afternoon my name is twilight sparkle good afternoon my name is twilight sparkle what was that didn't quite catch that oh she's so cute she totally really has her down i would say slow it down a little bit think of the moments a little bit more bring in a little bit more of her acting abilities i can see she's got it i'm sure sometimes people are nervous to put this stuff out there and the thing about animation is you really can't be nervous and if you are nervous in a callback situation you have to fake it that you're not because studio time is really expensive so they want to make sure that you're going to deliver the performance within the first few takes so she just needs to slow it down and think about her acting beats more but vocally she's pretty darn close spike take down a note dear princess celestia dear princess celestia sunshine sunshine ladybugs awake clap your hooves and do a little shake spike but princess i don't understand what did i do it's a great job because in truth it's much easier i think for canadians and americans to do international accents it takes a pretty skilled performer to drop a heavy accent to do american or canadian so like she's doing a pretty darn good job you can hear a little bit of her accent which unfortunately hurts the impression but like she could do twilight wherever she's from for sure because she has like the essence of her character it's just a little bit if i'm gonna beat her up it's a little bit too pretty and princessy she needs to add a little more nasal a little more nerd to her tone you know it's sunshine sunshine ladybugs awake it's a little bit more like rough and tumble kid that clip is actually from when twilight's a little bit younger so she has to drop sort of the polished sound this girl by nature has a very polished sound and twilight isn't quite that refined quit walking bird brain and remember i'm only helping you and scarecrow do this to kill b-man you'd think after living with mr j all this time i'd be used to a little thing sweetie my puddin's gonna get ya why don't you come over here and i'll give you a nice big kiss that was a great job she she could definitely play harley it was really good in terms of the newer stuff because that was sort of an impression of the series that was voiced by arlene so for some of the newer video game stuff you have to get a little darker less cutesy it's perfect for that version but the version that she posted was the image was from the video game so she's gonna have to be a little guttural a little bit lower in her pitch a little slow it down a little bit more power in her way less cutesy even though the characters cutesy again we fall into this comfort zone when when a character is really cute to sound really cute but you have to give them layers of other stuff going on or it's just not believable she could definitely play harley it's a great harley but if she's going to play her for video games then she's got to get a little bit more hardcore in her harley harley has to have tons of different layers and places to go 100 she could visualize the moments more it's really when people are going too fast and they're not in the pocket i can see that they're trying to do an impression and really an impression won't make it in this business there are lots of people that can sound like certain characters but you have to be able to act with the essence of these characters you have to encompass them you have to breathe life into them and become them when you do that acting wise the highs and lows will come you don't have to think oh i have to go higher here i have to go lower here the truth is when you're acting in these moments those highs and lows will naturally come i always tell aspiring voice actors to get as many hours in acting classes as you can singing lessons i still take singing lessons it's so important this is a muscle you have to work it and i always say to take improv classes because often you're in a studio and they'll ask you to do a last-minute character you have to be ready do impressions for sure create your own characters whatever you do i really hate this so i'm glad this gets a big audience with vanity fair never ever pay to audition that is a total scam and it really pisses me off there's nobody in my world that paid to audition to get where they are today animation voiceover is a very small world i'm not saying there's not room for more people but a lot of it is timing so you want to be super ready you want to feel really confident which is why you have to take as many acting classes and really practice and after you take regular acting classes if you can get into a voiceover class with an established voice actor not someone that just says hey i want to do this or a casting director that's really smart for them to get to know you and then after that you make a demo and then after you make a demo you submit it to agencies best shot is if you have a friend at an agency that can hook you up if not go into the screen actors guild website and look at all the reputable agents in your area and never ever pay to audition thank you vanity fair i'm tara strong and those were my views of some of the most awesome impressions on the internet that i've seen good job guys [Music]
Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 552,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tara strong, reviews, impressions, impress me tara strong, tara strong voice, tara strong voices, timmy turner, timmy turner impression, tara strong impressions, tara strong impression, vanity fair impressions, tara strong timmy turner, tara strong bubbles, raven teen titans, tara strong reviews, tara strong harley quinn, impressions vanity fair, tara strong reviews impressions, bubbles voice, tara strong characters, tara strong voiceover, tara strong voice over, vanity fair
Id: iHQklNWyZts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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